Subarashii Boarding School (Sign up)

UnholyRedemption said:
LOL because of their chest sizes xD LOL Pai, we always make characters with big breasts.
Actually, I've made lots of flat chested characters before...they were guys. xD lol jk
UnholyRedemption said:
xD Hehe! Kidding.
You hurt me, Unholy! QAQ So mean! *pouts* I'm not your friend anymore! lol jk but seriously, I thought you were actually upset with me. xD


I DIDN'T KNOW UNTIL AFTER, OKAY?! QAQ It was a simple mistake. >_<"
Hey hey, I'm back from dinner.

Not that anyone asked ;_; 


It's storming where I am. My internet my be cut off. I think my brethren Mr. Wang (ShadowWang) Is making a form. Once he does I'll be starting this.

(It just cleared up here.

And yes, form complete! I might not be able to resist making another though... tehee.)

Hasashi Hatchigatsu

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Hasashi is the quiet, artful type. He adores nature and feels happiest and at his best when the sun is shining. Cheerful, you rarely ever see him upset, but he does get lonely. It's how he has always worked, and his timidity and reluctance to join others in group activities is what tends to make him alone. It's at times that he can also act rather selfish, preferring to remain in his solitude rather than come out and help others.


Country: England

Classes: Music and Art

Future Career Interest: A musician and violin maker.

History/Bio: He grew up in the beautiful English countryside, his father was a leather worker. The family never had much, but they were content. Hasashi had his art, his mother had her work around the house, and his father had his every day job. Hasashi went to school in England but easily stood out among the rest of his class. He made one or two friends, but never met anyone whom he grew close to.

The time came when Hasashi was 15, and his father was offered a promising job in Japan. That was that, and Hasashi and his family went to Japan. It was near the end of the summer, and almost immediately the young boy was enrolled in Subarashii Boarding School.

Crush/Boyfriend/Girlfriend: He's had a crush on every popular girl since the 2nd grade but has never gotten the courage to ask one out.

Other: His mother was Japanese but his father was British, thus his name. He also has an obvious British accent.

It'll be awesomeness :D

"Hasashi! No! NO! You are WAYYYY off-key! I said play in C Minor! No in D!"


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