Stranded {RP}

Cora looked at Amber and shook her head. It was no use, she wasn't going to be able to walk, let alone run, with her ankle like that. She closed her eyes and sighed.
Amber cursed to her self and ran twords Cora. "Hell no! You are not going to die like this! Your to good for that!" She put her arms underneath Cora's arms and began dragging her. She had low body streangth but adrenalin helped.
Cora jerked away and shook her head again "No. I'm staying. I'll just slow everyone down." she said and planted her self firmly on the ground.
"Oh shut it Cora! I will NOT let you die!" She was going to yank her by her hair if she had to. She brabbed her leg and assessed the damage done to the ankle. "This might hurt," she said. She smacked her broken ankle, popping it back in place. She continued to pull.
"Cora I swear!" She rolls her along, smacking her in the head every time she rolls all the way around, so she doesn't try to stop it. She was almost to the forest when she herd the buzz of the lava. It was getting closer.
Amber almost ripped out her hair. She grabbed a near by stick and began wacking Cora. "Move Cora, move!!" She almost kicked Cora in the ankle but..she wasn't THAT mean.
"Finally!" Amber put her arm around Cora, helping her go faster. She led her into the forest and set her down by a giant tree with roots every where, some sticking out of the ground. She sat Cora down on a branch and wrapped the ankle with a pillow case from her bag. She grabbed two sticks, roughly the same size. "Here. Use these for crutches." She began walking again.
Paul ran back as quick as he could to the beach. when he got to the beach he started screaming. "I CAN'T DO THIS." he started lightly crying. but he made no sound as he ran across the beach, and didn't stop, He tripped on a hole in the sand. he fumbled and fell into the sand. He buried his head in his hoody and blocked everyone out. ((Expect a major plot change soon. -dramatic music-)) Thunder crawled out of his hoody and tried to get to Paul's face. paul curled into a ball and tried to ignore the beach, he tried to ignore this island, he tried to ignore the waves, he tried to ignore the planet, he tried to ignore himself. He collasped out of exhaustion. his sight went black and he just blocked it all out.
Naomi had stared at the purple lava curiously, taking the image of it into her brain like a snapshot before she began running, passing everybody with her extreme speed. Maybe she was supernatural. (Joke xD ) But as Cora was set down by the tree she rolled her eyes and sped back to her, she picked up her in a princess style carry. She carried on running despite any protests that Cora had, and once they reached the safety? of the beach, she put her down gently. You could tell she wasn't this perfect supernatural freak because even though she had managed to run with Cora, you could see it had tired her. She sat down in the sand aswell and looked to the water, thinking of catching some - hopefully normal - fish to eat.

Ali had looked at the lava as Paul yelled, "What the f**k? Purple lava? Did those mangoes have drugs in them or something?" Lia quickly did the same maths in her head as Amber, "S**t! It's radioactive! Get a move on Ali!" They both began to run and held hands as they did so, mentally giving each other support. They reached the beach and Lia was more out of breath than Ali as they plopped themselves down near the others. "Where the f**k are we?" Ali commented with wide eyes as she looked around, "Freak island?"
(Hope no body minds. But im time skipping to night, we are all on the beach and talking, Except for paul.) Paul was laying over around 10 feet from the rest of the group. They had started a fire and paul was curled into a ball. No one had tried to ask him yet. He heard a Dolphin out in the waves and smiled a bot.
Amber stared at the fire with a baffled face. Staring. Staring. She opened her mouth and stutterd,"i-i have-no clue-wha-" she stopped, Realizing she couldnt comprehend it. "Where the hell are we?!" She managed to say. She got up from the group and huddled in her hut. It felt empty with out Jin and twice as big. She held her head and went to sleep, trying not to cry.
At midnight paul walked over to the group of girls. The embers were burning out. He re lit it. He saw Amber crying a little and went over and sat next to her.
Amber stared at him. She was absolutely miserable. She shook her head and clung to him, hysterically. She didn't talk move or anything. She just cried. "Why us!?" She said hopelessly. "Why Jin?!"
"i... i don't.." he stopped talking. He stared up and saw some flashing lights. The lights dissapeared but something was falling down.. What was it? it crashed a few yards from the group.. "Did.. someone do this on purpose?" he says walking over. He opens the box and a bunch of Supplies fall out. Food, Boats, Clothes, Knives, Arrows, Bows... "Guys.." he took a breath. "I think this is all happening for a reason" (Lost moment. DUH DUH DUUUUH)
No one else seemed to notice the Box. Not wanting to be selfish he called them over "Guys... Look" he searched inside. He set up the tents there was 3, and enough sleeping bags for everyone. He dug a hole in the sand and put some fire wood in it. he surrounded it with stones and the tents. He set up the fire. "guys, We have somewhere Warm to sleep for tonight." he smiled widely.
Cora frowned and limped over to where the boy stood. She looked in the box and grabbed a pair of crutches. Her eyebrows knitted together "It's like someone's...watching us." she whispered.

(This reminds me of The Maze Runner...)
(I love how you guys are developing! Keep it up! Oh and just a heads up, ill be selecting a co- writer/co-owner soon! You just might be it.. ;)

--- Merged Double Post ---

Heather ran full spear to the box. How wonderful! She grabbed a packet of hot dogs and roasted them over the fire. She was actually happy after a day of torcher and demise. How ever the sadness never left. It was just swept under the rug for a short period of time. She looked out beyond the ocean. All she was was ocean for miles and miles. No dry land.
Cora propped herself up on the crutches and began walking. She smiled but had a sickening feeling in the pit of her stomach that someone was watching them. Testing them, perhaps. She wondered if this had all been planned out, like a science experiment. They were the hampsters and everything that was happening to them were the variables.
Naomi smiled lightly at the girl, a bit intrigued by her gratitude, wasn't it just common sense to help someone out? She shrugged anyway, "It's fine. I wouldn't have left you there to die." The bruise on her chin was now purple and the mark on her cheek was gone. As they all clamoured over the box Naomi followed, noticing Lia and Ali also follow her. When Cora whispered Naomi smirked lightly, watching them? Now that's interesting. She spoke calmly, as if she were dicussing the weather and not a lost life, "They must be some pretty twisted people to let a kid die." She glanced to Amber, obviously talking about Jin, and then dropped down beside the box and shifted through the contents, she shrugged and didn't take anything, not even some food. Then walked back to her place beside the fire, pulled out her little notebook and began sketching the fire infront of her, she was an expert artist. Of course no-one knew this, no-one had ever seen her little book's contents.

Lia and Ali had followed Naomi over to the box and Ali let out a squeal, "Yay! We're not going to die!" She looked around and groaned lightly, "But I'm still stuck with you guys." Lia rolled her eyes as she pulled out some first aid for her arm and anyone else who needed it, "Don't be such an unnecessary bi**h Ali." Ali glared at her sister, "Oh trust me, it's necessary." "No, you just like making people feel like crap so that you feel better about yourself." Lia turned to her twin and glared at her, showing how she could actually match her fierce and rude personality, "If telling the truth and mentioning how I AM better than others makes people feel like crap, it's not my problem." Ali commented snarkily and Lia replied almost instantly, "It will be your problem one day when you have no friends left and you find yourself alone on Christmas." Ali glared at her and snatched up some food from the crate and stormed back to the fire. She couldn't argue with that, but acted as if she didn't care. Lia sighed and rubbed her forehead, she hated fighting with Ali, but she wouldn't let Ali be such a bi**h to the others. She sorted out her arm then looked to the others, "Anyone need first aid?" She glanced to Cora.
"Ya...first aid for my heart," amber mumbled to her self. "There is no way someone could be doing this intentionally doing this to us," she said but still considered the possibility. "Why would they?" Heather grabbed a radio and checked to see if it worked. She fliped it on and pressed as many buttons as possible. Nothing. There was NO way to contact the out side world.

(By the way, I think it would be good for one of you guys made a male character to balance the genders. )
(Girl! Don't be taking my ideas like that! JK...I'll make a guy in a sec)

Cora looked at Naomi "Like a science experiment." She spoke warily, but loud enough for everyone to hear her. "We're the hampsters and everything they throw at us are the variables." She gulped and waited to see what they thought.

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