Stranded {RP}

"Hey guys." Paul started as he grabbed a little branch from the tree he was sitting in with cora (Crush Person Identified, I just like the charrie of Cora. :D ) "Watch this." He Pulled a Lighter from his Pocket. "Here Galipolas, Here gali gali gali" He dropped the flaming Stick and the Galipolas's Scattered Screeching. Thunder said "Chet Chit chet cheet" (Which is Probably saying "Even IM not afraid of fire, LULZ") Paul Grabbed another stick and set it Aflame. He started climbing down the tree Waving the stick. "Well It's pretty harmless i don't hear them." Paul took a breath. And grabbed his backpack. "Well I'm coming back up just incase, Looks like we're in the Ghetto part of the island" Paul chuckled. He sat down next to Cora, "Well I'll stay awake and Keep watch, Thunder can keep me awake." Paul Suggested. "Now Chillax everybody." Paul Laughed a bit.
Flower sat alone. She watched them unsure watch to do she looked down at Paul and then leaned back in her tree purfectly happy to stay up here. She wasn't good at connecting with people. She bairly spoke because kids were afraid of her. Yet here she might have a chance. Still though, a few people have been on planes hundreds of times and the one time she's on one they fall out of the sky. It just was torcher for her.
-Timeskip, Midnight.- "Hey... Amber.. You awake?" Paul Asked Freezingly. His Flame wasnt that big anymore. He grabbed a new one and Torched it with the old one. He tossed it down and before it hit the Ground he Saw about 25 Galipolas... "They like the night..." Paul whispered Below his breath. "Guys... Guys.. GUYS" paul said waking everybody up. "Don't look down but... they like the night," Paul said Slowly. When the Torch Suddenly FLamed up it scared them away. and then it burned out, Paul still had his light. He looked at Cora and smiled to Comfort her.
Ali and Lia were sound asleep, they had both huddled together on the same branch - which was intertwined with another one to make it a bit larger and more stable - and looked kinda adorable together. Ali's usual scowl was smoothed out and gone and she looked almost as innocent as her twin. They both looked peaceful.

Naomi had managed to sleep a bit, but when Paul spoke she had awoken, she was an extremely light sleeper...she needed to be. Naomi glanced over at the twins and tilted her head, she pulled out her notebook from her pocket along with the attached pencil and used the light from the fire to begin sketching their faces. She barely even looked at the paper as her pencil flew over the page at lightning speeds. Once she was done she admired her handiwork and scribbled an elegant word at the top of the page, 'Innocence' She did that with every drawing, labelled what it represented or showed.
"Naomi" Paul said Seeing she was Sketching. "Can you draw the Galipolas, Even if we don't get out, we need to record our findings... I mean... No one has ever seen most of the stuff on this island i bet." Paul Blinked and saw the Sun rising. He Closed his eyes and drifted off a bit.

-Timeskip 2 murning- "Everyone wake up." Paul said Clambering down his tree. "Now i Suspect the Galipolas have only lived on this island, It's been hotter and hotter as we go in. I think they Can't withstand the heat which is why they come out at night..." Paul Shouted. "So i saw we go in. I saw some stuff in the trees last night. Probably a Mountain, But it was Glowing Eeirly So, Are we going in, our out?" Paul asked.
(Sorry that I have not posted in a while. If I missed anything in soemone's post, I am really sorry. I did not have time to read them all. This is her cover up And this is her bathing suit,r:10,s:0)

Sarah got up with a yawn. Climbing down the tree, she quickly grabbed her bag and walked a bit deeper into the forest and behind a tree. She changed into her bathing suit and over up and then walked back over to meet the others. "So, what is the plan for today?" she asked everyone with a shrug. Putting her hands on her small hips, she turned her head slightly and looked towards the ocean. Sighing she turned back to her friends waiting for an answere.
Amber had a horrible night. She wouldn't dare fall asleep for more than a few minutes. The morning wasn't the best either. She packed up her things walked, not waiting for the others. Her boyfriend just got ate by dino-dogs. "If your coming lets go!" she said without turning around. She had long legs so it wasn't hard for her to kick through the jungle. She hated how every one played the dino-dogs incident so melo and calm. She carved out a bow and some arrows the night before and she would use them if she had to.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Just a heads up guys!! Try not to time skip unless you ok it with me! Thanks guys :)
((Ok sorry, Sometimes we do an Emergency Timeskip if there's nothing to say, Also im thinking of starting a Roleplay, Join if you like the idea?))

Paul explained "Well after that night, I suggest we get AS FAR in as we can" paul took a breath. "So are we going out... Or in?" paul asked while pulling out his knife.
"Were following me! That's what were doing," she said still walking. If they ran into dino-dogs, only 2% into the jungle then what else would they run into? She didn't know, didn't care. She was getting off the island no matter what.
"Well fine, If you feel that way " Paul joked. He started Cutting some Giant leaves and Tied them to some sticks. "Parisols anyone?" Paul said as they suddenly just walked out of the jungle and into a Treeless Valley. The sun shone down Brighter then bright.
Sarah sighed and followed Amber. She acasonaly looked behind her to see how far they had walked, but that didn't give her much comfort. She wanted off this island as soon as they could. She felt bad for Amber who she was pretty sure had had it worse than anyone on this island, now Amber wasn't her full of life, bubbly self, she was sad. Going over ways in her head to cheer up her best friend, she counted her steps as they walked. Maybe they should try and have a little fun that they are there, they kinda have there own privite island. She stopped walking as they entered a bright treeless area and glanced around trying to complehend what to do.
Amber snatched up a leaf as the sun beat down on her. It was SO hot!. She walked back into the forest and came out with her swim suit on. She carried Jin's bag on her shoulder. She found if when they left there last site. If was all that was left of Jin's body. She tears until she saw a little pond off in the distance. "C'mon guys. I see a pond," she said slightly happier but still stone cold. She walked quick over the big grass land. She saw a patch of flowers. She would usually pick them but was no where close to it. Her long hair was getting hot sk she put it in a cute Japanese side pony tail. She dipped her feet in the cold water and let out a sigh of releived.
"Wait." paul yelled. "Get out!" Paul yelled running to the pond. He grabbed a Stick and shoved a little jerky on it. He shoved it in the water. He waited for about 15 seconds. He pulled it out. "Leeches." He said "Don't get in there." He said "Amber, Check yourself for leeches, They shouldn't of gotten to your feet. " Paul Frowned. "D@mn leeches." He pouted. "Well now we have no New water." He exlclaimed. Paul kept walking. He had the Beef Jerky Stick, He shoved it in a little lake About a Mile away. He waited 15, Nothing, 30, Nothing, After 5 minutes he smiled "Leechless Lake. :D " he rubbed his eyes. "Trees at the end... But thats wierd.." he Squinted. "There... there... They're regular trees, Like... not tropical." He waded in. "Good thing i didn't take theese off." He Held his backpack over his head and Waded.
Heather jerked her feet out of the water with a disgusted face. She fallowed Paul, slightly embarrassed. She wadded in the water next to Paul. She hugged him. "Thanks for what you've done so far.." With that, she was under water, picking up dazzeling sea shells. She got out of the water and made a small shrine for Jin, like they did in Japan. She layed the bag down and put its contents around it. She was crying hysterically now. She layed the shells on top of the bag. She pressed her fingers to her lips and touched the shells. "By Jin.." She put her feet in the pond, teary eyed.
Cora just nodded quietly before following behind the group, her neon green duffle bag slung over her shoulder. She kept her eyes ahead, not speaking, just walking.
((Wait did jin die, and i miss a major plot change?)) Paul waded out of the water. He shivered a bit and shook it off. He Slipped his jeans on. They headed into the regular forest. "Well It seems like we are away from the Galipagos." paul confirmed "che chit chitter chet chet" Thunder snickered. This probably meant "Those things looked worse then Sarah Jessica Parker and Arnold Schwarzenegger Love child!" ((Don't worry thats not a real thing.)) Paul rubbed Thunder. He gazed foward and upward. "Guys... I think we reached the Creepy Mountain" he said gulping.

--- Merged Double Post ---

((Ok i went back and read, He was the Galipagos's only victim. :C))
(Haha, love how everyone went along with the name that Naomi and Lia invented. xD But it's Galipolas ^.^)

Naomi watched curiously as Amber cried and made a shrine for Jin. Such a strange thing to do, she thought. Making a bunch of items and placing them in certain order for someone who was already dead, as if it would somehow make things better. What did it matter? The person was dead, they weren't around to appreciate it anyway. She shrugged and let Amber do what she wanted. She sighed in the heat and tugged off her top, revealing a crop top that showed off her flawless, tanned stomach and her slender tanned arms, she pulled all of her dark brown hair to one side and walked over to the pool, dipping her bare feet in it to cool her off.

Ali and Lia had both put on their bikini tops and some shorts, Ali wearing a red bikini top and Lia a pink one. They were both floating around in the water to cool themselves and Ali had pulled her hair back into a ponytail while Lia plaited it neatly. Lia looked over when Amber made the shrine for Jin and cried, Lia had managed to hold it when...until she cried and kissed it. That was it. Lia's memories of her own mother's funeral ran through her head and she couldn't handle it. She burst into tears. Ali looked shocked and then she caught on as she looked between Ali and Amber, "Lia!" She swam over and wrapped her arms around her, her own eyes watered and Lia shook her head, "I-I'm fi-fine." Ali rolled her eyes and helped her sister to the side of the pool, making her get out and sit on the edge.

"Not a good idea to cry and swim at the same time." Lia commented, her head was leant against Ali's shoulder and she wiped her eyes. They looked adorably cute together, in a super twinly way. Ali shook her head lightly, her arms around her sister in a small hug, "Nope." Her mean side was gone as she comforted her sister, she knew she had been crying because of their mother, since she wasn't that close to Jin. In fact, only Amber seemed to be. "You know, it'll be alright." Ali glanced at Lia with a comforting smile, Lia looked up at her, you could see Ali was the older twin of the two. "How do you know it will be?" Ali smiled, "Because we've always got each other. I've got you, and you've got me. No matter what." Lia smiled lightly, "I like that. I've got you, and you've got me." Lia closed her eyes and sighed lightly, her eyes red-rimmed from crying.
Heather looked at Lia and Ali. Why were they crying? She dipped two water bottles onto the nice, tress water. She walked on, almost to the other side of the wide open land. She stopped and looked at Jin's shrine. "Sianara," she said with a relaxed voice. She kept walking, her Japanese pony tail bobbing around.
"Guys, Err... Lets move on." He said loudly. He grabbed a stick and Rubbed Thunder. "Uh guys, Wannah turn around?" he saw thunder was Freaking out "Chet chit chataytay chitter chatter chet chit chyt" Which was Probably something like "Oh no qurl, Don't you go in there, DER BE MUNSTERS".

Paul Look concerend. "You guys, Lets turn back, The only animal we have is freaking out, and When animals freak out, Stuff is about to go down." The ground started shaking. "Guys..." paul yelled. He heard an explosion... the Lava was Oozing purples stuff. "GUYS RUN, PURPLE VOLCANO!" Paul shouted running at full speed.
Amber stared at it completely confused. She didn't move. She just stared at it with her head tilted. She had no clue why it was purple.
"AMBER, COME ON, ARE YOU SERIOUSLY STANDING THERE, VOLCANOS ARE DEADLY, THAT VOLCANO IS PURPLE, EITHER THE WATER MADE US TRIP BALLS, OR WE'RE SCREWED, SO COME ON" Paul waited for a reply... Nothing. He ran back and grabbed her. He carried her back. "Come on guys we're heading back to the beach as long as we can" he said as he ran away.
Amber never even turned her head. She noticed the strange buzzing noise that came from the lava. They way that the plants would begin to glow before being burned up. She realized the lava...was radioactive! Toxic! That must be why the creatures on the island are so mutated! They were affected by radioactive volcano's. It all made sense now. She was amazed and yet horrified.
When they reached their old camp the sun was just starting to dim in a few minutes. The sky was turning pink. "Guys... lets keep going, We need to stay on the beach, Before the Galipolas's come." He kept walking.
Cora began running but slipped on something wet. She fell and struggled to get back up. She looked back at her foot to see a swelling ankle. She winced and got up. She began limping towards the group. Her ankle couldn't take any more and Cora sat. She supposed death would be a little better than painfully jogging.
Amber kicked and screamed when she saw Cora sit down. "Someone go get her!" She began running for the beach. She knew Simone would get her.

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