Stranded {RP}

Sarah opened her carry bag, in which she was lucky to have made it through the crash, and pulled out a blanket. She curled up into the small ditch she had made for herself and filled with leaves to keep her warm. As she shivered, she thought of what she would do if they made it out of this and if they would make it out of this. Everything was a mess, but everyone still had there spirits high and tried to think of the best, maybe that is why she was friends with them, they always made her have hope.

the next morning, Amber and Jin awoke hot and sweaty from the fire in there hut and the temp. Out side. "God, its hot!" She ran for the ocean and dived in, cooling her self off. She came back, dried off, and began to pack her bag for the trip ahead. "EVERY ONE GET READY! WE LEAVE IN 20 MINUTES!" She sat by a tree and waited for the others.
"How are we getting out of here?" Sarah asked yawning from the sleepless night before. As she got up she looked at Amber, waiting for her to answer.
Amber grinned at Sarah. She walked over to her and gave her a hug. "We take it one day ara time. Go get ready..." she went and sat back down. How were they going to get of the island? She didn't know.
Ali and Lia had stuck side by side the whole time. However, when they all gathered Ali looked at the others, she had a slight glare and superior attitude. "Excuse me, but have any of you noticed Lia's arm? What are we going to do about it?" She looked to Flower, "Can you use your witch powers to heal her or whatever?" Of course Ali was mocking her, she didn't believe in witches. Lia turned to her twin, her eyebrow raised, "Ali. Shut up. I thought you were going to actually be nice, but apparently not." Ali scoffed, "Nice? To these people? Yeah right." Lia glared at her and spoke sharply, "What is that supposed to mean Ali?" Ali looked around, "Well look at them, they're either freaks" She glanced at basically everyone besides Sarah and Jin, "Or have no back-bone" She then looked at Sarah. Ali frowned and looked back at the Naomi who she had included in her list of freaks, she had a hate directed towards her already because of how she had spoken to her on the plane, "You survived the crash? What a bummer." Naomi tilted her head slightly, her piercing deep green eyes seeming as if they staring right into Ali's soul, "I know right." Her voice was calm and cool, and Ali frowned at her, "What the heck do you mean? You wanted to die?" Naomi shrugged, her eyes still staring into Ali's, "Maybe. Didn't you?" Ali laughed bitterly, "Why would I? My life was perfect before we crashed." Naomi stared at her with no emotion or tone change, "Really? I wonder why you were, and still am, such a bi**h then." Naomi said it as if she had actual curiosity, not in a spiteful way. Ali glared at her and moved closer, "What did you call me, freak?" Lia stepped forward and shoved her sister back, "Ali! Stop it! Starting stupid fights isn't going to get us off this damned island so grow up!" Ali glared at Lia and looked to her arm, "You need to get that sorted."
Flower had jumped down and looked at the girls wounded arm. She looked at Ali and then spoke. "I am no witch...however I do know alittle about injuries such as this." She said quietly and then looked at her bag and then pulled out a cloth. She started to wrap it around the girl's arm.
Amber shook her head at all of them. She put a hand on Naomi's shoulder. "Its ok Naomi. Once a bi*ch, always a bi*ch." She walked over to Ali and said, "And how exactly am I a freak? Last time I checked, I was from Japan, not another planet. As a matter o fact, how are any of us a freak? We all need to stick...together." she walked over to Lia and inspected her arm.
Paul Disgusted walked over to Ali "Actually I'm the only one that counts as a freak, and i don't care, Add, A Ferret named thunder, and Narcolepsy, PRETTY WIERD" Paul took a breath "But just because You get to afford Designer Brand Red Lip Stick and to drive a ferrari, It doesn't give you the right to be a B*tch" Paul Said. Thunder Scutteled sleepily out of his Hood "chit chet chit chit chet chit" Which was probably "I'm Burning hot lets get moving" or something. (Yeah, Thunder talks now. :D ) Paul Packed his stuff up. "So are we coming back or are we Going to continue to follow the river" Paul asked the group as Thunder Crawled to his shoulder. ((This is basically thunder
"You are NOT a teak Paul! Don't let any one tell you other wise! Its just that some people can keep there mouth shut!" She glared at Ali. She turned back. "I say we take it with us and get to higher ground. If we decide to stop on the way we can just set up camp there. Is every one ready?"
Amber walked boredly through the jungle. It was full of strange tropical plants that she had never seen. As if they were undiscovered. She also herd tons of strange noises from creatures she had never seen nor heard. Where were they? The Jungle was very thick and hard to walk through. It felt hotter and hotter by the minute, even though the tempeture didn't change. They followed a crystal clear stream that had lots of fish. Fish that she had never seen. Some that were glowing. Others with extremely long fins. She was so mezmerised by the sight that she stopped momentarily. Out of the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of greenish creature, climbing in the trees. "Holy sh*t! What was that?" She stared at the now empty tree to see if she could see it. She couldn't so she told herself she was imaging things and kept walking. She saw a clearing and set her things down. Out of breath, she said, "ok! Time to stop. We'll camp here tonight.."
Ali was going to slap both Amber and Paul across the face, and moved her hand up to do so, but Ali gripped her wrist with her good hand and glared at her twin, "Ali. Don't touch them." Ali glared back at her, referring to Paul and Amber as she spoke "No-one speaks to me like that." Naomi spoke up now, they had began walking and she was infront of them slightly, she looked at Ali with intrigue, "Obviously someone should." Ali glared at her, "That is it you freak!" She runs at her and Naomi stops walking, they are the spot where everyone has stopped anyway and Ali throws herself ontop of Naomi, her fist falls down onto Naomi's jaw and Naomi doesn't even flinch. Ali grabs a chunk of her hair and tugs hard on it as Naomi just stares at her with a raised eyebrow, not seeming to be bothered at all. Ali slaps her and punches her again and stops, exasperated with the fact that Naomi isn't reacting or seeming hurt by it, Naomi still looked unimpressed, "You done?" Without waiting for an answer she pulls her feet up so her knees are bent then with extreme force she slams her feet into Ali's stomach and sends her flying off of Naomi's body. Naomi jumps up and walks over to Ali, but rather than beating the c**p out of her like you expect her to, she offers a hand - despite Ali having just tried to kill her - and looks down at her as she waits for her to take her hand and let her help her up. Naomi's cheek is red she has a bruise forming on her chin but she doesn't seem at all bothered. Almost as if she is used to pain. She looks at the hesitating Ali, "You going to take my hand or not?" Ali glares at her and then takes her hand, allowing her to help her up, "Why didn't you fight back?" Naomi spoke calmly as her cheek throbbed, "Because I had no reason to." Even Lia was confused now, "But she tried to break your face!" Naomi turned to look at Lia, Lia shifted slightly, feeling uncomfortable with the girl's gaze on her. It was like she was seeing right into Lia's soul, she felt like every tiny secret she had was being revealed to Naomi, "And?" Lia frowned, "That usually gives people a reason to fight back." Naomi shrugged as an answer and turned to look at Amber, a silent way of asking if they should get going. Her chin had a purple bruise and her cheek had a bright red slap mark on it, but she didn't seem to be in pain. Ali folded her arms and looked away, pi**ed off with everyone and everything. Lia sighed at her sister and also looked to Amber, who seemed to be turning out to be the leader of the group.
Amber almost lost it. Her face was red and her fists were clenched. She threw her things down and said, "Stop it all of you! I know were not perfect but we NEED to get along! I know were different but we NEED to understand each other! If we want to get off this island, we need to stol fighting and work together. Those other kids are back there freaking out because they have no clue what there doing... There probably going to die. The same thing will happen to us if we don't get it together. Am I understood!?" She answered the groups question by setting up camp again. "No...we'll rest here for tonight. We've been through enough today..."
Naomi was having a fun time. She was getting to observe all the different characteristics of those around her, all those silly things they did like acting tough to hide their own insecurity, Paul's admittance to being a 'freak' or Amber's little speech about working together. It all amused Naomi. She looked around to see a tree along from them with mangoes hanging from the brances. Without saying a word she walked over to it, found a foothold and began climbing it effortless. You could see why people accused her of being a supernatural or an assassin. She didn't flinch when being beaten up, could climb a tree as easily as breathing and didn't seem to have much fear of anything. She reached the first few branches that had the fruit and looked down as she sat on an empty branch. "Anyone feel like catching falling mangoes?" She asked without much emotion, reaching up and plucking a mango from the tree.
Amber raised an eyebrow at Naomi with a confused face. She shook her head and sat by her hut. She started a fire and muttered angrily to her self. Jin came over and sat by her. She knew he was there but didn't care. She was to upset. He kissed her forehead. She didn't even flinch. "Go away" she said plainly to him. "Fine, jeez.... Be a whore!" He marched away. Amber's eyes became huge when he called her a whore. She took a coal from the fire and threw it at his head as he walked away. He turned, scouled at her, and kept walking.

Amber cried silently and layed down by the fire, holding her head. "Why...why, why, why.." she said to her self.
Cora watched the scene between Jin and Amber play out. She frounded and tossed back her black hair as she walked over to Amber. She placed a pale hand on her shoulder "You ok?" she asked, concern in her soft voice. She sat next to her and played with the ballet charm bracelet on her delicate wrist.

Her Bracelet-

Heather stared at her, thankful. She sat up and hugged her. "Oh sure! I just got called a whore but you know," she said sarcastically. "Im so dumping him..." she poked the fire and ate a mango.
Cora nodded and picked up a mango that had just fallen. She tossed it about in her hands "You're not a whore. He's just an a$$hole and deserves to go to h3ll. He doesn't deserve you and needs to learn some manners. I mean in Russia the boys are so polite and sweet. I miss my ex-boyfriend. We had to break up because I moved to America." She suddenly realized she was babbling and mentally cursed herself.
Amber turned to her, surprised and happy. "I moved to America from Japan! boy friend moved here with me...." she became sad at the thought of that. It was weird. She figured Jin would have been back by now...
Cora nodded to afraid to speak for fear she would babble again. It was her nature, she spoke her mind and didn't care what people thought- usually.
Amber smiled at her and stood up. She walked over to the mangoes, trying to collect them, when she heard a horrific scream. A scream that came from Jin. Amber's eyes got wide and she backed up a bit, looking to see where the noise was coming from. Then out of no where came a high pitched, raspy shriek. It scared her so much that she fell over. Then out of the corner of her eye, she saw a bright red, dinosaur looking creature. It had 6 legs, 2 tails, 3 green eyes, and claws as long as pencils. They were the size of a dog, and looked like an alien dog. Another came from the other side. Amber instinctively scaled a tree. "Climb! Climb!" She yelled to the group.
Ali - rather than screaming like expected of her - grabbed Lia's arm and shoved her to the tree that Naomi was already sitting upon. She pushed her sister up the tree, helping her, before climbing it herself. Strangely enough she cared more for her sisters safety than her own. Naomi noted that. Maybe she was secretly nice, Naomi thought to herself as she watched the pair climb up to her. Maybe something happened to her that made her pretend to be a bi**h. When they were close enough Naomi grabbed Lia's hand, since she didn't seem to be a very good climber, and hoisted her up onto one of the branches next to her. Ali climbed up onto the same branch as her twin and they looked down in fear, "What the hell is that?" Naomi shrugged, actually grinning, "Maybe we should name it." Lia looked at Naomi and smiled faintly, Naomi's comic approach was actually distracting her from the danger of it, "How about we call them Galipolas?" Naomi looked at Lia with intrigue and a smile, "Sounds good to me." Ali shook her head, "You two are insane." Lia grinned weakly, "Won't it be fun to shout, WATCH OUT! IT'S A GALIPOLAS!" Ali rolled her eyes and looked down at the strange creatures as Naomi reached and plucked a mango and bit into it. Lia looked over and shrugged, "At least we have food." Naomi nodded, taking another juicy bite as she watched the Galipolas - as she and Lia had decided to name them - dart around.
Amber was about to faint. Was this really happening? As the creatures tried to climb the trees, amber realized that they cant climb. There nails were to long and for tearing and shreding. Amber climber way to the mango tree with the others. She war on a branch and said while looking down. "Have any of you slept in a tree? Cause that's probably what we will have to do..."

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