Stranded {RP}

Amber looked at flower with a concerned expression. She ran over to her and hugged her tight. While hugging flower she turned to face every one. "How dare you aches her of this! Why the hell would she do this. You should be ashamed!" Amber looked back at flower. "Its ok. Its ok. Ill make sure they don't get ti you." Amber kicked open the door to the **** pit. The pilot was dead. She turned her head, not wanting to see hjz body. She then kicked open the door. "Come on! Every one out!" Teachers began to frantically check children before they got off the plane. What amber saw outside of the plane amazes her. It was a beautiful deserted island. But who's to say it wasn't deadly?
Flower felt a bit better once the girl hugged her and then got off the plane when the door was open. She looked around and sighed deeply as she kept her eyes off of anyone. She looked around quite surprised. She watched the teachers tend to the kids. She rubbed her arms looking around again.
Sarah looked at the clock as Amber did and got up, heading onto the plan. She exited, being that this was her first time out of the country. Looking around the plan she saw an open seat in the back of the plan and walked over, plopping into the cozy seat. Sarah sat there and daydreamed, her focus on her fantasies in her head broken by the sound of Amber's protest. Sarah though Amber was right to be mad, Jin was just being a controling jerk, Amber should be able to dance in public and scream on a airplane all she wants. Knowing that all of that was none of her busniess, she walked over to Amber anyway, she couldn't see her like this, one of her best friends so sad. "Can I sit?" she asked, her crying friend as she gestured to the seat next to her and smiled.
"Totally!" Amber said before the plane crash. She couldnt see Sarah when it crashed. She had already left the plane before she found her

(The plane has already crashed, jabber. Lol!
(OMG, I am so sorry! Stupid me! Oh, and is it okay if she gets kinda hurt, like a bad cut? I am going to role play like that for now, but tell me if you have a problem with it.)

Sarah lunged back as the intense hit of the plan aginst the ground took place. She fell back on someone, but passed out before she could see who it was. Before she passed out she felt pain, awful pain in her left arm. It felt like years later, she felt someone touching her and calling her name, they sounded upset and stressed. She slowly opened her heavy eye, to see people scattered all over the place getting tended to and crying. Had they really crashed? Or had Amber gotten to her and she was having a night mare? She atempted to lift her head, but it felt heavy and she dropped it back down, hitting it on something hard, shocking her and popping her in an upright pesition. Reached for her left arm she felt pain and made a sound. She glanced at it, it was rapped up tight, but just loose so her wound could breath. "What happened?" she asked, her throut dry and whoozy. She looked around.
(Sorry for not noticing the extra pages. So Paul may say ALOT.) Paul was the First one to Regain consciousness. "Oh god, What happened?!" Paul gasped as he stares at the island and the giant flaming Hunk of metal. His head a little disoreinted he panicked and grabbed around for thunder. Thunder was perfectly fine in his hoodie, RELIEF. Paul went around trying to wake people he couldn't.. He made his first priority his friends. He picked up amber and stumbled across the beach. Then he limped back to jin and struggled. He Found Lia and Naomi... He was missing someone... Flower. He Found he in the isle right before the roof collasped he got he out. He ran back inside for his Backpack, There. This should help them. He didn't care much for the B*tches, but he went and grabbed Ali for Lia's sake. Before paul collasped he remembered sarah. she was unconscious but he needed to save them all. He got her out and the plane collasped completely. Paul ran back with sarah on his shoulder as fast as he could. It exploded... Atleast they were safe.. Paul Fell on his knees, into the sand, and fainted
As Paul set Amber down she sat there baffled. Did that really just happen? Her worst fear came to life. She stood up. She realized that the entire left leg of her pant were torn off. She looked weird with one leg, pants, ant the other, shorts. The heels she was wearing had torn straps. She staggered over to Jin no matter how mad she was at him. She fell into his arms and cried. He wraped his arms around her and kissed her head and caressed her.
Flower moved to check on paul. She looked him over and then rolled him on his back. He was ok. She looked at thunder and lightly touched him. She smiled and then stood up straight. She looked around and was on of the first to check with the teachers. The did a head count all of them managed to be saved. Flower sighed deeply as she got glares. She suddenly got mad and then opened her mouth slightly to speak. She closed it and then looked at the two who were back together. Being alone flower had to deal with her feelings on the inside.
Sarah felt as someone took her out of the plane and put her to safty. Who? She continued to ask herself as she got up, gripping her wounded arm. Looking around she spotted Scout laying on the floor unconsious. Though people were already checking on him, she walked over anyway. She didn't dare look to close, afraid that she would see a wound. She crouched down, making sure to not inspect to closly and squeezed his hand. Letting his hand fall back to the ground she walked over to a tree and sat down. Feeling like she wouldn't cry, she burst into tears. This was real it wasn't a dream.
Paul regained consciousnesses slowly. He grinned as he walked over to everyone "I... saved your lives." paul was baffled. He Sat down w

ith his back against a Coconut tree. Trying to impress them even more he grabbed a stick and wacked it... a coconut fell down. "I need a rock." he said blankly. He set off on his adventure to get some tropical fruits. Thunder wasn't that impressed and scamppered out of his hoody and over to flower.
Sarah sat there a while and brushed away her last tear. Getting up she saw Paul was up on his feet again, she smiled with realife. Spotting a rock on the side of a tree she walked over and picked it up, it was large in mass and heavier than she expect, but perfect for opening coconuts. She walked over to paul, smiling from ear to ear and handed him to rock. She tried not to look strait at him, since her face was still red from her crying. Running her fingures through her thick hair, she spoke "Here, will this do?" she asked, trying to stay positive.
Amber stood up slowly. She saw Paul walking, looking tot fruit. "So that's it? We almost die in a plane crash and you act fine and dandy, lookin for fruit?" She knew Paul couldn't hear her. She knew it was a deserted island because other wise the natives would have rushed to the sight. "Well great!" She said sarcastically. "So..were stranded. First things first, build shelter! Jin come help me find big sticks."

"Sure, I guess" he said half baffled from the crash.

They walked a little into the jungle and found tons of tropical plants. They grabbed giant leave and sticks. They walked back to the beach and began to build a hut that was made for two.
"Thanks sarah!" he smiled hugely. "And yes amber i am getting food, Would you like sticks and sand instead?" he Sarcastically stuck at her. He started making his own Hut it was pushed against the three coconut trees. He walked over to a long stick. This stick was Long and Big. he shoved it up at the top of a tree and wacked. "This is really hard, but... how else do i make a roof?" a giant clump of leaves fell down. "Come on thunder help me out." Thunder scampered over at the sound of pauls voice. He had a nice little house and such. He walked over and found a sharp little stone. He took out his hoody String and Tied it to a stick. "Who wants fish?" paul said as he placed his backpack inside his hut. Then he scrambled over to the ocean. It was clear... No fish at all. "Okay... No fish..." He wandered into the woods.
Amber put her head down at Paul's sand and stacks comment. "Sorry"she said softly. Half way done with the hut she decided it was extremely hot so she changed into her bathing suit. "Seriously guys. We have to find a way home. Any guesses on where we are?"
"Welllllll" said paul returning from the forest with a handful of Coconuts and Bananas. He dropped the load "My Phone says nothing, My Computer only plays In Offline mode since theres no Internet, and its freaking out...." he took a breath. "Since of all the strange stuff and the smoke we are either 10 Miles outside of Las Vegas or The Bermuda Triangle, Which makes no sense since greek is East, But then again the triangle has lured planes in to do this... I mean Amelia Airheart?" he chuckles. He Opens up a banana and takes a bite. He rips off a little piece and Thunder nibbles on it. "So..." he says placing his leaf roof up. "Anyone have any current ideas? I mean, i know the most because my uncle always took me camping, and i was scared so he bought me thunder... and so.. I declare Leadership." He Bravely Smiles.
When the plane had began crashing, Naomi had smiled. She had actually smiled. Was this it? Her chance to see her parents again? She closed her eyes and let her body go completely limp as the plane threw people around, she bashed her head and blacked out in a flash. When she awoke a mix of disappointment and relief filled her, disappointment that she wasn't with her parents, and relief that she was on a stranded island. No way for her foster parents to get to her. She sat up and rubbed her head lightly, she felt a small bump but besides that she - oddly enough - had no other cuts or visible signs of the crash. Some people looked at her strangely, just adding to their theory that she was a supernatural or an assassin of some sorts. She got up and looked around, her hand reaching to her pocket and relief filling her as she felt her notebook and pen, how had that managed to not fall out? She was thrilled it hadn't, her notebook was like her life.

Ali had frowned at the fog when it had first appeared, that wasn't normal. When Amber began screaming in a panicked way Ali had felt her heartbeat sped up. Was this it? The end? She looked over to her sister and just before the plane began tossing them around their eyes met and worry for each other was in both of them. The first jostle sent her head against the side of the plane, boom, she was out. Lia however was thrown side to side a few times, she felt herself being slammed against part of a window and a shattering sound was heard, oh god, was she going to fall out? Something sharp jabbed into her arm and she would have screamed if it wasn't for the slamming against something else hard like a plane wall, causing her to be wounded and lose her breath. She felt like she was going to die. Then before she could suffer anything else she passed out.

Ali was the first to awaken out of the two, her head really hurt and she had some tender spots where she had obviously been jostled around after she blacked out. But her instant thought, rather than herself, was her sister's safety. Was she alright? She looked around after pulling herself up slightly and her eyes caught onto Lia's body, dumped in the sand. She felt herself almost stop breathing as a terrible thought hit her. She looks dead. She leapt up despite the pain and legged it over to her sister, not caring about her reputation of being a bi**h as yelled out, "LIA!" She dropped to her knees beside her twin and rolled her over so that she was facing her, her eyes grazed over her body and Ali winced as she saw a jagged piece of glass stuck into Lia's arm, "S**t." Her face was slightly bruised and so were a few places on her arms, "She got thrown around bloody hard didn't she?" She muttered as she moved a piece of Lia's hair away from her face, "She always was the smallest of us two." Lia's mouth moved and she spoke lightly as her eyes fluttered open gently, "What do you mean was? I still am." Ali let out a yell and wrapped her arms around Lia, "You're alive!" Lia rolled her eyes smiling, relieved that her sister was showing emotion towards her, a nice one aswell. "Didn't you think to check for a pulse?" Ali blinked, "" Lia laughed lightly and then winced as she moved her armss, "Ow." She looked down to her arm and her eyes widened, "Oh c**p. That looks freakin' scary." Ali nodded, "Um." She looked down at her designer top sleeves and without hesitating she ripped a strip off so that one of the sleeves ended just above the elbow, "This is gonna hurt sis." Lia nodded and held her breath, Ali pulled the jagged glass out and Lia let out a yell out pain, Ali quickly wrapped the strip of cloth around the wound as it started to bleed, she then tore off the other sleeve to match and pressed it to the wound area, applying pressure. Lia held back the wince but you could on her face she was in pain, "Thanks Ali" She muttered lightly, Ali shrugged, "What are twins for?"
Flower was sitting alone. She looked down feeling just as exiled. She sighed and looked around. She got up and started walking away being as silent as ever. She hid her face behind her hair. She looked around and climbed a tree. She sighed and stayed there.
Paul took a lighter out of his pocket. He found a stick and lit it. "Ok... Amber, can you grab some fire wood?" paul said while placing some stones in a largish circle.
Flower heard him and grabbed a few branches throwing it down to them. She sighed and then continued to think to herself. Which was basicly all that she could do. No one really wanted her around. The stupid witch thing always had to hang around her. She looked down wondering what else she could do.
Amber stood up and headed for fire wood but she stopped when she saw flower get it for her. She sat back down and shook her head in disbelief. The teachers were off with rest of the students while the little group was off by the selves. She widened her eyes. "Guys! We have to get away from the teachers. They don't know what there doing. They'll end up killing us!" Amber and Jin folded up there hut/tent and jogged down the beach. They found a little indent in the forest with a fresh water stream that ran next to it. It was big enough for the group. The teachers didn't notice. They were to busy freaking out. She waited for the rest of the group. "We should start making tents for the others." she said to Jin. They sat down and worked hastily.
"Fine, Fine" paul said filling back up his back pack, He shoved most of the stone in his hoody and put thunder up in the hood. He grabbed the sticks in his left hand and headed off. "Nice place" paul said as he walked inside the little oasis. "Come on Flower, Twins, Sarah!" Paul felt Kinda alone, He was the only Guy in the group ... Actually there was jin but they weren't Friends... Paul was also the only Senior... Whatever, paul shrugged off the feeling. He Plopped down his stuff Between Three trees, He Whacked one with a stone and a Coconut fell down. "Awesome." Paul Set up his house. He started placing down stones and the firewood, He made sure it wasn't near trees, Didn't need a fire... He picked up one stick and Set it aflame. He put it back down, "Look what i made!" Paul said. He went inside and started digging down in his Sand floor, He made sure there was a way out but he was Strengthening his walls and giving him a little more room, So he didnt have to crouch. "Ok my house is done..." He Constructed a Little Table with Some stones and sand. He took his Backpack off his back and put thunder down, He Jumped on the table and fell asleep. "Ok what do i have.." He checked. "Lighter, Laptop" he Whispered useless below his breath after laptop "Army Knife, Beef Jerkey, Grade A Ferret Fewd, Ferret Food Bowl, Ferret Bath Bowl/Ferret Shampoo, Bath Supplies, Bathing Suit, Pillow, Awesome!" he said while putting it down on the floor. He started Setting up Thunders stuff in the Corner, He Constructed a makeshift bed and put his pillow down, He Made a little crate in the End of the bed and put in His Laptop and Food. He fed thunder and thunder ate it hastily. It was getting dark, He walked outside. "OK! EVERYONE! TO THE FIRE! DINNER TIME!. He took Some of his Beef jerky, He had a few bags, He Grabbed some bananas and cracked open some coconuts. "Ok, So what do we need to get done Tommorow" Paul said passing out the food and tending to the fire.
Amber and Jin layed down giant leaves in the bottom of the hut, acting like a carpet. Since amber was already in her bathing suit she decided to wade in the water. She herd Paul and jogged back to there little camp. She grabbed towel from her bag and dried off. She undid her pony tail and let her just below the shoulder blade, hair, fall to her sides. "Well the first thing we need to do is try to see if any one else lives here. I say we hick to the vented of the island and see if there's a way we or someone else can help us get off this God forsaken island." She grabbed a banana and a price of beef jerky. She sat on Jin's lap and dozed off. She was more than tired.
Amber's eyes flickered. She and Jin stood up from the fire. Amber was a little un easy because she was so tired, so Jin wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Come on babe," he said to her.

they huddled in there hut in the darkness. They grabbed there blankets and snuggled.

They thought the scorching hot days were bad. Just wait until they see what the below 0 tempatures are at night.
Paul felt the chill and made a pit and surrounded it with stones in his house, He brought in some fire. He walked into Amber and Jins hut and did the same "No prob. He said Groggily. He walked back and Layed down On his bed near the fire, Thunder crawlled up in pauls hoodie.

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