Stranded {RP}

(Yay i get a BRO TO HANG WITH. like seriously. I'm starting to think im Hugh Hefner. Lulz. I'm like the only available love intrest unless. -giggles-)) Paul search in the box a bit more. "Hey ali" he started snickering. He threw the bag of Red Lipstickz at her. "Someone is watching us..." he said starting at the Only star in the sky that night. thunder crawled out of his hoody. He scampered over to Amber. "Chet chit chetty chat chyt" which is probably "Gurrllll you best be sharing that hot dog" and he took a bite off one end. "Thunder..." paul scorned. Thunder Ran into the "Guy" Tent. Paul started collecting stones. He was making a little town. "Ok guys, im making a road." he started placing down the stones.
Sevil glanced at Paul from his spot by the fire where he was eating about fve hot dogs at once. His earphones were shoved in his ears and he finished his last hot dog before walking toward his friend. He slapped his back "Good luck with the road, man." he said and paused his music. He pulled out an ear phone and looked at Pal.
Amber almost ripped off the rodents head. "Hey! My hot dog! MINE!" she had been through enough today and she was to the point of shooting her self in the foot. "I hate this!! Why us??! What the hell did I ever do!!?? I would love to hear an answer!" She looked around af every one. "There is no one 'watching' us!" She knew that it was a possibility but she didn't want to believe it. She was in denial. She kicked her tent and stormed off down the beach.
"What?!?! What do you want!?!?" Heather's eyes got huge. She looked daranged. She couldn't take it any more. She got on her knees and started bashing her head in the sand.
"Uh guys..." Paul said as another box, smaller, but still a box crashed down infront of paul. "Nother box..." He opened it. There was a small video player and a disk. He put it in. "Hello" said the Strange man on the video. "I have crashed... done this... for something far bigger then All of us." the man took a breath. "You will be provided with only what's neccesarry" he winked. "Also paul... i know." paul went white and dropped the Cd player. he ran inside the tent and closed it.
Sevil frowned and pressed play on the CD player. The voice crackled on again 'You...may be...wondering..." static buzzed, " happening...I I' will...ruin the...tests..." There were sounds of movement and protests before the CD player went silent. Sevil rushed into the tent "Man, what the f*ck was he talking about? He knows?" he asked.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Cora grabbed the girl and restrained her "Heather!" she shouted and forced the girl to look at her. "Stop it." she said.
Amber looked up at the boys with a face of confusion and horror. She shook her head. "I cant do this any more! " she threw her hands up in a surrendering fashion. She started walking into the ocean. "Nope, nope, nope, cant do it! Ill have to just drown my self!" She took a deep breath and shoved her head under.
Cora clenched her teeth but knew she wouldn't be able to rescue Amber unless she let go of Heather. Amber was, in a way, their leader. They needed her, therefore she was more important. Cora let go of Heather and pulled Amber's already going limp body from the water. She dragged her into the girls' tent and lay her on one of the sleeping bags.
(Oops! Just to let every one know, Heather and Amber are the same person. I keep mixing up the names so just know that Heather and Amber are the same. Very sorry for the confusion.)

Amber began to cough up water. She gasped for air. She lay limp on the floor of the tent. She moved her eyes around and began to realize what just happened. She sat up. She cried and looked Cora. I cant do this anymore!" She then realized the calibur of what she just said. "What am I saying? I'm the leader. I have to lead!" She stood up and hugged Cora. "I'm sorry. Ill start being a leader. She put on a smile and wiped off her tears.
Skunk opened his eyes and gazed at the canopy of leaves, the beutiful birds flying over head, and remembered where he was, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" After he was flung from that damned crash, this is how he started most mornings. In mortal terror. He got off his makeshift bed made of broad leaves and grabbed his bag. Well, might as well make use of the situation, i could get some amazing landscapes and maybe some animal sketches. Skunk never really had any friends, so searching for the ruins of the would-be airliner for survivors wasn't really on his list of things to do. He made his way to the beach, where he could get some sun and do some more thinking. He was very close to reasoning how 6x9=42 is the meaning of life, the univers and everything. He found a large rock and sat on it, he could see the whole coast, he started a small fire with dead leaves and sticks and a lighter he kept in his bag. Hey, maybe someone is BOUND to find me. I mean, if i suvived the wreck, maybe someone else did too.
Cora nodded and looked her in the eye "I know it's hard but you have to stay with us." she said. She sat on her knees and played with a strand of black hair.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Uh, Zilla. It's night time on the island.)
With her knewly found leadership, amber stepped out of the tent. She was going to make an announcement. "ATTENTION! Tomarrow we will be looking for any clues, leads, and anything else that can help us with this strange box-dvd situation going on. For now we will sleep. I know we all need it." She dug into the box and pulled out a generator and an alarm clock. "This is a generator. We know have electricity. I'm going to set this alarm. to bed every one!" She stepped back into the tent and curled up, getting some much needed rest.
"It's.. i can't tell you sevil.." He went outside and founder Amber's "Psst Amber." he said Opening her door. "I can't sleep, and since We're the leaders i'd thought we should plan a little on what we are doing?" he said hopelessly... "Ever since he said that... i can't do this." he frowned. "Let's set up a barter situation, and an economy.." he said... "No...." he sighed "We can't do this." paul fell into a giant black hole, And then he woke up. ERRHHH ERHHH ERHHH the alarm clock sounded horrible. He went outside and slammed it. He started heading towards a tree with no sense of direciton.. He was jsut attracted to it... As he climbed up it Thunder Jumped into his hood. He found a tin box. In it was a Griddle, Spatula and some Plastic plates... he heard a voice. "What is it paul?" it was a cd player loged a few feet up. "Cat got your toungue?" he laughed. "Yes this Is live video. No no no, don't take me down. See this button, Yes this controls what happens, Also i know more now." he said eerily. Paul grabbed the tin and fell down to the ground. He landed softly. He wasn't that high. He ran back to camp out of breath and terrified. "GUYS WAKE UP." he saw a helicopter on the horizon... Could this be it... Could this be their escape... No.. He saw a giant thunder bolt strike it and it stuttered into the Ocean... This was depressing. He started cooking some eggs he found in near bye tre'es....
Skunk flops about on his rock, trying not to lie on the fire. ugggghh! can't sleep, can't draw, and i've philosophized so much, my inner child is throwing a fit! he stares at the night sky. .......look for survivors......sit here, bored out of my mind. Well, it wouldn't hurt to just scout a little bit, untill I'm tired at least. he rolls on his side and falls of the rock face first into the sand, mental note; work on the landing. He gets up, brushes sand off his black shirt and pants as weel as he can, and starts walking. Hmmmm, well, im not a susvival genious but my natural instinct got me this He closes his eyes and spins, upon opening his eyes he walks in the random direction.
"Whats with the spinning kid?" paul shouts down the beach. "Would you like to join the survivor camp, Its me, another guy, my ferret, and 6 girls or something.
Skunk opens his eyes to see Paul. "Uhh, sure." He holds his hand out to shake, "I'm Sam Peterson, everyone calls me Skunk....did you say six girls?" His heart leaps.
cora slammed her hands over her ears "Damn it! Would someone shut that godd@mned thing off!" she yelled.

Sevil understood what he was talking about. He went to his tent and slept only to be awakened by the hideous alarm.
Skunks heart sinks back to its usual spot, well, if all six of them act like THAT I might just wanna risk getting eaten in the jungle than on this beach. He stands there awkwardly atempting to take in the scene.
"They aren't usually like this..." he laughs a little. "The only one is the Girl with the Red Lipstick." he hinted. "And yes... Six girls. Kinda sucks but not really."
Skunk begins scribbling in a notebook he produced form his art bag, Dear Self, things are looking up. Remember, don't hold your breath. he closes the book and puts it away, "So, the plane crashed or am I in some sort of weird coma-thing? And when will drinks be served?"
Amber woke up instintly. She kicked the alarm clock since Cora didn't like the sound and she changed her swim suit. She noticed they were all getting thinner due to lack of food. Not even the crate could sustain them. She banged a couple of pots to wake the rest up. She noticed Paul and the new guy. She walked over and faced Paul. "I think ill be the one to decide if he can join, thank you." She looked the new guy up and down. "Fine...just don't slow us down." She walked back and packed tot the days journey. Her plan was for every one to split in small groups and look for clues on the Dvd guy.
Skunk stood there awkwardly as she looked him over, he stands a little hunched but he's muscular and looks like he's taking starvation well. In turn he look her over, seems pleased, amd gives her a smirk, by the time he opens his mouth to say anything, she walked away.
"Amber, I thought we were co leaders... Well anyway, lets split into the two Different Sexes after Breakfast, Me, Skunk, and Sevil will go one way and try to find some clues on whats happening and the rest of you guys go the other way..." Paul Suggested eerily. "But For one thing, We aren't going back in, Ever since that purple volcano." he shouted.

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