Story Mode Network

 Dragons are cool, I guess. As for summoning them, that'd be pretty useful. That way I don't have to do much and the damage done on me would be minimized.

Eugh. So you're one of those people? In RPGs, I can NEVER play the mage class for that very reason. No shaming on you, I just personally find that style of combat to be...not intriguing. It is true what you say, that you are safe and the dragon\pet does work for you, but I like getting in the thick of things. Don't you? You don't like the armored warriors? Or at least the arrow charging bowmen type?

(Rogues are too stealthish for my tastes)
Eugh. So you're one of those people? In RPGs, I can NEVER play the mage class for that very reason. No shaming on you, I just personally find that style of combat to be...not intriguing. It is true what you say, that you are safe and the dragon\pet does work for you, but I like getting in the thick of things. Don't you? You don't like the armored warriors? Or at least the arrow charging bowmen type?

(Rogues are too stealthish for my tastes)

I usually pick the most enjoyable class. Something like a jack of all trades. I like outsmarting my enemies.

If I can't find one, I just pick the one with the cute grill as default. 
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I usually pick the most enjoyable class. Something like a jack of all trades. I like outsmarting my enemies.

If I can't find one, I just pick the one with the cute grill as default. 

Haha that Internet lingo. It took me a second. I am truly slothful. 

You don't like the allure of having a bajillion K HP though? Huge defense? Give me a tank with magical abilities and I am sold. They have to look flashy however.

If you like out smarting, I'd guess you usually end up as a rogue type class. They're usually the mix of everything at some point with their skills. Am I wrong? 
If I can't have a necromancer, I tend to settle for rogue.  

Ah necromancer. Have you ever played NeverWinter or NeverWinter Nights? In there they had from what I can remember, a necromancer that had a cool ability to strengthen their bones. A Pale Dancer the name might have been. Anyway, it had some unique skills on top of being able to mess with the dead. You primarily go for death manipulation, or it's something else you like about it? They do have an interesting skillset I will admit. 
Haha that Internet lingo. It took me a second. I am truly slothful. 

Lol. Unlucky U.

You don't like the allure of having a bajillion K HP though? Huge defense? Give me a tank with magical abilities and I am sold. They have to look flashy however.

Got tired of 'em, after all, I am a top main. That's why I switched to bruisers and assassins, though I still play them top. Why do I have to facetank everything when there's so much more options?

If you like out smarting, I'd guess you usually end up as a rogue type class. They're usually the mix of everything at some point with their skills. Am I wrong? 

Well, they are somewhat. But I don't like the casual stealth mechanics they use, so if I do go rogue I usually do it without stealth skills and rely on juking attacks.
Ah necromancer. Have you ever played NeverWinter or NeverWinter Nights? In there they had from what I can remember, a necromancer that had a cool ability to strengthen their bones. A Pale Dancer the name might have been. Anyway, it had some unique skills on top of being able to mess with the dead. You primarily go for death manipulation, or it's something else you like about it? They do have an interesting skillset I will admit. 

I did play those games.  Pale Master was pretty cool, but I have numerous problems with the mechanical design of those games (essentially a transplant of 3.5 D&D)and their boring setting.  As is typical, some classes were cool in concept and small details but the envelope wasn't pushed far enough.

Actually, tell a lie - these days I'll go for warlocks before necromancers.  Dark magic users in general.  I think its partially the aesthetic and partially that they will normally use atypical mechanics. Like, warrior hits dood with sword, archer with bow, mage throws fireballs, warlock conjures abyssal tentacles.  This is even more true if they use an atypical resource model and NPCs are likely to respond to their choice of means.  Arcanum and Pillars of Eternity are mostly really good at that.

About the only game where I'm likely to play a typical warrior type is Dark Souls. 
I always auto lock to mages in every MMO. Neverwinter was probably the first game I chose to be a ranger. 

My favorite class would be a runeblade/warmage as in magic and swords. Low armor, High damage, L33t rekin. Last game I played one was Elder Scrolls online.
=/ It's like I don't know you people anymore.


Give me a MMO-like RP using dice and I'll show you why you want to tank everything  :x . I'm issuing you an official challenge, friend. Disrespect tanks and youll be sorry >=)


Guh. Warlocks. The atypical mechanics do help but.....maybe it's me? The Mage-ish classes in general seem non-interactive. You suggest some high-rated games by the way. Those 2 games are well-talked about O.o

@Dullahan Shinigami

Boooo! I don't have bee with Grey just yet, but I issue my challenge to you as well. I want to kick your butt in a MMORPGRP. High Def is a MUST! How else would you get to wear those huge, ornate armors? You will be mine for the destroying  :$
The Mage-ish classes in general seem non-interactive.

That is a frustrating commonality, but there are exceptions! 

Warlocks in NWN2 were able to wear armour and fight in melee, with a broad toolkit of spells to augment their melee attacks, survival, and generally they had a bag of tricks from their dark patron.

Dark Souls mostly has more interactive spellcasters - Dark Souls 3 in particular has a cool pyromancy spell where you parry an enemy, punch them, and then detonate a fireball in their chest cavity.

I specifically designed Magi in Crucible to allow for intuitive, melee spellcasters.  The Fuzz ran a campaign last year where I played a necromancer who thought he was a paladin - big blade on a stick, heavy armour, called on the ghosts of his ancestors to lend him their combat skills.  It works, which means I feel like I was going in the right direction.
I imagine they could be excellent if done well, although you'd want to make sure there's a shared vision of what "film noir" means in the context of your story. If one player is thinking Bogart and another is thinking Sin City...  :ph34r:

There we go. That's the kind of mechanic I'm looking for. If Dark Souls had mages FULL of techniques like that, then I'd certainly enjoy the type. It seems like it'd go against the grain of what mages actually are (at least how they are portrayed traditionally) as weak-bodied, but strong minded. Lol. That Necromancer sounds silly xD. It sounds like a good attempt at things, haha. If there were more "cross-class" effort like that, it would be much appreciated and broaden horizons.

I imagine they could be excellent if done well, although you'd want to make sure there's a shared vision of what "film noir" means in the context of your story. If one player is thinking Bogart and another is thinking Sin City...  :ph34r:

When I think of the words, I picture those old mafia or investigative movies that were literally in black-and-white. Men in zoot suits, talking with measured speech and clever lingo =P.

WHat are your opinions on film noir styled rps?

I think they can work. Really any idea can work if you plan and portray it right. I wouldn't find them interesting because they are usually Realistic-Category, but there are plenty of people into that kind of setting and story. It can come out really well if put around a good plot. It's a "thinking" kind of roleplay. I don't think you can BS much stuff in it or half-try, and expect it to work like in other genres.
I imagine they could be excellent if done well, although you'd want to make sure there's a shared vision of what "film noir" means in the context of your story. If one player is thinking Bogart and another is thinking Sin City...  :ph34r:

Sin City is more neo noir than true film noir, So more Bogart, though my noir favored Cagney for a while.

1920'S film noir.

Hello Radder, I see you've requested to join the Group. You've been on RPN for at least 2 months, but at least 350 posts are also needed to come in. So I apologize, but for now we cannot accept you. As soon as you get to 350, just request again and you will be good to come.
WHite why was i let in when i didnt and still dont meet the reqs?

Good question. It's because you expressed serious interest in the recruitment thread, spoke with me directly in it, and the group was very, very small. I can be very lenient and bend things at the beginning, but once we have lots of people, I have to be a little more orderly.

If Radder popped in here and typed a good message showing serious interest, I'd consider it, as well ask other members about it. Though the 5 posts only on the website makes me extremely hesitant.
@White Masquerade

That's exciting! 

I'd actually started to lose hope it was going to get over the line, though I was still checking the thread regularly. 

I'll put up a post there in the next 6 hours, whenever I actually get onto a computer!
 SO my next rp will be noir

I am unsure whether to do a true film noir 1920s one or a modern supernatural(not fantasy) noir rp set in the same fictional town.
@White Masquerade

That's exciting! 

I'd actually started to lose hope it was going to get over the line, though I was still checking the thread regularly. 

I'll put up a post there in the next 6 hours, whenever I actually get onto a computer!

Haha. I'll sound like some sad action-hero, but never lose hope! It keeps you finding possibilities to get through even when it looks like there's no way out. It's very important to have. Anyway, personally I would say the hardest part of proposals is the implementation. There can be mass support for any one, but without putting it together well it could all be for naught. I don't mean to go on a tangent, but that's another reason I think this group is cool. You have to work together to get things done, as well as learn how to structure things so they run well from beginning to end. There are a lot of dedicated and writing/rping geniuses here I believe, in one way or another, and I continue to think all our expertise can be combined to do good things. Like,


Let me pick on you, is ferocious with numbers I've noticed, lol. Very perceptive about issues too. @Musician <-- The Pear Queen doesn't say much xD, but Musician is even more bad*ss than I am in organization, structure, and detail. Sharper too. already know.

So basically, don't hesitate to come to anybody for assistance on any part of things. There are times when people might be busy or swamped, but overall, I think wouldn't mind giving an instruction or two.

 SO my next rp will be noir

I am unsure whether to do a true film noir 1920s one or a modern supernatural(not fantasy) noir rp set in the same fictional town.

Lol. Gideon. I think at this point, you need to just flip a coin,  B|
Random but, does anyone think the concept of bionic powers would be nice in a semi-futuristic roleplay? It's a little bit more complicated but I think I could make it work.
Random but, does anyone think the concept of bionic powers would be nice in a semi-futuristic roleplay? It's a little bit more complicated but I think I could make it work.

Like cybernetic enhancements and things like that? I've seen similar ideas done in webcomics where people have some sort of mechanical appendage that doubles as a weapon, and those don't necessarily take place very far in the future. Plus, we're already able to do some pretty cool things in terms of artificial body parts, so setting it in the not too distant future wouldn't be all that unreasonable I think.
Random but, does anyone think the concept of bionic powers would be nice in a semi-futuristic roleplay? It's a little bit more complicated but I think I could make it work.

Yeah! You hit my favorite sci-fi passion right on the head. Apfel is right, there are already bio-mechanical things going on in the medical sector of life. Nothing extreme because the area is really, really, young (even prosthetics linked to the nerves are slow and clunky right now), but with some time, there will be some great things out there. If you check out the DARPA (Advanced Research) site and information on it, they have created bugs that can be controlled by a remote. Basically they inserted and control device into the bug's brain =(.

So if they are doing things like this with animals, it is not extremely far off from being implemented in humans. There are Olympic runners who can run faster than normal humans because they have spring-legs. Bionic powers would absolutely work for a semi-futuristic roleplay.

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