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Haha! Yes it is not the clearest i agree, I even found a few typos, but I really think the creator put a lot of effort into it/the behind-the-scenes stuff. I actually took that test long ago, and taking it just now, I noticed the creator actually went back in and refined/updated the test, lol. It was a pleasant surprise coming across the new questions. It changed my result and not the result comes up consistently.

But DAMN, Grey,  :x . Your result though..? You can't tell me it doesn't at least strike a cord or ring on some level for you. That Dreamweaver class is pretty much EXACTLY how I'd picture you as. Wow! I almost choked with wide eyes when the page loaded xD. My, my. It's extremely interesting. Grey, when I post my result, I really do think it won't come as a surprise to you =). You might even say, "figures". I looked at it and after a moment, I smiled and admitted I was in fact, that cheesy of a person. Here it is:

The classes the creator have up are good though. SHoudl lead to some good mining for you. I am amazed how they managed to write so much though. While it is not pretty of prefect, I really do applaud their effort.


Apfel!!! I knew it! I knew you couldn't be something dark like Grey (love you Grey! Your blood-lust though...)  :x . I'm so relieved to see the result as such. Though the Martial-artist bent to it is a quite the surprise. Taking a look, I see you scored high on Vitality and Spirit as well. You must be a big ball of positive sunshine, huh Apfel? xD . 

As for the class you got, you can kind of say it could be a Necromancer since they control Life Magic. Just cause the picture is dressed in white, doesn't mean they can't get nasty =P. You can be good, but "dirty" too! I remember you telling me about how you like the healing class. *wink-wink* I'd say this activity was generally spot on.
@Mr. Gideon

Wow. Now your result Mistah bear...would have never guessed, but then again, I just met you, haha. I pray that you use your powers for good and keep your darkness in check xD . That mix of blood-lust is really weird combination for me. That's very hard to picture in my head. I dunno yet. You have to talk  here more so I can properly judge that Mister Gideon =). However, nice class. Enjoyed the read.

For your RPs, are they on this site or the other?
I think I took it once upon a time, because it looked familiar, but I have no idea what I might have gotten.  I wouldn't describe myself as bloodthirsty, though - merely efficient

Your result is not wholly unsurprising.  Incidentally, it's a precursor to four other functionally identical classes.  Many words do not fine writing make, afterall, though they do appear to have put a lot of effort in which is... unfortunate.
@Mr. Gideon

Wow. Now your result Mistah bear...would have never guessed, but then again, I just met you, haha. I pray that you use your powers for good and keep your darkness in check xD . That mix of blood-lust is really weird combination for me. That's very hard to picture in my head. I dunno yet. You have to talk  here more so I can properly judge that Mister Gideon =). However, nice class. Enjoyed the read.

For your RPs, are they on this site or the other?

Most on the other site, though i may do one here soon. I have an untold amount of word documents full of ideas and summaries and premises.

I view myself as a bit like Vlad the Impaler, doing what is necessary to keep me and mine safe. 

EDIT: Took it again

An rper i rped with made a test like this to take in character for an rp they made.
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Apfel!!! I knew it! I knew you couldn't be something dark like Grey (love you Grey! Your blood-lust though...)  :x . I'm so relieved to see the result as such. Though the Martial-artist bent to it is a quite the surprise. Taking a look, I see you scored high on Vitality and Spirit as well. You must be a big ball of positive sunshine, huh Apfel? xD . 

As for the class you got, you can kind of say it could be a Necromancer since they control Life Magic. Just cause the picture is dressed in white, doesn't mean they can't get nasty =P. You can be good, but "dirty" too! I remember you telling me about how you like the healing class. *wink-wink* I'd say this activity was generally spot on.

I am so immensely nonviolent it's almost ridiculous :P But I would never write off violence as an option either. To close off possibilities is to be limited. Your class of a hero with very balanced stats is pretty interesting, since versatility lends itself well to flexibility and productivity. At least, that's my interpretation of it.

Personally, I was only momentarily surprised by the martial artist aspect of my given class. I've always admired the martial arts class, possibly since I've learned so much about martial arts from my father (both my parents took Tai Chi and my dad learned spear and broadsword as well). The mindset associated with it resonates a bit more than the actual practice though, but if I were to choose to become some kind of warrior or adventurer, I wouldn't feel adequately prepared unless I knew how to keep myself and others safe. And come to think of it, if I were to choose to learn to fight, martial arts would probably what I'd initially be drawn to.

I often seem to score high on spirit and vitality on tests that include those concepts, and I've never really understood why. I'm not at all a big ball of positive sunshine lol. Or at least, not all of the time. In general I try to be a positive influence on those around me, but inwardly I'm harsh on myself and rather cynical. I don't exactly know what spirit and vitality are in terms of how they apply, but if I were to wager a guess, I'd say that vitality is the ability to endure, and spirit is the ability to push forward. I think mechanically this translates to having a high physical and mental defense, which sounds reasonable. One of my primary goals in any adventure is to not die ;)  (My other goals are to protect and help others, and to gain knowledge and a deeper understanding from my experiences.)

I think the class can transform the appearance (or perhaps the whole being) of other people and control them. Which is functionally similar to a necromancer's abilities. So I think if the class had a higher strength build (my lowest stat), it would indeed be very OP xD As it is, it's pretty spot on with how I'd go about things (and the low strength build is highly accurate lol). People in general have the capacity for great good or great evil, so I like that this class doesn't focus entirely upon one or the other, while still being a fairly altruistic and judicious class... or  something like that. It's fun to think about, so thanks for sharing the quiz ^_^
I think I took it once upon a time, because it looked familiar, but I have no idea what I might have gotten.  I wouldn't describe myself as bloodthirsty, though - merely efficient

Your result is not wholly unsurprising.  Incidentally, it's a precursor to four other functionally identical classes.  Many words do not fine writing make, afterall, though they do appear to have put a lot of effort in which is... unfortunate.

So ruthless.  Yeah, bloodthirsty probably isn't the right word if everything were to be technically correct. Maybe something like desire or egoism? Not sure.

And definitely. Looking at the after-options, I understand why I didn't end up as one of them. I do view myself as an all-a-rounder. I am decent at many things, yet have nothing in particular I can point out and say I lean heavily on. The realization is stunning, but valid.

if you do expand on the classes, let me know when you're done.

Most on the other site, though i may do one here soon. I view myself as a bit like Vlad the Impaler, doing what is necessary to keep me and mine safe. i may take it again.

If you start one here, let me have a peek at it.

And understood. That is a respectable philosophy I have no bad things to say about cause I understand the perspective. So basically, you are neutral? You line up with what you care about most? True Neutral I think that is in the alignments. I am personally more altruistic and in some cases put others before myself. It makes me happy. Very cool, Mr. Gideon.


I will come back to your post. I have an OOC I've been accidentally not answering in, lol.
I am so immensely nonviolent it's almost ridiculous

Oh yes. This one phrase made me laugh out loud Apfel. I love the way you describe things and yourself. About versatility, I will say that the ability is something to be grateful about, but sometimes causes headaches. You are always just a few steps below real mastery in everything you do. It can get a little disheartening. If I can use Grey for an example. He has enormous knowledge and skill in writing from all angles and aspects, and I know I will never get to that level. I can do a good thing or two, but that level of depth will never be in grasp. There is also the issue when a person thinks you can do everything.  You can try to do everything, but all things won't come out excellent -_- . And that can lead to some disappointment. =(

Omg Apfel, are you the next in line to inherit a grand kingdom?? Lol. The spirit and vitality I have a feeling goes more in line with a person's strength/depth of will. How intrinsically focused/motivated they are and their levels of internal passion. So you may not be rolling around in rainbows, but maybe you have strong personal feelings about what you come across if they stoke your fancies.

:P  The low strength is accurate??? Haha. Yeah, while most of them served good, I don't think it mentioned 100%. Life Magic IMO is a pretty neutral power anyway since it can take life too. Hip-bump for the light-side classes!!! Altruism at its finest. Than you for taking the quiz and sharing your results/experiences!

*hip bumps you*

Good Lord Brook. I don't even want to comment on this. My first clue to this was actually when you posted with Soma and started messing with me. >_>. I didn't know it ran this deep. You need to keep your desire in check, Abyss Knight. 77%? Haha. I have to keep my eye on you in the RP. Thanks for the heads up  B|
Oh yes. This one phrase made me laugh out loud Apfel. I love the way you describe things and yourself. About versatility, I will say that the ability is something to be grateful about, but sometimes causes headaches. You are always just a few steps below real mastery in everything you do. It can get a little disheartening. If I can use Grey for an example. He has enormous knowledge and skill in writing from all angles and aspects, and I know I will never get to that level. I can do a good thing or two, but that level of depth will never be in grasp. There is also the issue when a person thinks you can do everything.  You can try to do everything, but all things won't come out excellent -_- . And that can lead to some disappointment. =(

Omg Apfel, are you the next in line to inherit a grand kingdom?? Lol. The spirit and vitality I have a feeling goes more in line with a person's strength/depth of will. How intrinsically focused/motivated they are and their levels of internal passion. So you may not be rolling around in rainbows, but maybe you have strong personal feelings about what you come across if they stoke your fancies.

:P  The low strength is accurate??? Haha. Yeah, while most of them served good, I don't think it mentioned 100%. Life Magic IMO is a pretty neutral power anyway since it can take life too. Hip-bump for the light-side classes!!! Altruism at its finest. Than you for taking the quiz and sharing your results/experiences!

*hip bumps you*

I think you're spot on with the drawback to versatility, though even when one is focused on a particular thing, that's no guarantee that the person will master it. In fact, I'd say that with most things there is always room for improvement, so even those who dedicate their focus to more specific things find it difficult to get to a point that they are satisfied with in terms of mastery. Though there's definitely the additional difficulty that if you're fairly good with everything it's hard to know what to focus on (a student who is good at art/math/science/etc. may have difficulty choosing a major if they're a jack of all trades).

Spirit and vitality are absolutely related to willpower and resilience. Which is somewhat funny since I feel that I have very low willpower in terms of accomplishing everything I want (though high willpower in the sense that if I do decide to do something, I make sure I do it the absolute best that I can manage). I might have a clearer understanding if I knew what the creator of the quiz based the stats on, though currently I find the levels of each stat to be somewhat surprising but not inaccurate. 

The low strength is absolutely accurate lol. I've got the physical strength of a wet noodle.

I am automatically suspect of any class that would claim to be 100% good. Acknowledging one's own potential for evil is of the utmost importance in terms of having an objective understanding of morality. I have some very strange but passionate views on the subject of morality though. I've written whole essays on the subject :P  


*adjusts spectacles on failing eyes*

You know back in my day Reindo, I used to be just like you.

Really though. As silly as the result was, take some insight from it. You may be someone like me who's open and willing to try their hand at different things. Someone open to "taste-testing" many different flavors. And this is not to be confused with being indecisive. Being indecisive (noncommittal) is not the same as being generally capable, but the two lines CAN get crossed if you're not careful.

Basically, the test is telling you exactly like it says: pick a direction and don't look back xD. Either go all in on being generally good at everything, or find out what you lean towards and roll the dice with that.

IT lists all possible classes to the side, some are freaking amazing.

Right? Looks like the creator just threw a bunch of things into a hat, pulled two pieces of paper out and mixed what was written on them. An Enchanted Gearmaster. Can't say I've come across that one before this test but I gotta say, these classes look delicious.

Hello and welcome to you GreenBriar!! Finally  xD . Please make yourself comfortable and ask any questions you have about the group, here. You should now be able to see the Proposal Forum. Feel free to suggest anything you'd like the group to do. We currently have "Growing A Tree" active (which I will get to starting up in due time), but if you have anything you'd like to point out there, go for it.

For your result, let me see whatcha working with... ^_^

The picture that immediately popped in my mind, was a grinning, wrecking truck. I could pick out the the high strength and vitality from your PMs & comments in the Character Competition that just passed, and the high intelligence the way you pop into technical threads and belt out paragraphs of things that go way over my head (I believe you post in a lot of Grey's discussions right? And some go...DEEP). I can say from what I know of you, it's a fair assessment IMO. As I get to know you more, I believe you will prove to be very capable, curious, and keen, with a lot of willingness/initiative/enthusiasm to see something you find interesting done, at your disposal. Like that hard party-goer you find out oddly has a PHD in Theoretical Physics, who quickly and immediately puts plans in place to date you as soon as they find out you're interested in them (and are interested in you). ALL while being surprisingly nice and genial, when you  actually get around to talking to them. 

Whew. Thanks for sharing Green.
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I think you're spot on with the drawback to versatility, though even when one is focused on a particular thing, that's no guarantee that the person will master it. In fact, I'd say that with most things there is always room for improvement, so even those who dedicate their focus to more specific things find it difficult to get to a point that they are satisfied with in terms of mastery. Though there's definitely the additional difficulty that if you're fairly good with everything it's hard to know what to focus on (a student who is good at art/math/science/etc. may have difficulty choosing a major if they're a jack of all trades).

Spirit and vitality are absolutely related to willpower and resilience. Which is somewhat funny since I feel that I have very low willpower in terms of accomplishing everything I want (though high willpower in the sense that if I do decide to do something, I make sure I do it the absolute best that I can manage). I might have a clearer understanding if I knew what the creator of the quiz based the stats on, though currently I find the levels of each stat to be somewhat surprising but not inaccurate. 

The low strength is absolutely accurate lol. I've got the physical strength of a wet noodle.

I am automatically suspect of any class that would claim to be 100% good. Acknowledging one's own potential for evil is of the utmost importance in terms of having an objective understanding of morality. I have some very strange but passionate views on the subject of morality though. I've written whole essays on the subject :P  

Apfel, you are one conundrum after another. I do agree with you on morality. Philosophy makes my head hurt, so I don't want to go into that haha. Cause then you go into, "What really is...the concept of good and evil? Are they even real?"

Apfel, you are one conundrum after another. I do agree with you on morality. Philosophy makes my head hurt, so I don't want to go into that haha. Cause then you go into, "What really is...the concept of good and evil? Are they even real?"


That's a simple question to answer though. They are what people say that they are and they are real to the extent that people believe them to be real. Such is the case with all abstract concepts  ;)
That's a simple question to answer though. They are what people say that they are and they are real to the extent that people believe them to be real. Such is the case with all abstract concepts  ;)

Nope! Not taking the bait! *Closes ears*
Nope! Not taking the bait! *Closes ears*

I can appreciate your desire for certainty lol. More speculation leads to more complexity which leads to the unraveling of everything we hold to be true ^_^



Although I am inclined to view capitalism as both unethical and actually evil, just not at in a metaphysical sense.

Are you my sociology professor?  Because you sound like my sociology professor :P  I'm inclined to agree really, but I also think that any form of government or society is doomed to inevitably fail eventually because people have the capacity to doubt it. Though capitalism in particular has a tendency to focus attention excessively on a small proportion of society, which as a utilitarian I find to be extremely frustrating.


Although I am inclined to view capitalism as both unethical and actually evil, just not at in a metaphysical sense.

Lol. As much as I'd like to answer, my last philosophy discussion ended in 1 hour lost, nothing getting done, and I was still hungry. I will just say, a lot of system aren't bad/wrong inherently, just the people that participate in them.


But if all things in life pass, where our existences really don't matter in the long run, what is the use of frustration? If when all is said and done, will only be temporary?

Okay, I'm done. Please don't answer this.
but I also think that any form of government or society is doomed to inevitably fail eventually because people have the capacity to doubt it.

This is technically true on a couple of levels, but the difference lies in incentive models rather than capacity to engender doubt.  Capitalism reduces human beings to commodities and operates on boom-bust cycles that can only be harmful to those on the bottom, and while it may have been useful in the past (much as feudalism is terrible but served a valuable survivalist purpose historically), it should be dismantled and replaced with more socialist models in the near future.  That's all but inevitable, really - as automation of labour increases (and it will) it becomes a waste to actually employ people, making a more robust welfare model necessary to support them and facilitate their ability to contribute in other ways.

I mean, I'm a nihilist, so I don't consider humans to have intrinsic value, but I think using monetary worth to determine value is repugnant when the equally arbitrary measure of 'human = valuable' is more ethical and more useful, long term.  The data pretty well supports that evidence-based, compassionate government policies strengthen a nation and improve the happiness of the population - see: literally all of Scandinavia, pretty much.

Interestingly it looks like it doesn't do much to blunt nationalism, which is a shame but frankly the nation as a concept is equally outmoded.

Transhuman rep-economy pls. 
A favour-based economy could definitely work (or at least is more likely to) with the growing panopticon of social media. You'd still need to find a way to "fix" or at least manage the resource shortage mind you, but that doesn't necessarily require nano-fabricators so long as our expectations can be managed (i.e., not wanting more simply because we can "afford" it, whatever that would mean). 

This ties into the concepts and theory behind a lot of socialist experiments in the past, and like them the leading perils in setting it up are directly tied to human nature. So long as much of the world is capitalist, the leaders of any economy transitioning to our theoretical model would have to be carefully chosen as the temptation to exploit the system before it's fully embedded grows - some people being more equal than others and all that.

Historically we've been fairly bad at letting those people choose themselves.

Thanks for your kind words @White Masquerade - it's good to be here!
You know what they say - socialism looks great on paper, but in practice tends to be destroyed by CIA backed coups. 
Once is bad luck, twice is coincidence, three times is an underlying national objective. 

Don't know we can give them all the credit mind you, there are plenty of venal leaders around even without the Company's help.

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