Story Mode Network

What's the appeal of running cliche RPs?

Beats me.  In the case of my tavern, it was meant to be a comedy poking fun at cliches.  

Like someone enters and the matriarch of the house is like "Oh, adventurers, is it?  Well, a room is one groat-"

"What a great bargain!"

"-and the Adventuring Insurance is ten groats."


"Pack of you buggers burned the place down with magical fire in my mother's day.  You behave and you can have the money back when you check out."

"I... alright."

"Good lad.  The mysterious old man with the ominous scar and stained treasure map comes by at eight; you can find him in the Dark Corner Booth."

"There are three dark corners here!"

"You ain't our only customers.  My son has a pit full of giant rats in the cellar if you get bored in the meantime."
Yes. Grey that would be a fun roleplay to be in~ 

Most of the tavern roleplays are from the adventurer's perspective but never the owners of the tavern. 
IMight add a dungeon lord aspect to the tavern rp, slightly.

Gideon  :$  I won't say don't do it, but definitely be prepared. When you're doing a big project, you have to ask yourself a few questions. The biggest one is this:

Will it be worth the time & effort I'm putting in? <--- If you make this huge RP, can you see yourself GMing it for a lot of people, or is it just 4/5 hardcore players? Being big isn't always best. It's more about what you want to accomplish with your RP and I stress that a lot. Before you do ANYTHING, think about why you are making the roleplay.

Do you want to lead the story? Will there even be a grand story? Do you want people to make their own routes? Will you use dice? Will it be freeform? Is it for a large group? Or a small one? Do you want people to care about your lore? Or does following it strictly not matter?

^ I find the biggest issue is RP creators don't know what they want. They want to make an RP and....that's it. What are the goals? What atmosphere are you shooting for? You can't wing an RP and then expect it to magically be what you want. If you don't know what you want, how can expect it to be what you want? The main reason I believe you hesitate on adding a Dungeon Lord aspect is because you're not sure what this RP is aiming for. If you want it to be a journeying, dramatic, adventure quest, then yes, add Dungeon Lords. If it's going to be some kind of player generated thing, then do nothing; have participants create their own. Please, please, please try to find a direction comfortable for you that this RP should go in. Indecisive creations drive me absolutely nuts. So pick a definite  endpoint and try to stick to it. Let the rest of what you need to do, flow from there.


Heyo. I hid the 2 proposals. October 9th was the date they were supposed to be taken down, but I am a bit behind in Story Mode (will be rectified in the future). So as of now you have 3 fresh proposals you can make again whenever you think of something next.
Well, the DL's will sort of be the big bad and will play a part in the climax of the plot. 

One of the adventurera may or may not be one of them.

Urban fantasy. Like the mortal instruments. I've been building a world where magic is just advanced science, and races like elves or orcs are treated as different as one would treat an asian or german (assuming you're not asain or german)

Urban fantasy. Like the mortal instruments. I've been building a world where magic is just advanced science, and races like elves or orcs are treated as different as one would treat an asian or german (assuming you're not asain or german)

Shadowrun does something a bit like that.  Mage: The Awakening second edition and Unknown Armies are pretty good examples of magic in the modern world, but it's not really a science in those. Well, it can be in Mage, but it's complicated.  Chronicles of Darkness generally does it well, even if it emphasizes the secrecy of the fantastical elements.  So I'm a fan, overall even if I'd be disclined to include anything that's explicitly an elf or orc. 

Long time no see grey sama

Long enough that I'm afraid I don't recognize you - although my memory has been inhibited for the last year or so.
Not to be a crack in the record, but what does everyone think of the modern fantasy genre.

If you want my honest opinion, I am tired of it. =P. Fantasy in general. Urban Fantasy is included. I don't know what it is. Something like Mortal Instruments I believe, is too used. Bleh. I'd much rather prefer going to Science Fiction to get me fix of imaginative work. I'd love to do a Sci-fi RP and show off how cool they can potentially be someday in the future.

No offense to your idea, but I cringe and sigh at the Orcs/Elves/Dwarves/humans race selection. Something different would be nice. Like Undead, Fae, Centurions, etc. Still, at the end of the day I'd rather have Sci-fi gravity bombs, than Fantasy spells.
I have had a lot of Fantasy rp ideas, but i had ideas for a Western rp and a Noir rp, which i will do after my current rp, which sad to say is an Academy rp, a Superhero Academy rp, while working on the Tavern rp i talked about here before.

Ashes and Gunsmoke: Western rp set in the 1800’s, following the destruction of Austin Texas by a horde of Comanche Indians. You will play as a Frontiermen or Cowboy drafted into a Posse by the U.S. Marshalls. Takes some influence from the Lonesome Dove Series as well as Tombstone.

Hot Lead and Cold Hearts: A film noir Cops and robbers rp, with some detectives thrown in. Set in the fictional town of Cross Timber Pennsylvania in 1921. The gang world has recently suffered a massive shake up as the two top gangs and their allies clashed severely injuring all parties involved. This gave the police a chance to harshly take down the crimelords. It has been a few months since then, and while the Police have been mopping up the remaining gang members new more subtle groups have started to take over the recently abandoned territory.
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If you want my honest opinion, I am tired of it. =P. Fantasy in general. Urban Fantasy is included. I don't know what it is. Something like Mortal Instruments I believe, is too used. Bleh. I'd much rather prefer going to Science Fiction to get me fix of imaginative work. I'd love to do a Sci-fi RP and show off how cool they can potentially be someday in the future.

No offense to your idea, but I cringe and sigh at the Orcs/Elves/Dwarves/humans race selection. Something different would be nice. Like Undead, Fae, Centurions, etc. Still, at the end of the day I'd rather have Sci-fi gravity bombs, than Fantasy spells.

Shadowrun does something a bit like that.  Mage: The Awakening second edition and Unknown Armies are pretty good examples of magic in the modern world, but it's not really a science in those. Well, it can be in Mage, but it's complicated.  Chronicles of Darkness generally does it well, even if it emphasizes the secrecy of the fantastical elements.  So I'm a fan, overall even if I'd be disclined to include anything that's explicitly an elf or orc. 

Long enough that I'm afraid I don't recognize you - although my memory has been inhibited for the last year or so.

I'm guessing those are dice based rpgs? I've never played those before, but i've heard of the concept of shadowrun before. It's similar to what I had in mind, but not exactly


Who needs a meteo spell when you can throw a literal meteor at your foes. 

@White Masquerade

  All in all, I was thinking of a fantasy-in-real-life kinda thing. No hero, no kisses of true love, lycanthropy is a mental disease. This may  fall under magical realism, oh-so slightly.
I'm guessing those are dice based rpgs? I've never played those before, but i've heard of the concept of shadowrun before. It's similar to what I had in mind, but not exactly

Yep, which I reckon makes them well worth mining for material.  Shadowrun is fukken rad and if you have a PC you should play Shadowrun Returns immediately for an idea of the setting if not the system. It's also just a great little Noir story.

Chronicles of Darkness is one of my favourites and I use it often.  It's a robust and easy-to-use system for supernatural horror in the modern day, with an optional metaplot that is the best modern incarnation of Lovecraftian horror since Blindsight or A Colder War.  The base version is mostly for playing ordinary humans, but it has other lines that build on those base rules and setting - Vampire: The Requiem, Werewolf: The Forsaken, Mage: The Awakening, Changeling: The Lost, Hunter: The Vigil, Demon: The Descent, Mummy: The Curse, Geist: The Sin-Eaters, and most recently Beast: The Primordial. The next one is going to be Deviant, but we don't know the subtitle yet.

They're all horror games.  Vampire is about horror at your own monstrosity, while Mage is a cosmic horror story.

Unknown Armies is... weird.
Yep, which I reckon makes them well worth mining for material.  Shadowrun is fukken rad and if you have a PC you should play Shadowrun Returns immediately for an idea of the setting if not the system. It's also just a great little Noir story.

Chronicles of Darkness is one of my favourites and I use it often.  It's a robust and easy-to-use system for supernatural horror in the modern day, with an optional metaplot that is the best modern incarnation of Lovecraftian horror since Blindsight or A Colder War.  The base version is mostly for playing ordinary humans, but it has other lines that build on those base rules and setting - Vampire: The Requiem, Werewolf: The Forsaken, Mage: The Awakening, Changeling: The Lost, Hunter: The Vigil, Demon: The Descent, Mummy: The Curse, Geist: The Sin-Eaters, and most recently Beast: The Primordial. The next one is going to be Deviant, but we don't know the subtitle yet.

They're all horror games.  Vampire is about horror at your own monstrosity, while Mage is a cosmic horror story.

Unknown Armies is... weird.

This was an enjoyable read (the games, not the post). It still isn't what I generally had in mind.
It still isn't what I generally had in mind.

I know.  But if what you have in mind doesn't exist as you envision it, it's always worth examining adjacent ideas.  Where do you think all my concepts come from?

I can't really think of anything close to what you want other than Shadowrun and something I wrote (which features trolls, rats, treefolk, and demonkin as playable characters).  Dresden Files, possibly? 

By nature, an urban fantasy which is not 'suddenly magic in modern earth' cannot really resemble modern earth.  If magic is a science, you really need to solid rules on which magic is based and then you can logically extrapolate how that shapes the world based on basic economics and sociology.

Earthdawn may be worth a look, even though it's a post-apocalyptic magic-as-science setting where the science is more of an art that obeys reproducible rules.
I have had a lot of Fantasy rp ideas, but i had ideas for a Western rp and a Noir rp, which i will do after my current rp, which sad to say is an Academy rp, a Superhero Academy rp, while working on the Tavern rp i talked about here before.

Ashes and Gunsmoke: Western rp set in the 1800’s, following the destruction of Austin Texas by a horde of Comanche Indians. You will play as a Frontiermen or Cowboy drafted into a Posse by the U.S. Marshalls. Takes some influence from the Lonesome Dove Series as well as Tombstone.

Hot Lead and Cold Hearts: A film noir Cops and robbers rp, with some detectives thrown in. Set in the fictional town of Cross Timber Pennsylvania in 1921. The gang world has recently suffered a massive shake up as the two top gangs and their allies clashed severely injuring all parties involved. This gave the police a chance to harshly take down the crimelords. It has been a few months since then, and while the Police have been mopping up the remaining gang members new more subtle groups have started to take over the recently abandoned territory.

Yeah, I remember you brought up the Academy RP before. I wish you the best of luck with that one Gideon. You have very good titles for both roleplays. Historical roleplays and those dealing with political intrigue are not my area of strength (or interest) sadly =(. If you are looking for advice maybe someone else here had had experience with those.

If you ever do something painfully dramatic with lots of explosions and high-tech/high-ability powers/people, I would be interested in looking at that.

I'm guessing those are dice based rpgs? I've never played those before, but i've heard of the concept of shadowrun before. It's similar to what I had in mind, but not exactly


Who needs a meteo spell when you can throw a literal meteor at your foes. 

@White Masquerade

  All in all, I was thinking of a fantasy-in-real-life kinda thing. No hero, no kisses of true love, lycanthropy is a mental disease. This may  fall under magical realism, oh-so slightly.


A literal Meteor? I would go teleportation or warping instead, cause I like being quick and agile. Pure, brute-force destruction is not my style. Which I find very interesting, Dullahan. It looks like we have a different take and different tastes on power. That is very cool. When you have time, would you mind taking a test for me? It's a really good one I've come across while browsing the internet. I always forget my results, but they're usually classes that are quick and unassuming with a deadly precision.

Could you post your results?

This test to take is also a nod to everyone who reads. If you take it and want to share your results so we can talk about it, go for it. It would certainly be something fun to do for a while.

---- As for your idea, give us a snippet of what you have so far and then we could probably help from there.


Apfel, I would like to personally ask you take this test and tell me what you get as well.
Such a long quiz lol. But I finished it.

Basically, pacifist healer/martial artist with a bit of a dark edge in certain circumstances. Pretty accurate, though I'd say my archery skills are better than my martial arts skills in real life (though I did study Tai Chi at one point). Ah well, transformation and transmutation are nice perks.

I do like the concept of mixing healer and martial artist classes, since in most digital rpgs the healer class is usually the weakest (I guess that's because you're supposed to heal yourself  ¬¬ ). I do always go for the healing class, but it's never much fun to always be the support class, so including martial arts and some additional magic makes for a class that's more enjoyable than what I typically expect from healing classes.. Personally, I think my ideal class would be a necromancer martial artist, but I suppose that would be excessively OP :P
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Pers'nally I'm going to mine all the possible results to construct less poorly assembled versions for my own projects.

Actually, speaking of martial artists, Apfel, I've got this RP...
I had a rp idea, lets call it Prodigies of the Fallen, for now, it would be about young talented criminals, whose mentors were recently killed and have teamed up to take down those who were responsible for their mentors deaths. There would be explosions and drama there.

I also had a Metahuman rp called Once We were Villains. The name i think gives a general idea, you would be a former villain who left this massive powerful villain organization but now you are back, or something.

Test results:

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