Story Mode Network

I've been reading for as long as I remember, starting with Charlotte's Web around the age of 4.  I always have one or two books with bookmarks in them within arm's reach, and a digital book open in a tab. 
I've been reading for as long as I remember, starting with Charlotte's Web around the age of 4.  I always have one or two books with bookmarks in them within arm's reach, and a digital book open in a tab. 

Wow. Good on you for staying on track. I started out the same way. I loved books and reading, but somewhere along the road I lost the habit =/. I still remember my favorite ones. Could never understand how simple words  n a page, could create a stunning picture in your mind of what's going on. Amazing. Keep it up! I hope to hop back on that soon.

For everyone else who might be reading the OOC, the latest proposal to be approved is now up and open. If you want to have a look and participate, it can be found here: 

Hello again! Did not give a good impression, lol. You happened to join while I was extremely busy, so sorry for that. Here is your official from me to you.

Welcome to Story Mode, Zenaida! You have already left your introduction and I enjoyed what I read =P. You can read about the rest of us there in that same thread. Being active every day is not required here, but checking in from time to time would be appreciated. I remove those who I don't see for a long time because what the group does, depends on how many vote for, or against, what we put up. Having a non-active or no longer interested person messes the voting up.

So if you have something you want to suggest for the group to do, don't be shy or hesitate. Post it up and we will let you know what we think. Don't be scared to chat with us either. Besides Grey and Reinhardt, there's no one you need to worry about  :x .

Any questions, ask me. If no questions, have a great rest of your day.
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WHat do you mean by maintain?

As in keep one running, not quite longest ran for a few months, shortest was a few weeks.
WHat do you mean by maintain?

As in keep one running, not quite longest ran for a few months, shortest was a few weeks.

Maintain as in keep it going. The idea is good. The main struggle you might have is keeping it going. Are you prepared to make a boatload of lore for it? xD. But I guess the real question is how long do you want it to last? If not too long (1 month?), then you won't have much issue/things to do. It looks good.


And you said in the introduction, you had a languishing Quest? Did you want to elaborate on that for us?
Sorry about that.

Hiya! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ Several of you already know me buuuut here we go anyway. My name's Zenaida (Duh) but you guys can call me Zen, I guess.

Zen, that's funny. The founder of my other roleplaying forum is ZenWarrior54, or just Zen.

If I were to describe myself with a word it'd be dreamer. I like spending a lot of time in my head, planning stories I don't actually write...mostly due to laziness.

Lol me too, also because I think if I tried to write an individual story I'd do a really crappy job at it (though I have heard otherwise).

I'm a history buff (or at least call myself one) and I enjoy studying history and mythology.

If you enjoy talking literature, animation/anime/cartoons, independent/foreign film (particularly Bollywood or Hong Kong films), history, video games, or any kind of art, we'll likely get along splendidly.

I'm interested in history and mythology, though I'd like to know more history then I do now. I'm reading a Norse Mythology book right now from a series I've recently gotten interested in. It was called something like "The World's Greatest Myths and Legends".

I'm a big reader, and some of my favorite books off the top of my head are Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, Wereworld, Fablehaven, and Icefall.

I'm actually pretty new to anime and I still have only watched one. Back on my old forum we started a fandom called Sanctum, which was based off of Fate/Zero, and Fate/Zero is the anime I watched. There's been a lot of Sanctum spin-offs on the forum since then. On that forum I'm currently working on one, which is a Sci-Fi Sanctum under the working (possibly permanent) name of Sanctum/Science.

Some of the video games I do are World of Warcraft and Wizard101 (don't judge me - I'm not the only older player on there). I've done Sims 3 but haven't lately due to the lack of a non-virus-filled computer that can accept disks. I'm interested in Skyrim, but never managed to play it since I haven't gotten a disk and my sisters won't share theirs despite having two already. 
Hello everyone, I am, well you can call me whatever you want, a derivation of my screen name (Mr. G, Gideon, Gid, etc) or something else as long as nobody would take offense at it.

Why all these name coincidences? There's a second Zen, and now a user named after my orc character in the roleplay Huntic.
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Haha, wish there were more hours in the day so everything could be tried, eh? I haven't played Skyrim either, but it sounds really fun to the people that speak of it. I did play Morrow Wind, so I am familiar with the game-play! If they built upon that, then it's sure to be good. I am semi-new to anime but have caught up reaally fast. There are a few mainstream series I haven't seen though. I don't think I'll get around to that however. What's cool about it is even though it's cartoonish, there are a lot of mature series that have a really good storyline. Not extensive as say something like Harry Potter, but it's decent for a review. Rather than an intricate world, anime focuses on an intricate experience/snapshot in time, and I think that's a viable way of good story-telling. If you don't watch anymore, I would suggest Hunter x Hunter (2011). It is the BEST anime I've seen. The content is varied and mature, without all that cheesy stuff a lot of others have.

Norse Mythology. (Don't yell at me if I'm wrong). Odin. Thor. Baldur. Fenrir. Yggdrasil the Earth tree, Hel, and the creatures that inhabit different realms? I've dabbled in it before. Seems very interesting. I think I great RP can be done on that. There was a Quest I was doing on Greek Mythology, and Norse Mythology actually came in a close second. Went with Greek because Quests were new and it was more mainstream =P

For the post-destroying, I know what you mean. Some things you just have to swallow and start back from square one again. I mean, it's been 1 month since the update? Imagine if you spent that whole month crying over spilled milk? Missed out on a lot of catchup.



I'm interested in history and mythology, though I'd like to know more history then I do now. I'm reading a Norse Mythology book right now from a series I've recently gotten interested in. It was called something like "The World's Greatest Myths and Legends".

I'm a big reader, and some of my favorite books off the top of my head are Harry Potter, The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, Wereworld, Fablehaven, and Icefall.

I'm actually pretty new to anime and I still have only watched one. Back on my old forum we started a fandom called Sanctum, which was based off of Fate/Zero, and Fate/Zero is the anime I watched. There's been a lot of Sanctum spin-offs on the forum since then. On that forum I'm currently working on one, which is a Sci-Fi Sanctum under the working (possibly permanent) name of Sanctum/Science.

Some of the video games I do are World of Warcraft and Wizard101 (don't judge me - I'm not the only older player on there). I've done Sims 3 but haven't lately due to the lack of a non-virus-filled computer that can accept disks. I'm interested in Skyrim, but never managed to play it since I haven't gotten a disk and my sisters won't share theirs despite having two already. 

I'm mostly familiar with Egyptian and Indian mythology, but I do know a little about Norse mythology ^_^

I'm familiar with the first three books you mentioned, but I've never read the others. I'll have to check them out when I get time. If you're a fan of fantasy books though, I'd definitely recommend checking out Lloyd Alexander's Prydain Chronicles if you haven't already. My personal favorite author is Terry Pratchett though ;)  He writes satire and has a very extensively developed fantasy world that I love  :x

I've actually never seen Fate/Zero, but it's on my to watch list since my cousin keeps saying that I should be watching it. I need to finish watching RWBY first since my other cousin reeeeeally wants me to get into it. (I keep getting distracted from watching it by dumb comedy anime though lol. Comedic anime is on of my preferred ways to unwind)

I've never played WoW or Wizard101, but I have played a few other MMORPGs. My first ever was Runescape, and then more recently I played Dream of Mirror Online (the servers were shut down and I stopped though) and Maplestory. I'm kinda anime loving trash, so I'm drawn to the games with more of an anime aesthetic to them. I've also played Sims 3 though, and I get Sims 4 a few months ago (which has pretty much eaten most of my time). Most of the games I've played lately are life simulators or otome games, but there's a few other franchises that do adventure, rpg, or puzzle games that I avidly follow. Skyrim is one of the games I've wanted to play, but my brother owns it and he wouldn't let me play his copy, so I didn't end up ever trying it. It seems like a lot of fun though.

Okay, so I will ask 1 question about Maplestory then shut up, so I don't derail myself. What class did you like? I played Crossbowman/Sniper.

Okay, so I will ask 1 question about Maplestory then shut up, so I don't derail myself. What class did you like? I played Crossbowman/Sniper.

I had two characters lol. My first was a spirit walker (Kanna) who was super fun to play and also pretty convenient since MP recovers itself. My other class was a cleric/bishop/whatever they're called, which is usually my preferred class, but it was super hard to level up and also hard to fight alone since the other classes of the same level were always significantly stronger. So out of the two, I'd say that the spirit walker class was the most fun.
If you don't watch anymore, I would suggest Hunter x Hunter (2011). It is the BEST anime I've seen. The content is varied and mature, without all that cheesy stuff a lot of others have.

I'll check it out. Is it on Netflix or Amazon Prime (preferably Netflix)? That's where I watch most of my shows.

Norse Mythology. (Don't yell at me if I'm wrong). Odin. Thor. Baldur. Fenrir. Yggdrasil the Earth tree, Hel, and the creatures that inhabit different realms? I've dabbled in it before. Seems very interesting. I think I great RP can be done on that. There was a Quest I was doing on Greek Mythology, and Norse Mythology actually came in a close second. Went with Greek because Quests were new and it was more mainstream =P

The vikings borrowed a surprising amount from Greek Mythology and adapted it to fit their whims. 

Fast Facts:

  • Odin is the equivalent of Zeus, the ruler of Asgard. Asgard is basically the equivalent of Olympus. He spent nine days and nine nights hanging from Yggdrasil by his neck to earn the gift of reading runes that made him omniscient. 
  • Thor is very similar to Zeus power-wise, and is the son of Odin. He is the strongest god, and controls lightning and thunder.
  • Loki is either the adopted son or brother of Odin (mythologists are unclear of which), and he's a frost giant. He's the god of mischief, and is an antihero/antivillain, as he switches sides often to his own benefit.
  • Fenrir is a giant wolf and is one of Loki's kids, and was bound with special chains/special ribbon (mythologists are unclear on which). He is prophesied to break free on Ragnarok (the end of the world), where Fenrir and Vioarr (Norse god of vengeance) will kill each other.
  • Yggdrasil is the tree connecting all the Nine Worlds, also known as the World Tree.
  • Hel is the guardian of Helheim. Anyone who dies of disease or natural causes goes here, but if you are killed in battle, you get the honor of going to Odin's hall, Valhalla.
I'm mostly familiar with Egyptian and Indian mythology, but I do know a little about Norse mythology

I don't know much about Indian Mythology, can you list some Fast Facts like I did? As for Egyptian, I know a little bit about that, like the creation story and some of the gods.

I'm familiar with the first three books you mentioned, but I've never read the others. I'll have to check them out when I get time. If you're a fan of fantasy books though, I'd definitely recommend checking out Lloyd Alexander's Prydain Chronicles if you haven't already. My personal favorite author is Terry Pratchett though ;)  He writes satire and has a very extensively developed fantasy world that I love  :x

I'll check those out!

I've actually never seen Fate/Zero, but it's on my to watch list since my cousin keeps saying that I should be watching it. I need to finish watching RWBY first since my other cousin reeeeeally wants me to get into it.

Fate/Zero is really good. 

I've also played Sims 3 though, and I get Sims 4 a few months ago (which has pretty much eaten most of my time). Most of the games I've played lately are life simulators or otome games, but there's a few other franchises that do adventure, rpg, or puzzle games that I avidly follow.

Skyrim is one of the games I've wanted to play, but my brother owns it and he wouldn't let me play his copy, so I didn't end up ever trying it. It seems like a lot of fun though.

We don't have Sims 4, but the avatar creation seems like something I wouldn't like as much.

We have that in common, don't we? Siblings that just won't share their Skyrim disks.

Yuuup. That's the mythology! Really interesting stuff. Valkyries,'s all coming back to me =). Hunter x Hunter 2011 IS on Netflix. Whether they have the whole series, not sure, but they have most of it right now.
I don't know much about Indian Mythology, can you list some Fast Facts like I did? As for Egyptian, I know a little bit about that, like the creation story and some of the gods.

I don't really have a bunch of facts, it's more that I could tell you about certain Gods/Goddesses or mythological creatures if you asked me about them. I mean, I'd say that my favorite stories would be the story about the goddess Kali being calmed down from her murderous rampage when the god Shiva lays down beneath her and she steps on him (the alternative version is that Shiva lays before her to receive her grace). I also like the stories about Sita, and I read a lot about the part where she was sent away after her purity was called into question to live in exile while pregnant, and how she raised her two sons. I like reading about the women especially since they often have such interesting stories ^_^  Actually, that reminds me of all the cool stories I read about the Arthur legends and the badass female characters in some of those stories. There's a lot of interesting legends and myths that make really great stories.

We don't have Sims 4, but the avatar creation seems like something I wouldn't like as much.

We have that in common, don't we? Siblings that just won't share their Skyrim disks.

I don't like that they took out color customization, but the stylized look is actually fairly easy to get used to. I do like that one can modify the physical frame and facial features a lot easier in Sims 4. The main think I like about it is that the life simulator part of it is a bit more fun to watch, but if you're super attached to how much variety you can have with outfit customization I'd definitely stick with Sims 3, since it is a really great game for that.

My brother rarely shares any of his games at all, but to be fair I don't either xD We have this weird sort of unspoken rule of "if it's my game, you're not allowed to beat it before I do", which is why I have yet to beat Wind Waker lol.

Yuuup. That's the mythology! Really interesting stuff. Valkyries,'s all coming back to me =). Hunter x Hunter 2011 IS on Netflix. Whether they have the whole series, not sure, but they have most of it right now.

Only the first 100 is on Netflix. The other 48 you must find elsewhere. @Riuma
Pan-Indian mythology is a subject dear to my heart, but I can more readily call to mind the broader theology and interactions between various Hindu and Buddhist offshoots. 

Only the first 100 is on Netflix.

Wait - are you guys saying this anime has 148 episodes total?

That seems excessive. 
Pan-Indian mythology is a subject dear to my heart, but I can more readily call to mind the broader theology and interactions between various Hindu and Buddhist offshoots. 

Wait - are you guys saying this anime has 148 episodes total?

That seems excessive. 

A lot of shows have lots more then 148 episodes. Is this just long for an anime?
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I dunno - I'm used to British television, where we tend to keep things to six or twelve episodes, four or five seasons max.  There are some exceptions, like Doctor Who and other things intended for sale to the USA, or Coronation Street which is honesty more like a tradition by this point. 

I pers'nally find that quality suffers when a show goes on that long, but perhaps I just haven't met a long-running show I like. 
I dunno - I'm used to British television, where we tend to keep things to six or twelve episodes, four or five seasons max.  There are some exceptions, like Doctor Who and other things intended for sale to the USA, or Coronation Street which is honesty more like a tradition by this point. 

I pers'nally find that quality suffers when a show goes on that long, but perhaps I just haven't met a long-running show I like. 

What long-running shows have you seen?

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