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So i was reading a chinese web novel and got tge idea for a Dystopian Cyberpunk Noir futuristic rp with evil companies, cybernetics, alien races and Espers

Wow, that's a bunch of story themes thrown together, lol. That does sound fun, but how are you going to put that together o.O? Half an RP is the set-up, and that sounds really, really hard to set up.
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Sounds like CthuluTech. 

Cyberpunk is inherently dystopian and necessarily futuristic, so there's deceptive redundancy to that list.  Noir goes pretty well with cyberpunk, though.

It's integrating aliens and espers that things get complicated. Although Eclipse Phase manages it pretty well.

Basically, the idea is way easier to do than it sounds like, but I'd question the necessity of a lot of those elements. 
You got me Grey. I will believe you when you say it's easier than it sounds =P.

What's Cthulu and peoples' fascination with it by the way? Never heard of it before.
You got me Grey. I will believe you when you say it's easier than it sounds =P.

What's Cthulu and peoples' fascination with it by the way? Never heard of it before.

I am going to play a game of DOTA and then explain this for you in great detail. 
I Added dystopian and futuristic, because although it is redundant it can still give a general idea.

The futuristic was als because often i have seen cyberpunk mostly on Earth, this rp will take place on another planet in the Milky way. Earth will have been destroyed due to corporate greed and they made a way to create Espers, normally they are born with a few exceptions.

I am doing a detailed general history then will do the hook after.

Though mhy next/current rp is D&D style fantasy, i will take a break and am planning Welcome to Terra,(working title) in advance.
I Added dystopian and futuristic, because although it is redundant it can still give a general idea.

The futuristic was als because often i have seen cyberpunk mostly on Earth, this rp will take place on another planet in the Milky way. Earth will have been destroyed due to corporate greed and they made a way to create Espers, normally they are born with a few exceptions.

I am doing a detailed general history then will do the hook after.

Though mhy next/current rp is D&D style fantasy, i will take a break and am planning Welcome to Terra,(working title) in advance.


Good luck O.o

Let me know how it goes when you complete it.
IT should get some interest as there is currently demand for cjaracter ft (future tech, futuristic here) rps, and noir as well.
IT should get some interest as there is currently demand for cjaracter ft (future tech, futuristic here) rps, and noir as well.

Is this on RpN or your other site? You can link your other work if you still wanted by the way. I have no issue with that.
I keep joining roleplays that turn out to have very low standards for characters and it makes me sad :(

Anyone have any suggestions for a rule of thumb I can apply that can help me avoid this? I seem to have terrible luck (or just no skill when it comes to discerning standards before the rp is created lol)
I keep joining roleplays that turn out to have very low standards for characters and it makes me sad :(

Anyone have any suggestions for a rule of thumb I can apply that can help me avoid this? I seem to have terrible luck (or just no skill when it comes to discerning standards before the rp is created lol)

Don't join until you see how well they make their characters. State your interest then lurk for while. If things are good, then that's the time to come in.

Or, you could try asking the GM on their standards.
Don't join until you see how well they make their characters. State your interest then lurk for while. If things are good, then that's the time to come in.

Or, you could try asking the GM on their standards.

Well I usually wait a little bit for a couple people to make characters, and those will seem fine. Then after I finish my cs, someone comes in and create a really overpowered character with a cs riddled with grammar mistakes and improper word choice and the GM comes back with "wow! So awesome". Then I crawl under the blankets to despair lol

That is a good piece of advice in general though. And asking the GM makes sense, though I wouldn't be sure how to do that politely. I don't want the GM to think that I assume they have low standards when they don't. (I'm pretty cowardly just in general too, so I need a good way of phrasing something before I'm confident enough to say it :P )
Here you go, Apfel. And of course, anyone here is welcome to join or critique if they see fit.
[SIZE= inherit]someone comes in and create a really overpowered character with a cs riddled with grammar mistakes and improper word choice and the GM comes back with "wow! So awesome". Then I crawl under the blankets to despair lol[/SIZE]

Holy shit, lol. I used to be just like that years ago. Learned a lesson the hard way. RP got destroyed by these OP nonsensical characters.

In that case, try to talk with the GM and the creator regarding the sheet. Maybe they are memeing, or maybe the guy has special priviledges. Let them justify the character's approval. If they can't do it, or they spout some bullshit like "it's k i won't be op in rp", then respectfully say your farewell and leave.

Things will go horribly bad there, and I'm sure as hell you don't want to be there.

That is a good piece of advice in general though. And asking the GM makes sense, though I wouldn't be sure how to do that politely. I don't want the GM to think that I assume they have low standards when they don't. (I'm pretty cowardly just in general too, so I need a good way of phrasing something before I'm confident enough to say it :P )

Thanks, bud.

I used to be some timid guy too. It takes a while to get used to, but you have to speak your mind. Of course, in a very appropriate manner. It's bad to cause some ruckus in the internet - shit's a fucking hellhole.
Man, if only I had some knowledge on dice, or at least effort to learn it. 

By the way, Grey, how are you able to craft a dice system that works well? Is it difficult to do? I was planning to try and make one, then I came upon C:DA and just lost hope. 
I'm definitely excited to try, even though I don't really know much about dice. It's going to take some planning though (and tomorrow is my 10hr day so... that's going to delay me a bit). It'll definitely be a fun change of pace from what I normally do, and except for certain parts of the week I've got lots of time to work things out, so I'm feeling rather hopeful that I'll  do alright :)
Holy shit, lol. I used to be just like that years ago. Learned a lesson the hard way. RP got destroyed by these OP nonsensical characters.

In that case, try to talk with the GM and the creator regarding the sheet. Maybe they are memeing, or maybe the guy has special priviledges. Let them justify the character's approval. If they can't do it, or they spout some bullshit like "it's k i won't be op in rp", then respectfully say your farewell and leave.

Things will go horribly bad there, and I'm sure as hell you don't want to be there.

Thanks, bud.

I used to be some timid guy too. It takes a while to get used to, but you have to speak your mind. Of course, in a very appropriate manner. It's bad to cause some ruckus in the internet - shit's a fucking hellhole.

Lol I probably don't want to be in an rp like that but.... my characters for that particular rp turned out really well, and I'm not sure when I'll get to use them next, so I'm stubbornly remaining even though I know it's going to be rather.... unrestrained. (This is probably my problem. I get myself invested way too heavily no matter what it is :P )

I think if it was just one person with a character sheet that was ridiculous, I'd point it out. Though maybe I should point out the one that ripped off my character's occupation (my character is a CEO who owns an international company that has a monopoly is several vital industries. This other person's owns a bunch of companies, including most of the media companies, among other things. Plus he finds running it all "boring" because of how easy it is. That just... urrrrrrgh. It really frustrates me. Oh well.) I don't want to complain too much, since it is their rp and I don't want to ruin everyone's fun, but having someone copy me (and make their character inherently more successful than mine when they could have chosen a multitude of other occupations to have their character be excessively competent at instead).

Honestly, my problems all really just come down to me being too timid and internalizing all my frustration. Sorry to be ranting so much  :/
Though maybe I should point out the one that ripped off my character's occupation (my character is a CEO who owns an international company that has a monopoly is several vital industries. This other person's owns a bunch of companies, including most of the media companies, among other things. Plus he finds running it all "boring" because of how easy it is. That just... urrrrrrgh. It really frustrates me. Oh well.) I don't want to complain too much, since it is their rp and I don't want to ruin everyone's fun, but having someone copy me (and make their character inherently more successful than mine when they could have chosen a multitude of other occupations to have their character be excessively competent at instead).

It doesn't matter whoever the hell they are. You conjured the idea, the character. It is your own intellectual property. Try to talk about it with them. Maybe they got the idea before you did, maybe they DID see your CS and take it as an inspiration for theirs, or worse, you know what. The justification is what matter here. Make it known that you will not let yourself be used for petty reasons like copying cs, etc.

Honestly, my problems all really just come down to me being too timid and internalizing all my frustration. Sorry to be ranting so much  :/

It's alright, really. But you should try to voice out your opinion, else you'll have a difficult time.
Well once my rl calms down i may start an rp here. But for now my rps will stay ony my other site.

Starts at that link.

Yikes, that's the trap I don't want to get involved in. No offense intended. I brought it up on the forum a long time ago. Fantasy roleplays are a little too complicated. It's a conundrum. I would like to join in a good fantasy RP, but I don't necessarily need to know a lot of the things in the lore. The Lore though, is what makes a good fantasy RP. I checked through your link and saw a comment about whether they had gas-lit streetlamps. =/. I don't mean to knock world-building, but does something like that really matter in the grand scheme of things? The BEST and most comfortable world-building I've seen, didn't actually focus on having a lot of variety. It focused on nuance. Instead of 20 different races to choose from, there'd be three races each with their own particular differences WITHIN that race. I dunno it's just tiring, if you understand me? I would be more shocked and interested in a fantasy RP that only had 1 race. A lot of things are cookie-cutter to me =/.


I would suggest to look at the GM's previous roleplays. You also need to stop filling in the blanks and just look at the blanks. Say you see a promising roleplay with a few decent NPC and nice premise on something you care about. This is where you need to stop. What happens here, is you start fantasizing about good it's going to be. You start to anticipate more characters, great users joining, and the unraveling of a stellar plot. You imagine how the roleplay could be, instead of seeing what the roleplay is. This is what lets you down. Does the GM even know what they're doing? Who actually made a character already? Who has joined so far? IS there actual lore written to the RP?

^ That's what you have to ask yourself. See what is actually there in the RP. Don't listen to the GM when they hype things up and promise a lot. That's not to say they're lying, just that is a very real thing where RPing the idea in your head, is tons more fun than doing it for real. Watch to make sure the actions match up with what they say.
It doesn't matter whoever the hell they are. You conjured the idea, the character. It is your own intellectual property. Try to talk about it with them. Maybe they got the idea before you did, maybe they DID see your CS and take it as an inspiration for theirs, or worse, you know what. The justification is what matter here. Make it known that you will not let yourself be used for petty reasons like copying cs, etc.

It's alright, really. But you should try to voice out your opinion, else you'll have a difficult time.

They both expressed interest in and entered the roleplay days after I'd made my character so... yeah I guess either they didn't see it or they're the sort of person who responds to a character being highly successful with "oh yeah? Well my character can do that and these other things, and it's all easy for them, so they're the best". I don't usually like to jump to the worst conclusion, but I'm in a grumpy mood because I spent hours filling out all the quizzes I needed to get an online certification for a class I'm in, so I was already irritated before they made their character. I'm probably being unfair to them, but honestly you're right that I should be saying it if it bothers me. Even if I'm wrong, it gives them the chance to sort it out right? Now I've just got to work up the nerve lol. I should probably sleep on it at least, since I tend to be excessively snarky when I'm tired/overworked. Overall it's best to approach situations in as pleasant and unassuming a manner as possible :)  I'll definitely take your advice to heart though.
Dice are far less complicated than people imagine. Once you're past character creation, there's a lot less to worry about in most systems. And for this specific RP I've offered to handle the mechanics of making a character for people who are new, as long as they can tell me broadly what they want.

By the way, Grey, how are you able to craft a dice system that works well? Is it difficult to do?

Yes. Especially if you don't immerse yourself in learning through practice. Before you start, you really need to play a little in one or two systems, then ideally run a couple yourself, then read lots of systems you'll probably never get to play. Then when you do start work on your own, show it to everyone who plays and/or runs RPGs regularly, then playtest it with both experienced players and complete newbs, analyze their feedback, and try to iterate on it. 

And when you've done that for couple of years, you'll know enough that the iteration cycles get faster and have more functional systems sooner.

It is always easier to find an existing professional quality system and modify that a little if it doesn't work fine as-is. 
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I would suggest to look at the GM's previous roleplays. You also need to stop filling in the blanks and just look at the blanks. Say you see a promising roleplay with a few decent NPC and nice premise on something you care about. This is where you need to stop. What happens here, is you start fantasizing about good it's going to be. You start to anticipate more characters, great users joining, and the unraveling of a stellar plot. You imagine how the roleplay could be, instead of seeing what the roleplay is. This is what lets you down. Does the GM even know what they're doing? Who actually made a character already? Who has joined so far? IS there actual lore written to the RP?

^ That's what you have to ask yourself. See what is actually there in the RP. Don't listen to the GM when they hype things up and promise a lot. That's not to say they're lying, just that is a very real thing where RPing the idea in your head, is tons more fun than doing it for real. Watch to make sure the actions match up with what they say.

Yeah you're pretty spot on. Plus, I quickly conceive of a character and get invested, even before making the actual decision to join (and then having an idea for a character makes me even more inclined to join something I otherwise wouldn't). I'm fairly adept at conceiving characters for some reason, so that happens pretty often. I think that ends up leading to me ignoring some red flags (like the GM wanting to fill all the "roles"  or the GM waiting for everyone to create a character before starting, which suggests that they're incentivized to just accept anyone who can get the position filled).

I also tend to assume that if they encourage my ideas that they have good taste. (That makes me sound like such a narcissist lol, but it's more that I don't suggest an idea unless I think it's really good and fits within the established lore created by the GM.) It's a bit of a reality check when my suggestion of adding nuance to the villains' motivations is on the same level as someone suggesting to have all the villains turn good and fight an external force as the antagonist instead (so that everyone is on their own side). Though actually in that respect, it's kind of eye opening to join these rps. I need to have my ego punctured or I might actually start thinking I'm good at something lol.

Your explanation is really insightful though, things don't always match up to the hype, and they're even less likely to do so when I imagine how great it's going to be. I'm a bit of a daydreamer, so it's hard not to do that, but I think if I'm more conscious of that it should hel. Thanks :D

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