Story Mode Network

Alright, first of all, the interest check itself. After I'll ask some world-building questions inspired by the check.

Many many eons ago, a god ruled over the immaterial realm. The god's name was Azaroth, and to his service there were many angels and lesser creatures which still held immeasurable power.

How does this information affect my ability to create a character for the RP?

Many of them were Ultipotent, which resulted in years of lessons by Azaroth, the only Omnipotent.

How does this information affect my ability to create a character for the RP? How does anyone know this? For what reasons were lessons necessary? It it possible to become omnipotent with instruction?

One day, Khitio, one of the nearest angels to Azaroth, asked himself something. "Why do I have to bow before Azaroth?". Azaroth, indignated by Khitio's thought, decided to punish him, taking away his omnipotence and granting him Ultipotence only, something gave to the lesser angels.

Alright, so this implies weaknesses on Azaroth's part. Khitio definitely seems more sympathetic. It does, however, muddy the waters and contradict the part about Azaroth being the only omnipotent one, and if others are omnipotent, can they not challenge Azaroth as equals? There's also no real sense of an angelic hierarchy beyond this. I think if this is informaton to be included, it might need more context. Further, is this absolute fact or fiction within the setting? Do characters know any of this? Should we be uncertain as to the truth of any of this?

And also, how does this information affect my ability to create a character for the RP? 

Khitio, enraged, decided to get on his side as much angels as he could, clashing against his ultimate father, in a war that mortals nowadays call "The Celestial Terror".  Ultimately, Khitio lost the war, and all of his allies and himself were thrown on Terra, the main planet and the biggest one of the galaxy, where humanity resides.

If Azaroth is omnipotent, how was this even a contest? Why did he not simply destroy the rebels? What is a 'main planet'? Is the rest of the galaxy relevant? Are their more races than humanity? Why would Azaroth, in his omnipotence, send his wayward children here instead of a dead planet at the edge of the universe? Is there any universe beyond the galaxy?

How does this information affect my ability to create a character for the RP? 

Khitio, even more enraged by his father's act, decided to tamper with Azaroth's most beloved mortals, the humans. He and his now demonic legion started to slaughter and genocide humans, but Azaroth's, not being able to intervene directly, decided to give the mortals a tool to defeat them

Is being demonic a spiritual reality or a political affiliation? Why couldn't Azaroth, the omnipotent, intervene directly? If the metal was so divine and shaped by Azaroth's Fist, how do humans work it into weapons? Could he not have given them the weapons?

However, their immortal bodies were too powerful to be defeated, and Azaroth intervened again. The only way that the humans could defeat Khitio was trapping his spawns in Necrontyr Coffins, that would lock them and, trough godly and holy power, drain them of their energy, killing them.  But Khitio was too strong to simply be drained, and thus Azaroth himself, to preserve life on Terra, locked him in an immensely powerful coffin, made out of the same material, that could only be opened by his direct hier, or by the blood of a god.

Didn't Azaroth, as omnipotent creator, know that weapons would be insufficient? Did he give humans the coffins, or teach them to make them? This seems like a lot of intervention. Especially directly locking Khitio in a coffin. Why did he do that on Terra, when he could have cast it into space? Why did he make it possible to open at all? Is there some long game related to released Khitio in this? Azaroth seems like a sinister and untrustworthy god to me.

Thousands of years after the Celestial Terror, Azaroth spent a steamy night with a Human Queen and from this act, a Demi-god bloodline has been created. The two twins of the Queen, respectively a prince and a princess were the most powerful beings in the land, with almost god-like powers to grant wealth and peace to their kingdom.

Why did he do that? Was he intentionally creating the conditions for Khitio's freedom? What powers do the demigods have? How do these ensure peace and prosperity?

Today, in the 41st Millennia (In human years, one millennia is ten thousand years), the last blood-descendant of the godly hier, Kiphina the Merciful rules over Terra alongside her sons and advisors in peace and prosperity. In the same year, a large clan of powerful Dark Wizards have discovered the truth about Khitio and the Dark Tomb (The name of the temple where Khitio is locked in), and have decided to free the Demon King. But all alone? They couldn't. Only one being is known to be able to open the coffin, and they were the most important person on Terra. The Clan, in desperation of finding a way to free their dark overlord, kidnapped the queen and went on a journey to find the Dark Tomb.

A millennium is one-thousand years.

Many problems with this part. If all is peace and prosperity, why do Dark Wizards exist? Where do they get their power? Are there light wizards? Other forms of magic? If the queen is a demigod surrounded by loyal servants, how did they kidnap her? Why can't she free herself? Why do they want to free Khitio? He may have valid grievances with Azaroth, but he's no friend to humanity. How did they recover all this lost knowledge?

Finally - who are the player characters?

What is the culture of Terra like?

What is the technology like?

Why are the player characters involved?

I think you'd have a much stronger interest check if you focused on presenting what is unique and interesting about your world, and gave people an idea of the cool or interesting characters they could make. I think you should leave all the ancient god-battles out; focus on the actual events of the moment.

Your queen has been kidnapped! By whom, and for what reason? Who are the heroes who set out to save her? 

And then the players can discover all the mystical stuff as they try to save their queen.

Because right now, from where I'm sitting, there isn't any mystery to solve or anything interesting about the world. The queen was kidnapped by generic baddies to release the ultimate baddie because they're baddies. I have no idea if I could be a wizard or a warrior or a gun-mage. I don't know if we're meant to be playing the dark wizards, even - you could very easily have them be the real heroes, because Azaroth seems like a horrible god and maybe Khitio has a point. I mean, for all I know the story of Khitio's exile was written by Azaroth to make him look bad.

I'm not saying give up, mind you. I'm not saying 'this has been done before, so don't'. I'm saying you should develop the idea much further, because there's practically nothing there to hang a story from. There isn't even anything to base characters on. 

This is all work someone will have to do if you get interest, whether your or your players.  Better to do the work now and guarantee more interest. 
^ Holy...


Haha, the title is fine. Just that people will get defensive before even reading your blog entry. And no need to dissect your GM'ing! I don't know if you still think about what happened, but if you do, don't!

Haha, the title is fine. Just that people will get defensive before even reading your blog entry. And no need to dissect your GM'ing! I don't know if you still think about what happened, but if you do, don't!

I think about it every time I start considering GMing a new rp, which is why I haven't done it since then XP Ah well, I do intend to at some  point, but I've still got a degree of uncertainty that makes me want to try very hard to get it right. It's both a blessing and a curse in that way.
A generic answer to all the questions that imply on Azaroth not being a good god.

Omnipotent or First God is NOT equal to benevolent. He gives tools to mankind to defeat Khitio so that his toy won't be broken by his spoiled son.

Let's move on to the other questions.

How does this information affect my ability to create a character for the RP?

Most of the information here is backstory to the universe, so I will skip all of these ^ questions.

How does anyone know this? For what reasons were lessons necessary? It it possible to become omnipotent with instruction?

The lessons were NECESSARY because Ultipotence does not grant Omniscence and Omnipresence. Which means that the angels with Ultipotence do not know how to use their power due to the lack of omniscence (Knowledge of all that is past, present and future.)

Alright, so this implies weaknesses on Azaroth's part. Khitio definitely seems more sympathetic. It does, however, muddy the waters and contradict the part about Azaroth being the only omnipotent one, and if others are omnipotent, can they not challenge Azaroth as equals? There's also no real sense of an angelic hierarchy beyond this. I think if this is informaton to be included, it might need more context. Further, is this absolute fact or fiction within the setting? Do characters know any of this? Should we be uncertain as to the truth of any of this?

As I said, Azaroth does not HAVE to be benevolent, and I have the habit to write plots in character (AKA what people know by books and shit IC) As Azaroth is considered the one and only god of this world, people worship him and consider all GOOD sait about him as absolute fact, this however does NOT mean that IT IS. It did happen lots and lots of years ago and as you said, the waters are moody. And as I said before, people don't really know the difference between Omnipotence and other kinds of godly powers, so every kind of religious authority that is not informed on the thing writes down on holy scriptures that all angels were omnipotent, whether it was true or not.

If Azaroth is omnipotent, how was this even a contest? Why did he not simply destroy the rebels? What is a 'main planet'? Is the rest of the galaxy relevant? Are their more races than humanity? Why would Azaroth, in his omnipotence, send his wayward children here instead of a dead planet at the edge of the universe? Is there any universe beyond the galaxy?

By main planet, I mean that it is the most populated and biggest one. And as I said, Azaroth doesn't intervene because he wants to enjoy his numerous toys and wants to see his spoiled sons and his small toys clash each other, for shits and giggles. About the last question, that is up to the main characters to discover.

Is being demonic a spiritual reality or a political affiliation? Why couldn't Azaroth, the omnipotent, intervene directly? If the metal was so divine and shaped by Azaroth's Fist, how do humans work it into weapons? Could he not have given them the weapons?

Demonic mostly means a political affiliation, and how the former angels decide to use their power and how to shape their appearances. Demons as of now (41st Millenia) are just leftovers of the traitor angels, and by breeding like rabbits, generated a whole alternate dimension, like hell. Also, it is NOT specified how much time the war lasted. Humans could have took a LOT of time to figure out how to work the metal, and have suffered a LOT of deaths when they did. As for the last question...

I quote myself "He gives tools to mankind to defeat Khitio so that his toy won't be broken by his spoiled son."

Didn't Azaroth, as omnipotent creator, know that weapons would be insufficient? Did he give humans the coffins, or teach them to make them? This seems like a lot of intervention. Especially directly locking Khitio in a coffin. Why did he do that on Terra, when he could have cast it into space? Why did he make it possible to open at all? Is there some long game related to released Khitio in this? Azaroth seems like a sinister and untrustworthy god to me.

The last question pretty much answers itself as I answered it many many times before. This question is pretty much answerable by just saying "Azaroth is an asshole and wants to have fun by seeing if what he created can handle an ulti-potent bastard." 

Why did he do that? Was he intentionally creating the conditions for Khitio's freedom? What powers do the demigods have? How do these ensure peace and prosperity?

Everyone gets horny at some time of their eternal existence. Demigods, as the name says, have half the power of a god. The more godly blood they have in their veins, the more powerful they are. An example of their power: They can control the fauna and the flora, some others could control people's minds, etc etc.

A millennium is one-thousand years.

Many problems with this part. If all is peace and prosperity, why do Dark Wizards exist? Where do they get their power? Are there light wizards? Other forms of magic? If the queen is a demigod surrounded by loyal servants, how did they kidnap her? Why can't she free herself? Why do they want to free Khitio? He may have valid grievances with Azaroth, but he's no friend to humanity. How did they recover all this lost knowledge?

All is peace and prosperity ON TERRA. Space-travel is possible (Due to magic and stuff, not going into science-y details.). Dark Wizards are simply Wizards that used the, and I quote In Character Religious people, "Sacred power given by the almighty Azaroth." in evil (or blasphemous) ways. The Dark Wizards could come from a far, far planet and, trough dark rituals (Remember that Khitio isn't dead, he is just trapped in a really strong and thick coffin. His powers are useless in there, but he can still use a glimpse of telepathy to communicate with the people that can withstand the immense power their minds have to hold while a Dark God is projecting their will into them.) they recovered the lost knowledge. Dark Wizards can be extremely powerful, and it is a group, not two or three. They could be three-thousand immensely powerful wizards for all we know. And, be damned my habit (but I like it, gives more depth and realism to the atmosphere the RP'ers are put into), I like to write plots in character. The Queen is NOT a demi-god, not anymore. As a LOT of time has passed, son after son, the god-blood in her veins is 5% compared to the Human Blood after 410,000 years of breeding, some power is still left, but it CANNOT be compared to the immense power the first demi-gods had. And this is fantasy, and this is a completely different universe we speak about, we ain't using OUR large-scale time counting. Days, weeks, months and years remain  the same.

Finally - who are the player characters?

What is the culture of Terra like?

What is the technology like?

Why are the player characters involved?

The Player Characters can be anybody. To villains that want to stop the good guys, to loyal servants of the Queen, or to neutral people. This RP is creatively free, people don't necessarily have to follow the main plot, but they WILL get involved at some point. The Culture on Terra is pretty much a religion-driven culture. They worship Azaroth and would do anything in his name, even if he didn't tell them to do it at all. Just like old Christians. Two words. DEUS VULT.

With all this said, I want to ask you something.

Do you want to help me in developing this universe, and be the Co-GM in the RP when and if It'll be done?
See, I ask those questions because from the available text, the answers were not clear. They may have been implied, but you didn't establish the source of this information. Many of the answers you give me clear it up, but it shouldn't be necessary for me to ask them if that's information you want to convey.  I'm onboard with Azaroth being a jerk, I just don't think it's conveyed especially well here. It seems incidental rather than intentional.

It's all lacking context - I don't know what constitutes a god or godly power in this universe, for example. I don't  really know what the RP is going to be like at all, based on that interest check. 

The Player Characters can be anybody. To villains that want to stop the good guys, to loyal servants of the Queen, or to neutral people. This RP is creatively free, people don't necessarily have to follow the main plot, but they WILL get involved at some point. The Culture on Terra is pretty much a religion-driven culture. They worship Azaroth and would do anything in his name, even if he didn't tell them to do it at all. Just like old Christians. Two words. DEUS VULT.

More context is absolutely vital if you want to give players this kind of freedom. They need to know where the limits are, what is already possible and in place. The broader your scope (such as a whole galaxy) the harder this becomes. I mean, you never even implied interstellar travel was possible. That has to change things significantly. What planets could players come from? What are those cultures like? How does magic work and is there magical technology? I'm not looking for answers to those questions now, just pointing out they're relevant questions.

Unless you intend to say 'make up whatever you want to make a character you like,' which is just foisting the work onto players and will likely be bad for the health of the RP. 

Do you want to help me in developing this universe, and be the Co-GM in the RP when and if It'll be done?

No, thank you. I have plenty of projects of my own to work on and I do not find the ideas presented here sufficiently interesting to invest my time.  I only advise or consult because I try to develop my content to a professional standard and that consumes a lot of time and energy, but a few leading questions can let me share the benefits of my experience with others.

You may benefit from checking out Spelljammer because it's a solid existing example of interplanetary fantasy. The 40k universe might also have useful material for you. Again, this is not to say 'this idea has been done before so stop', but instead 'this idea has been done before so see if you can take it further.'
Eh, I don't really think adding this stuff (thus making the Interest Check longer) will make more people come at the RP. I had about 20 views and not even a response.
I don't think you should make it longer. I think you should make it communicate this information more efficiently. 

Although if the current interest check isn't working to your satisfaction that might be an indicator it needs a re-write. Too soon to tell, honestly - takes at least a week to be sure if it's a viable check or not.  First response normally takes around 24hrs, and then it'll either rapidly garner interest or take about a week to get enough attention, or simply slip into obscurity.

So wait a while, maybe draft a replacement in the meantime. You'll have to get used to interest checks failing; timing can be a big part of it.

I post something like four interest checks a week, sometimes, and only one of them goes anywhere.
Eh, I don't really think adding this stuff (thus making the Interest Check longer) will make more people come at the RP. I had about 20 views and not even a response.

I may be because you don't include any of the stuff Grey listed that people aren't responding. It isn't the length, I've joined roleplays with interests twice as long as yours. I'd consider joining ones with interest checks that are even longer than twice as long too, provided that there's a really solid and interesting premise that is clearly explained or intuitive. Your interest check is entirely the history of the rp, and has very little to do with what the current situation is, or what types of characters people are going to play or what they can do. It reads more like the background to a novel than an interest check.

If you'd like to get a better response, but don't want to make it longer, I'd suggest rewriting it entirely and focusing on the situation that the players are going to be entering, then go in more depth in the overview of the roleplay once people are already interested in the idea. As it currently stands, it's unclear how players are going to get involved. You don't say whether they're playing demigods or demons or dark wizards or whatever else. If people can play anything, that needs to be said, and there needs to be a reason for why they're going to interact with each other. Otherwise everyone is just floundering around waiting for stuff to happen. If there's a plot heavy aspect to the roleplay, an overview of what the goal of the characters are is essential to understanding what they're getting involved in.
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White, Do you mind if i link to the WB thread on my other site?

Not for advertising more like so you guys can look it over and give opinions so i dont have to keep on typing things over here, that may bog down and extend the page unreasonably. 

However If that is against the proper etiquette i will understand.
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I third Grey and Apfel's words. A lot of people love to have free-roam, suuuuuuuper-let the plot write itself, open sandbox RPs, but honestly, they don't work. An RP needs structure. It needs planning. It needs execution and it needs thinking. I honestly feel if you can't make a complete RP that way, don't bother starting one. Help someone round out theirs.

There was a certain roleplay in the past I watched that wanted to accomplish something big. Around 20 people joined and the creator had absolutely NOTHING in terms of lore set up. No setting, no NPC, no storyline, no mechanics...I nearly cried. I did cry. It was seriously painful to watch. I felt bad for the creator and every single person involved. That RP still haunts me to this day. How can you just...waste another person's time like that? Get them so raring and ready to go then do nothing at all? 

^Open comment. Anyone can answer.

White, Do you mind if i link to the WB thread on my other site?

Not for advertising more like so you guys can look it over and give opinions so i dont have to keep on typing things over here, that may bog down and extend the page unreasonably. 

However If that is against the proper etiquette i will understand.

Mister Bear, I would say yes, but I'm not sure if linking to other RPsites is allowed on RPN
There was a certain roleplay in the past I watched that wanted to accomplish something big. Around 20 people joined and the creator had absolutely NOTHING in terms of lore set up. No setting, no NPC, no storyline, no mechanics...I nearly cried. I did cry. It was seriously painful to watch. I felt bad for the creator and every single person involved. That RP still haunts me to this day. How can you just...waste another person's time like that? Get them so raring and ready to go then do nothing at all? 

^Open comment. Anyone can answer.

I feel like I'm being targeted here.
WEll it isnt an rp site it is a text based online nation simulator thathappens to have a forum with a wide rper base. I have linked to their before with no issues having arose, but i understand.
Many, many eons ago, Azaroth ruled over the Immaterial Realm. Being all alone, Azaroth began to feel lonely and thus decided to create the universe as we know it.  Then Azaroth, in boredom and loneliness, created his own children. He created Khitio, Mithrion and Zinthos, his three archangels with almost the same power as him. But he took precautions, and took away the little power that would make them at the same level as Azaroth. In case they wanted to rebel, they couldn't match the immense level of Azaroth's power. The Archangels were ordered by Azaroth to create all living beings, planets and star systems. This took the archangels nothing more than a snap of their fingers. Azaroth, seeing as his realm was growing, decided to create the Angelic Legions; they are the sons and daughters of the three Archangels. Humanity and other races, in their first millennium of life, didn't have magic or any kind of power. They only had what they were already given. Mithrion, known in the current day as the Primarch of the Sky, decided to give to all beings a divine power called magic. Magic is fueled by the harmony between Body, Soul and Spirit. Not everyone is able to practice magic, as a very small percentual of all the living beings in the galaxy is able to practice true magic. Nowadays, True Magic as Mithrion created it, doesn't exist anymore. It became a tool, a wepon for the mortal's needs and everyone can use it with enough training, or trough rituals and prayers. But in the sky, things didn't always go well. One day, Khitio asked himself: "Why do I bow before my father?" and rebelled. But he knew that he couldn't do it alone, and corrupted his legion and many more Angels into rebelling, starting a war called The Celestial Terror.  Azaroth, enraged by his son's act, threw Khitio, his legion and every other corrupted Angel onto Terra, the sacred planet known as mankind's homeworld. Azaroth could have thrown them at the edge of the galaxy, or straight up delete them from existence. But he didn't. Not all gods are benevolent, some just want to have fun and test out what their creations can do.
Khitio,  now the Dark God of Corruption and Betrayal, and his former angels were now exiled away from the Immaterium and now stuck in the infinite universe. He decided to tamper with Azaroth's most beloved toys and started a mass genocide on Humanity. Azaroth, seeing that his favorite toys were being bullied and destroyed, decided to give humanity an almighty tool that they could use to win against Khitio and his Eldricth Legions. Azaroth gave them Necrontyr, a sacred metal forged by his fist, that could be used for weapons to defead Khitio's pawns. Mankind took a lot of time to figure out how to use the metal, but when they finally did, they started their counter-attack. Many of the minor angels were easily killed by those weapons, but Khitio and his stronger demons were too hard to kill, and thus Azaoroth intervened again to protect his toys. He gave them Necrontyr Coffins that would trap demons and drain them of all their Spirit, annihilating their souls. But Khitio wasn't simply going to be drained. He was pure soul-power. Humanity couldn't defeat Khitio with what they had, and they prayed Azaroth for anoher divine gift. And thus he did. Azaroth gave to mankind the last gift. The Necrontyr Sarcophagus, a coffin so powerful that it could trap even Khitio. But it simply trapped him, kept his powers dormant. Mankind had won this last fight, and exiled the Sarcophagus onto a far, far planet of the Outer Rim of the galaxy. But the Sarcophagus could be opened. By the blood of a god, or by Azaroth himself.
In the 11st Millennum, Azaroth was bored. He descended on Terra, and had a steamy night with a Human Queen. 9 Months later, the Queen gave birth to the first demi-god. Demi-gods had an immense power, near to the powers of an angel. Those beings granted peace and prosperity across the galaxy. We are in the 41st Millennium. Demi-gods are slowly going extinct, and the last one of them is another Human Queen. Khitio, from the Sarcophagus, was continiously searching for someone that could free him, but no-one could withstand the immense power that their minds had to hold while Khitio was telepathically communicating. But he found one. A Powerful Dark Wizard, a Sorcerer. Khitio spoke to him and told him everything about the coffin. The Sorcerer, known as Eliphas the Inheritor, recruited as many people as he could and striked Terra. Hundreds, even thousands of Dark Wizards flooded the Imperial Palace's hallways, kidnapping the Queen to finally free Khitio and let him have his revenge. The Planet where The Necrontyr Sarcophagus resided was far, far away, and everyone forgot where it was. But a planet, a small planet in the Outer Rim contained the lost knowledge about the Gods, the Celestial Terror, and the position of the Sarcophagus.
Terra is wracked in grief. The Queen had disappeared over night and nobody could save her. A small group of people, the Grey Knights, is recruiting people for a crusade to save the Queen. What will the population do? Join them? Go against them? Or do nothing and watch? It's up to YOU. 
Culture on Terra resembles the ancient Christian culture. They worship Azaroth as the almighty and benevolent god that created everything and would do anything in his name. People who don't believe in Azaroth, or at least don't worship him, are deemed as heretics and melted in acid. Technology in this universe resembles the technology in the Warhammer 40k Universe, with ENORMOUS Space Ships, planetary-destructive missiles and much else.

New one
Many, many eons ago, Azaroth ruled over the Immaterial Realm. Being all alone, Azaroth began to feel lonely and thus decided to create the universe as we know it.  Then Azaroth, in boredom and loneliness, created his own children. He created Khitio, Mithrion and Zinthos, his three archangels with almost the same power as him. But he took precautions, and took away the little power that would make them at the same level as Azaroth. In case they wanted to rebel, they couldn't match the immense level of Azaroth's power. The Archangels were ordered by Azaroth to create all living beings, planets and star systems. This took the archangels nothing more than a snap of their fingers. Azaroth, seeing as his realm was growing, decided to create the Angelic Legions; they are the sons and daughters of the three Archangels. Humanity and other races, in their first millennium of life, didn't have magic or any kind of power. They only had what they were already given. Mithrion, known in the current day as the Primarch of the Sky, decided to give to all beings a divine power called magic. Magic is fueled by the harmony between Body, Soul and Spirit. Not everyone is able to practice magic, as a very small percentual of all the living beings in the galaxy is able to practice true magic. Nowadays, True Magic as Mithrion created it, doesn't exist anymore. It became a tool, a wepon for the mortal's needs and everyone can use it with enough training, or trough rituals and prayers. But in the sky, things didn't always go well. One day, Khitio asked himself: "Why do I bow before my father?" and rebelled. But he knew that he couldn't do it alone, and corrupted his legion and many more Angels into rebelling, starting a war called The Celestial Terror.  Azaroth, enraged by his son's act, threw Khitio, his legion and every other corrupted Angel onto Terra, the sacred planet known as mankind's homeworld. Azaroth could have thrown them at the edge of the galaxy, or straight up delete them from existence. But he didn't. Not all gods are benevolent, some just want to have fun and test out what their creations can do.
Khitio,  now the Dark God of Corruption and Betrayal, and his former angels were now exiled away from the Immaterium and now stuck in the infinite universe. He decided to tamper with Azaroth's most beloved toys and started a mass genocide on Humanity. Azaroth, seeing that his favorite toys were being bullied and destroyed, decided to give humanity an almighty tool that they could use to win against Khitio and his Eldricth Legions. Azaroth gave them Necrontyr, a sacred metal forged by his fist, that could be used for weapons to defead Khitio's pawns. Mankind took a lot of time to figure out how to use the metal, but when they finally did, they started their counter-attack. Many of the minor angels were easily killed by those weapons, but Khitio and his stronger demons were too hard to kill, and thus Azaoroth intervened again to protect his toys. He gave them Necrontyr Coffins that would trap demons and drain them of all their Spirit, annihilating their souls. But Khitio wasn't simply going to be drained. He was pure soul-power. Humanity couldn't defeat Khitio with what they had, and they prayed Azaroth for anoher divine gift. And thus he did. Azaroth gave to mankind the last gift. The Necrontyr Sarcophagus, a coffin so powerful that it could trap even Khitio. But it simply trapped him, kept his powers dormant. Mankind had won this last fight, and exiled the Sarcophagus onto a far, far planet of the Outer Rim of the galaxy. But the Sarcophagus could be opened. By the blood of a god, or by Azaroth himself.
In the 11st Millennum, Azaroth was bored. He descended on Terra, and had a steamy night with a Human Queen. 9 Months later, the Queen gave birth to the first demi-god. Demi-gods had an immense power, near to the powers of an angel. Those beings granted peace and prosperity across the galaxy. We are in the 41st Millennium. Demi-gods are slowly going extinct, and the last one of them is another Human Queen. Khitio, from the Sarcophagus, was continiously searching for someone that could free him, but no-one could withstand the immense power that their minds had to hold while Khitio was telepathically communicating. But he found one. A Powerful Dark Wizard, a Sorcerer. Khitio spoke to him and told him everything about the coffin. The Sorcerer, known as Eliphas the Inheritor, recruited as many people as he could and striked Terra. Hundreds, even thousands of Dark Wizards flooded the Imperial Palace's hallways, kidnapping the Queen to finally free Khitio and let him have his revenge. The Planet where The Necrontyr Sarcophagus resided was far, far away, and everyone forgot where it was. But a planet, a small planet in the Outer Rim contained the lost knowledge about the Gods, the Celestial Terror, and the position of the Sarcophagus.
Terra is wracked in grief. The Queen had disappeared over night and nobody could save her. A small group of people, the Grey Knights, is recruiting people for a crusade to save the Queen. What will the population do? Join them? Go against them? Or do nothing and watch? It's up to YOU. 
Culture on Terra resembles the ancient Christian culture. They worship Azaroth as the almighty and benevolent god that created everything and would do anything in his name. People who don't believe in Azaroth, or at least don't worship him, are deemed as heretics and melted in acid. Technology in this universe resembles the technology in the Warhammer 40k Universe, with ENORMOUS Space Ships, planetary-destructive missiles and much else.

New one

 I like this one a lot better. I feel like it's clearer about what the rp might focus on, and it's relatively straightforward, so you may have better luck with this one :) Interests checks take some time to draw people in sometimes, but I think you've got a pretty good shot with this one . Good luck ^_^
 I like this one a lot better. I feel like it's clearer about what the rp might focus on, and it's relatively straightforward, so you may have better luck with this one :) Interests checks take some time to draw people in sometimes, but I think you've got a pretty good shot with this one . Good luck ^_^

I edited the last one and changed it with this ^^
I edited the last one and changed it with this ^^

That's a good call I think ^_^ potential players can better see how they'll fit their characters in to the story, so that's probably going to make them more likely to join. (We'll have to wait and see, but I think you did a pretty good job :) )
WEll it isnt an rp site it is a text based online nation simulator thathappens to have a forum with a wide rper base. I have linked to their before with no issues having arose, but i understand.

Oh, if you have linked to it before, then go on ahead and do it here, Mister. I trust you with my life.

Well, I did not mean to do it, but then I got wrecked by a whole load of projects and tasks, which were backed up by exams the following week. It felt so bad that I just left RPN for like four(?) months.

Lmao. Yeah, I bet the shame was unbearable. I don't mean to laugh at it, just that a situation like it is very hard to swallow and come back from. I don't think I ever would have come back to be honest. Maybe after a while but then would have just done some quiet 1x1s.

Your avy makes me want to change mine to something moving too. Yours gets me so riled up.


If Apfel likes it, then I like it too. I also trust Apfel with my life. I truly do wish you luck with it Gabriel.

@Dullahan Shinigami

Haha. Dullahan. You would be amazed what you find here xD. Different likes, for different people. By December, I will ask you, what you've come across. I'd like to hear your answer =)


Zenaida, Zenaida. Hey, how are you? How'd you find us? Would you like to introduce yourself?

Zenaida, Zenaida. Hey, how are you? How'd you find us? Would you like to introduce yourself?

Hiya! Pretty good actually.  I found you uys through boredom and poking through RpN for something. Dont remember what. 

I shall introduce myself... in the morning when I'm slightly more awake.
Hiya! Pretty good actually.  I found you uys through boredom and poking through RpN for something. Dont remember what. 

I shall introduce myself... in the morning when I'm slightly more awake.

Sounds good to me. See you then!

:$  See. Easy. Now you never have to introduce yourself again. Do you have any questions about this group by the way? Just so everything is clear from the start!
So i was reading a chinese web novel and got tge idea for a Dystopian Cyberpunk Noir futuristic rp with evil companies, cybernetics, alien races and Espers

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