Story Mode Network

See the Players will still be bound to the rules of the game, though they won't realize it at first. The NPC's will feel some amount of resentment towards the Outsiders (The derogatory term many refer to Players with)

And as i said before the Players won't exactly be trapped.
So the NPCs are self aware? They were programmed that way? What are the implications of that? Do they constantly work in opposition to the players? Or are they just somewhat prejudiced?
So the NPCs are self aware? They were programmed that way? What are the implications of that? Do they constantly work in opposition to the players? Or are they just somewhat prejudiced?

Well the NPCS originally could Learn, but they would be nearly human now.

Some do work in oppostion some don't, it really depends.

Though i have decided to use the info i typed up for a Fantasy D&D style rp instead, less quirks.
Yeah I'd recommend trying to keep things relatively straightforward unless there's a mechanic you can explain very clearly. I feel like a lot of rp mechanics and aspects to how it runs would work, but they're difficult to explain ahead of time.

Still, it's not bad to have a quirky setting. It's just difficult to get players for unless everything is really clear and doesn't take hours to read. If it does take hours (exaggerating somewhat) to read the lore though, you have to make sure you've got a good hook to open with so that people dedicate themselves the roleplay before sitting down to figure things out. I feel like people tend to give up halfway through reading the paragraphs of lore if they're not already invested in joining.
Yeah I'd recommend trying to keep things relatively straightforward unless there's a mechanic you can explain very clearly. . I feel like a lot of rp mechanics and aspects to how it runs would work, but they're difficult to explain ahead of time.

Still, it's not bad to have a quirky setting. It's just difficult to get players for unless everything is really clear and doesn't take hours to read. If it does take hours (exaggerating somewhat) to read the lore though, you have to make sure you've got a good hook to open with so that people dedicate themselves the roleplay before sitting down to figure things out. I feel like people tend to give up halfway through reading the paragraphs of lore if they're not already invested in joining.

The only real mechanics would be during character creation, and during the rp the character would have limitations as well.

I will probably just make the Rp on my other site. Though i will still be here on RPN rl matters are resyricting my extra activities atm, Thus why i havent actually joined an rp here yet and why i will remain with what i am familiar with. 

Ah you make a very good point. I sometimes forget not everyone is super-experienced when it comes to these things. I see the light! What you say actually leads into another problem that might be influencing what you want to change. It's the wanting to be a millionaire without working for it.

It might encourage them to examine stories in other media and see if they can learn things from them which can be applied to their roleplaying. They may spend more time adapting their idea to function as a roleplay.

^ People want to have good and very successful RPs, but I doubt the drive is there to do something like this, and work for it. That is a disconnect I find here a LOT. That may also be what I meant about your guides when we spoke a while back. People will read them, but applying them...I don't know. It just doesn't happen. The application is the missing piece.

:x  I wish I could prove you wrong!! I just don't have the resources of CO-GMS, haha. Harry Potter would be the perfect subject as test. On everything, I still half-agree with you. With some careful planning, I feel a few interesting RPs can be made of work that's had success in other mediums, WHILE retaining its unique heart. A good technique would be introducing new elements to the story, then having those new elements eliminated by the seeds you started out with. Say introducing muggles with guns that hunt wizards, but by the end of the RP, having witchcraft and wizardry triumph in the usual Harry-Potter-esque fashion. You got to introduce something new, but stayed true to the source in its core way.

Understood, regarding your files. I'm still on the side of using any format, but sure it wouldn't hurt to let people know there may be pitfalls in each medium.

*Bang-Bang* Double AA Seine strikes again. Link me to your roleplays Apfel, I want to see them.

I totally agree. I see it as black and white. You either make the best darn cliche experience ever, or make something never been done before. If it's going to be a VRMMORPG, you better play that up to the highest point, or do something else.


I am! The names are just coming to me. Spiffy avatar by the way. You getting ready to do something kick-butt?

@Mr. Gideon

But Mister Bear, you have to join something here one day! Something! You can't stay on the sidelines!
RIP My idea :c

LOL. Gabriel, don't feel that way. I just have a feeling that with this group (we are VERY diverse) You're going to need to have a gloriously excellent role-play for everyone to vote or. Getting support here is harder than the Interest Check forum. Reindo was the only one so far to get something passed xD. It's brutal.


=P. Don't give off the wrong impression man. Your avatar should be an extension of who you are and how you're feeling. You're tricking a lot of people right now. The past two weeks I've been thinking, "Damn, Rein is onto something seriously bad*ss."
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=P. Don't give off the wrong impression man. Your avatar should be an extension of who you are and how you're feeling. You're tricking a lot of people right now. 

Well, it is not far from what I've been feeling these past days. I've been climbing the ladder very easily so far that I feel as if I might get two of my accounts to master/challenger before the season ends. 


The past two weeks I've been thinking, "Damn, Rein is onto something seriously bad*ss."

Come on, White, don't expose my secrets like that.


Lol, that's not even german. ( In der Tat ist es nicht Deutsch. )
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No lol I'm not German. It's just a quote from a game. xD

I'm Italian.

Lol. Did you mess with my post?? >_>. Second Italian I've met. nice to meet you. USA over here!


Wow, when things come easy, that means you are in Paragon Status. That is a very good sign your skills are automatic and high-level. I wish you luck.
Why is the bear the main focus here, in case it isnt noticed (Mainly because it is probably cropped out), but it is Abraham Lincoln riding a grizzly, with the American flag as his saddle welding an M16 in one and and the Bill of Rights/some other important document in the other, saying COME AT ME BRO.

I may change it to JFK with and RPG riding a raptor.
Why is the bear the main focus here, in case it isnt noticed (Mainly because it is probably cropped out), but it is Abraham Lincoln riding a grizzly, with the American flag as his saddle welding an M16 in one and and the Bill of Rights/some other important document in the other, saying COME AT ME BRO.

I may change it to JFK with and RPG riding a raptor.

Teddy Roosevelt on a T-Rex crossing a river wielding a gatling gun or bust.

I know that's a real picture somewhere.

Also I'll just leave this here...
Teddy Roosevelt on a T-Rex crossing a river wielding a gatling gun or bust.

I know that's a real picture somewhere.

Also I'll just leave this here...

You seem to have the habit of just leaving things places. I'd hate to see the status of your room.

*Bang-Bang* Double AA Seine strikes again. Link me to your roleplays Apfel, I want to see them.

Uhhhh I honestly am terrible at running roleplays XP I've only ever made two, and those were both months ago and I never renewed either. My special snowflake rp, which I completely lost control of since the rules were "do whatever you want" (and that set the speed waaaaay too fast for me to follow ^_^; and I think the irony was lost on some people), and my original rp which lasted a whopping total of...  10 posts ;P Though that was mainly because it was a very small group of about five players, two of whom dropped out because of real life circumstances and the other three who simply bailed. *shrugs* Oh well

I have a lot to learn in terms of GMing. I'm good at ideas and settling disputes and many other things, but I'm not very good at  encouraging participation (and I'm not good with fast paced roleplays with short post length, or with a large number of players). So overall, writing is my strong suit, as is interpersonal relations, but I'm absolutely hopeless at managing people. I need to work on it, but it's discouraged me from trying. Currently I'm working on trying to develop something really solid that I can put a lot of work into keeping it going.

Still,I think I'm probably fairly useful when it comes to the brainstorming process, so I hope that I can be of help to others in the meantime ^_^   

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