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Everything in the world can be summarized into at least 2 paragraphs. Fact!

Albeit, choppily. 
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@Dullahan Shinigami

Haha. I sense a rivalry coming. I support it. Rivalries are always good.

@Mr. Gideon

Feel free to talk about it. As long as you don't go all out recruiting. And are open to critique. Which I have.

I am VERY skeptical anything original can be done with players playing in an MMORPG. As much as I enjoyed SAO (Did not enjoy Log Horizon), hearing VRMMORPG RP makes me want to bang my head against a desk. In all my time here, I've seen around 10+ VR RPs claiming to be different/original. They ALL went nowhere. So I am curious to see what you do different.
I was about to say, I see a VRMMORPGPBPRP concept pop up about once a month.  I've yet to see anyone even articulate a compelling argument for the premise, let alone create a finished product. 
Lol it is a funny coincidence that I was planning on making my next rp centered around virtual reality. Though it's not a VRMMORPG, and I don't plan to make it for a while since I'm settling into school currently, so it shouldn't be in conflict with Mr. Gideon's rp. It's really more of a college (or possibly corporate business, if I change my mind on the setting) centered rp that will use virtual reality as an excuse to traverse through a bunch of different settings and play around with the possibilities and genre tropes each one introduces. I normally tend to develop rps as I go, but this time I'm gonna be a good girl and set up an interesting conflict and antagonists for the players to focus :3

If the use of VR is really extensive, even if it is just one large overworld like in an mmorpg, it seems that it would be useful to have a driving force behind the conflict (unless it's a sandbox style rp, though even then it's useful to have some focus).

Lol. You made my day.




That's right. Have an interesting story + pro/antagonists. You know better Apfel. We will give you grief if you do anything otherwise.
I wrote a lengthy rant about it in one of the threads aways back, but in my opinion the only reason to use the VRMMO framing device is if you're playing the official Log Horizon RPG (I have no real idea what the anime is about, but at least they've got a system for playing in its world), exploring themes of existentialism, perception, self, alienation, or isolation, or it's a comedy where the gags hinge on conventions of MMOs.  If you want a similar experience to an MMO, just devise a system and setting and run a traditional RPG. People forget - CRPGs and MMOs were an effort to digitize TTRPGs and even today a lot of them live in D&D's stupidly bloated shadow.

Something like Serial Experiments Lain (excellent show go watch) or The Matrix is what I'd expect a serious attempt to exploit the narrative potential of the VRMMO framing device to produce. 
I've never heard of Serial Experiments Lain but it looks really interesting.

I feel like virtual reality mmorpgs get a bad rap because they're so commonly just rehashing anime like SAO or suchlike, without them delving into anything new or particularly profound. The concept of virtual reality has the potential to raise interesting philosophical questions, so in theory if one were to remain consistent it could be a very intriguing setting. It should have an aspect to it that doesn't exist in real life though, otherwise it's just gimmicky. (Though it can be done just for light hearted fun too, in which case it doesn't really matter if it comes off as gimmicky, though there should still be a reason for why it's virtual reality, even if it's something as simple as having characters game appearances be different from their real one in amusing ways.)

Lol. You made my day.




That's right. Have an interesting story + pro/antagonists. You know better Apfel. We will give you grief if you do anything otherwise.

Lol I'm working on being more structured. I've got the "make sure there's stuff for people to do and engage in" part down, but I've yet to try my hand at a concrete plotline. I'm still not very great with formulating plots ;P all the more reason to practice though ^_^

@Dullahan Shinigami

Haha. I sense a rivalry coming. I support it. Rivalries are always good.

@Mr. Gideon

Feel free to talk about it. As long as you don't go all out recruiting. And are open to critique. Which I have.

I am VERY skeptical anything original can be done with players playing in an MMORPG. As much as I enjoyed SAO (Did not enjoy Log Horizon), hearing VRMMORPG RP makes me want to bang my head against a desk. In all my time here, I've seen around 10+ VR RPs claiming to be different/original. They ALL went nowhere. So I am curious to see what you do different.

Well see it is not a VRMMO exactly. 
( I am just going to detail what i have, I know it will need fleshed out and fine tuned, most of the content only came to me within the last 15 hours, lol.)

Aethion: Rebirth

It was in the year 2020 that the first full VR game was made, It was called Broken Earth. It was a game heralded for its amazing graphics and immersion but little else. The gameplay was by all accounts awful and was extremely glitchy. The game company that created it was both heralded and mocked for it. That was only the beginning however, in the years following more VR games were made, and a new genre ut an old concept popped up in early 2023. The VRMMORPG, the idea was mentioned in many popular Asian Light novels and Web novels, but it was only made to work after many years of development. For several years that type of game was what dominated the VR game market. Things changed however in 2026 with a game called Ashes Over Aethion, It was made by the same company that had created the first VR game. For several months the game wasnt bought because of the memories of the first game, were just that bad. After the first person played the game however that changed.

RPG's by definition give a large degree of freedom and customization to the player Ashes over Aethion, Also called Ashes, or Aethion, took that to an entirely different level. It was a single payer game, which was an oddity in the VR market, but that was what enabled the game to become so popular. No two playthroughs of the game were exactly alike, there would always be differences whether large of small. Like RPG's of old the game let the Player choose a beginning class, but in Ashes, the players choices throughout the game would change the class as they went, though it could be changed out through various means. There were several races in the game, each with their own unique things, be it growth rates for certain stats, or unique classes or skills. Although Ashes Over Aethion, was a Single Player game the uniqueness of it let it almost completely dominate the VRRPG market. This continued for Many years until the current date of 2052. Recently the game creators had been experimenting with giving multiplayer options to the game, besides Arenas and the like, they had been working on creating a whole new World Space.

So any questions? this is just a basic premise the IC would start with people waking up as their characters in the World of Ashes. As i said before i have much to work on still, but i liked the idea. It will be a medieval fantasy style world with medieval tech (Havent decided what era medieval yet, but with some exceptions.) I mostly just have the basic premise, how Classes and abilities will work. This may not be as original as i think, though i hope it is, I have read and watched Overlord, and Log Horizon, so those may have unconsciously influenced this a bit.
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It's good to accept and acknolwedge your influences. Think on them, don't let them be wholly unconscious if you think they are. Actively try to take the core ideas further than your influences did, because you will always be influenced and it's unlikely anything will be truly original. 
It's good to accept and acknolwedge your influences. Think on them, don't let them be wholly unconscious if you think they are. Actively try to take the core ideas further than your influences did, because you will always be influenced and it's unlikely anything will be truly original. 

I know that, i say that often enough actually. So any opinions or the like about my post besides the above?

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