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Finished [Stonewall Town / Kirkwall Town] (Caelia Barony) Where Nobody's Bean Before

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. It is currently not open to be joined, but do let me know if you'd be down to join future RP's of mine.

What to expect out of character:
The RP is planned to be a slice of life 1x1 with the goal of Anastasia Von Arbin obtaining a Chocolate Bean Farm. It's pacing will be between daily at its fastest (when both are able) or weekly at its slowest. It's intended to last a month at most.

Extra note: Skills like agriculture, wealth or harvesting might be needed to get it all set-up perfectly or to be able to keep up the farm later, but let's see how much she can be graded to gain with her current skill-set.

What to expect in character:
The quest will first focus on getting land/property assigned to her by convincing one of the baroness' personnel of the usefulness in the barony's capital (Stonewall). Assuming this succeeds, the second part will focus on converting said property into a Chocolate Bean Farm in one of the villages (Kirkwall).

Tag and character goal:
Ersatra Ersatra Anastasia Von Arbin – Obtain a Chocolate Bean Farm | Get permission/land/property arranged. | Convert said property into a Chocolate Bean Farm.

Caelia Barony's Keep's Study
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall, Keep, Study

After investigating around to find out where in Ryke Anastasia might best start up her plans of a Chocolate Bean Farm, her eye would've fallen upon one particular barony. It was located close to the border with the See, where the climate would be better for Cocoa beans. It was also in a good spot in case she'd wish to transport her produce into the See or East Empire, being close to both borders. Finally, due to it being on the borders, prices for land and property were relatively cheaper than they were closer to the capital.

That said, the barony did have a fair bit of troubled history one of its biggest cities, Yemaya had been destroyed by some curse. In the aftermath, the entire county broke away to form its own country, a nation separate from Ryke with the current Count made King. Yet the new king didn't last long and was replaced by the current Count Hadi Sadek after the land rejoined with Ryke. That was also when the current baroness, Regula Caelia, had gotten into power. She'd managed to become relatively well-known within her domain and rumour had it that she was a Hip Noble, who seemed willing to give newcomers a chance to prove their worth.

Rumour also had it that she had a thing for tails, which might explain the current staff member that Anastasia had been able to set up a meeting with. The administrator, known as 'Nightshade', was to decide on whether or not she'd be given the land and property she needed to start up her business. The meeting was to take place in the morning, in Stonewall, the barony's current capital town.


“You may enter.” The fox woman would call out, allowing Anastasia to enter the study after having been asked to wait in one of the waiting rooms. “Please, take a seat.” She'd gesture for a seat across from her desk. “Tea?” She'd ask, as a servant stood by to poor Anastasia a cup, should she accept.

That said, it didn't seem like the fox was going to linger on pleasantries. “So, miss Von Arbin, if I am to understand this right, you wish for this specific... Bean-like fruit? I do not believe it is commonly grown in the country, so I must ask, why do you wish to grow these? I have not heard of them being all that profitable or desirable.”
Anastasia Von Arbin

Anastasia gracefully entered the study, her white hair cascading down her back, a sharp contrast to the dark burgundy jacket she wore. She nodded politely at Nightshade before sitting down, accepting the offer of tea with a soft, "Thank you." As she lifted the cup, she mentally prepared for the conversation that was about to unfold.

Nightshade wasted no time in getting to the heart of the matter, her curiosity about the unfamiliar crop evident. Anastasia carefully placed the cup back on the saucer before leaning forward slightly, her gaze meeting the fox-woman’s.

"You're right, the fruit I’m referring to, the cocoa bean, is not commonly grown—or known—here in Ryke. In fact, it might sound quite strange to many," Anastasia began, her voice calm and deliberate. "But therein lies its potential. What I’m proposing is not just growing any common crop. The cocoa bean, while largely unfamiliar to this region, holds the potential to create something entirely new—a delicacy."

She paused, letting the intrigue build, before continuing. "Cocoa can be processed and transformed into a substance that is both sweet and bitter, depending on its preparation. It can be consumed as a rich, energizing beverage or even formed into solid, sweet confections. Imagine creating a new luxury, something that no one else in Ryke or its neighbouring lands has ever tasted. Nobles and merchants alike will vie for the chance to indulge in something so exotic and rare."

Anastasia leaned back slightly, letting the fox-woman absorb her words. "I believe that establishing a farm here, close to the border with The See, is ideal for cultivating the cocoa bean due to the unique climate."

She glanced out of the window for a brief moment before refocusing her attention on Nightshade. "As for why I want to go through the bother of growing such a bean? Well I believe in creating something new. This could be an entirely fresh industry, one that the barony could pioneer."

Anastasia gave a small, confident smile. "And those who are first to seize upon innovation often reap the greatest rewards."

She sat back, allowing her words to settle in, before adding "Have you any other questions for me?"

Elvario Elvario
Tag and character goal:
Ersatra Ersatra Anastasia Von Arbin – Obtain a Chocolate Bean Farm | Get permission/land/property arranged. | Make it so the property can run as a its own Chocolate Bean Business.

Caelia Barony's Keep's Study
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall, Keep, Study

Anastisia would realise the tea had a surprisingly fragrant herby scent to it and a taste to match. Whomever provided this place with tea likely knew what they were doing with their brews.


The fox woman silently nodded at the admission that crops like the cocoa bean were rare. Enough so for here to have needed to read up on it, prior to this conversation. “A delicacy?” She'd ask, a tad confused. In as far as she was aware, its fruit was edible enough, but nothing too special, although the white and sticky textures of it wasn't to the enjoyment of most. She was (at the moment) not realising the seeds/beans were the more relevant and promising part of the whole fruit.

“As appealing as that sounds, I do find it tough to believe something that promising would have gone unnoticed. Did you, per chance, bring any proof of concept? Or could you explain what gave you this particular idea?” She asked, wondering if Anastasia had prepared more than her word on whether this whole delicacy making was possible. It seemed like the woman wasn't particularly convinced yet, as it sounded promising, but the realism of it was more questionable to her.

“The climate would indeed be more suitable to grower rare crop varieties.” She could confirm that, as they had seen others try and succeed before. The next bit, however, was far more appealing. “Becoming a pioneer of such an industry would, most definitely, be something desirable by milady.”

She was silent for a bit. “As it stands, however, my willingness to seize on innovative ideas and opportunities is halted by how much faith I might have in these plans.” It seemed like she did want more information regarding her earlier questions.

There was something that came to mind. “That said, we had a chef move in here, Chef Todo Sawl, whom introduced a dish called burgers through some otherworldly knowledge he claimed to posses. He's managed to make our town's main tavern, The Keg, a fairly famous place due to his 'fast foods' by now.”

She realised she'd gone a bit off topic. “What I'm trying to say, is that previously favourable outcomes in dealing with new inventions in food have me inclined to wish to believe and aid you, potentially even introduce you to this chef, yet currently, starting up an entire industry, even if small-scale, on an unknown and unproven concept would be difficult. Do you have anything to help prove that it will work?”
Anastasia Von Arbin

Anastasia inhaled the fragrant scent of the tea, pleasantly surprised by its herby richness. The brew was clearly the work of a skilled hand, a testament to the refinement present in this place. She took another small sip, letting the flavor linger on her palate before setting the cup down gently.

Nightshade’s questions were expected. Anastasia knew this venture would be met with skepticism, especially since the cocoa bean's potential had remained largely untapped in this region. She listened attentively, acknowledging the administrator’s concerns with a composed expression.

“I understand your hesitation,” Anastasia began, her voice steady but resolute. “And I regret to say that I did not bring a physical sample with me today. The process of transforming the cocoa bean into the delicacy I envision requires a specific technique and equipment that is not yet available in Ryke.” She paused for a moment, allowing her words to settle.

"However," she continued, "I do not approach this venture without careful consideration. What I offer as proof is my family name—the Von Arbin family has built its reputation on ventures such as this. We have a long history of turning new ideas into thriving industries. My family’s resources, network, and influence are not small. When we pursue an opportunity, we ensure it succeeds, because failure is not a luxury we can afford."

Anastasia leaned forward slightly, meeting Nightshade’s gaze directly, her tone soft but firm. "The fact that this cocoa bean has not yet been fully explored is precisely why I see it as such a tremendous opportunity. Imagine the impact of introducing something no one else has. It is not unheard of for such things to go unnoticed until someone with the vision—and the means—seizes the potential."

She sat back in her chair, her hands resting gracefully in her lap. "You mentioned Chef Todo Sawl and his success with fast foods. Innovation often begins with skepticism, but history has shown that the bold who pursue new ideas can redefine entire markets. I ask that you consider this: the Von Arbin name carries with it the weight of years of successful ventures. We, no I am not in the habit of investing in failures."
Elvario Elvario

Utilizing Asset : Nobility C​
Tag and character goal:
Ersatra Ersatra Anastasia Von Arbin – Obtain a Chocolate Bean Farm | Get permission/land/property arranged. | Make it so the property can run as a its own Chocolate Bean Business.

Caelia Barony's Keep's Study
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall, Keep, Study


She clicked her tongue. “A shame indeed.” After all, a physical sample would've been, by far, the easiest method to prove this concept. Not only that, the next bits made her curious. “If I might ask, how did you obtain the knowledge of this, yet not manage to procure a sample?” You'd think that, normally, someone investigating this would've just kept trying to make it until they had a batch that tasted well. “Are you copying a process known elsewhere?” She wondered if this supposed technique was Widersian perhaps, or maybe even from the Grand Duchy? Yet that would mean they'd be competing over a luxury product with some small yet powerful nations.

Her ears perked up at the mention of heritage. However, when Anastiasia leaned forward, she'd get the full attention. Nightshade's expression remained rather stoic and difficult to read. Another part of her, however, revealed her thoughts on the matter far better. Her tail had slowly started to wag behind her, an indication she was buying into the idea. “You do know how to make an argument.” She had to admit, though her tone was certainly more refrained than the movements of her tail, when it came to showing enthusiasm.

“You almost have me convinced, but there is just one thing that I cannot understand. How did you become so confident in the future success of this process?” That's the one bit that felt missing. “Even if I were to trust your family name, why is it that you and your family are so certain of the success of this endeavour?”
Anastasia Von Arbin

Anastasia noticed Nightshade’s growing curiosity but maintained her poise. She knew when to reveal just enough to build interest while keeping key details guarded. Leaning forward slightly, she met the fox woman's eyes with unwavering confidence.

“I understand your skepticism, Lady Nightshade,”
she began, her voice calm but firm. “The source of my knowledge is indeed... unusual. However, it is also highly valuable, and as such, it must remain a closely guarded trade secret. What I can tell you is that this process has been perfected elsewhere—beyond the borders of Ryke—and has proven to be extraordinarily successful. The techniques and methods for turning the cocoa bean into a luxury product are proprietary, known to only a few.”

Anastasia allowed the weight of her words to hang in the air for a moment, before continuing. “My family and I have access to this knowledge, and we intend to be the first to introduce it here. The details of how this product is made, the unique process behind its transformation from an unremarkable fruit into something desirable and luxurious—that is information I cannot divulge lightly. It’s the cornerstone of this entire venture.”

Her expression softened slightly, though her tone remained resolute. “Trade secrets, as you know, are the lifeblood of any successful business. To reveal too much would be to invite competition before we’ve even established ourselves. What I can assure you, however, is that we have studied this thoroughly. We know what works, we know the market, and we are confident that, once this delicacy is introduced, it will create a demand that no one else in Ryke can meet—except those who support its initial success.”

Anastasia paused for effect, then leaned back slightly in her chair. “In business, the first to market with a unique product holds all the cards. And I believe that, with the right partnership, we can make this barony the home of something entirely new, something exclusive. The potential rewards for both of us are immense.”

She gave Nightshade a measured look. “I trust you understand the value of discretion in such matters. What I offer is an opportunity to be part of something groundbreaking. And sometimes, that means having a little faith in what’s not yet seen.”

Elvario Elvario
Tag and character goal:
Ersatra Ersatra Anastasia Von Arbin – Obtain a Chocolate Bean Farm | Get permission/land/property arranged. | Make it so the property can run as a its own Chocolate Bean Business.

Caelia Barony's Keep's Study
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall, Keep, Study


There was definitely something intriguing about seeing and hearing the amount of confidence with which Anastasia conducted herself. Nightshade wasn't blind to that. At the same time, she took her duties to the baroness rather serious and didn't wish to rely too much on he own gut feeling. Then again, the mysterious nature of this knowledge... did this woman have otherworldly knowledge, like chef Todo had once admitted to be using? If so, it would explain a lot. Anastasia did seemed to hint at such things, though she never said it outright. Likely a conscious choice.

“Your story holds a lot of promise and potential, yet, at the end of the day, that is all you're selling. A story and a promise. No proof of concept, no detailed plans...” She started with the bad part first. “Even so, I believe it is a story worth buying into. I believe a suitable arrangement can be made.” She'd reached her conclusion.

“As for the location... There's a village in the barony called Kirkwall. It is located further to the south-east of here. Land area and climate wise, it might be the most ideal location.”

She'd show Anastasia a map.

“If you were to wish to set up trade with the East Empire, there's a border crossing at Border's Hill. Currently, no mayor roads exist directly into Highgrove Barony from there, but we do plan one day making a road to the village of Headdre, from where it's easy to cross into the See through Arborhaven. Right now, you'd wish to cross through Stonewall and head to Redcliffe from here, from where you'd be able to head for Arborhaven. Passing through Stonewall, you can also easily reach more northern locations by heading through Yemaya, after which you can head onto the roads to the county's capital Osun or towards the country's capital Ryke.”

She'd also show a bigger map, with the whole county and the surrounding nations, to make it easier to make sense of what she was explaining.

“It's a bit far, as you can see, yet still well connected and hopefully it will soon be even better connected.” She'd look at Anastasia. “If such a deal is suitable for you, I can arrange for a meeting with mayor Kirk to arrange further plans on location.”

There was one more thing that came to mind. “Considering your status, I would be able to arrange for a personal guard for you, when you travel there, if you do so desire.”
Anastasia Von Arbin

Anastasia leaned forward to study the map closely as Nightshade explained the layout of the barony and the various trade routes. Her eyes traced the paths from Kirkwall through Stonewall, then further north toward Yemaya, and finally to the capital of Ryke itself. The idea of establishing a cocoa bean farm in Kirkwall seemed promising. The climate was ideal, and the land was affordable—exactly the kind of conditions she'd been hoping to find. Yet as her eyes swept over the map again, they lingered on the more empty stretches of land between Kirkwall and Ryken, the nation's capital.

A flicker of thought crossed her mind. The current transport routes seemed adequate but limited. There was room for improvement, especially if this business grew the way she envisioned. Perhaps, in time, she could influence or create more direct routes—something faster and more efficient than the current roads. The distance between Kirkwall and Ryke, though significant, might not be as much of a barrier with the right infrastructure in place. Her plans for transport might one day go beyond what was drawn on this map, but for now, she kept those ideas to herself, simply allowing them to simmer beneath the surface.

Looking up from the map, she nodded thoughtfully. "Kirkwall seems like a fitting location," she said, her tone decisive. "The climate and land match what I'm looking for, and its proximity to both the East Empire and the See opens up excellent trade opportunities. The village’s remoteness might be an advantage, allowing us to start small and grow steadily without too much competition at the outset."

Anastasia shifted her gaze back to Nightshade. "If you could arrange for an introduction to a local cocoa bean farmer once I arrive, that would be most helpful. I'd like to gain an understanding of the local cultivation methods and see firsthand how the land performs. While I do have some specific techniques in mind, learning from those who are familiar with the area will ensure my plans are well adapted to the region."

She paused, glancing at the map again, as if taking in the possibilities it presented. "And yes, I will accept the personal guard. Safety on the road is always a priority, especially with a venture as delicate as this one. I'd prefer to keep any potential risks at bay."

Her eyes returned to Nightshade's, calm and unwavering. "I appreciate your faith in this endeavor, Lady Nightshade. I believe this partnership will yield significant rewards for both of us, and for the barony as a whole." She smiled, a hint of excitement behind her measured demeanor.

She extended a hand to seal the agreement.

(Narrative Booster F - Entrepreneur)
Elvario Elvario
Tag and character goal:
Ersatra Ersatra Anastasia Von Arbin – Obtain a Chocolate Bean Farm | Get permission/land/property arranged. | Make it so the property can run as a its own Chocolate Bean Business.

Caelia Barony's Keep's Study
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall, Keep, Study


Nightshade seemed glad to hear that Kirkwall's location would be suitable, as otherwise, she wasn't sure if they'd even have been able to reach an agreement. That said, the following request had her thinking for a fair while. “Whilst I've heard of cocoa beans being grown in the See, I'm not sure if you'd find a dedicated farmer of them anywhere in Ryken. Perhaps... There is a small village of Elves living near Kirkwall. One of them might know a bit more or grow them as a hobby and might be able to help you, but it would be up to mayor Kirk to try and get you in contact. I'm afraid I'm not able to help any further in that regard.”

Regarding the personal guard, she'd nod. “I'll sent word right away.” She'd state, which prompted the servant that'd poured them tea to move out in order to go do so. As they were about to finish the deal, now that they were aloen in the room, Nightshade had just one more request. “I am rather hopeful to see a most favourable and interesting pay-off from this particular endeavour. That said... would it be possible for you to deliver a sample of the first batch of product to the Keep? I would love to surprise milady baroness with it.” She'd state, tail wagging up a storm at the thought, perhaps excited by the prospect of being able to show off to her superior.

On the assumption Anastasia had no reason to protest, she'd shake hands on it and get the formal paperwork signed, as well as a letter informing mayor Kirk of the arrangements made and the request to find someone with knowledge of cocoa bean farming in the Elven village near Kirkwall.

With the first order of business wrapped up, she'd find a knight already awaiting her outside the Keep's doors.

“Good morning, milady. Otto Walton, at your service.” The otter-knight greeted. “Forgive me any rudeness, but might I inquire as to whether you are capable and willing of horse-riding? If not, I can have a carriage arranged.”
Anastasia Von Arbin

Anastasia listened intently as Nightshade explained the situation regarding local farmers. It was no surprise that Ryken lacked dedicated cocoa bean farmers, but the mention of a nearby Elven village piqued her interest. Elves, known for their deep connection to the land and their long-standing agricultural traditions, might indeed hold the knowledge she sought. Anastasia gave a polite nod.

"I understand, and I appreciate your efforts in arranging an introduction. I'll speak with Mayor Kirk when I arrive. The Elves could certainly be a valuable resource," she replied. The mention of potential hobbyist farmers brought a small smile to her face. Even if the knowledge was limited, she was confident in her ability to adapt and refine the cultivation methods as needed.

When Nightshade made her final request, Anastasia couldn't help but notice the fox woman's excitement, especially in her ever-moving tail. The prospect of delivering a sample to the baroness intrigued her as well. It would be an excellent opportunity to make a lasting impression on someone as influential as Baroness Regula Caelia.

"I would be honored to provide a sample of the first batch for the baroness," Anastasia replied with a gracious smile. "Once production is underway, I’ll ensure it reaches the Keep. I look forward to hearing her thoughts on it."

With the formalities concluded, they shook hands, sealing the deal. Anastasia signed the paperwork, and Nightshade provided her with the letter to Mayor Kirk. The arrangement, while still in its early stages, was now official.

As Anastasia exited the Keep, she found a knight waiting for her—a tall, well-armored otterman who greeted her politely.

Anastasia offered a small, graceful nod. "No offense taken, Sir Walton. While I am not skilled in horse-riding, I would greatly appreciate a carriage. It will give me more time to review the plans and prepare for my meeting in Kirkwall."
Elvario Elvario
Tag and character goal:
Ersatra Ersatra Anastasia Von Arbin – Obtain a Chocolate Bean Farm | Get permission/land/property arranged. | Make it so the property can run as a its own Chocolate Bean Business.

Kirkwall Outskirts
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall, Keep, Study
From: Vinland Saga snapshot.

Most of the trip had gone without issue, with Otto arranging for a carriage and taking the reigns himself. They'd gone through some empty plains (though the soil would look rather rocky) until they reached more fertile looking fields. The outskirts of Kirkwall. That said, their progress came to an abrupt halt, as the carriage stopped. Otto reeled in the reigns.

“Oh boy... not this again.” He could be heard mumbling outside.


“Halt! This is an inspection!” She'd hear someone call out. “Show us who or what's in that carriage!”

“It's a noble guest, here to visit the mayor after having come to an agreement with the baroness' personal assist.”

“Right, sure. Yet seeing is believing. We're under orders to inspect everything and scan everyone.”

The carriage door would be opened by a defeated looking guard. “My apologies, the Kirkwall guard, the Hunters, have a certain degree of autonomy, which they love pushing to its absolute limits.” It seemed he was hoping she'd play along to avoid further trouble.

Another woman was silently standing nearby, though she seemed on alert.


Anastasia Von Arbin

Anastasia stepped gracefully from the carriage, her gaze sweeping over the guards as she registered the situation. Although their abrupt inspection might be an inconvenience, she understood that building rapport with the local enforcers could serve her well in the long run. She offered a small, diplomatic smile to the guard who had opened the door.

"You have my compliance, I understand the need for vigilance," she began, her voice soft but measured. "Security must be upheld, especially in times such as these. I’m more than willing to cooperate."

Her eyes shifted briefly to the woman standing nearby, who seemed unusually alert. Anastasia nodded in her direction, acknowledging her presence before returning her focus to the guard. "I am Anastasia Von Arbin, here under agreement with the baroness' office and on my way to meet Mayor Kirk. If it is necessary to inspect the carriage or myself, I trust it will be handled with discretion."

She allowed a pause, offering the guard an opportunity to carry out his duty without a sense of resistance or urgency from her. "It's always wise to ensure the safety of your town, and I wouldn’t want to disrupt that."

With a calm, composed demeanor, she added, "I will be doing business here, so I imagine we'll be seeing more of each other. I hope we can start this relationship on amicable terms."

Anastasia made no sudden movements, keeping her hands in plain view, her posture exuding both grace and cooperation. While she had no intention of undermining her own authority, she saw the value in fostering goodwill with the local guards. After all, her success in Kirkwall would depend on more than just her dealings with the mayor.
Elvario Elvario
Tag and character goal:
Ersatra Ersatra Anastasia Von Arbin – Obtain a Chocolate Bean Farm | Get permission/land/property arranged. | Make it so the property can run as a its own Chocolate Bean Business.

Kirkwall Outskirts
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall, Keep, Study
From: Vinland Saga snapshot.


“Right, thanks.” The man would say, as he'd show her a black orb. She'd have likely see them used before, as pretty much every mayor city, important guild or military building had at least one of them in order to check the titles of anyone they were letting enter or that they were dealing with. The fact a village had one was a tad more odd, but if it was true that they were more autonomous, it made sense. The man just patiently waited for her to put her hand onto it, to have her titles read.

That said, he did answer in the meantime. “That's a fancy sounding name. You're like... family of the baroness? You're a bit like her.” He'd ask. That said, a shiver seemed to be running down his spine for some reason, upon recalling the baroness. “Yeah, things have been more peaceful than ever lately.” He'd state, though not going into any 'whys' or 'hows' of it.

As for checking the carriage, they'd be surprised by someone jumping out. When she... he? Had gotten in was unclear, but it'd likely been with the usage of some rather impressive manner of stealth.


“Seems all clear.” Their voice was about as androgynous as their looks.

Upon spotting her, the Otter guard seemed rather embarrassed to have not even noticed it either. He was searching for words for a bit, until he mumbled... “This wouldn't have happened were it anyone lesser skilled.”

Were Anastasia to allow her titles to be read (presumable again), only one thing would be mentioned the guard holding the orb. “Isekai... forgot what that was about, but it sounds familiar. Anyhow, nothing wrong sorry for the hold-up. I can take you to the mayor, if you want.”

The otter would huff at that. “You're free to continue your duties checking the surroundings. I've got this covered.” He'd stated, clearly not wanting to be entirely made useless.
Anastasia Von Arbin

Anastasia placed her hand on the orb with a calm grace, watching as the guard read her titles aloud. At the mention of 'Isekai,' she raised an eyebrow, but her smile remained composed, as if the title held little significance. "Isekai?" she echoed, her voice carrying a note of mild amusement. "How curious. I must admit, it doesn’t ring a bell. Perhaps it’s some obscure designation or an old family title that’s slipped into history. Nothing of importance, I assure you."

When the guard compared her to the baroness, Anastasia's smile became slightly more bemused. "Ah, no, I'm afraid there’s no relation to the Baroness," she clarified, her tone polite but firm. "In fact, I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting her personally. My business here is entirely unrelated to her or her family, though I’ve heard she runs the barony quite well."

Her gaze shifted to the androgynous figure who had appeared seemingly out of nowhere, and she nodded in subtle acknowledgement of their skill. "Impressive," she commented softly, though her words carried a hint of curiosity at how they had managed such a feat unnoticed.

Returning her attention to the guard holding the orb, Anastasia continued smoothly, "Since everything seems to be in order, I'd be most grateful if we could proceed to Mayor Kirk. I appreciate the diligence of your inspection, but I wouldn’t want to keep you from your other duties."

She glanced briefly at Otto, offering him a knowing smile. "Thank you, Sir Walton. I trust I'm in capable hands, and I look forward to our meeting with the mayor."

With that, she signaled her readiness to continue, maintaining an air of cordial cooperation while steering the conversation back toward their intended destination.
Elvario Elvario
Tag and character goal:
Ersatra Ersatra Anastasia Von Arbin – Obtain a Chocolate Bean Farm | Get permission/land/property arranged. | Make it so the property can run as a its own Chocolate Bean Business.

Kirkwall Outskirts
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Kirkwall, Outskirts
From: Vinland Saga snapshot.


He raised an eyebrow at something Anastasia said. “Can't say I've heard of such things being hereditary.” It was clear the explanation made him a bit sceptical, though not enough to bother asking more questions. Despite not using deception, it seemed the guard was willing to let it be and go with that explanation for now.

As for how the baroness ran things, he shrugged. “Eh, yeah. Some would say that, yeah.” Another shiver ran down his spine. He seemed to have had some particular experience with the baroness.

When she mentioned everything being in order he nodded. “Yeah, there's no trouble here. I guess your own knight can take you there... Good luck.” He'd step aside to let her through. Part of his behaviour seemed to suggest he didn't even mind not having to put in more work all that much.


The woman who'd been silently observing them would just nod and step back a bit more as well.


It seemed the one that left the carriage didn't just have great stealth, but also sharp hearing. “Thanks.” They'd reply, as they walked off to sit down on a nearby rock.

The otter perked up at Anastasia's words. “Of course, madam!” He'd state, clearly happy to be recognised. He'd hop back on the driver's seat an steer the carriage into Kirkwall proper.

Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia, Kirkwall
From: Forge of Empires (browser game)

The carriage wouldn't be able to go far, as the densely packed houses, the narrow and bumpy streets and narrow passages made it impossible to continue. “We'll have to go the last bit by foot, milady.” The Otter would state, as he'd 'park' the carriage somewhere where the horse could drink. “As you may notice, the village has a rather peculiar lay-out that makes it a bit more difficult to navigate.”

He'd take the lead in guiding them. “The mayor's office isn't too far though, please follow me.” As they'd walk through the town, they did get a fair few stares from random villagers (mostly Humans). It seemed like outsiders weren't the most common here, though Anastasia's red eyes and grey-ish hair, as well as her overall noble bearing, would stand out as well.
Anastasia Von Arbin

Anastasia stepped out of the carriage, her eyes sweeping over the village as Sir Walton explained the peculiar layout. The narrow streets and densely packed houses were quite a contrast to the more organized and spacious city designs she was accustomed to. "I see," she replied, her voice calm, betraying no discomfort. "It gives the village a certain... character."

As they began walking through the village, Anastasia took note of the curious stares from the townsfolk. Her red eyes and white hair had always drawn attention, but here, in a smaller, more insular village, the reactions were more noticeable. She met a few of the villagers' gazes with a polite, distant smile, not unkind but holding a sense of noble detachment.

She walked with a measured grace, her pace unhurried, allowing her to take in the surroundings as they moved. The narrow, winding streets and uneven paths gave her a sense of the village's history, of a place that had grown organically, without the grand planning of larger cities. As she observed the rustic charm of the buildings and the people who lived here, she made mental notes, assessing the potential of Kirkwall for her cocoa enterprise.

"These streets certainly have a way of making one feel... noticed," she commented lightly to Sir Walton as they walked. "I suppose visitors aren't a common sight here?" There was no hint of judgment in her tone, only curiosity.

Her posture remained straight, her hands loosely clasped in front of her as she followed Sir Walton's lead. "I look forward to meeting the mayor," she added after a moment, her gaze sweeping over the distant buildings. "It seems this village has more potential than meets the eye, both of the good and bad kind."
Elvario Elvario
Tag and character goal:
Ersatra Ersatra Anastasia Von Arbin – Obtain a Chocolate Bean Farm | Get permission/land/property arranged. | Make it so the property can run as a its own Chocolate Bean Business.

Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia, Kirkwall
From: Forge of Empires (browser game)

“Character, yes... that is what many would call it.” The guard replied. “A difficulty to defend, navigate, expand upon and exploit, is what I've heard many others call it in more hushed voices.” He would add. He seemed to be puffing up his chest a bit at the stares, even if they weren't first and foremost at him, he did seem to be doing his best to be presentable.

On the topic of being notice,d, he'd shake his head. “Visitors are indeed relatively rare. We're far out from the the centre of the country and there aren't too many things of interest. The few visitors that do arrive here are likely just travelling through to reach the Eastern Empire.”

As for the village's potential, he did have one juicy story. “Up until a while ago, there were two majors struggling for power. One was rumoured to want to try have the village join Highgrove Barony. All up until the baroness managed to put things in order and the issue was resolved with mayor Kirk winning and the village remaining, though keeping a deal of autonomy.”

Before they could move on, however, someone spotted them and called out.

Cyntia Stroop

“Hello Otto! Hello there miss! Are you new here? You should definitely try some bread.” She'd move over to hand Anastasia a fresh bread-roll. “It's the best you'll have ever had miss, I promise.”

“Cyntia, the lady is on her way towards important business with the mayor.” The guard would refute. Though he didn't seem alerted at all, so she likely posed no threat, other than some aggressive marketing.
Anastasia Von Arbin

Anastasia gave a small, amused smile at Otto’s comment about the village’s 'character being a challenge for defense and expansion. "Character often comes with its own set of complexities," she replied, her tone thoughtful. "But those complexities can offer hidden strengths if handled properly."

As they continued, she listened carefully to Otto's recounting of the village's internal power struggle. The mention of autonomy caught her attention. "Autonomy can be a double-edged sword," she mused aloud, "but it also means there is room for creative solutions, wouldn't you agree? The baroness must be a capable leader to have resolved such a delicate matter."

Just as they were about to move on, a voice called out, drawing Anastasia’s attention. The woman who approached had a friendly, open expression, and the scent of freshly baked bread wafted through the air. Anastasia blinked in surprise at the bread-roll offered to her, her red eyes softening slightly.

With a gracious nod, Anastasia accepted the bread-roll, her hand gentle as she took it. "Thank you, Cyntia," she said, her voice warm but composed. "It smells wonderful. I’m sure it will be as delightful as you say." She turned her gaze to Otto with a hint of amusement in her eyes, silently letting him know she appreciated the gesture despite his mild protest.

Turning back to Cyntia, Anastasia offered a small smile. "Perhaps I will have the opportunity to properly enjoy more of your village’s offerings once my business with the mayor is concluded." She inclined her head politely, holding the bread-roll carefully in her hand, not wanting to offend the kind villager.

She nodded at Otto, indicating she was ready to continue, but there was no rush in her demeanor. "Lead the way, Sir Walton."

Elvario Elvario
Tag and character goal:
Ersatra Ersatra Anastasia Von Arbin – Obtain a Chocolate Bean Farm | Get permission/land/property arranged. | Make it so the property can run as a its own Chocolate Bean Business.

Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia, Kirkwall
From: Forge of Empires (browser game)

“Hidden strengths? Hmm. I do believe cavalry would most likely strand upon this town, should it ever arrive.” That seemed to be his first, or perhaps his only, thought on the matter.

He shrugged regarding autonomy. “Truthfully, I only know that it makes the situation between Kirkwall's guards and that of other places in the barony more difficult, at times.” As for the baroness, he would nod. “I haven't been working as a guard for long, but I heard plenty good stories about here. Other than her lineage, which some say is dubious... Hmm. And perhaps some weird rumours about her staring a tails at times? Ah, but, forgive me. I should not talk rumours about my superiors.” He stated, clearly embarrassed by his own trip of the tongue there.

Cyntia Stroop

“Of course it will taste just as great, no, even greater!” She'd call out, brimming with confidence. “I'm sure you'll be back in no-time to buy some more, once you're done with the mayor~” She'd add. “So I'll see you soon!” She'd wave Anastasia off, returning to her bakery.

The otter was quick to get back in full gear upon being told to lead the way, puffing up his chest and smiling. “Of course, madam!”


As they approached what seemed to be one of the bigger buildings in town, Otto would pause in front of it. Before he could say anything, an old man, sitting on a nearby bench, spoke up.

“Oh? Oh my, what brings such a noble looking lady to a far-off village like Kirkwall, young miss?” He'd ask, upon spotting Anastasia.
Anastasia Von Arbin

Anastasia gave a polite nod to Otto’s comment about cavalry, her eyes taking in the layout of the village again "I know little about the art of war and combat, but I suppose what you said makes sense. It certainly would pose a challenge for any force accustomed to open plains."

As he mentioned the baroness and her lineage, Anastasia raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the slip of the tongue but choosing not to press him further. "Rumors often accompany power, but it’s the actions of a leader that define them," she said, keeping her tone light and dismissive of the gossip. "As for staring at tails... perhaps she has a penchant for unique details. There are stranger habits, I suppose." A small, knowing smile tugged at her lips, revealing a bit of her playful side.

When Cyntia bid her a confident farewell, Anastasia gave a brief wave back, her smile warm but refined. "I’ll be sure to return, Cyntia. Until then."

Following behind Otto, Anastasia’s pace was graceful yet unhurried as they approached the larger building in the village. Just as she was about to ask Otto if they had arrived, the voice of an elderly man caught her attention. She turned toward him, her expression gentle but curious.

"Good day, sir," she greeted with a respectful nod. "Business with the mayor brings me to this fine village." She stepped closer, her gaze warm but guarded, careful not to reveal too much in case the man was merely a curious villager. "And what of yourself? It seems Kirkwall has no shortage of friendly faces."

Her tone was kind but carried a subtle hint that she was still mindful of her purpose here.

Appraisal F on the old man.
Elvario Elvario
Tag and character goal:
Ersatra Ersatra Anastasia Von Arbin – Obtain a Chocolate Bean Farm | Get permission/land/property arranged. | Make it so the property can run as a its own Chocolate Bean Business.

Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia, Kirkwall
From: Forge of Empires (browser game)


The old man nodded at her reply. “Oh, the mayor, you say? I see, I see. He certainly has more outsiders visit him, the days.” The man would reply. “Me? I am simply enjoying the sun for a moment, watching the scenery pass by.”

He shook his head as he noticed the appraisal was used on him. (Without stealth actions or other abilities to disguise it, appraisal generally is noticed by those it is used on.) “It is rather rude to stare, madam.” He would point out. Her appraisal showed her only one thing; which was that this man was high enough in 'grade' to show her nothing.

“Ehm... Sir.” The guard seemed a tad uncomfortable.

“Then again, it also rather rude to leave a lady guessing, I suppose.”

Mayor Kirk

“Mayor Kirk, at your service.” He'd state, as he got up to head inside. His age clearly didn't make him the quickest or most nimble of people. “Might I ask what your business with me is about? Even if I may look like I have much time to spare, I do normally ask for someone to make an appointment.”
Anastasia Von Arbin

Anastasia blinked in mild surprise as the old man revealed himself to be Mayor Kirk. She had not expected the mayor to be someone so unassuming in appearance, nor had she meant to appraise him so openly. Offering a graceful nod of acknowledgement, she placed her hands together, composed.

"My sincerest apologies, Mayor Kirk," she said smoothly, inclining her head with respect. "I did not mean to intrude upon your privacy. It seems I was too eager to understand the fine people of this village." Her tone was light and sincere, though she made a mental note about how careful she’d need to be with appraisal going forward.

"As for my business," Anastasia continued, stepping closer to speak more directly to him, "I have recently come to an agreement with the baroness’ personal aide regarding the establishment of a new crop initiative here in Kirkwall." Her words were measured but clear, revealing just enough. "I seek to start a plantation for a rare type of bean—one that could potentially revolutionize the local economy." She smiled gently. "It’s why I was hoping to discuss matters with you, to seek your support in bringing this endeavour to fruition. That being said, I'd be happy to make an appointment for a later date. I may be of Noble birth but I expect no special treatment when it comes to matters of business. In business all of Ryke's citizens are equal."

Her eyes flickered briefly toward Otto who held her letter of introduction, then back to the mayor, curious to see how he would react to her intentions.
Elvario Elvario
Tag and character goal:
Ersatra Ersatra Anastasia Von Arbin – Obtain a Chocolate Bean Farm | Get permission/land/property arranged. | Make it so the property can run as a its own Chocolate Bean Business.

Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia, Kirkwall
From: Forge of Empires (browser game)

Mayor Kirk

He let out a soft chuckle upon her chosen excuse. “A fine people indeed.” He figured he'd bite. As he let them into his office and put on a kettle in a small alcove for a furnace, likely for making tea, he'd sit down at a desk in the middle of the room.

“Please, take a seat.” He'd gesture to a seat across from his desk. He'd listen to her business here in silence. Her agreement to return at a later date seemed to surprise him, perhaps, as it was only visible for a second, before he'd return to his normal unassuming self. “That sounds like an interesting tale indeed... reminds me of that girl... Steelhaven? Anyhow, those are old tales.”

The kettle he'd put on started to whistle, the steam going through its cap. “Ah. Might I offer you some tea?” He'd state, getting up slowly to carefully poor some boiling water into two cups and bringing out the tea leaves.

As he did, Otto suddenly noticed the eyes upon him. For a second, he seemed confused, then realisation hit him. “Oh, right! Sir, if you would. The letter of recommendation from lady Nightshade.” He stated, hushing over to put the letter on the desk.

As the mayor sat back down (after pouring them both tea, should Anastasia want it), he'd pick it up and read it. This tea would be a fair bit less herby and more fruity, though with some bitter undertones. “Ah, I see. Most interesting indeed.” He would conclude. “Right, there was no need to return at a later date, but I assume you realised as much. It's been rather quiet lately.” He'd smile and stare off for a bit, before he continued.

“If the baroness supports her through her aides, you will have my support as well. That said, I cannot guarantee the support of Kirkwall's citizens. Especially not as this seems to indicate you'd wish to contact someone from the Elven Village neighbouring ours. Although... There might be one person...” He seemed to ponder for a while.

“Milady, I shall be blunt. How good are you with those unable to show respect? Or rather, those likely to show disrespect?” He asked.

“Sir..?” The guard questioned, as it seemed he had in inkling of whom or what this was about.
Anastasia Von Arbin

Anastasia accepted the tea with a nod of gratitude, inhaling the fruity yet slightly bitter aroma before taking a small sip. The flavor was refreshing, and the subtleness of it reminded her of the regional differences in tea blends she had encountered before. Placing the cup gently back down, she observed Mayor Kirk carefully as he read through the letter of recommendation, watching for any shift in his expression or body language.

At the mention of 'Steelhaven,' her curiosity piqued. She didn't let it show too much, but there was something about how he had brought it up, in passing, that made her think it might be relevant. She waited for him to finish his musings before speaking.

“Steelhaven, you say?” Anastasia tilted her head slightly, her voice carrying a note of polite interest. “That name is unfamiliar to me, but it sounds like there’s a story behind it. If it relates to my business here, I would be quite interested in learning more.”

She then took a more serious tone as she addressed the latter part of his inquiry. “As for those who might show disrespect, I have learned not to take such matters to heart, provided they serve a useful purpose. I do not require reverence or even courtesy—only results. If someone can prove their worth through action, they may show me whatever attitude they wish. In the end, what matters most is the success of the endeavor, not the pleasantries exchanged along the way.”

Anastasia's gaze met the mayor's with confidence. "So long as they can assist in achieving our goals, I see no issue with navigating a lack of respect."

She leaned back slightly, taking another small sip of tea, waiting for him to reveal more about the person he had in mind, or perhaps, more about this mysterious 'Steelhaven girl'.

Elvario Elvario
Tag and character goal:
Ersatra Ersatra Anastasia Von Arbin – Obtain a Chocolate Bean Farm | Get permission/land/property arranged. | Make it so the property can run as a its own Chocolate Bean Business.

Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia, Kirkwall
From: Forge of Empires (browser game)

Mayor Kirk

He started to mumble a bit more, when Anastasia inquired about Steelhaven. “Ah, it's just a girl I watched grow up here. She used to keep bothering the farmers with her ideas on crop rotation. She'd eventually ventured to the capital, where she got employed by the baroness and I heard she even got to meet the Count. Haven't seen her in a long while... but that's another tale. Right now, it'd not relate, I believe, no.” She shook his head, sipping from his tea.

The mayor nodded along with the explanation of favouring results over respect. “Good, good. Otto, could you please go fetch Simi? She should be at the tavern.”

“Sir...?” He asked, clearly hesitant.

“You've heard the lady, she won't take too much offence.” He stated, upon which the guard simply gave a short bow and left.

“She'll be the most useful for this goal of starting a 'Cocoa Bean Farm', that I know. Though, I presume you do not speak Sylvan?” That might make things a tad more troublesome, but he figured it'd have to be that way.

“Either way, I must say, a luxury product from these fruits? That seems rather fascinating.” He'd mention, looking at the letter once more. “Is there any chance that, if you do succeed in selling these, we can market it as a Kirkwall original? I'm sure such marketing would highly help many in our village get more interested in the idea.” Whilst his voice was gentle, there was a hind of shrewdness to it.

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