My feelings are like schrodingers cat.
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Yufi totally didn't appreciate her outerwear which was in fact her armor even if it didn't look like it being torn by the Trifecta knights, which left her only in her innerwear of a black tight bodysuit. So with the fury of 1 murim nerd woman whose favorite clothes were ripped apart by people she already didn't like, Yufi quickly struck at the two knights with her sword. The first one was the lucky one as Yufi aimed at his hand trying to disarm him from his weapon and arm in one fell swoop, but whatever that happened or not she quickly moved to a secondary attack on the other knight this one was unlucky though as Yufi was aiming to stab them in their family jewels before she decided that getting hit by anyone right now would end poorly for her she decided to quickly move around the place trying to make it hard for the two of them to notice where she exactly was thus making them have a hard time hitting her.
1. Yufi strikes at the 1# Roze Trifecta knight. - Fighting Style: Mad Demons Sword Arts F, Blight {Lighting} F, Contact {Lighting} F, Strength E, Sword F - Grade F - 0 post cooldown
2. Yufi strikes at the 2# Roze Trifecta knight. - Fighting Style: Mad Demons Sword Arts F, Blight {Lighting} F, Contact {Lighting} F, Strength E, Sword F - Grade F - 0 post cooldown
3. Yufi attempts to hide herself from the Trifecta knights - Stealth F, Concealment F, Energized F, Acrobatics F, Fast F, Special Movement Untraceable F, Lucky F- Grade F - 0 post cooldown.
Lucky 1/2 used.
Armor broken
Weapon half broken
HP 2/2
2. Yufi strikes at the 2# Roze Trifecta knight. - Fighting Style: Mad Demons Sword Arts F, Blight {Lighting} F, Contact {Lighting} F, Strength E, Sword F - Grade F - 0 post cooldown
3. Yufi attempts to hide herself from the Trifecta knights - Stealth F, Concealment F, Energized F, Acrobatics F, Fast F, Special Movement Untraceable F, Lucky F- Grade F - 0 post cooldown.
Lucky 1/2 used.
Armor broken
Weapon half broken
HP 2/2