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Finished [Widersia - Clockhaven] Meetin’ the technician n the stage crew!: creator’s trials II


Yuze "Yufi" Fujiyo

Languages: Common | [Terran]
Mention: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune , Maxxob Maxxob

Yufi totally didn't appreciate her outerwear which was in fact her armor even if it didn't look like it being torn by the Trifecta knights, which left her only in her innerwear of a black tight bodysuit. So with the fury of 1 murim nerd woman whose favorite clothes were ripped apart by people she already didn't like, Yufi quickly struck at the two knights with her sword. The first one was the lucky one as Yufi aimed at his hand trying to disarm him from his weapon and arm in one fell swoop, but whatever that happened or not she quickly moved to a secondary attack on the other knight this one was unlucky though as Yufi was aiming to stab them in their family jewels before she decided that getting hit by anyone right now would end poorly for her she decided to quickly move around the place trying to make it hard for the two of them to notice where she exactly was thus making them have a hard time hitting her.
1. Yufi strikes at the 1# Roze Trifecta knight. - Fighting Style: Mad Demons Sword Arts F, Blight {Lighting} F, Contact {Lighting} F, Strength E, Sword F - Grade F - 0 post cooldown
2. Yufi strikes at the 2# Roze Trifecta knight. - Fighting Style: Mad Demons Sword Arts F, Blight {Lighting} F, Contact {Lighting} F, Strength E, Sword F - Grade F - 0 post cooldown
3. Yufi attempts to hide herself from the Trifecta knights - Stealth F, Concealment F, Energized F, Acrobatics F, Fast F, Special Movement Untraceable F, Lucky F- Grade F - 0 post cooldown.

Lucky 1/2 used.

Armor broken
Weapon half broken
HP 2/2
The combined efforts of Keircey and Koralia would eliminate Orcas 2# and 3# successfully, Koralia would no longer be under threat as Orca construct #4 flopped around blindly, missing its target and sparking like crazy. Notably, it flopped helplessly around in circles then promptly broke that circle and began ramming into the wall repeating like a dtysfunctioning roomba. With the combined efforts of The Spell and Yufi’s blade work the last two knights would be on the floor. Fried to the point there was no blood spatter as Yufi’s techniques cauterized the wounds. There would also be a limb or two separated from the body and littered on the ground.

Keircey’s shoulders drooped down for a brief period before he decided to stretch a little.
“Well, that was exhausting as shit.”

Keircey told the other two. Then looked around.

“Doesn’t seem like anything else is coming out..and Roy is silent so I assume we just continue further?”

He asked then looked at the stage in the back of the room. “I can’t control electricity for long periods, and those things look like keyholes. Maybe our keys from before will fit? But we have to get past the sparks… “

He hummed. “We need to think of a solution to this,…”

He walks over to the corpses of the knights and speculates. Then says,

“Ok. To explain. I am a wimp I was not designed to hold heavy stuff like metals or shields—however, you two are remarkably strong.”

He points towards two shields that are laid around damaged from the fight.

“Perhaps we could use those like umbrellas and move forward?”

Keircey asked.

Megilagor Megilagor Maxxob Maxxob
Languages: "Common", "{Bestial}"
[Beastkin], [Native], [Thoroughly Petted], [Baby Eater], [Summoner Abducted], [Fish out of the Water], [Widersia Adventurer Guild F] - Color #876fd6

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Megilagor Megilagor

Koralia would be breathing heavily at the end of the battle. And, despite the shark being tired, she had an expression of satisfaction on her face. The blue, predatory eyes glanced at the mechanical Orcas, glad about their destruction. "Serves each one of ya right!" She said, before spitting on the floor.

"Hey, don't beat yarself cuz ya ain't strong, Keircey. Ya smart with stuff. Just let Koralia here deal with that." Understanding Keircey's plans of using the shields as protections above their heads, the mercenary shifted the grip on her Zweihänder to a single hand. She would approach the defeated knights.

"Goddammit..." She cursed, seeing that they were completely fried. Her plans of getting one of their limps between her teeth to eat as they went about their business were foiled. "... heh, whatever, they don't even look that tasty to begin with." Shrugging, saying those words to try and convince herself of it, she would grab one of the shield they held, yanking off the corpse's hand. If necessary, she wouldn't hesitate to cut their arms off to get the shield.

"So, just hold above our heads, right?" She would do exactly that, trying to cover as much of herself and the others with it. "Imma ready whenever Yufi is." She grinned.

CDs: B 3/4
C 2/3
D 2/2

Blue file on Cyrus

Yuze "Yufi" Fujiyo

Languages: Common | [Terran]
Mention: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune , Maxxob Maxxob

Yufi breathed heavily, so much movement and Qi usage in such a short time did leave her a bit winded. Not even mentioning her broken armor or nearly broken sword.
"You tell me. I thought constructs don't tire themselves out?" She honestly asked despite it sounding like she was joking about it.
"I'm not that strong but compared to you yeah I am." Yufi replied full of sarcasm her only real defensive mechanism that she could honestly use for a while as she was indeed tired.

Yufi then sheathed her sword that lay on her lower back securing it more vertically this time as she really did not want a random spark to touch the blade and shock her. She then picked up one of the shields from the knights spitting on one of the corpses as well to make her feelings be a bit better about the entire situation.

Yufi readjusted a few straps on the shield and held it up high with a slight angle so the sparks would just slide down the shield down to the side where none of the three stood. She then walked up to Koralia standing side by side leaving a small Keircey-sized space between the two of them, and only when he entered said space would Yufi move along with Koralia.
Lucky 1/2 used.

Armor broken
Weapon half broken
HP 2/2
Not much was to be said about what happened next. The keys would be inserted as the three of them, walked on stage with the shields being held above their heads by the melee fighters Koralia and Yufi, protecting them from the hazardous sparks that came from the electric circuits above. A doorway would open behind the stage, leading the three of them into the tunnel, when entering the tunnel it would be safe to put the shields down and away, at some point unbeknownst to the two Koralia would disappear somewhere. Echoes of clinking and clacking could be heard from different areas of the tunnel, there were several paths to go down some with flickering lights, others with stable lighting. And paths unmistakably dark. Water dripped from the ceiling of the tunnel evidence of just how deep below ground the pair was…

Part two concluded.
1. Narrators Involved
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

2. Narrator Standing
Griffin - C grade

3. Summary of the Roleplay
continuing on from part one Keircey, Yufi, and Koralia investigate the Studio as their next location. With aid from Mary and Amelia. The first puzzle they find involves piecing together of the order each construct was completed in, after this puzzle Mary ‘faints’ and gets taken outside. Similar happens to Amelia in the next puzzle which involves properly weighing an outfit on a mannequin. Last is a fight against some of the roze trifecta, Orca constructs and a scrappy not fully repaired Circe. At the end they shield themselves and unlock a tunnel to the next area.

4. Goal Achievement
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Keircey: get rid of wanted status (partially successful)
Megilagor Megilagor Yuze “Yufi” Fujiyo: get rid of wanted status (partially successful)
Maxxob Maxxob Koralia ironjaw: find some food (failed)
Lolory Lolory Kuro Nekomata: make new friends (Lolory did not end up joining this rp)
Elijay Elijay Mary: gather some adventuring experience (Elijay quit isekai hell)
Crescent King Crescent King Amelia Vancrest: investigate and learn more about constructs (Disappeared mid rp)

5. Criminal Acts Perpetrated

6. Lore to Establish

7. Partial Participants
Elijay Elijay Mary (quit isekai hell)
Crescent King Crescent King Amelia Vancrest (disappeared mid rp)

8. Partial Participant Invaders

9. Full-Time Participants
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Keircey
Megilagor Megilagor Yuze “Yufi” Fujiyo
Maxxob Maxxob Koralia ironjaw

10. Characters with Point Boosters
Megilagor Megilagor Yuze “Yufi” Fujiyo - Attentive student
Maxxob Maxxob Koralia ironjaw Devour (was not used in this rp though)

11. Recommended Titles
up to the grader, I can’t think of anything at the moment

12. Assets/Titles Roleplayed For
indirectly roleplayed for would be a bump in status with the Widersia Adventurers guild where the jobs were posted. Alternatively N/A

13. Characters with [Wanted] or Criminal Titles
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Keircey
Megilagor Megilagor Yuze “Yufi” Fujiyo

Both have wanted titles that they are working off.

14. Hunters' Involvement
trifecta appeared, Roy was involved on behalf of Diago Luniary.

15. Special Skills or Assets

16. Transactions Performed

17. Rules Utilized
For combat advanced rules, for the puzzles custom ones

18. Character Sheet Oddities
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Keircey - N/A
Megilagor Megilagor Yuze “Yufi” Fujiyo N/A
Maxxob Maxxob Koralia ironjaw N/A

19. Aftermath and Potential Lore Updates
Not really much for aftermaths and there won’t be any lore to establish til the completion of the series anyway.

20. Narrator Bonuses

21. Additional Notes
this roleplay did not go as originally planned, some people unfortunately backed out and I will admit it was wonky.

Special thanks to Megialigor and Maxxob who stuck with the rp until the end.

Also to prevent any confusion ‘Diago Luniary’ will show up in the series eventually himself. I’m just trying to build up to that for story purposes.

This is the second part out of a four part roleplay series.

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