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Active [Stonewall Town / Kirkwall Town] (Caelia Barony) Where Nobody's Bean Before

Anastasia Von Arbin

Anastasia listened intently as Mayor Kirk reminisced about Steelhaven, filing the information away even though it appeared not to be directly relevant. The mention of someone growing up in this small village and making a name for themselves in the capital piqued her interest, though she sensed that this wasn't the time to delve deeper. “A remarkable story nonetheless,” she commented, acknowledging the girl’s achievements. “It seems Kirkwall has produced talent that even the capital couldn't ignore.”

As the conversation turned back to the matter at hand, Anastasia nodded thoughtfully at the mayor’s approach to the situation. “Simi, is it? I trust your judgment, and if she’s as useful as you say, I look forward to meeting her.” At the mention of Sylvan, she hesitated for a moment before shaking her head. “Unfortunately, no, I am not fluent in Sylvan."

When the conversation shifted to the potential of marketing cocoa products as a 'Kirkwall original,' Anastasia’s eyes brightened slightly, her business instincts kicking in. She could appreciate the mayor’s sharpness, seeing it as a valuable asset rather than a hindrance. “That’s certainly an idea worth exploring,” she replied with a measured smile. “It would raise the profile of the village and encourage further growth. I’d be open to such an arrangement, but only if certain conditions are met.”

She paused, considering the full implications of his request. “Of course, it will take some time to develop the process and ensure everything is up to standard. But of course so long as It would benefit both the village and the enterprise, I'd be willing to return to this topic at a later date.”

Anastasia took another sip of her tea, her gaze steady. “As long as our goals align, Mayor Kirk, I believe we can make this a success.”

Elvario Elvario
Tag and character goal:
Ersatra Ersatra Anastasia Von Arbin – Obtain a Chocolate Bean Farm | Get permission/land/property arranged. | Make it so the property can run as a its own Chocolate Bean Business.

Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia, Kirkwall
From: Forge of Empires (browser game)

Mayor Kirk

“Oh?” The mayor stated, upon Anastasia suggesting 'certain conditions' to be met. “It would, I can assure, make it something people are more motivated to aid with.” There was some regional pride that would likely be beneficial if used correctly, or detrimental if rubbed the wrong way.

They were shortly interrupted by a woman barging in.


“{This the one?}” She spoke in Sylvan, pointing at Anastasia.

“Ehmm.. yes” The guard followed her in shortly after.

Turning to Anastasia, she'd continue in Sylvan. “{So, what do you want with me? Getting the mayor to fetch me and all.}”

“I believe you'll have to use common.” The mayor stated, though his tone sounded more like a command.

“Gods, I hate speaking this dreadful noise. What do you want?” She'd ask, now in Common.
Anastasia Von Arbin

Anastasia's lips curved into a playful smile as she leaned slightly back in the chair and turned to glance back at Simi, her red eyes gleaming with mischief. “Well, aren’t you a firecracker?” she remarked, clearly unbothered by Simi's abrupt manner. “But I like a bit of spirit—it keeps things interesting.”

She crossed her legs, her tone light as she continued, “I’m not here to waste your time, so I’ll get straight to the point. I’m in the business of bringing something special to Kirkwall—cocoa farming. Mayor Kirk here says you might be the one to point me in the right direction. Word is, there’s an elf, or maybe someone from the Elven Village nearby, who knows about cocoa beans and how to grow them.”

Anastasia paused for a moment, letting the words sink in before adding with a teasing edge, “Now, I’m guessing you don’t exactly roll out of bed every day thinking, ‘How can I help a noble with her fancy plans?’ But trust me, this is worth your while. If you can connect me with someone who knows their way around cocoa beans, you’ll not only have me in your debt, but you’ll also be setting up Kirkwall for something a lot bigger than bread rolls.”

She uncrossed her legs, her smile widening just a bit. “So, what do you say? Feel like helping me stir up a little magic in this sleepy village?” Laughing softly Anastasia would add with a smirk "Or would that be far too dreadful for you to bear?"
Elvario Elvario
Tag and character goal:
Ersatra Ersatra Anastasia Von Arbin – Obtain a Chocolate Bean Farm | Get permission/land/property arranged. | Make it so the property can run as a its own Chocolate Bean Business.

Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia, Kirkwall
From: Forge of Empires (browser game)


“Firecracker?” She'd raise an eyebrow. “{Insulting me in foreign languages already. May the Spirit King use your corpse to fertilise our Dryad's rooting spots.}” She sneered back in Sylvan, misunderstanding the remark entirely due to the unfamiliar word.

“You like spirit? Sure.” She had no clue what she was meant to do with that information. The last bit was a tad more informative. “Good.” She listened to the actual information. “Cocoa farming?” She chuckled at the mention of someone knowing how to grow them. “You're looking at her. The fruit's decent, but not that popular. I heard some folk tried making other stuff with it, at some points, possibly in Widersia? Anyhow, I can't recall off the top of my head. All I know is that I couldn't get it to sell well here.” She'd remark.

“{I'd rather think how to fuck over some noble plans. It's a lot more fun.}” She'd smile, speaking Sylvan again. Then in Common. “Ah, my bad. I forget to use this awful tongue. I don't exactly care much about Kirkwall... so what's in it for me?” She asked.

Mayor Kirk

The mayor decided to interfere. “The elven village is formally still part of Kirkwall. I assure you, this woman's deal would benefit it just as much, if not more.”

“Sure it would.” She stated, voice dripping with doubt and sarcasm. Looking directly at Anastasia. “Now why would some {fancy stuck-up looking} noble woman manage to sell a fruit that I couldn't market to these tasteless bastards here?”
Anastasia Von Arbin

Anastasia chuckled softly, leaning back in her chair and shaking her head as if amused by the whole exchange. “Oh, this visit was definitely worth the trip,” she mused aloud, casting a sideways glance at the mayor before turning her full attention back to Simi. The playful glint in her eyes had returned.

“Well, Simi, it sounds like you’ve got the growing part down. Clearly, you know your way around these fruits better than most. But,” Anastasia leaned forward slightly, a smile teasing at the corners of her lips, “it’s not just about knowing how to cultivate them, is it? It’s about turning that hard work into something that sells. You may be skilled at growing them, but—” she paused, raising an eyebrow with a playful grin, “maybe selling them just isn’t your strong suit.”

She let the remark hang in the air for a moment, then continued in a more casual tone, “You see, we’re in the same boat, just on opposite ends. I can’t grow these fruits, not like you can. But I can sell them. That’s where I come in. You bring your skill with the soil, and I’ll bring mine with the market. Together, we might just create something neither of us could do alone.”

Anastasia's expression shifted slightly, more serious but still teasing. “Now, as for what’s in it for you... if you’re not too concerned with Kirkwall’s gain, perhaps you’d prefer the Elven village to profit more directly? I could see to it that they’re a bigger part of the equation, more involved in what’s to come. If Kirkwall’s not your concern, surely your own people are. Though if you wish to benefit yourself over all else I suppose I could work with that too.”

She raised an eyebrow again, her smile returning as she waited for Simi’s response.
Elvario Elvario

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