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Futuristic Steel Battalion

Izayoi nods "guess it's what Sakamaki 'the nutter' is good at!" He shouted out, masking his injuries a little "hmm, I don't really feel like continuing, is my first day and all... Maybe we should try it another time, maybe with a bigger audience?" He pointed out, half-realising Kurosaki wasn't just a fighter, he really was the academies 'Elite' which was good at least "I'd rather not injure you too badly in front of your sister" he bluffed, readying to defend from an attack.

He could feel the stinging in his chest and stomach, as well as the sore areas around his ankles and shins.
"I hear it's not good for a hurting chest to be spouting out threats. I look forward to another fight as well. Next time, I'll actually attack at some point, by the way."
Kurosaki took his hand, shaking it. "If you weren't new here I'd invite you to my little team; currently only me and two others. You might meet them if they ever return from the long as hell training programs off in their respective factions. One's from New Gaea, and the other's Valkyria, so we're kinda balanced right now, meaning they might have denied letting you in, anyways."
Izayoi nods "I'm Shinigami Terra... Obviously, though I'm also a gang member... So I can't really be affiliated with out government in a way... Well, seeya around; one thing in advance, I'll be randomly flirting with every girl on campus, including your sister... But I swear I won't do anything weird, Kay?"
Kurosaki suddenly switches into a cute but handsome act. "Well... It would be a shame if I were to lose all these cute girls." Suddenly, just about every single girl in the crowd surrounds him, verbally fighting over who gets him, which causes Izayoi to practically get pushed away from Kurosaki. "Calm down, ladies. There's plenty of time for me to talk with all of you." They all start to blush, going crazy over him. He looks over at Izayoi, winking and smiling at him. "I hope you have fun," he said, returning to the crowd around him.
Izayoi grumbles "I'm am soooo going for your sister" he retorts, then starts walking back to the group; gently rubbing some blood off his lip with the sleeve of his shirt "goddamit..."
Michiru hops off of Roxie, walking over to the crowd, making it to the very middle somehow, jumping on Kurosaki's back. "You were so cool out there, nii-chan!" Suddenly, almost all the boys joined the crowd around them, now fighting over who gets Michiru. "Cute as always, Michiru. If you weren't my sister, I'd be asking you out on a date." The boys literally began punching and kicking each other, going crazy for a moment, until Kurosaki speaks up. "Calm down all of you. You can fight over us later. For now, back to practice." Everybody returns to their practice, now practicing even harder to show off, girls for Kurosaki, and boys for Michiru.
Izayoi decks some random guy into the fountain, then walks up to the foot of the Lancelot as an odd, blaring noise emits. Then the female A.I's voice again "all new students follow the Lancelot. Now." The Lancelot had begun to move.
Michiru jumped off of Kurosaki, walking towards the Lancelot as Kurosaki walks off somewhere alone. She jumps up on Roxie's back once more, resting her head on her shoulder.
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"It's not that I miss home. Matter of fact. Rather not go back ever.........." Part of her knew that wasn't totally true. "But anyway you got any siblings."


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@animegirl20 "Nice to meetcha, Roxie. You can call me Neil. Neil Dylandy," he replied to the girl before she hurried off. Neil sighed at her, thinking that she was just as fluttery as his little sister back home. A pang of homesickness struck in Neil's gut, and he stopped in place for a moment, trying to ease the feeling away. It subsided as quickly as it came, and Neil continued following the Lancelot, hoping they'd get to their destination soon so he could get his mind off of depressing matters.
Ahmes followed the group of new students to the Lancelot, falling into step a few paces back, but still close to the others, for observation and conversation.

((Have a major headache irl so the post quality might drop a bit.))
Izayoi sighs, as the Lancelot walks, he dashes forwards and grabs onto it's leg, climbing around so he was sitting on it's foot, the heavy footsteps jolting and shaking him, but still a fun ride "hehe, Wooh!"
Roxie sees Izayoi jump on to Lancelot it's leg. Then sitting on the foot. "Hey! Make room I wanna ride!" She jumps on to.

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Izayoi grabs her arm and pulls her two him as he shifts himself over "sorry I touched you again, sorta instinct, thought you weren't gonna make it... Guess that's just me gender stereo-typing though." Izayoi pulled his knees towards him stomach, sighing "ugh..."
"Your good." She said sitting down. "Haha good idea man." She said giving him a punch on the arm.

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Izayoi groaned again "aye aye, you really shouldn't wear a bikini top by the way, school might get a little irritated at your dress code as well..."
Izayoi chuckled "yeah yeah, this IS a military academy you know, annoy them and they'll probably have you shave your head." He says with a smirk.
"Sure why not. Like I said I really don't care." She put her hands behind her head. "Haha hey might make me look tougher."

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