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Futuristic Steel Battalion

"Please, no formalities. It'd make me look too... hard to approach to everybody. I'm Kurosaki Kimura." The name was a familiar name, known as the best of Shinigami Terra in the Academy, which is probably why there're around thirty people behind him.

"Nii-chan, he said I'm not cute. Can you stomp on him with your Reaper?"

"Calm down Michiru. I'm not going to stomp on him with my Reaper. It'd be improper to stomp on him unless he actually touches you without permission."
Izayoi pauses "yeah... Definitely... Did not touch her..." He walked forwards, offering his hand to Kurosaki "well then, sup lad, how are ya, I'll assume you're rather protective of your sister?"
George heard the man's name, an elite and best of the academy's students of the Shinigami Terra. Kurosaki Kimura, and this was his sister, a surprising turn of events. He wasn't here to sabotage any of the other alliances, but to survey to make sure he was the top of the military. George turned around, walking over to be beside Roxie. "Hey." He whispered, wanting to make himself noticed as he watched the group. (@animegirl20 )
"Well, so long as she's fine with something, I'm fine with it, unless it's unreasonable, so yes and no." He took his hand, looking completely relaxed and off guard.

Michiru turned her head towards George, still on Roxie's back herself.
"Are you talking to me or Roxie?" She made sure she was whispering, seeing as George had whispered.
"Aye aye lad, you're Japanese I see... Hey, mind if we spar sometime? I'd like to prove to your sister that I'm a little more than just cannon fodder" he said with a smirk "one question, do you have problems with gang members?"
"Well, if you're a gang member, then I'll have a problem with letting you near my sister. Can't have somebody offering her drugs or anything," he joked. "Other than that, I'm fine with your status as gang member. Also, how 'bout we do a little hand-to-hand right now? Gotta know if you'll be able to protect her before I give my okay." Kurosaki let go of his hand, taking a few steps back, the crowd of people making their distance, though still there, watching.
Izayoi smirks "sure, why not. I'd much prefer to do it at a later date though, I have an allergy to the stuff they use for stasis, still a little off-balance, but sure." He exclaims, taking a left-foot-forward stance. Standing on the balls of his feet, mastered in judo, jujitsu along at with kendo to keep him okay, street brawling also wasn't uncommon for him. "First off, any rules?"
"Anything but between the legs, hitting the throat, and poking eyes." He just stood there, not taking any kind of stance at all, like he wasn't even fighting. "I'll let you go first."
George whispers back at Michuru, allowing a friendly expression upon his face as kids were no place to be completely serious. "I was talking to Roxie, but hello. I see your brother is about to have a spar, do you think he'll win?". After this George turned his attention to the man who took his stance, wondering what he knew. It seemed like it would be a slaughter, as the younger one spattering off about gangsters was probably some fool. He turned his head to whisper at Roxie, "I miss home also, but this place shall be better in some ways.". (@animegirl20 )
"I'm remarkably defensive though" he pointed out, springing forward of the balls of his feet throwing a swift feint with his right hand though his stance shifted, stabilising.
"Oh, I know nii-chan's going to win."

Kurosaki doesn't even flinch from the feint.
"Something as fake as that won't get me to flinch, you know." He stood there, waiting for the next move.

(As Kurosaki's the "Elite", he's going to win the fight...? Your choice who wins.)
(He's gonna win, but I don't think it'll be this 'one-sided trampling')

Izayoi used the momentum of the punch to launch a roundhouse kick towards Kurosaki's hip, guarding his chest and stomach with his arms, kick boxer style
Kurosaki turns sideways, back-flipping under the foot, using one of his legs to kick the back of it as it goes by, increasing the momentum to be too much for Izayoi to keep stable.

(Alright. He's going to win by using Izayoi's own attacks against him, which'll be his signature fighting style. It's not really one-sided, because he doesn't actually fight. I'll still have him drop his guard once or twice and get a decent hit.)
Izayoi chuckles a little, regaining his balance by maintaining the momentum, then slamming his fist into the ground to stop himself "launch an attack or two atleast" Izayoi's primary combat style was jujitsu, a defensive style that focused on kicks and counters.

((Seems good))
"I see no point in hitting an enemy when I can just make them hit themselves." He kept both hands in his pockets, waiting for the next move. The entire crowd of people were cheering for him, as well as the crowd getting quite larger over time.
Izayoi growled a little, taking small notes of his environment, the fountain, the stores, the people... Michiru... Even he wouldn't steep so low to use her as leverage, certainly wouldn't put the point he was trying to make across either. Instead he dashed off into the bustling crowd, pulling his hood over his head and blending in, throwing his voice "you said no rules, right"
Ahmes glanced to the Lancelot, before heading over towards a very large grouping of people. She stopped, next to the military like guy, though she thought his name was George. She watched, but then asked a question of the girl on the others back. "Is this.. normal?" She inquired, gesturing to the two boys, who seemed to be engaged in a duel of sorts. ((@Miyuki ))
"Oh, that...? Well, I'm not sure... I do know Kurosaki's going to win though." Kurosaki stood there, watching as Izayoi runs into the crowd. "If you're going to be a coward, then I'm going to just go ahead and spend some time with my sister until you get back out," he said, walking over to where Michiru was at, putting a hand on her head. "Hey lil sis, let's go get something to eat while we wait for the guy."
Izayoi had dashed out of the crowd, kicking off the ground and launching a drop kick towards her brother, his momentum had been picked up from his short dash. Yet he'd lost some power and punch, having to shift his approach do he didn't hit Michiru OR Roxie "first rule of the battlefield, always be watching!"
Kurosaki back-flips once more, grabbing his leg as he passes right over Izayoi, upside-down, his face in front of Izayoi's the entire time they move back from the momentum caused by Kurosaki's back-flip. He's about to slam Izayoi on the ground, but his guard's down from the sudden reaction, making it possible for both to get hurt rather than Izayoi. "Almost got me with that one."
Izayoi chuckles "coulda pulled that off if I would've been fine hitting Roxie and your sister, don't get so full of yourself!" He called out, twisting his leg and launching a kick behind him, towards Kurosaki's stomach, the aiming was off a little, even if it connected, it'd be no more than a glancing blow anyways, but it would help with movement into the next combo. So it was okay to do it.
Kurosaki raises his own leg, pushing Izayoi's attack into his own shoulder, spinning afterwards around the leg that just hit is shoulder head-first, pulling his leg back and doing a front-flip in the middle of a back-flip, slamming Izayoi's back against the ground, though twisting his own ankle on the landing due to how out of practice he was with that kind of mid-air fight. "Heh, not bad. First person that's managed to land a hit on me, even more so make me twist my ankle," he said, still able to stand perfectly, though he could feel slight pain through his own leg.

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