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Futuristic Steel Battalion

"Hmm, you tend not to be polite when you're a gangster and a criminal I guess, hmm, not used to people. Well whatever, Sakamaki Izayoi is the name, breaking rules is my game!"
George's face tinted a bit of pink, wondering if he had executed the gesture properly. The moment She gave an explanation, however, George's face settled into his calm stare. "I'm sorry, it just comes natural Miss H- Roxie.". He then pondered his own name, wondering where she could have heard it. "My father is Sam Manchester, he is a prominent general, so that might be it.". (@animegirl20 )
"I'm Michiru, though I'd rather not tell my last name." (I'll be a little less active than the rest of you on this for a bit, as I'm in a few roleplays over PMs.)
"Tch, guess I regret asking" he comments as he walks off and hops between a pair, Roxie and George "Sorry for the interruption"

((Same here Miyu, I've got 5, as well as normal RP's on the side.))
"Oh haha hey! You got tripped and fell in the fountain. That was funny." She hitting hard on the back. "I use to trip nerds for fun at my old school."

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Izayoi growled, then noticed George, unnerved but trying to act like he didn't notice him "'Nerd' ? You say? If you weren't a woman I'd grab you now and chuck you into the damn pool"
"Haha aw trying to be a gentleman. Haha yah look I've dealt with bigger guys then you my friend. Much bigger haha."

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"Ever dealt with a gang member?" He asks, growling at her still, though oddly present of George, son of that military general, Sam Winchester.
"My friends were gang members. Was never in a gang my self but we all hanged out. But no never had too."

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"Then you've never dealt with me, got it?" Izayoi pauses, then sighs "Eh... Sorry about that, seems I got... A little carried away there... Sorry..."
Izayoi chuckles a little, his entire personality seeming to have changed. "Sorry anyways" he grabs her shoulders "but your strong! I could do with having someone like you around!" He exclaims, then hops back " sorry, I get carried away... All the time..."
"Strong huh haha sure why not I wouldn't mind hanging out with you. But my number one rule is don't touch me ever."

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Izayoi nods "got it, got it; but if you don't want people touching you, wearing a bikini top was an EXTREMELY stupid idea, just sayin"
"Hey I happen to like what I'm wearing. And just because I'm wearing this doesn't mean a guy has to be touching me. Right Mr Knight." She looked at George.

@OnyxReaper @Huntrey


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Michiru was suddenly behind her, poking at the swimsuit. "Why black...? Isn't black a little... too easy to absorb heat...? Wouldn't the swimsuit be to cool yourself off from the heat...? Don't the strings burn your shoulders...?"
"I had a reason to touch her, formalities, you on the other hand didn't." He crossed his arm, for he wasn't following their conversation but placing a hand on a lady when they don't want it wasn't right in his book.
Roxie jumped "whoa now like i said I don't like nobody touching me. And it's black because I like the color black. And no I'm not hot." Then she looked over at George and back at Izayoi. "See he gets it."

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Neil smiled at the girl who'd addressed him, "Yeah, we probably should, huh?" ((@RinDaVamp)) He stepped into line behind the huge machine that had appeared before the group. Standing in its shadow, Neil looked up and admired all 15 feet of gold plate that formed the Lancelot.

"Everyone seems to be getting on pretty well," Neil thought to himself, sticking his hands into his pants' pockets. "Er, mostly," he amended as he heard several bickering here and there. Not thinking much of it, Neil continued along, taking in the new scenes and images that would compose his new home.
"Aw, come on..." She jumped on Roxie's back, extremely light due to her small body. "Can I still be your friend?"
Uh.. since when was there a Sam being played...??))

Ahmes sighed, returned the smile, and began walking towards the group. She stopped, a step behind the kid who had fallen into the fountain, and listened to the last parts of the conversation. "What difference does it make what shes wearing..?"She commented, slightly quiet, but still hear-able to those close to her. She tilted her head along with the question, confused about the fuss, as she had never really been outside of the Church, and never around kids her age, only old people.

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