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Futuristic Steel Battalion

Michiru trips him lightly, which dunks his head back in the water, her getting up and walking over to Roxie. "The first time was an accident, but that one was on purpose," she said to Izayoi, then smiles at Roxie.
Sakamaki Izayoi, the sadistic, calm but gentle douche he was gave a low chuckle "Atleast ya'll have a sense of humour... Even if it is sorta abusive to me in a way..," he pulled his way out again, a pool of icy water pooling at his feet. He shivered a little "... Guess ... I need to go find a place to change..."
Ahmes smiled, finding it slightly funny that the boy, the name of which she had not figured out yet, had ended up soaking wet and they hadn't even been there for very long. She moved a hand over her mouth, to stifle a laugh, and moved over next to the other two girl, although she stood off to the side of them a few steps. Her hand had dropped back to her side.
Michiru began laughing a little, having found it funny that she had that kind of side to her. "I-I'm sorry, I never thought I had such a side to me,"' sh said, all while still laughing, half sounding insincere during the apology part.
"Don't care" Izayoi took off his shirt and went back into the ATV, grabbing a change of clothes as he slammed the doors behind him, changed, then popped back out in less than an instant.
Roxie laughed to her self and said "I'm not sorry haha" she then crossed arms. And continued to look around.

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Neil felt a sudden chill as he came to. Annoyed, he tried to fall back into sleep, but found he couldn't. His joints cracking and muscles aching, he stretched his way out out of the capsule he'd been contained in and looked around. "Seems I was a bit late in waking up," he chuckled to himself, "Well, better late than not at all." Neil stretched his arms, popped his shoulders, and then made his way to the back of the vehicle. He opened the doors and hopped down, blinded for a moment by the intense sun. His eyes adjusted to the light when he saw the rest of who he assumed were his new classmates.

"Hello, everyone," Neil smiled, "I don't suppose you're all new here too?"
"You may as well say that.." Ahmes replied, to the newest kid, who had just came from the vehicle. She made no new expressions as she spoke, simply looking over the other. Unimpressed, she tipped her head back, and looked upwards, to where her 'gods' lived, and watched the clouds roll by as well.
Michiru starts to walk towards the building, ignoring the others for some reason. She didn't even know why she started walking on her own, but kept walking anyways, believing her body had its own reason for walking without her telling it to.
Izayoi caught Michiru's movement out of the corner of his vision, grabbing her by the shoulder he made a quick comment "you reaaaaaally should walk off you know"
Without second thought, she tripped him as soon as he put a hand on her, now holding his hand in a position to twist it, which would cause severe pain. "Don't sneak up behind me like that...!" She took his hand properly, helping him stand back up. After he was standing, she started to walk back towards the building again.
Izayoi grabbed her hand this time "is it in your blood to just... Not listen to people?" He took up a quick stance for stability, though he really didn't care either way.
George had awaited the allotted time prescribed before stepping out of the chamber, not feeling any aches or pains for waiting. His armor was untouched, and his cloak was still draped around his shoulder to show his stature in the hierarchy. Blue eyes, blue embroidered armor, and blue cloak to show his position of 2nd, but only to his brother. No, here they would just think it was nothing but a color. When George finally stepped out of the truck the bright sun and the enormous building caused him to squint. It was something spectacular, and the sound of duels from swords to mechs was making him excited. He walked over to the group, crossing his arms as he awaited some formal instruction.
Roxie still waiting to see what would happen next. She noticed a guy in armor. "Ha look at this character. What are you some kind of knight?" She said in a mocking tone.

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An odd hum filled the plaza, then a large Knight took heavy steps into the plaza, a 15- foot behemoth that seemed to be played head-to-toe in gold, a gruff, make voice escaped it "Arriving students, follow the Lancelot, it shall escort you all to the main meeting hall of the academy.

The Lancelot, the name of this behemoth that stood, the most advanced knight that Valkyria had created which could be produced en masse, though it wasn't of the highest caliber, such as the Reaper or Wraiths which Shinigami had created, Lancelots were a force to be reckoned with.

Izayoi let go of Michiru and turned, walking forwards to the Lancelot. Only making a simple and basic remark "So. Awesome. I. Want. That... Soooo bad..."
Michiru grabbed Izayoi by the ear for just a moment, in order to pull him back to reality. "I'm pretty sure you'll be getting one, seeing as this is a place to train to use them," she said, though was now talking in a kind and friendly tone compared to earlier.
Izayoi whined a little "but that thing is a Lancelot, it's way too high-end and expensive to be used to train some military students. The guy piloting that... He's part of the Vakyria military then..." Izayoi continued to groan, slowly looking excessively more depressed "We'll probably have old models... Ugh..."
"I know somebody who's being allowed to use a Lancelot here~" She said it in a really happy, yet calm tone, poking Izayoi on the shoulder. "Sadly, I can't tell you who it is~"
Izayoi chuckled and span "Please tell me~desu" he exclaimed, attempting to make himself sound polite... Doubting it'd work, he returned to a formal tone "Please, mi'lady, would you care to tell me?"
She pulls on his ear lightly, puffing her cheeks out before talking. "I don't like it when people try and act polite when they aren't." She quits puffing her cheeks before talking again. "If you want to know, you'll have to prove you're my friend, and not just for until I tell you, but after, as well."
Izayoi sighed, his enthusiasm crumbling "got it... We should probably head to the Lancelot, no running away... Grr..."
Michiru starts walking, somehow quite a bit faster than Izayoi, even though merely walking.
Izayoi was still rather wet and depressed, sighing as he followed along, his shoulders slouched somewhat "grr... Evil women..."
Michiru looks back at him, with a friendly smile on her face, and a bit of playfulness in her voice. "Did you say something?"

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