Steamworld OOC

Aine said:
Joseph's pretty fucked D: I'mma have to think of a way for him to somehow get away alive.
What! Fucking crime lord has no way of escaping? (Sarcastically speaking) Now how am I suppose to follow a boss with no bomb shelter? Bruh that's shameful. Lol jk you could make your own secret underground get away to the east where I'm pretty sure everyone is going because of the leader. I was promised cookies!!! But not even that will keep me forever because eventually people get sick of eating the same shit.
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XXXIwolf said:
What! Fucking crime lord has no way of escaping? (Sarcastically speaking) Now how am I suppose to follow a boss with no bomb shelter? Bruh that's shameful. Lol jk you could make your own secret underground get away to the east where I'm pretty sure everyone is going because of the leader. I was promised cookies!!! But not even that will keep me forever because eventually people get sick of eating the same shit.
SHAME! How can you get tried of eating cookies D: But yeah, I kinda want to develop Joseph's character in some way and not just escape unharmed.
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Aine said:
SHAME! How can you get tried of eating cookies D: But yeah, I kinda want to develop Joseph's character in some way and not just escape unharmed.
What if the shrapnel damages him in some way where he needs to wear the power armor most of the time? Like have it damage his muscles or nerves in some fashion
Vultz said:
What if the shrapnel damages him in some way where he needs to wear the power armor most of the time? Like have it damage his muscles or nerves in some fashion
That sounds badass! I'll definitely try to make that happen.
MsPolite said:
oh BTW @Aine would you like to make a history between Blume and Joseph?
I guess most of the mob bosses know each other. I'm thinking that a love-hate relationship would be pretty cool with the two of them.
Sooo...I'm just gonna suggest a formal time skip...would anyone else be okay with this? It lets us start fresh on a new day, our characters get to teleport to different places instantly! And everything settles down and I put a big 'ol chapter one review up on the overview page! Whaddaya guys say?
I say go for it boss man. Also to everyone I am currently drawing fan art of all of yer characters. :U this is how great you all are and this rp
XXXIwolf said:
I say go for it boss man. Also to everyone I am currently drawing fan art of all of yer characters. :U this is how great you all are and this rp
XXXIwolf said:
I say go for it boss man. Also to everyone I am currently drawing fan art of all of yer characters. :U this is how great you all are and this rp
that's awesome xD excited to see
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/bots.JPG.b13ef89853b9fe7957509da9e67d9f5a.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143992" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/bots.JPG.b13ef89853b9fe7957509da9e67d9f5a.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Clair, Bugsy and Aurora

Don't worry there is more to come, I just can't fit all of you because canvas size are hard to figure out for me. I'll be doing one by one. This took me forever to draw



  • bots.JPG
    59.5 KB · Views: 19
Vultz said:
That's so awesome :o
Thank you. I almost passed out during the drawing. That's how tired and lazy I was drawing this. I did my best and cannot for the life of me do backgrounds.

Btw you and Marz are the next people I will be drawing. I already have a pose ready for them.
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MsPolite said:
so does anyone have any ideas that the might wanna share for the rp?
I have a few but they mostly involve my character to develop in the story. From her innocent sweet, childish ways into a much mature, serious person. xD so far to me you made the most infamous guy seem weak thanks to your enormous fleet. I say you be the main villain along with Joseph.
XXXIwolf said:
I have a few but they mostly involve my character to develop in the story. From her innocent sweet, childish ways into a much mature, serious person. xD so far to me you made the most infamous guy seem weak thanks to your enormous fleet. I say you be the main villain along with Joseph.
they can be the ultimate power couple c:
Well I currently have no idea how to make my characters progress, since both of them are idle and don't seem to have any possibilities to interact with others atm. I maybe thought of giving my second char to a friend, of course only if @Ghost Hunter agrees, so that he can roleplay it, since for Elizabeth to evolve and such she would need a lot of interaction with Serqet, and I think making both of my chars interact with each other is meh.

Also @XXXIwolf your drawing is amazing o: Do you by any chance post more of your drawings on sites such as deviantart oder so? ^^ Would love to see more of those drawings c:

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