Steamworld OOC

Okay, so what I'm gonna have my character do is, once clair is finished doing whatever with bugsy, have him drive down the road you guys are running down, have him see his son, and tell his crew members to supply a cover fire for you guys and say to get on the bed of the truck. The truck is able to hold several tonnes, so holding bugsy and the 'power armor' shouldn't be a problem. After getting that done, he'll drive you guys straight back to the airship where you guys can escape with him
Vultz said:
Okay, so what I'm gonna have my character do is, once clair is finished doing whatever with bugsy, have him drive down the road you guys are running down, have him see his son, and tell his crew members to supply a cover fire for you guys and say to get on the bed of the truck. The truck is able to hold several tonnes, so holding bugsy and the 'power armor' shouldn't be a problem. After getting that done, he'll drive you guys straight back to the airship where you guys can escape with him
You got it boss man. I'm still trying to figure out what Clair is gonna do to bugsy
Wait a minute isn't her ass like some acid or inferno ass power? Didnt you say that some guy got burnt to dust for groping her? So shouldn't Bugsy by melting?

@Mr Swiftshots
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XXXIwolf said:
Wait a minute isn't her ass like some acid or inferno ass power? Didnt you say that some guy got burnt to dust for groping her? So shouldn't Bugsy by melting?
@Mr Swiftshots
I think they meant burnt to dust in general, not by arse. Besided, if it is then clair can probably control her body temperature at will, so it wouldnt be burning bugsy
Haha no Clair controls blue flames , she can conjure them at will. The man just went to grab her btw , butts were never brought into the equation xD
Aight, did my post. Now imma go pass out. It's 2:30 in the morning here
Attention K Mart shoppers! I will be gone for awhile. Be back soon my lovelies. For those who care please like this post and give five cents for the hermit crabs in need.
Aaa, I got a little lost in the RP x) Can anyone tell me where most of the people are right now and what they're doing, like a small recap? o:
We are all out side the blacksmith's. On the far end of the road stands Josh Zoey and kyns and some mobb goons. Then a truck is inbetween us providing cover. My idea for what happens is that we all get into the truck kyns pushes Josh in the way of the truck somehow and we just hit him sending him fly back. (Denting the truck) Josh then gets up like nothing happens bugsye picked up kyns carrying him running along beside of the truck. Heading to the airship for a get away
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johnthehunter said:
We are all out side the blacksmith's. On the far end of the road stands Josh Zoey and kyns and some mobb goons. Then a truck is inbetween us providing cover.
Ah alrighty! Thanks :D
I don't want to go with you guys though. Can bugsy please not pick me up?

johnthehunter said:
We are all out side the blacksmith's. On the far end of the road stands Josh Zoey and kyns and some mobb goons. Then a truck is inbetween us providing cover. My idea for what happens is that we all get into the truck kyns pushes Josh in the way of the truck somehow and we just hit him sending him fly back. (Denting the truck) Josh then gets up like nothing happens bugsye picked up kyns carrying him running along beside of the truck. Heading to the airship for a get away
Maybe we say sorry no room/their is no way we could carry your armor and your just like no prob Bob I got this and you and Zoey take off. (I still think it be both funny and bad ass if we just hit Josh with the car. He goes flying back like 20 feet in to a brick wall and just gets up like no problem)
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should I go ahead and get the truck rolling, since kyns isn't going to get on?
XXXIwolf said:
Nope you just have to wait for him to accept.
Also I'm back baby! What has been happening?
we're about to get bombed! \o/ Also, I'm working on my post now c:
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Vultz said:
we're about to get bombed! \o/ Also, I'm working on my post now c:
What?! Nooo lol literally everything is going to chaos right now xD why do I get the feeling Joseph is going the have to bow down to the crimson witch or they become a thing? Both evil beautiful minds

XXXIwolf said:
Aurora holds onto Bugsy as she was suddenly thrown back from the acceleration of the truck. Thr bot also held Clair which she probably enjoyed at the moment. Once the truck came to a halt, the old man gave her group directions to get on board the airship. Aurora gladly helps carry Marz to the airship with the help of her assistant. One of the crew members guiding her to Marz' room where he was placed on a bed and a sheet thrown over his body for comfort. She sighs in relief. Bugsy was too big to fit in cramped rooms so he was left behind with Clair to watch over him. Aurora hears the old man shout about holding onto something. Before she could even react, she gets slammed against the wall from the sudden rise. Bugsy held onto Clair keeping her safe as he uses his body for shelter and a hand holding the rails of the ship for safety. Once the ship became stable, Aurora groans and rubs her head hearing the sudden sounds of explosions for some reason. She thought that maybe they were just thunder clouds or something. The snow haired mechanic sees the old man walk into the room and looks over Marz. "Um... thank you for saving us from that situation." Sheepishly she fiddles with her fingers then rubs her left arm unsure what to say next until she notices the man wear a concerned face toward the kid in bed. "Is he someone special to you mista? You both have similar features." She gives a slight blush.

Meanwhile Bugsy releases Clair from his grip and shivers in fear a but from the view of a fleet bombarding the town they once stood. It was all getting destroyed in a split second. They were lucky to escape but what about the others? Nuts and bolts shaking loosely inside Bugsy as he shivers.

@Mr Swiftshots
he said to aurora and the crewmember to 'get his SON to the medical bay' c:
Vultz said:
he said to aurora and the crewmember to 'get his SON to the medical bay' c:
Oh my bad I will fix that. You see suffer from short term memory loss lol. No but seriously I forget easily for someone my age.
XXXIwolf said:
Oh my bad I will fix that. You see suffer from short term memory loss lol. No but seriously I forget easily for someone my age.
don't worry I do too, which is why I have to recheck other posts in one scene like 3 or 4 times :P

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