Steampunk/ Sky pirates [Inactive]

"Oh G-" Skie's voice would be unintelligible past that, but after a moment she would be able yo be seen gliding to the roof of a nearby building.
"Extremely" Raven said answering the man with a side smirk. "So, ya got a name, or am I just gonna have to make one up for ya?"
"Raven is a pretty top name. Hey, Edgar Allan Poe wrote a poem named after you!" He grinned, hoping she'd get the reference to the old poem.
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"Yes, he is an amazing poet, some of his pieces made me loose many nights of sleep though" Raven said laughing at the time she read his poems when she was 9, she didn't sleep for a week.
((Oh man sorry, crashed last night.))

Maverick's grin only grew wider as she commented on his works. These days, it was hard to find anyone who took any interest in things from thd old world, especially literature. "Pfft, yeah... It's so creepy, especially for younger eyes. But so hauntingly beautiful, too."
((Sorry I didn't answer, my internet went on the fritz.)) She drew her sword and lunged towards the man who was now talking to her friend. She didn't understand much of what was going on but what she did know as that Skie was gone and the new man was still here and had a weapon. She landed on top of him and pointed her blade at his throat. "Who the enfer are you? She said in an angry and dark tone.
"The fuu--" The man started as he fell backwards. His violin almost fell, but he managed to catch it. He looked to Raven desperately, not fighting back to show that he had no malicious intentions. "I'm, uh, Maverick."
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She saw that he had no intent to hurt her or her remaining friend, so she got off of him, but kept her sword in her hand. "Care to be a bit more specific?"
Maverick slowly sat up, holding his violin close to his body. "I'm just a guy -- a musician, who ended up here after my crew ran into some trouble. I was enjoying a song when your friends nearly scared me to death -- literally."
"I see." She sheathed her sword and smiled at him. "Sorry about that. I'm a naturally suspicious person. Mind telling me where my other friend went?"
Skie would fly back up to the tower and hover at it's entrance. "Not cool Raven. Oh, hi Alex."
"She's had them for maybe a half hour. I'm Alex by the way, sorry for holding a sharp object to your throat!" She held out her hand to shake.
"Really? That's impressive. And hey, it's no biggie - you didn't put it in my throat." He laughed quietly and held his hand out, shaking hers.
((I'm guessing you guys are still in London, so I'll head down there with you all I guess xD ))


"Ok, Bast we're almost to the ground, get your mask." I told bast as we flew towards what used to be London. Bast went to the back and pulled her mask to me. I Strapped the tiny costume made mask onto her face then quickly grabbed my own gas mask, strapped it on and prepared for landing.


After a few minutes I found a place to land, a few blocks from a beautiful clock tower. I checked the pouch on my belt, which held my kunai and shuriken, then in another pouch was my scanner. I checked my backpack, which contained a few herbs, bandages, some food, bottles of water, and my book that I put herbs in to dry, the swung it only my back. I pushed some buttons and made it to where when the door closes the air will filter out pushing the toxic air outside and leaving the good air inside. Bast jumped onto my shoulder as I opened the door, quickly stepped out and closed it. I looked around as I heard hissing from my ship, the toxic air was draining out. "Time to find some mutated plants." I said excitedly as I walked around, I have been wanting to see how plants reacted to the toxins in the air and Bast has been wanting to go to London so this was our exciting expedition.
Skie would glide down to the ship silently, hiding from the newcomer on the other side of the ship. She would give her friends a "Shush!" Signal and listen in on the man.

"Hmm, where do you want to go first?" I asked Bast. "Umm the clock tower!" She meowed as the translation emanated into my ear from the ends of my glasses. "Ok the clock tower it is." I started to the tower as I looked around in awe. The wasteland looked amazing even if it was in chaos. "Luckily I don't think well run into people so I can relax." I told Bast, people made me so nervous.
Skie would keep his ship between them until he gets to the tower. Then, she would begin tiptoeing after hI'm, trying to decide whether he was a threat or not.
She tossed a communicator to raven, switched her wings on, and set them on silent. She gracefully dived off of the clock and glided down to to where the newcomer was, spying from above. "They're coming your way" She whispered.
(( xD eeeeeeee lol I think he is going to continue to be oblivious lol))


Finally making it to the bottom of the tower I bent down to a patch of small purple flowers. "Whoa, this is Lobelia erinus. It a dangerous plant I wonder how the toxins have affected its poison." I said as I brought my book out picked a few and placed them inside. I put the book back and contiued staring at the purple flowers.

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