Steampunk/ Sky pirates [Inactive]


Suddenly I felt something hit the back of my head then saw nothing but black.


I saw Riki fall to the ground and hissed as I jumped onto his chest.
"Giving the bird a cat? Sounds disastrous, but ok." Skie would attempt to pick the cat up by the scruff of its neck.

I bolted under Riki's shirt before she could grab me and peaked out of the neck. "Meow" translation: Riki, Riki, wake up!
"C'mere, you gear grinder." She would grab you with one of her raptor feet.

"Meow" Let me go! I bit her foot and wiggled around trying to get free. "Meow" Riki you picked a horrible time to take a nap.
"Uhhh... Whats going on here?" 
"Now who is the dude passed out on the ground?" Raven said looking the the boy who was laying lifelessly on the ground.
Raven made a are you serious, please tell me you are kidding face. Raven looked down at the passed out boy laying at her feet and said in a smug tone "Looks like we've got a real genius in our hands. How did genius pass out anyways?"
Maverick, having scaled the clock back down to the ground, walked up to the group quietly. "...The hell?" He muttered, staring at the unconscious man on the ground.
"Long story short, this guy is crazy and was gonna make radioactive wine, then I smacked him on the head with my gun and knocked him out! It's been a good day."
"No cats for me. I'd rather carry the body by myself. Actually I probably will. Thanks for the offer!" She said, kneeling down to pick up the man. She looped her arm around his waist and held him up easily. "I got this." 
She activated her wings and began to hover a foot off of the ground. "Alright well if none of you need anything else, I'm gonna take sleeping beauty here up to the ship."

Feeling myself being lifted I flipped out and landed on the ground. I saw Bast squirm out of the creatures grasp and jump onto my shoulder. "Meow." You took your own sweet time about this. So these people were a threat to me? And they seem to know each other so was this green girl actually a guardian? I dont know. I thought to myself as I pulled out 2 kunai and got in a defensive position. "What do you want from me?" I asked, without any hint of nervousness.

"Your not getting anything from me and I came here to study, not to fight." I replied. 
"Why did you attack me from behind, that was cheap shot."
"Study what? The best way to get yourself killed? You know that all of these plants are radioactive right? Make wine out of it and.." She made a dead person face. 
"And I attacked you from behind because I've always wanted to try the thing where you knock somebody out with a gun!"
"Great I'm glad I could be your test subject."I said sarcastically. "I study the plants. Filipendula ulmaria is used to flavor wine and it has several healing properties. I was planning on doing a few tests on it, see how the radiation affected those properties. Yeah I was planning on making wine with it but that was for a test too, Bast and I were joking around about actually drinking it... well unless the tests showed that its safe to drink." I chuckled

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