Steampunk/ Sky pirates [Inactive]


I looked around the ground and saw another plant, I rushed to it. "oooh Filipendula ulmaria, I'd know that smell anywhere." I decided to leave my book by my side as I put several flowers in it. "I hope your ready for some homemade wine." I told Bast. "yeah after a week or so." she meowed impatiently. "Oh come on its worth it." I said back. "fine then you won't have any." I huffed. "Noooooo, I'll wait." She head butted the side of my face. I laughed. "That's what I thought."
Skie would spread her wings and force them down rapidly, sending her skyward. A couple seconds would pass before she lands in front of the botanist. "Why're you down here?"

I squeaked when I fell, landing on my bottom as the girl covered in ((Green?)) feathers landed in front of me. I looked up at her when she asked me a question. "Um experiments." I nervously said as I looked down to the side. Was she some sort of mutant guardian of the ground world? I wondered.
"Not without me you don't." She mumbled. She set her wings to speedy and took out her favorite handgun. She glided down to the new man and landed silently behind him, putting her finger on her lips to signal Skie not to say anything about her presence.
"I am the fifth daughter of the fifth daughter, of a long line of purebred avians. The name they sing about is Lo'ek syn Rhy, the one they use to curse at me is Thrull Vok, but my true tribe name is Wearer of Emeralds. And I am here to stop you from taking our food."

I stared up at her. "Uh... Um... you eat poisonous p-plants and drink wine? D-does it fill you up?" I asked not knowing really how to respond to all of that.
"We drink wine, yes. But those plants are as poisonous to us as this air is."

"Oh. T-that makes sense." I scooted back a tiny bit. "Can I just t-take samples of the p-plants?" What did she plan to do to me? I didn't think there were human-like inhabitants down here.

"Uh, all I have on me is medical supplies herbs food and water. Would any of that work?" I answered thinking of what all was in my backpack, yeah I think I named everything in there.
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"I uh do." I answered. Wondering where this was going. ((Sorry it was slow I had to switch computers))
Oh for gogs sake! She thought to herself, raising her weapon. She brought the butt of the gun down on the strangers head, knocking him out. Or maybe he was just faking? Whatever. She stood up and grinned at Skie. "That was even more fun than expected!" ((Its up to you wether you are conscious or not.))

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