Steampunk/ Sky pirates [Inactive]

Sitting upon one of the large stone slabs of the north-facing clock face was a lone man, dressed in a traveler's or pirate's garb. His face was concealed by a thick gas mask, with heavy coppery tubes running from it to a large pack he had sitting behind him. Legs dangling off the side, floating daringly above the abyss called London below, he had a violin out and was playing himself a

. The melancholic tune was carried by the wind, though certainly not down to the ground.
(Sorry for the length, I'll try to shorten my other posts.)
"Alright, lets do this!" She reached the clock and took out three grappling hooks and launchers. She tossed two of them to her companions and shot her own up to the clock.
Skie would take one and shoot it up the side of the tower. She would begin climbing afterwards, pausing once to listen to the music.

"What is that?"
"I hear music" Raven said while slowly pulling her gun out of the holder on her belt. Raven slowly approached the soft sound of what she thought must be a violin.
The man was completely oblivious to the approaching women. Sitting on top of the pack, though, was what looked to be a gold-plated pistol.
The man jumped a bit and froze mid-note, looking like he might fall right off the wall. After his quick moment of shock, he set his violin down and replaced it with his pistol and jumped to his feet, though he didn't raise it. "...A travelling musician?" He replied from under the mask, his voice coming out in a strange echo.
"Wait what?! You live HERE, on the ground? How are you not dead?" Raven asked in confusion while still holding her gun to his face just incase he tried any thing on her.
"You don't sort of just end up pregnant, so how did you get here?" Raven said in her normal sarcastic tone of voice.
The man sighed. Though, with the mask, it sounded more like Darth Vader breathing. "My crew -- well, old crew -- needed some artifact here. I volunteered to go, because I wanted to get some sheet music from when London was, you know... London. Things went sour for them, and I've been a bit stuck. Why are you here?"
"Why would you-- you know, nevermind." He looked over to Raven. "Would you mind, uh, not pointing that thing at me anymore?"
"Go on, put the gun down." Skie would command, her voice clear, oddly unobstructed by any gas mask.
Obviously, the man didn't seem to really care about Skie's... Well, you know. Sure, he'd glanced, but that was it: A glance. Nervous, he bent down and set his own pistol down, then raised his hands up.
"Good." Skie would climb the rest of the way to the traveling musician and grab his gun.

"Nice, would be better if you hadnt pulled it on a couple of freaks, but eh, we probably seemed ruthless from up here."
"Uhm... Well I was sort of enjoying playing my song, and you guys are the first people I've seen since I ended up here. Can't help but pull on you." He realized she'd come pretty close now, and instinctively grabbed his violin.
"Just make sure you don't instinctively blow one of our heads off, or Ill instictively tear your mask off. We clear?"
"Back up in non toxic air, on our ship, we do. But before we get there, I was going to get pushed off this tower."

((If they get online x3))

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