Steampunk/ Sky pirates [Inactive]

"No... its hurting less now... though Ill need something to cover this stuff up... the caotain might not like it..."

She stretches out her new body, wincing as all her joints start popping.
"hmmmmm. I might have something. Do you think you could fit them under a coat?" She kneeled down and began to unzip her duffel bag.
"Yea, that should be fine."

She would fold her wings against her back, and they would pop again.
Skie would put the coat on, her wings only making it bulge a little. Her raptor feet would still be showing, though.
"Skie, you don't have anything to hide" Raven said and put a hand on Skie's shoulder. "I'm not one to get all emotional and sweet but you are fine just the way you are right now, and in my opinion I think you look pretty goddamn awesome!"
"I don't think there is a such thing as normal people anymore" Raven said while looking through the ruins of the once large brick buildings of London.
"Maybe the mutation only occurs when you are exposed to certain type of chemicals like the ones present on the ground, and when we get back up to the ship you will be back to normal" Raven has read many X-Men comics so she knows a thing or two about mutations.
Raven ran her hand through her long blue hair and sighed "well honestly Skie I don't know what to tell you, I obviously have no clue what you had to go through during the mutation process. It's your call, Hotshot".

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