Steampunk/ Sky pirates [Inactive]

You would see a flash of dark green, and hear the barely-recognizable whisper of Skie, saying "Don't... look..."
Raven came around the corner and say Alex "Hey alex did you find-- oh my gosh what is that?!" Raven yelled when she saw Alex
"You look... wow" Raven said in amazement "Hey, you can be an X-Men" Raven said remembering their conversation a few days ago.
She would be covered, for the most part, in greenish-black feathers that shimmer a little in the light. Her head would be the same as it was, besides her eyes' pupils being slits instead of circles. Her arms would be feathered like wings, but she'd also have much longer wings coming out her back. Her leg muscles gained tone, and her feet have became smooth raptor claws.

"I belong in some comic book.."
"No, you belong right here with us." Raven said with a smile "Now I think you are the one who should really be named Raven now" she added. 
"Wait, can you fly?" Raven said with a huge smile across her red wine colored lips.
"How did this happen? One moment you were a human then u jump off the ship and now you are a bird or something."
"I think it was my genes... when they hit the toxic air, a reaction happened... it hurt, a lot..."
"This is why we left the ground... the animals couldn't have been the only thing to mutate... We need to get back up there before your filters run out..."
"Before we go let's at least explore a little" Astrid said while starting to walk towards a huge clock tower.

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