Steampunk/ Sky pirates [Inactive]

Four Eyes looked at Skie yawning. "Alright let's wait for everyone else before we go down." Four Eyes walked down into his cabin grabbing his gas mask and grabbed a couple rifles and brought them back up onto the deck and set them down. In the pile there was a flare gun and a harpon gun, the rest were automated rifles.
"To be honest, I'm not much of a fighter. That's why I like this flare gun."
"Yea, kinda. Haven't actually done it myself, soI can't wait to see what's down there."
"I've never been down either, but I've always wanted too. Theres just one thing I'm worried about." She said, beginning to frown.
"Raven. I'm worried her thieving nature will get ahold of her and she will take dangerous and radioactive artifacts with us."
"Don't worry, not a lot will be radioactive anymore. Its been a while, everything should be pretty stable."
"Geeze ok, I thought we were getting off to a good start but never mind" Raven said in a sarcastic tone. Raven hopped up onto a table and sat there and said in an honest voice "So ya really think I'm some cold hearted killer" Raven then took a large gulp out of her whiskey bottle she took from the captain.
"Ya know, I thought we where starting to become friends. And also, don't pretend you know all about me when you only just met me 3 days ago" Raven said in a semi angry yet disappointed voice. "Oh and I thought of a nickname for you, Smartass cause ya seem to know all about me and everything. I may be a killer but I am not heartless! You may think you know all about me but you have no clue what I had to go through before I met you" Raven said.
"Justice" Raven said with a sneer. "Justice died a long time ago. Out here its every many for themselves, or at least thats what everyone I ever get close to seems to tell me!" Then the words that Raven dreaded saying finally came out "IF YA WANT ME TO LEAVE JUST SAY SO AND I WILL Be HAPPILY ON MY WAY!"
"No. I don't want you to leave. I just want for you realize that what you did was wrong and for you to repent. Its the only way."
"Repent?" Raven said with a puzzled look "Who exactly do I repent to? All the people Ive killed are dead, whats done is done and as much as I want to, I can't change what has already been done. If I could change what has been done do you think I would be living this hell of a life?"

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