Steampunk/ Sky pirates [Inactive]

"Nope, Skie said 'boot', we were talking about my new boots I got at the port" Raven said in a nervous laugh. "But as for our new adventure, Skie and I have been discussing a plan."
Four Eyes goggles where on, he could see every movement of Ravens face, and with this he knew that she was lying "Boots...ha very funny. You know why they call me Four Eyes?"
" Oh yes Miss Raven, but these goggles aren't normal. They let me read people like a book, zoom and enhance, night vision, thermal, and yes see througth clothes. That is why i can read lies Miss Raven." Four Eyes was saying this with a large grin on his face still, it amused him to see people reaction about the goggles.
"Oh sure cause seeing through peoples clothes isn't strange at all" Raven said in her roman sarcastic tone. "And now that you can read my thoughts and actions, you must want me off your ship, cause as you most likely know by now my thoughts and actions don't tend to be the prettiest". Raven said dancing towards Goggles.
" Oh i never said that." At this time Four Eyes hand was going to his back pocket, gripping onto his pistol. "Infact i'm a bit of an outlaw my self ever heard of the pink crystal riot, got out of there with more then enough crystal to fund my pirating project here for awhile." Four Eyes now firmly had his pistol in his hand still waiting to see if Raven would make a move.
Raven reached into her trench coat pocket, holding her beloved throwing knifes, and watching him closely already knowing he was grabbing his pistol just like she did with her throwing knifes. "So four eyes while we are here, why don't ya tell me your real name cause it obviously aint Four Eyes" Raven said in a snarky confident tone.
Four Eyes pulled his pistol out pointing it at her " So that's it you just want to know my name huh?" Four Eyes started to circle the room " Do you feel my comfy knowing the people your gunna kill?"
"What makes ya say I'm gonna kill you. I have no reason to kill you, yet. Oh and as for your name, I just like knowing things about people that might come in handy later"
Four Eyes stopped putting the gun back in his pocket and leaned on the table with a slight sigh " My real name is Attics i prefer my nickname thought."

Four Eyes waited seeing if Raven would put the knifes away.
"Ever heard of the book 'To Kill A Mocking Bird'? It was really popular on the ground world?" Raven said and slowly put her knifes back into the pocket of her trench coat. "And why did ya change your name, Atticus is better than being named after an evil bird" Raven said.
"......I don't read many old world books, i stick to newer ones." Four Eyes said with a slight pause inbetween each word. "I go by Four Eyes because that's what pirates liked me for, i want to be a pirate and have my own flag the people will fear!" Four Eyes was becoming quite excited as he spoke. "To rule these skies and have enemies flee from the sight of your flag...ahh that is the life for me."
"People don't fear you because of some flag. Oh and by the way thanks for letting me stay on your ship, its the closest thing to a home I have ever had I guess" it was true, being born an orphan Raven never stayed in one place for more than one or two nights at a time.
" Thank you i like to know this place feels like a "home" to you, but i have t contradict you on the flag part." Four Eyes pulled a chair and sat on it listening to the music he had left on. "If you leave a mark, and give this mark a symbol people will fear it, or cherish it."
"I'm not one to get into a deep emotional talk with. So lets do something I'm good at, you got any alcohol in this flying piece of metal of yours?" Raven said with a smirk and kicked her feet on top of the table she has been sitting at.
Four Eyes smirked at this comment. "Of course what type of pirate would i be without any?" . Four Eyes went out the door going to his cabin taking two bottles of whisky, and walking back up with two glasses as well. He sat down and put the whisky down on the table with the glasses. Four Eyes poured Raven a drink then himself.
"Hey, I may only be 17 but I can sure as hell drink, so forget the glass and just give me the bottle" Raven said "So Atticus, how old are ya?"
Four Eyes passed the glass to her anyway, not wanting anyone to get to drunk so he could regulate it. "Now that you ask i'm 18." Four Eyes drank a bit of his whisky.
"Ok. Your name is Atticus, you go by Four Eyes, you are a pirate, you have magical goggles that can see naked people, and you are 18" Raven said taking a swing from the glass of whiskey. "Well, I suppose thanks to the magical goggles of yours you already know all about me. Heck, you probably know more about me than I know about myself"
Four Eyes almost chocked on his whiskey if that was even possible, and it wasn't about the comment of naked people. " I don't read minds, i can simple read your face. I know the signs of lies and i use it to my advantage.......also i don't use the goggles just to see naked people." Four Eyes quickly took another swig of whiskey.
"Careful there buddy, wouldn't want you to choke cause if you did that would mean I would have to search for a new home" Raven said with a smirk across her dark red lips. "Anyways, I better check in on Skie, and see how she is doing. See ya" with that Raven snatched one of the bottles of whiskey from the table and went off.

(I Gots To Go. Byyee)
Four Eyes took one more shot and cleaned up the glasses and went back into his cabin turning off the music and went into a deep sleep.
Skie would pull on a lever next to the ship's wheel, sending it downward gently. After a couple seconds, she'd stop it's descent and cancel out it's momentum.
Four Eyes woke up from the small amount of decent. He got out of bed and walked up topside. Looking around the sky he leaned up agasint the railing and yawned.
"Mornin, captain. We are hovering above our destination, a mile above the toxic layer of air."

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