Steampunk/ Sky pirates [Inactive]

"Not without me you don't!" She yelled after her, grinning. She jumped off of the side of the ship as a gigantic pair of mechanical wing unfurled from her backpack. Finally some fun!
She glances behind her for a quick second to see Raven board the other ship.

"Oh, for crying out fraggin loud!"

Skie would then sprint to her smaller machine, kick the mooring line off, and start flying around the military ship. The machine's gatling gun would start whirling, shortly after spraying bullets into the ship's hull.
"I thought I told ya-- you know what never mind, cover me" Raven said and suddenly threw a knife directly into an approaching guards heard in a split second
"Я думал, ты, наконец, меня" she said to the dying bounty hunter that laid in front of her
As Skie circles around the ship, her bullets tear the engine to shreds, making it start slowing down and dipping a little.
"Skie, ya think you could possibly hack into the ships system so it will crash?" Raven yelled so Skie could hear her over all the commotion
"Hack it with bullets? Certainly!" She takes aim at the captain's wooden quarters and shoots into them. A fire breaks out almost immediately, a bullet probably hitting the captain's precious rum.
Raven threw 3 more throwing knifes at the approaching bounty hunters. Another guard came up behind her and got him into a head lock and snapped his neck.
"ahhh if it isn't Miss Romeo. Its a pleasure to see you again." a tall handsome man approached her with a sinister smile. "Go to hell Anton!" Raven quickly screamed back at him fuming with anger.
The ship would begin falling much faster, tumbling in the air a little. Skie would race down alongside the ship, allowing you to jump onto it.
"Lets cut to the chase darling, where it it?" Anton said to Raven in a serious voice. "I have no clue what you are talking about" Raven immediately replied. "Give. Me. The. Map. Romeo!" he said sternly 
Before he could say anything else Raven walked up to him, pressed a light kiss on his lips, whispered in his ear "See you in hell", pointed her gun to his head, looked him in the eyes, then shot him dead. 
"Come on guys, we have to get off this ship before it crashes" Raven yelled at her friends! "And can either one of you give me a lift, I aint got one of those fancy flying wing things?"
"I'm right here!" Skie yells from her machine. It would be right beside the ship, its wings close to its hull.
As soon as they returned to their ship Raven said "Its quite ironic that both of you have wings, I don't, and I'm the one who was named after a goddamn bird" Raven said trying to avoid explaining what just happened a few minutes ago.
"I mean, seriously, you don't just kiss a guy, then kill em. Its kinda cruel."
Raven let out a long sigh "Ok here is the truth, there is warrant out for my death. Yes, as you probably already guessed I'm a criminal. That ship was after me. And that man, Anton he was my boyfriend. His family were one of the first to leave the ground so they became very powerful. I only dated Anton because his family had the last map of the ground world in existence and I thought I could make a whole lot of money by selling it in the black market. So stole the map, but only after I stole it I realized its true value. So I kept it. Thats why I know so much about the ground world"
"And so you blew his brains out? We coulda left right there... He wouldve died with the ship."
"I see. You could have just told us you know. I mean I already knew and I didn't punch you or anything did I?" 
"On a side note, do you know just how much money is on your head? A lot. A lot of money. You should be more careful."

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