Steampunk/ Sky pirates [Inactive]

"He may be hiding it well but I'm better at being sneaky than he is. I'll squeeze the truth out of him" Raven said with her signature side smirk.
As the ship moves forward, Skie would veer it to the west some more, to avoid a large storm that was directly ahead of them.

"We might be getting a little shaky soon. Front is moving in, which means we'll have some wind."
"Do you know who you remind me of? There used to be this old old land walker story, a myth of sorts, which, through a long process including comic books and badly animated cartoons, became the main focal point of a really great movie. The hero, Thor, was great and all, but everone loved the villain, Loki the god of mischief. So thats your new nickname Raven." She said with a smile.
"Great... wind" Raven said sarcastically while reaching for her large trench coat out of her black duffle bag. "Do you have a map of where we are going?" Raven asked while slipping on her coat.
"Kinda... Ships, even the most stationary ones, can't weather storms unless they are really, really strong. So, using that storm, I can guess where my old home is based on it moving out of the way."
"Loki hm, I like that. Sounds fitting" Raven smiled in approval. 
"Speaking of Gods, it seems to me like the Gods are mad at us cause they are showering this goddamn awful storm down upon us." As soon as Raven said that, as if on cue, a huge loud bolt of thunder struck making Raven jump in surprise.
"Yea, It should get better soon. Unless this sunuva piston speeds up, in which case, go belowdecks."
"I understood basically nothing either of you just said" Raven did recognize that whatever Alex said was in French. Raven did not speak French though, instead she spoke fluent in Russian.
"Are you of French decent?" Raven asked trying to distract herself from the loud thunder outside the ship.
"Wait a minute" Raven quickly said "Where the hell is captain goggles? We are in the middle of a storm and he didn't even come to check on us? That is quite peculiar" Raven stated.
"Heavy sleeper? Or a test?"

Skie starts pulling on levers, sending the ship upward slowly.
"As do I. But in the meantime, does somebody waNT TO TELL ME WHY THE FEDS ARE AFTER US?" She said, already pulling out her guns. 
She was talking about the five to ten government ships perusing theirs.
"If you want to not get captured, I suggest you tell me, so I don't have to waste vital seconds to look behind me and let go of these controls."

Skie would begin feverishly pulling levers, turning knobs, and cranking on the wheel.
"No time for questions but I have a stupid idea" Raven said while rummaging through her duffle bag looking for her sniper. "Stay here!" she said and ran outside. The FED ship was only a few yards away so taking a deep breath, Raven jumped onto the ship. 
Raven remembered all her training she had received from her old gang. One guard spotted her but as soon as he started coming towards her *bang* Raven shot him dead.

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