Steampunk/ Sky pirates [Inactive]

"Oh and uh Skie" Raven added "Ya got something on your face". Guns in sleeping quarters, I aint no ship expert but that does not seem right, Raven thought to herself.
Four Eyes walked back up topside and up the stairs to the steering wheel using the intercom there "Now if one of you could be so kind to remove the rope from the dock we can be on our way!". He toke his finger off the talk button and fired up the engine, the ship would sligthly rise a bit more but, it was on able to move because of the rope.
"Remind me to ask the captain about using those things. Oh, thanks, Bird-girl. Your name was Raven, right? Sorry, horrible memory and such."

*She would wipe the grease on her face, which has the side effect of only smudging it. She would then run over to the mooring ropes and pull them off the posts that connect the main ship to Four-eyes' ship.*
The engine fired up and the propellers move quite fast with a jolt the ship started moving. Putting his finger on the talk button again "The thing moves kinda slow for it's size but the armor and firepower is well worth it...oh and if anyone would like to take over flying be my guest!" The ship was moving at a decent speed by now heading north.
"Alright, this'll be fun."

She runs up to the wheel, examining the various (Or not-so various) collection of knobs and levers, before turning a bit to the West, away from the nearest military hub.
"So Skie, how did you become such an expert with machines anyways? You only look a few years older that me, and I can't even get a ship off the ground, let alone pilot one"
After letting Skie taking the controls Four Eyes would go down to the second floor and examine the big artillery gun, he'd make sure the sights and the reloading mechanism. After that he would go back down to his cabin and sleep.
"Simple. I was raised by a captain and a mechanic. The Captain taught me all of the controls for every ship he owned, the mechanic taught me how they all worked. So not only can I drive one, I know how they work. And as for how I remember all of it, they think I had some gene-manipulation done before I was born."
"Genetic mutation, that reminds me of this really old comic book people used to read when we lived on the ground. Hmmm what was it called again?" Raven thought to herself for a minute. "OH YEAH! It was called the X-Men!"
"Not mutated. Manipulated. The same way people get control over things like ice. Usually costs a ton, which makes no sense, because I was abandoned."
"Oh I'm sorry, I was born an orphan so I know what its like. I was taken in by a gang when I was 9 I think, they fought me everything I know about fighting and life before we left the ground just like how that captain taught you about ships and stuff" "I don't even remember how my name became Raven Romeo" Raven was happy that at leaf Skie found people who took care of her.
"Heh, I know exactly how I got my name. Y'see, the captain wasn't too imaginative, so he named me after the weather he got me in. Clear skies. so my name is Skie Clear."
She walked up behind them. "My dad wanted a son but my mom wouldn't name me a guy name so they had a compromise. Sorry am I interrupting something? I would hate to steal your time away." She said, putting the slightest bit of emphasis on the word steal.
"Hey, when ever you feel like you have a weird name just remember that somehow I got named after an evil bird that belongs to witches. I would do anything for a normal name." Raven smirked and whispered to Skie "And the captains name is Four Eyes for god sake" Raven laughed at the thought of people calling her Four Eyes.
"I kinda doubt that his real name is Four Eyes. I'm gonna call him Goggles. What do you guys think?" She said, a silly grin appearing from her getting started at her nicknaming game.
"It fits him well. It doesn't quell my curiosity on his actual name though."
"Sounds fitting" Raven agreed "So I guess Skie has already been nicknamed Hotshot, and Ive been called Bird-Girl twice today"
"Maybe so, but I didn't make it up so expect something else from me soon. and as for Goggles" She sat up straight, imitating a proper young lady. "I consider myself to be entirely above snooping around. Especially if the person in question does not wish to reveal the information" she said speaking in a prissy tone, before bursting into laughter.
Raven also burst into a fit of laughter. "Well I don't consider myself be be entirely above snooping around, some I'm gonna discover his name and history one way or another" Raven said with a smirk.
"I'm honestly not sure. There was this girl earlier, she was the ships mechanic I think, and she kept calling him 'young lord' and things like that." She said suddenly growing serious.
"Well, I'm in control of the ship, so... If he is a royal, he's hiding it well."

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