Steampunk/ Sky pirates [Inactive]

"We should head back up. If it starts happening, then... sedate me to hell's gates. If not, then Ill just have to hide."
"Don't worry Skie, we will find a way but for now let's just enjoy whatever London has to offer us" Raven took a deep breath and sighed "It sure is beautiful, if I lived on the ground I would defiantly live here"
"Well I won't just leave you here, Skie" Raven sighed "I bet the people who lived here were happy, I mean they had such a beautiful world filled with life and beautiful ideas. Now all we have are giant metal ships floating around the sky producing nasty thick grey smog"
"Yeah, technology kept growing and growing and the air began to die" Raven said in a sad voice. "And due to the dying air humans has to find new clean air to polite with their technology. Some day we will destroy all the air in the sky and we will have to find somewhere else to inhabit. Does that make any sense?"
"No... But maybe it doesn't have to? I mean... look at me. I've bee reborn in feathers and blood. What's to say there isn't more of me? More that can inherit and use this rotten earth?
"Pheonix Clear? Naw... I like my name. Besides, if there's more of me, I think someone would already have that name."
"Alright... I had better not die, or else that's on your head." She starts walking for the "Big Clock" (AKA Big Ben.)
"I miss my days of having to dive off of buildings because bounty hunters were chasing me" Raven says with a chuckle "I'm coming too!"

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