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Fandom Star Wars the old republic: The Rlyoth Conflict.

"Follow my lead young one." Darth Maylum said. Darth Maylum walked up to the front doors of the base and the durasteel door opened, leaving a smaller weaker metal door behind it. "Good, she deactivated the generators I see, we attack now." Maylum said. The two republic guards at the front see Darth Maylum and the apprentice now, they yelled "Intru-" before they could finish their sentence Darth Maylum sent a very strong force push at both of them, and they slammed through the metal doors, dying and causing an opening for them to enter. "Let's go." Maylum said to the boy. Three soldiers rushed from the front, out of the base and two from the back of Maylum and Rhett. He turned to see he three soldiers in front of him blasters drawn. She charged at the soldiers. He grabbed one by the throat with his hand, got his saber with his other hand and ignited it. The other two soldiers were still stunned and in shock from the sudden attack that they didn't even fire yet. Darth Maylum stabbed the man he was holding by the throat, through his stomach, then dropped the body. He did a quick, but not very strong force push on one if the soldiers causing him to go flying into the wall. He turned to face the other surviving soldier. He slashed his gun in half, then did a spin move and hit the soldier in the face with the hilt of his saber. He wanted to inflict as much pain as possible and relish in his emotions. He felt pride, anger, and hate all at the same time fueling his powers. The soldier put his hands to his nose because it was smashed by Darth Maylum's hilt. Darth Maylum then did a horizontal slash at the soldiers stomach and then a diagonal cut across the chest. The soldier that was tossed into the wall was getting up now. "I'm going in the base, kill the surviving men out here!" Maylum yelled to Rhett. He ran to the soldier that was getting up. Maylum kicked him back down. He looked the soldier in the eyes and said "I will break you." He then shot a strong torrent of force lightning at the soldier causing as much pain and agony as he possible, to fuel his emotions and power. After the body stopped jerking around from the lightning and went limp he stopped shooting the lightning form his hands. He looked at the charred black body for a moment. Satisfied with his kill he walked on into the base.
Ryloth - Republican Base AZ-34-2 - Padawan Asa Mordin (disenvowed)

The compound trembled. Dust fell into his lap. It didn’t take a genius to figure that the dull bangs came from outside. Toe-curling screams followed.

“What in the devi-“ Another bang, closer this time. “You, guard the kid, everyone else to their positions. Private Hannen, sound the alarm and get those damn lights back on!” Commander Shatley barked.

Even in the pitch-black dark, Asa could see shadows flit past. Empowered by sixth sense, he knew exactly that Shatley had left one measly militia to guard him. One. He started to like the commander.

An calloused hand bolted around his arm and pulled him up. “On your feet you.”

Asa barely heard him over the bangs and shouts from outside. Hovering his thumb over the hilt, he tried to shush his racing heart. For years he had trained, sparred, meditated, all to be prepared for moments such as these. But this time it was different, this time the man holding his arm held a blaster in his free hand. What if I am too slow…

“Stand against the wall, no sudden moveme-“

Zapp! A purple flash sliced through the air. The man’s face contracted into horror, and Asa could see every feature convulse in the baleful purple light. The corpse thudded to the ground, his throat slit and charred.

He wanted to grin, spit in the man’s face, spin on his heel and walk away without a care. But he couldn’t. The gaunt, pale face, illuminated only by his humming sabre stared at him with wide open eyes. I’ve killed him…Just like that, a life had been snuffed out. A tremor, like the involuntary chattering of teeth, surged down his arms. He couldn’t tear his eyes from the dead stranger at his feet. He was one of them, he deserved it.

He was a stranger…

No, he was one of them! They would’ve sent you back!

He was innocent…

Flaring his nostrils he stepped away from the dead body, yet the hollow eyes were already burnt into his memory, lodged in his brain together with the scent of scorched flesh. Distracted, he blindly stumbled forward, barely able to see a feet ahead of him, much less hear anything but rattling guns, swooping hums and bullets whizzing through the air.

A presence, like a massive shadow looming over him, entered his mind. He stumbled to a halt. Whatever it was, it was powerful and hateful and-

-and coming his way…

Snapping out of his concentration Asa steadied himself, gripping his sabre tightly with cold, clammy hands and slamming his back into the wall near the door. If the swirling presence would barge in, he would have some warning.

Come on you fat bastard…come on out…
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Dakarim sat in the imperial shuttle’s holding bay among the luggage to separate himself from this idiotic crew. Meditating among the boxes, the young apprentice was channeling his anger into more productive activities, like actively stopping himself from attacking his crew from reaching Ryloth when needed. Just as he was about to settle his rage, the same voice that has been tormenting crackled over the intercom once again. “Ryloth has come into view my lord, we shall arrive there within a moment.” A frown found the siths face once again though at least this time he was interrupted by some good new rather than another reason to delay. Finding a window on this ship, Dakarim admired the still planet as they approached wondering what battles he shall find below.

Deciding he doesn’t have enough time to deal with the incompetency of his crew personally, he made a note in his head to remove the crew from the empires services later. Walking through the station, he did not feel his Dark Lord’s presence. Growing curious, he reached through the force to feel his master’s presence. Dakamir eventually felt the conflict that was brewing and a large presence of force users at a location not far from his location. Grabbing one of the closest imperial speeders, he left to head towards his master.
Roseri's face was twisted in a cruel smile as her blaster shots, meant to be able to punch through armoured engines, were tearing straight through her targets and charring and cratering anything solid behind them. Bolt after bolt rained from her blaster as any lackey who served the Republic dropped and other's panicked.

It was all going perfectly until a massive Zabrak soldier stepped out of the barracks sporting heavy armour and a rotary blaster. It wouldn't have been a problem if an equally massive, if not bigger, Zabrak stepped out and leveled a grenade launcher in her direction. A muted thunk signaled the launching of a grenade, and Roseri's left arm and leg pushed straight down, launching her into an arcing right ways spin as the spot she'd just been in was reduced to rubble. Seconds later the first Zabrak was sending rotary blaster bolts at her, peppering the area.

Leaping from the wall and into the courtyard Roseri bee-lined to the right and put herself in the alcove that held the smoking generator. Readying herself for trouble, she pulled her hood from her head so it would not hamper her vision. A second later she heard orders barked for a group of militiamen to converge on her. Stepping out of her cover, she fired four bolts into the closest men before firing a blast through the locking mechanism on the door to the building she was next to a dove inside as another grenade tore into the ground behind her.

Affixing her rifle to its spot on her back mid roll, Roseri came to a stand to find a number of cell guards standing before a stair case. All were armed with stun batons or other club based weapons. Her sword made a hissing noise as it slid from its sheath to be held at ready by the Farghul.

It was about to get bloody.
"Hmm I sense a strong force wielder ahead, perhaps a jedi? It isn't Fayd because it is weaker then him, but it is someone of notable power." Darth Maylum thought. While walking through the base he looked behind him to see if Rhett killed the other guards yet, he didn't see them anymore, but he heard noises out there, probably Rhett killing them he thought. He kept walking through the base. The republic militia men stood next to a robed figure.

"Sith" said the robed figure while looking at him.

"Bow before me and I'll finish you quickly. You stand no chance, there are multiple sith here, and an agent. Now jedi, where is the commander of this base?" Darth Maylum said. After he said that the two mere militia men were pulsing with fear, confusion, and distress. The two militia men bolted away. "You will not escape my wrath." Darth Maylum said, whole throwing his offhand saber At the two militia men, cutting them both down in their tracks.

"Sith you will not come into republic territory and cause mayhem! Prepare to meet the end." The jedi said.

Darth Maylum sensed the jedi was a jedi knight, it would be a notable challenge for him. The jedi came charging at him, the jedi had a single blue saber. Darth Maylum ignited his main saber, then his offhand saber he threw came back into his hand, ignited. He put both his sabers in front of him in an X shape to block the jedi's oncoming attack. The jedi gave out three hard slices, but Maylum blocked them all. Another hooded man in his early twenties came out of the room beside this one.

"Padawan, go now! Your destiny lies elsewhere." The jedi knight said.

"Master I will fight beside you, I promise I'm ready to take on a sith!" The padawan said. Maylum saw that the jedi padawan was eager to serve his master but had small amounts of fear in him. The knight had no fear in him, but worry. Not worry for himself, but his padawan. That's when Maylum found the jedi's weakness. The jedi tried to thrust his saber at Darth Maylum, but Maylum parried it and hit the the jedi with a force augmented kick in the chest, sending him flying backwards slamming through a desk. The padawan ran up to Maylum and pulled out his saber, he had a saber staff. Darth Maylum knew the trick behind the dual bladed sabers, they were mainly for fear, a regular saber had more practical use, but a dual saber was just to confuse its opponent. The padawan did a bunch of spin attacks and jumps with his saber saff but Maylum blocked each hit. The jedi knight got back up and started his way back to the fight

"padawan I said run!" The jedi knight said.

The padawan turned his head to look at his master, to see what he said. That single second of confusion was the padawans doom. Now Darth Maylum was coming hard at him. Slashing with both sabers at the same time left, right, left, right, vertical. The padawan was becoming overwhelmed, but more importantly... Scared. The jedi knight sliced at Maylum from the back, he blocked it with his offhand saber, and block the padawans attacks with mis main saber. Maylum kicked the padawan in the kneecap then jumped over and behind him. He then stabbed the padawan through the back with his saber. The jedi knight didn't break so easily though. He took a Moment to look at his fallen padawan, then continued to fight. Maylum sent a strong torrent of force lightning at the jedi. The jedi was stood in place blocking it, Maylum put away both his sabers to fully concentrate on his lighning attack. The lightning was going into the jedi's saber but was also hitting his hands and chest a bit. Now Maylum would land his death blow. While the jedi was focused on blocking the lightning. all of a sudden it stopped. Darth Maylum pulled the jedi towards him with the force, while doing that he spun, while spinning igniting both sabers, and slicing at the oncoming jedi, being pulled by the force. Both sabers slashed the jedi's face. The jedi survived and dropped to his knee.

"You have defeated me sith, but I will not die a broken man." The jedi said. The jedi stood up, put his lightsaber away and closed his eyes.

"It won't be that easy jedi scum." Maylum said. He shot lighting at the jedi, the lightning was burning the jedi's skin, but the jedi wasn't in agony, he was truly at peace. It was quite the sight to see, many jedi would break down if this happened to them.

"You see sith, you may have defeated me, but you will not break me. I am at peace." The jedi said, still kneeling.

"Peace is a lie." Darth Maylum said. After he said that he sliced the jedi with both sabers, killing him.

Now Maylum was only a room away from the presence he felt earlier. He sent a force push at the door causing it to slam into the wall. Inside the room was roseri, the agent he met earlier. He saw the baton wielding guards as well. "Roseri!" Darth Maylum yelled to get her attention, so she knew he was here to help her.
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The Farghul's ears twitched spasmodically at the resounding clanging caused by the entrance of the Sith. If there is one thing she would have to tell him about later, it would be the magic of door handles and pushing doors open. Not looking over her shoulder, Roseri spun sideways as she dodged an overhand swing from one of the guards before bringing her blade down across his mid upper arms, cleaving the rest of the arm clean off. Over the man's scream she called out.

"Half are mine, you can play with the others!"

Bringing her sword around to push an incoming truncheon away from her, Roseri spun around behind the man and tore his throat out with her claws before rounding on the next guard and slashing straight through his armour, her sword opening him from his left hip to his right shoulder. A faint clipping of her ears was all an attempted sneak attacker managed as Roseri ducked out of the way and sent a painful kick to his stomach. Wrapping an arm around his neck, she jerked upwards brutally, gaining satisfaction at the sound of his neck snapping. That left one more.

Her final opponent of her half was an actual soldier armed with a combat knife and a spiked bludgeon. He watched her carefully and made it clear that he wasn't going to just rush in like the militiamen had. He came in with a quick overhand with his club but it was merely a feint to try to draw attention from a lunge with his knife. Blocking the former with her sword, Roseri only just managed to twist out of the way of the dagger. Reaching out, she grabbed the soldiers wrist and tried to pull him off guard, but he responded by kneeing her in the side. Grimacing in anger at having been hit, Roseri waited until he swung again, foolishly repeating the same feint. Rather than take the initial bait Roseri reached up and caught his bludgeon near the hilt before deftly slashing out with her sword, taking the man's other hand off at the wrist. As she stumbled back, screaming incoherently, she took his other hand at the elbow before thrusting the sword upwards through the roof of his open mouth and out the top of his head.

Withdrawing her saber from the man and wiping it on his clothes Roseri turned to examine the Sith Lords devastation that he no doubt exacted upon the other half of the guards.
His concentration wavered. The sheer amount of souls bombarding his ethereal sense with fear and murderous passion made his knees buckle. At the fringes of his sense he could feel lives being ripped away left and right. The presence of hate and twisted enjoyment only grew stronger, staining the force like a dark splatter of ink.

A choir of hums crept downstairs. He had seen the small army of cell-guards when he’d been led downstairs, as well as the Jedi and his Padawan who were supposed to escort him back to the Jedi temple after the interrogation. He did not sense the Jedi anymore, only fear and reckless hate.

”Roseri!” a thunderous voice boomed.

Asa took his chance. He leapt out of hiding and thrust the glowing purple through a tall guard’s back. He fell. Heads turned, but only two guards descended upon him.

“You!” one of them called in amazement. His stun-baton hummed like an angry bee as he lashed out. Short on space and fighting an uphill battle, Asa had no choice but to block. The second guard slashed-

-and struck thin air as Asa ducked.

"Half are mine, you can play with the others!" he heard a female voice shout. He prayed she was on his side.

He retaliated with a flurry of blows to both his opponents. They blocked and stumbled upwards, but he couldn’t get beyond their defense. Cowards… he seethed inwardly. Anger lit up and buzzed in his chest like a swarm of fireflies. I am better than this…

One of the guards jumped down. Asa sidestepped and-

-carved through armor and flesh with an upward cut. The frame collapsed with a thud and nauseating sizzle.

But now his flank was unguarded and in that brief moment, the buzzing stun-stick connected with his robes.

Electricity surged through his veins. As if a rug had been pulled from under him, his spine hit the hard, concrete ground and his sabre fell uselessly at his side. Gritting his teeth he glared up, expecting the guard to strike down mercilessly. Instead, his eyes found a corpse, then a Farghul with a murderous look in her eyes. Next to her stood a tall man, clad an armor, his mere presence emanated power.

And hate.

Biting through the pain, Asa reached out for his blade. His sweaty hand found the hilt, but there was no time to jump up. All he could do was point the shimmering purple at his two saviors, or perhaps they were his executioners…
"Half are mine, you can play with the others." Roseri said.

When Darth Maylum heard those words he smiled under his mask and nodded, he was already beginning to like her. He watched her make quick work of the guards she killed, then he looked at the the Other half. Four guards stood in front of him, three with rifles one with a training saber. The one with the training saber came running at him like a madman, Darth Maylum let out a simple force push and slammed the man into the wall, shattering all his bones. Maylum leapt into the air at the other three. In mid air he ignited both his sabers. All in one fluent motion he landed next to them, ducked their blaster bolts, leg sweeped the closest gaurd to him, after the leg sweep he sliced both his sabers upwards driving both of his sabers into one of the guard's chin, the last Guard was behind him, he elbowed the man in the throat causing him to drop his gun and cough. Now came the fun. He put sabers away. The one man stood up from the leg sweep also had no gun because he fell. He was standing next to the other disarmed guard.

"Where is the base commander." Asked Maylum in a strong tone.

"I'll never tell!" Said the Guard that's wasn't hurt from the elbow.

"Then you will be responsible for you partners death." Darth Maylum said, while force choking to other guard.

The guard had tears in his eyes and said "alright, alright, he's in the barracks hiding. Please let him go now."

Darth Maylum snapped the guards neck, and the other one broke down and started panicking. He started throwing wild punches out at the Sith Lord. Maylum caught both his hands and snapped them the guard yelled in pain and dropped to his knees. Maylum then grabbed the guard's throat with his bare hands. "Very brave of you, but mainly stupid." Maylum said while strangling the guard to death. After the guard died he turned to Roseri and said "wait, I sense someone nearby. A jedi?" Maylum closed his eyes, concentrating trying to see exactly where this "jedi was."
Fighting the terribly amazing urge to call the Sith Lord a fool as he stood there with his eyes closed 'feeling the jedi', Roseri took a step forward towards the Jedi laying on his back and delivered a flourishing blow to his saber*, slamming it out to the side before resting the tip of her sword against the hollow of his throat.

"I think, and this is a stretch here Lord Sith, but I think I may have very well discovered the location of your Jedi. Though suffering from the effects of a stun baton as he is, I'm not entirely sure he is friend to these Republic troops. In fact I wou-"

Anything else she was going to say was cut off as a number of soldiers entered the room from the now doorless entrance. Outside the Zabrakian twins could be heard shouting orders to their underlings and formulating a genius counteroffensive. Trusting her gut, Roseri reached down and offered a hand to the recovering 'Jedi', as well as warning words.

"Prove yourself an ally and I won't put an anti-armour bolt through your chest, sound like a fair deal?"

(* Mandalorian Iron is effectively resistant against lightsabers during short durations of contact.)

The two shadows at the top the chair had, through their combined efforts dismembered or otherwise eliminated an entire squadron within less than a minute. Deafening silence thrummed against his ears. Get up, he told himself. The tall, armor-clad silhouette wore a mask-

-and gazed straight over him.

Perhaps it’s better to lay still and wait…

Just then the Farghul leapt from the shadows and disarmed him

“Hey! That’s min-“ An iron tip prevented him from saying anymore. He would’ve swallowed if he hadn’t feared the iron would cut through his adam’s apple if he did. As swiftly as she had pinned him down, she released him and offered a feline hand.

Struggling to keep up, he rasped, “deal,” his voice surprisingly weak.

No sooner than he’d been hoisted back onto his feet and skipped up the stairs did he spot the two heavily armed gunmen.

“You’ve got to be kidding m-“

A blast landed at his feet, tossing him backwards and rolling down the stair like a tumbleweed. A shrill, piercing whistle was stuck in his ears as he scrambled to his feet again. His anger quadrupled. With a mighty jump he leapt over the stairs altogether and rolled to the right, hoping to attract the twin’s gunfire so his saviors could deal with them.

The twins turned to face him, the gattling gun never ceased rattling.

“Now!” he shouted at the top of his lungs, hoping dearly the two strangers would dispose of the heavy gunners before he’d be shredded to bits.
The two Zabrak twin's gatling guns fired heavily at the group. Asa was safe behind cover but Roseri was in the open. Maylum jumped in front of Roseri and ignited his sabers covering her from the fire, if he jumped to block her only seconds later, the gatling guns would have tore her apart. "Roseri, get behind cover now!" Maylum said while still blocking all the shots. By now multiple shots have hit him in the chest and stomach. His armor was burnt on the chest area from the bullets he didn't block, and beneath his armor he was bleeding. Things would be fatal soon. His pain caused anger and his anger caused power. He did a force scream out of pure rage. Luckily it was enough to get the two Zabraks to stop firing for a moment. He shot out force lightning, the lightning was so empowered by his rage that it appeared dark purple rather then blue. The lightning chained through both zabrak brothers. By now Darth Maylum couldn't stop it. The lightning was so strong it was starting to hurt him. The two Zabraks soon turned to nothing more then ash. After the Zabraks were dead and his lightning stopped firing he was exhausted, mentally and physically. He was also bleeding from his shot wounds from the Gatling guns. Darth Maylum collapsed to his knees. He looked at his hands, the lightning was so strong his gloves burned off completely. Everything went black, Maylum fell to the ground.
Watching the Sith fall to the ground after protecting her Roseri had one plan and one plan alone. Pulling her rifle from sling, the Farghul set about putting bolts through anything and everything hostile as she stood over the man. Calling out for the Jedi, she barked out something along the lines of trying to find a way to get comms through to the Empire.

This attack had not gone nearly as planned, but with both Jedi and a pair of Special operations soldiers, it wasn't a surprise. Some five minutes and a throng of corpses later there was a telltale clicking every time she pulled the trigger. Unsure of the location of the other Sith, and finding herself out of charge for her rifle Roseri drew her sword and called for the Rogue Jedi to come stand at her side, hoping that he'd managed to find some form of communication in between when she'd yelled at him and now.
A republic soldier clutched at his throat, his breath gone. Finally he collapsed. With his final heart beat, he saw a shadow pass over him. Ten feet away, a fellow soldier looked about wildly, his face in absolute panic. His rifle swing back and forth, assuming at everything and nothing.

Suddenly it dropped. A dull orange beam of light exploded through his chest, and the rifle clattered to the ground. The soldier soon followed, his eyes glazed in death.

"I'm sorry, men. Go in peace."

The voice echoed from the shadow. The solid reinforced door groaned suddenly against its anchor points as something began pulling at it. With a final metallic tear the door ripped free, and Fayd passed through it to the barracks.

The room inside was desolate. Beds lay in absolute mess, clothes were scattered about haphazardly, and the emergency lighting flickered wearily. His hilt replaced as he entered, Fayd crept in, distrustful of the quiet. Surely someone of authority had remained in the strongest part of the base.

Ah, there he was: the tall human stood at a computer console within a smaller room, yelling orders into a mic and scanning a map of the area. A few guards stood at attention, doing their best to keep their commander free from the concern of self-protection.

But their best was simply not good enough. The two soldiers that faced the door were suddenly lifted a few inches into the air. At the same instant, their brainstems snapped, killing them instantly. The corpses floated silently out the door and away from their commander. Smiling, Fayd set them gently on the ground. One guard remained. His attention absorbed by what his commander was doing, he failed to notice the creeping Sith Lord behind him place a finger on his spine. Instantly he fell into a coma and dropped to the ground.

"Excellent!" The commander sounded pleased. "Now dispose of his companions and find the other! The report said two Sith, and we've only found the one!"

"Don't bother looking any more; I'm here."

Fayd stood ten feet back, a hand clenched in a partial grip. The commander whipped around, panic on his face. Fayd smiled.

"Feel that pressure in your chest? That's your heart, held precariously in my grip. Now kindly call off your attack dogs. I want my companions alive."

Shatley gulped audibly and turned back to the mic.

"Stand down, men! Stand down. We're beaten."

Despair enveloped his every word.
Stunned, Asa looked on. Unholy light reflected in his eyes. The gunmen never stood a chance, they were fried alive, boiled in their armor and the grounded to dust. Only a whiff of ash and a bitter taste in his mouth remained.

The masked Sith had collapsed to his knees, the vicious Farghul shouted at him to seek comms. He didn’t hesitate to obey.

She’s barking mad, he realized, suddenly glad that the sharp whistle still ringing in his ears drowned out most of her violent screams as she rampaged ahead until there wasn’t a bullet left. Asa doubled his pace and dropped to his knees where a black-haired soldier lay sprawled on the floor. His face was locked into a pained grimace from which he averted his gaze. Patting down the limp body, he found what he was looking for, a small communicator.

Still she was going, firing entire rounds into the fleeing militia. Swallowing down a gulp he turned the knobs until he had settled on the right frequency. For a while there was only static, then Hutuun’s voice sounded.

“Who’s this?” his former Master said.

Casting a nervous glance over his shoulder, Asa remained silent, unable to decide whether to speak or not.


There was nothing else for it. These people, these Sith, they were too bloodthirsty, too eager to wreak death and destruction. It was not right. And so he whispered, keeping his voice very low, “Ryloth…it’s a massacre…AZ-32…dash two I think.”

“…Asa?” Hutuun’s voice betrayed astonishment.

But Asa broke off the connection. Hutuun Kbil, Jedi Master, would know where to find him now, though he had no plans of staying, At least they would find the base and be able to give the deceased a proper burial, that was all. Shivering, he raised himself and rushed over to the mad Farghul’s side.

“Here,” he handed her the communications device and took a step backwards. So far, the stories of the Sith had been true, more than true. Asa knew better than to risk insulting a murderous Sith, even if she had no bullets left.

Clicking his lightsabre back onto his utility belt, he shot a glance at the wounded Sith. “Is he…is he alright?” It was a stupid question as the man had slumped to the floor. Carefully, Asa expanded his consciousness to sense the Sith’s presence. It was still there, he was still alive.

Kneeling next to the slumped figure he let his finger trace the bullet holes in the man’s armor. There were many. Part of him knew it would be better to simply let the Sith die, but he couldn’t risk that being blamed on him or the violent Farghul would undoubtedly take her anger out on him.

“We need to get this thing off,” he tapped the Sith’s armor, “and get him some treatment or he won’t last more than ten minutes.” Stern brown eyes swept up at the Farghul, “unless you’d rather let him die…”
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Conflict. Dakamir could feel it as he sped to the gathering of dark presences. Letting pure instinct take over as he zipped passed obstacles, paying attention as each presence changes in emotion. Confusion, anger, fear, confidence, and all the more one can except from conflict. Even more interesting was the presence that started to fade from the force, telling the young sith that death has come to the conflict. A smirk found its way to his face as he finally found his way to the compound. Door wide open and the smell of burnt flesh in the air.

Getting off 'his' speeder, he walked through the double open doors. With no feeling of life around him, the sith walked through unarmed, prepared to reach for his weapons at the first sign of trouble. Corpses littered the area, clearly the battle has over, at least out here. For a reason Dakamir could not imagine, he could barely feel his master's presence, so was lost to find him. Deciding to just wait in the open than to head to one of the buildings, the apprentice started to wait outside for someone to show themselves.
Just when his mind had started to calm, an entirely new presence made itself known, appearing at the fringe of his consciousness. In Asa's head he strongly resembled the signature of a Sith. A bitter taste entered his mouth. He sensed hate and fury speeding towards them. Leaving Roseri to tend to Maylum, should she so chose, Asa headed outside, lightsaber in hand. "There's something out there," he called back over his shoulder. "It's coming this way."

A frown etched itself onto his forehead. Trying desperately to prove his worth he stepped past her and out into the open, his trusty purple sword resting firmly and ignited in his hand.

Opposite to him stood a blindfolded man. Asa arched an eyebrow and lowered his guard, nevertheless leaving a good ten feet between them.

"Who are you?" He demanded to know.

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Shatley sighed. Years on this horrible planet had been made bearable by his men, the men he called friends. Now most of them were dead. What could he reasonably do: ask the rest to die as well? No. No, he'd surrendered to that Sith because it was the best chance they had at life. He turned back around, despair in his aging eyes.

"Now what, Sith?"

Fayd looked into Shatley's eyes, a sad smile on his face.

"Forgive me; you can't be allowed to live. But I assure you that those I can save, I will.

"It will be quick. Farewell."

The Sith clenched his hand, and the base commander felt his heart burst. But the pain faded from his mind, and he fell into a permanent slumber.

Fayd stepped forward to assess the situation. The map blinked with signals and lights as it recorded the movements of troops and enemies both. But a different kind of light blinked, indicating a third party. Brow furrowed, Fayd rushed out of the barracks.

Across the compound, a small boy in Jedi robes wielding a purple lightsaber faced down a figure in a blind fold. A miraluka? The Force enveloped the Sith as he sprinted forward, hiding from view. He wasn't clear on who the enemy was here, but he knew intervention would be needed to some degree.
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A presence made itself known as he waited for his master to reveal himself. Before even a word was uttered between the two, the unknown presence activated its lightsaber. By pure reflex, Dakamir pulled his own to his hand and igniting it in the same action, but left the blade un-ignited as the apparent jedi lowered her blade and asked who he was.

"One usually ask that question before drawing their weapon, but seeing as there are bodies littered round us, I suppose a little caution is fair," he says gesturing to bodies with a sweep with his unarmed hand. "I am Dakamir, apprentice to Lord Maylum. I was suppose to be here for this flight, but my flight was delayed" A sigh escaped the sith, more disheartened by his tardiness than anything. More calmed down than when he first arrive, he was finally felt where his master's presence was emitting from, the same building that this Jedi just came from.

"Now if you excuse me," he says as he starts to approach the only other living thing outside, "I wish to go check on my master." If the jedi would make a move against him, he would quickly ignite his saber to parry the blow, then pull the rifle from his back to fire a few rounds to her midsection to make him at least back off. He was itching for a fight and hoped the Jedi would make a move against him, but felt his master required his attention more as he was in a weakened state.
In his comatose like state he heard them talking. He felt the jedi closer way closer, touching him. Was the jedi about to land the death blow? He started having flashbacks from the war. The countless jedi he killed and his sith partners some even friends, that died at the hands of jedi scum. A new power lit inside of him and a new rage. He jumped up off the ground in a power stance with his sabers. He looked around and saw no threat, except for the jedi. He put his sabers away. He thought about what he did, how he risked his life to save someone else's. Was it brave? Or was it stupid? He's never done anything like that before, back in the war he'd kill fellow Sith Lords to get ahead, or save himself. He would do anything for survival, but this time he threw it all away and tried to save someone. He couldn't talk right now, to deep in thought. He walked over to the wall and sat beside it. He was studying everyone in the room closely.
Asa flashed a wry smile at Dakamir. "Well you missed out on all the.." senseless slaughtering and butchering of people "uh...fun." He gestured around with blade still out, then stopped as he realised Dakamir most likely couldn't see. Holstering his lightsaber he stepped aside and continued. "Your master is in here, I don't think he will last long, he has been filled with lead and-"

Sith Lord Maylum sat upright against a wall without a care.

Asa jaw dropped an inch.

This makes zero goddamn sense, he thought uselessly. He had never suspected a Sith Lord could be that melodramatic. More than a dozen witty sneers raced through his mind, but he kept his yapper shut. These Sith were madness incarnate, simply saying 'hello' or 'good afternoon' wrong could tick them off to the point of chopping off a few limbs, or so he thought. Dissapointment seeped into his features: he shoulders drop, his head hung low. He had hoped The Sith to be more than raving lunatics with a knack for killing, he had thought them to be better than the Jedi. It was cockroaches to worms really...

Not mere minutes ago the armor-clad giant had been reduced from a storming inferno to a flickering candle and now the man sat upright, seeminlgy unfazed by his shredded intestines, or the blood loss, or the internal bleeding. Unless some kind of magic unknown to him had been used, Asa was certain the scene before his eyes was a dream. One doesn't simply shrug off bullets like that... unless maybe the man was a really sophisticated robot capable of melting lead and merging it with his systems. But that idea was discarded too. This man had the force-signature of a living, breathing being.

"Well," his brows furrowed as he faced Dakamir, "he looked rather dead-ish just a tick ago." Someone else was drawing near and Asa glanced over his shoulder. Nothing. Unnerved, he chewed on his lips before saying. "Well, seeing as you're all in good health, I uh will leave you alone in this touching re-union and may the force be with you chaps." He didn't honestly expect them to let him go, but he could try at least. So far they hadn't seemed as eager to kill him. He grinned inwardly, at least they appreciated his skill...

What skill? You were beaten by two men with stun-sticks.

They had the high-ground... he rationalised. Yes, that had to be it.

Dull brown eyes swept over the smouldering remains of people and structures. Had they really deserved to die? What for? Why had these Sith assaulted this base? He shook his head and turned around quietly, making way for the crumpled remains of the entrance. The force was his shield as he sensed around him, Looking for any hiccups, any sudden moves in his vicinity. He knew the Sith weren't below back-stabbing, and he doubted they would let him wander off...
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Darth Maylum stood up, his whole body was burning with pain, but the Darkside was keeping him alive. Maylum followed the jedi padawan. "Jedi, I saw you watching me with curiosity. Do not question the power of the Darkside." Maylum said calmly. "Now would you kindly explain why everyone is just sitting around here? Also why we haven't decided to kill you. I would have killed you as soon as I got up, but since your still alive I suppose they are keeping you alive for a reason, so what is it?" Maylum asked, putting his saber hilt in his hand. Watching the jedi intensely.
Following the gesture of purple-bladed force wielder into the in closed-spaced room, Dakarim kept his guard up as much as he could without showing it plainly. Inside, he found his recently acquired master, sitting upright against a wall and seemingly heavily injured. A frown found its way to the miraluka's face, partially hidden by his long hair. He has always heard stories of the invincibilites of the Sith Lord, and how the only thing that could ever defeat one was another Sith Lord, but it seems that was to be propaganda from the Sith's themselves.

The man he expected to be a jedi, an assumption that was more in question the longer they were together, talked of how he was surprised by his master's recover. Wanting to discuss matters with his master in private, he waited for him to finish and leave. After wishing them well, how nice of a potential foe, the apprentice was about to drop to a knee as is expected in front of his master. However, his master was able to stand up in his weakened state and begun to question the 'Jedi". Respecting his master, Dakamir stood to the side and let his master pass without any interference.
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Coming down from the post she had taken at the top of the gate back when the Republic soldiers had surrendered, Roseri was pleased to see that the Empire had certainly spared no expense sending out a force capable of bringing the base under their control. As she walked through the entering crowd, the Farghul got no end of strange looks from those around her, no doubt questioning why such and alien alien was counted amongst their ranks.

Picking out a pair of combat medics, she demanded they come with her as she led them to the wounded Lord Maylum. Inside the room stood also the rogue Jedi from before and a new Sith, most likely Maylum's apprentice.

"Lord Maylum, I brought medics, should their services be needed. I... want to thank you as well. I was not expecting you to protect me, and it is not an occurrence I will soon forget." she spoke sincerely before turning to regard the rogue Jedi, "And you. You were either extremely brave, or extremely stupid in playing a distraction like that, but I digress, I owe you thanks as well. They would have had me zeroed in on in seconds had you not drew their attention from me. Mayhaps we all take a brief respite and introduce ourselves, maybe explain exactly how we came to be here, eh?"

Her words were clearly more meant for the rogue Jedi, but it would make for a good reason to rest as a whole regardless.

"I am Roseri Ashkari, and I am here because I work for the Empire. They pay well and don't try to arrest me when I finish my jobs. And it would seem," Roseri added, "That they are winning."
Asa froze. The commanding voice of Lord Maylum pinned him to the spot and he slowly turned around. Glum brown eyes scanned the towering Sith Lord, trying to assess if he was serious or somehow testing him. Folding his hands behind his back Asa straightened up and lifted his chin in pride. "With all due respect, these are your subordinates, shouldn't you know why they are here?"

Deep down he knew he stood opposite a terrible danger, but he couldn't help but sneer ever so slightly at the Sith lord. Then again, the man's injuries didn't help him think clearly, he supposed. His next question lured a snigger from Asa.

"It must be my looks," he mocked. "Or my irresistible charisma. Or maybe..." he feigned a frown, "just maybe it is because I killed the same people as you?" His jutted his chin towards one if the dead soldiers on the floor. "I don't know why you haven't killed me, but I appreciate the gesture," he added wryly.

No sooner than he had answered Lord Maylum's odd question did Roseri appear with a few medics in tow. If they had expressed surprise at seeing a Farghul, their surprise nearly doubled when they saw him, a Jedi Padawan, casually chatting with their Sith overlord. Asa simply smirked at them.

He turned to face Roseri. "Yes you're quite right, you do owe me. I suppose I should thank you for not making my throat into a pincushion?" Shrugging, he heeded her advice to start introducing himself. He proudly puffed up his chest as he spoke, swiping a calm gaze over all of them. "My name is Asa Mordin. I was a Jedi Padawan, but no more. Never again. I was on my way to Korriban when the commander of this base intercepted me. I sort of borrowed a Jedi fighter you see..." Scratching his head he struggled to find the words to explain himself. "Anyway, they brought me here and questioned me. That's when you showed up." There was more to say, but he deemed it unwise to reveal every detail to these volatile people.

"It was my intention to find you...actually. The Jedi are too limiting...too careful...and irritatingly calm. I can't stand it. There's your answer."
"The time has begun, the dark council is fully aware of my plans and hunting me down. I must dispose of the overseer then the students, then I'll escape this cursed planet." Thought Darth Hyperious. He made his way to Darth Rellai's office, the overseer of the "class of acolytes".

"Hyperious, how goes it?" Darth Rellai asked.

"I'm sorry Rellai, your in the way." Darth Hyperious said.

"What does that mean! I demand answers right now!" Rellai said.

Hyperious ignited his saber, then Rellai did. Hyperious swung at her, she ducked below it, Hyperious quickly force pushed her into the wall. She had her back against the walk and was blocking. Hyperious was slicing at her hard and fast. She jumped over him and behind him. She started her onslaught of attacks. Hyperious was losing the duel, but his true power wasn't in dueling. it was in the Darkside. Hyperious unleashed a massive torrent of force lightning. Rellai screamed as his powerful lightning burned through her armor and skin. She dropped her saber and took a step back.

"W..why?" She choked out.

"You know exactly why." Hyperious said. After he said that he swiftly decapitated her. He exited her office and made his way to where the acolytes were meeting at. Lannos's room, they were plotting against him he knew it. Hyperious slammed through the door and there sat Lannos, elrin, and Y. Hyperious pulled out his saber and ignited it. "No one is here to save you all now, I killed overseer Riánon. Prepare to die" Hyperious said. The four acolytes pulled put their training sabers.

"You've gone mad Hyperious! You truly lost it!" Lannos yelled. Lannos was pulsing with anger and rage, but he was just a mere acolyte he couldn't do anything. Lannos charged at Hyperious. Lannos raised his arms above his head, holding his saber high. Darth Hyperious saw the amateur opening. In one swipe Hyperious cut both of Lannos's arms off. Lannos dropped to the ground yelling, and died shortly after. Y was the weakest of the group. Hyperious very easily penetrated the small Twi'leks force sheild and snapped his neck using the force. Elrin surrendered begging for mercy. He simply stabbed elrin with his saber.

Finished with the main conspirators, Hyperious made to find the one who had truly slighted him first. Making his way to the medical bay, Darth Hyperious entered the room that Cyssa was recovering in and ignited his blade. He would have made short work of the Cathar had it not been for the Vurk that leapt from the corner grabbed her and ran.

Following the pair, Darth Hyperious tracked them to the armoury to find the massive Sith Pureblood from earlier. The armoury master, Sith Lord Isevo. "You have an acolyte of mine, fool." Darth Hyperious growled. Isevo simply drew out his twin great sabers and ignited them, "I claim Cyssa as my own acolyte, and will most assuredly duel you for her... traitor."

With a roar of anger Hyperious blasted lightning at Isevo, but the Pureblood caught the electricity easily with one blade before striding forward with intent to finish Hyperious. A brutal kick to Hyperious chest put him into a wall, and a flurry of parries kept him safe from Hyperious' retaliatory attack. Finally Isevo brought up his right blade and locked it in a stalemate with Hyperious' own. Bringing his other blade around in a mighty arc, Isevo watched as Hyperious put up a force defense that, while it was going to block the blade, would do nothing about the force behind the blow. Sure enough Darth Hyperious was sent skidding backwards and only just managed to bring up a block as Isevo slammed both of his blades down. The force of the hit sent crackles of strained electricity through Hyperious' saber, and the Dark Lord knew now that the Pureblood Armoury Master had him out matched.

Throwing lightning at the Vurk and the Cathar, Hyperious snorted derisively as Isevo moved to protect them before making his escape. Hyperious used the force to augment his speed. He ran from Isevo and to his ship hanger. He went in his ship and sent course to Ryloth to hide.

Hyperious arrived at imperial base AZ-34-2. No one here knew of the horrendous crimes he just committed on Korriban, yet. When he arrived at the base the guards greeted him and pointed him to Darth Naurns office.

"Who are you?" Darth Naurn said, confused.

"I am Darth Hyperious sent on behalf of the dark council." He lied.

"Oh I see they sen-" her words were cut short by Hyperious's saber. Hyperious stabbed her through the stomach. He put his lightsaber away and walked behind her. He put her in a choke hold and said "tell base over the intercom I'm in control of here now'!" Hyperious demanded.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked, genuinely curious of why this sith went rogue and is going crazy.

He slammed her head on the table and said "speak over the intercom now."

He turned on the intercom. Darth Naurn said "hello everyone, I'm informing you Darth Hyperious is now in control of this base, he was sent by the dark council, I'll be heading to dromund kaas shortly."

Darth Hyperious wasn't going to let her leave and tell of what he did. He snapped her neck. Now he sat in her office in control of the imperial forces in ryloth. Such an army would be dangerous in the hands of "Hyperious the traitor."


Darth Maylum said to the padawan. "Child, I am not here to play games with you, you will answer my question straight forward and to the point, from now on." Maylum turned to Roseri. "Thanks for the Meds, I appreciate it." He then took off his helmet and chest plate, revealing his heavily tattooed body. His whole chest, face, back, and arms were covered in tattoos. He applied the medicine and bandaged to his wounds, leaving his armor off and resting after the many battles he fought today.


Back on Korriban Lord Isevo mulled over his plans on how to deal with such an issue. Surely wherever Hyperious went was going to need to know of the threat the traitor was.

"Tehromyn!" the Pureblood called. From the next room over the Vurk assassin stepped out and looked at his Lord and friend, "Follow the traitor Hyperious to Ryloth and do what you can to interfere with him, but do not confront him yourself. When my new apprentice is healed fully, and has adequate control over her skills with her light whip, we will make our own away there. Fly safely, and may the shadows always fall over you."

-collaborative post between Verianna and i.

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