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Fandom Star Wars the old republic: The Rlyoth Conflict.


The word came to Asa's ear as a whisper, floating on the wind. Yet, when he turned to look, there was no one. No one except more wind.


The gentle voice echoed again, as if trying to pull Asa away from the commotion and out to the compound grounds. Suddenly he felt something grasp the lapel of his robe and tug. But it wasn't the tug of command, for it didn't yank him away. Rather, it was the tug of invitation, asking him to follow.

Young one, so troubled. Be at peace.

The young padawan's robe was tugged again.

Asa wrinkled his nose. Child, he huffed inwardly. Just how old exactly did they think he was? He wanted to snap back at the pompous Lord Maylum, tell him that he was sixteen, far from a child and if Mr. Madman would kindly treat him less like a toddler. But he restrained himself, barely, knuckles turning white-hot behind his back.

Child... He yanked his head around, eyes trying to find the bloody oaf who had dared to call him that. Yet he found nothing but thin air. Again the voice sounded, like a fading whisper. The same infuriating word was uttered, blinding his senses. Narrowing his eyes to mere slits, he glanced around. Someone was playing tricks on him...

A tug, light and inviting. His right hand hovered towards his holstered lightsaber as he turned to face in the direction of the tug. Again his robes wrinkled, as if pulled by an invisible hand. More urgent this time. Without a word, he sneaked away and followed the whispers on the wind, his right hand gripped tightly around his hilt.

After half a dozen paces he stopped. "Hello?" he muttered under his breath, half expecting Master Hutuun to appear before his very eyes.
The tug and the voice again. It was calling, asking. Pleading. After several tense moments, Asa turned a corner and halted. The prompting had stopped, leading merely to a dead end between two huge cargo crates.

"I'm sorry, child, for the carnage you've seen. It can be overwhelming."

The voice, gentle and full of pity, echoed in the small space and bounced back and forth off of the metal crates. Asa spun. Behind him stood a duros in a desert red robe, his face covered in tattoos. His hands were clasped together within the sleeves of his robes, and he smiled, not unkindly.

"Greetings, padawan. I'm Darth Fayd."
"It's not...I am not- why exac-" Asa opened and closed his mouth a few times, like a fish washed ashore. "I am not a child," he hissed through gritted teeth, "and I'd appreciate it if you didn't call me that, thank you very much." Crossing his arms in front of his chest he eyed the Duros suspiciously. A razor sharp silence lingered between them. The Duros seemed content with it, Asa just got more annoyed. "Odd place to meet," he snapped eventually, "any particular reason why you're being so secretive? Hell, while you're at it, just tell me why you were whispering into my ear -it was you, wasn't it?- and why you zealots were even attacking this base. This is not a carnage," his throat tightened, "this is pointless slaughter, a massacre, a blood-fest. It sickens me!"
"Not pointless; all things have their reason. But excessive? Indulgent?"

The duros nodded. He seemed genuinely regretful of the death.

"There are members of the Empire who find it suitable to give in to excess, to cause as much destruction and death as they can. One of those members, I think, is Darth Maylum, whom I imagine was the individual who inspired this feeling of disgust within you. It was why I called you away, though had I known that you'd take the term 'child' ill, I would have done so differently. I didn't mean to offend.

"But yes, I'm afraid the base had to fall." The Sith waved his hand upwards, indicating the countless systems of the galaxy. "The Republic uses planets like a loan shark: it sucks all the good it can out of them and discards them, leaving them to the mercy of thugs and Hutts. Ryloth is but the first planet that we shall liberate. I'd not have people of the galaxy suffer under the Republic."

Fayd looked at Asa and smiled.

"But I sense I'm not the only one disgusted with the way things work within the Republic. Why are you here, Padawan? And where is your master?"
Tehromyn couldn't help but worry as the shuttle he'd hidden himself on entered the atmosphere of Ryloth. Essentially the only people who would know of Hyperious' actions would be the high ranking Sith. After all, they can't let it be known that they can't control their own members. The problem was that there was only one high ranking Sith Master in charge on Ryloth, and he was no doubt Hyperious target.

On top of that was that his own master, Lord Isevo, had gotten involved.

Isevo was well known as not being an active Sith. He'd stay in his shop and tinker with his weapons for weeks, not a care in the world. He was not malicious, nor violent when it wasn't needed. The fact that he so actively insisted on having Hyperious found and killed could only mean that the man was a major threat.

Exiting the now docked craft, the first thing that Tehromyn noted during his initial visual scan was a very familiar corvette. Specifically a black a white one.

"Roseri Ashkari is here. I'll be damned. Haven't seen her around in ages."

A few minutes, and a dodged blaster bolt later, Tehromyn was inside the craft, instructing the pilot droid to home in on Roseri's location. He was frankly surprised that the droids were still programmed not to shoot at him. And somewhat irritated that Roseri had programmed them to refer to him as 'fishhead'.

The flight to the outpost was a lot shorter than he had expected, and upon exiting the craft the Vurk was treated to the sight of Republic prisoners being escorted out the fort, and Imperial soldiers manning the walls. Entering without any interruptions, a perk of being a high ranking Imperial Agent, Tehromyn asked where the cat-alien was once and had multiple, matching, immediate answers.


Roseri turned as she detected a familiar smell, reminding her of the sea, that she knew she hadn't caught wind of in at least a year. Turning around, her eyes locked on a very welcome, and very reptilian sight. Practically bounding over with a grin, the Farghul wrapped her arms around the newcomer with a smile.

"Fishhead! Long time no see! What are you doing here?" she yelled, rather chuffed to see her old friend and compatriot again.

Tehromyn, for his part, simply sighed as if what had just happened had been completely unavoidable before cracking a half smile.

"I have a name, yes I realise, business." the Vurk replied before turning to face the Sith over by the wall, "Business that will most likely involve you, Sit Lord. My Lord, Isevo the Armoury Master of Korriban, has sent me to warn of a dangerous foe, Lord Hyperious. I tracked him here, but I've no doubt that he will try to take over, if he hasn't already. I advise gathering your closest allies and regrouping at the Twilight City while we formulate a plan to remove Hyperious. It is Hutt controlled still and will be easy to hide ourselves in."

Nodding as she listened to her old friend, Roseri pitched her own thoughts in.

"We can use my ship to get there quickly. Also, Fishhead and I can use two of my speeders and we will scout about. Hopefully we can find more Sith and direct them to Twilight City before we join you. So get to Twilight City, lay low, and we will join you shortly. Also, Lord, sorry if either of us agents seem out of place with our orders, but this kind of scenario? It's what we are trained for. Also, be nice to the Kybucks, or I will kill all of you."

With that Tehromyn and Roseri disappeared out the door, Roseri making sure her ship's crew knew to allow the others on board. Opening both the original hatch and a hatch identical to it, Roseri and Tehromyn mounted the speeders that had been hidden with and took off out the gate.
Maylum was walking around the now captured republic base when he found a radio on a dead soldier. He picked up the radio and turned it on, the radio was connected to the imperial base. "Interesting, must have been a spy. I suppose I should contact Naurn and warn her of the spies listening in on the base." Darth Maylum thought. The radio was silent for a few minutes and just as he was about to put it down he heard something.

" my lord, no, no, I'm sorry it was an unavoidable mistake! It wasn't even my fault!" Someone over the radio said. Maylum could sense the man's fear from over the radio, he didn't see Darth Naurn for the type to punish her own soldiers by death.

"You were in command, you were responsible for it!" Someone else over the radio shouted. Then Maylum could hear the distinct sound of someone in distress and struggling, then he heard a loud snap. The radio went silent. Maylum recognized the voice. It was the voice if a man he'd never forget, even after death he'd remember the voice. It was Darth Hyperious.

Before the treaty of coruscant a few years back during the war, Hyperious and Maylum fought side by side on the front lines of the war. Together they were unstoppable. The wo of them together tore through whole jedi encampments together, slaying up to a dozen jedi at a time, they truly were a force to be reckoned with. Hyperious claimed his power was second to the emperor himself, and from what Maylum saw, it may have been true. Hyperious had the capability of breaking the force shields of jedi masters and snapping their necks, instantly killing them without a fight, but he preferred making them suffer more. Maylum grew stronger because of him, they even became close friends by the end of the war. When the treaty happened Hyperious was enraged, how could he satisfy his blood lust now that they wouldn't be fighting jedi? So Hyperious would go to dromund Kaas and hunt down newly trained sith apprentices and kill them, just to simply have fun. That's when Maylum had enough of him. Maylum was in no means against killing, he's killed innocents before, but he was loyal, loyal to the empire, he wouldn't let some sith kill other sith just for fun. So he challenged Hyperious to a duel, to end his traitorous killing spree. The two fought and Maylum somehow came out on top. Maylum slashed his face with his saber, disfiguring it greatly, that's why Hyperious now hides his face under a hood. Maylum thought he was dead, until he heard the radio.

"No!" He yelled out loud. He put his armor back on, and ran to where his apprentice was, "we have no time to speak, warn the others not to go back to the imperial base, no matter what!" He said, while shoving past him and running to the imperial base.


After Hyperious swiftly snapped the imperials neck, he felt something. Hyperious was so stormg he could sense Maylum from a mile away. Hyperious called for the commander of the base and the commander came.

"Commander, rally an army of your finest soldiers here, I require them. the republic base you most recently captured lies a traitor, Darth Maylum." Darth Hyperious said.

"No that can't be true, he just arrived today, he talked to Naurn earlier and she sent him to capture the base with a few others, they were successful and did it perfectly!" Said the commander.

"Are you a fellow conspirator then? By your statement it appears you are and treachery is punished by execution. I found Darth Naurn in her quarters dead, a few minutes ago. Darth Maylum did it." Hyperious said.

"Impossible, he was at the republic base." The commander said.

"You dare question me?" Darth Hyperious said.

"S..ssorry m..my lord, I'll go that army ready for you." The commander said terrified. Hyperious went to naurn's chambers and sat at her desk, well it was his desk now. His army would be ready to attack in an hour.
Standing idly as his master questioned the jedi that was almost his opponent, his miralukan eyes began to roam the battlefield. Most being mooks whose blood now stains the ground, he picked up some remaining force from two corpses, one fried beyond recognition and another broken beyond repair. These two glowed of the force, even past death and their clothes were not of common soldiers. Going to inspec them more closely, his suspensions were confirmed as he found the blade of the force on both their bodies. The charred bodies blade was damaged beyond repair, blackened no doubt by his master's wrath. The others, however, was salvageable. Activating it, a blue light emerged from the hilt, still in tact and without any noticeable damage besides some scratches.

As he put away the blade on his own person, he felt his master approaching. He was knew to the field as a sith a did not know how his master would react to his taking of a jedi blade. As his master reached him, he fell to a knee making sure that his new blade was hidden. His master was quick with his words as he appeared. "We have no time to speak, warn the others not to go back to the imperial base, no matter what!" and then took off once again. Confused at his master's word, Dakamir stood up and started trying to find the only other person he knew was here, the purple bladed jedi.
Asa narrowed his eyes. Just mere hours ago he had never imagined to be standing in dark alcove amid rubble and billowing smoke., opposite a Sith Lord. “You’re telling me that’s Darth Maylum?” An icy tingle crept like a spider down his back. He had heard of Darth Maylum. Whispers had crept through the corridors of the Jedi temple, Master Kbil had spoken of him once, calling him a terrible danger not to be trifled with. He could see why.

The Duros answered his questions with enraging calm. For a Sith he was certainly well spoken, an antidote perhaps to the blind violence that was Lord Maylum. “You’re calling this a liberation?” he jutted his chin to the side. “Where then, are the cheering crowds, the roses, the smiling faces?” He stepped closer, damn near boiling the air with his scorching look. “You’re just like them, just like the Jedi, thinking all the galaxy belongs to you. The people suffer because both the Empire and the Republic are at each other’s throats allowing bandits, looters, and slavers to roam freely!” Venom stabbed through his voice before he retreated a pace.

Another suffocating silence impregnated the air before he answered the last questions.

“I had enough of the Jedi and their lies, I had heard of the Sith and hoped they would be better.” He averted his gaze to the ground, “there was an accident, now I am here, I don’t have a Master.”

More troops marched in to the base, picking up the dead bodies and patting them down before tossing the limp corpses on a pile. The black-haired Miraluka, toting a glinting red gem between his brows, was patting down the Jedi Padawan. Bile rose to his throat.

Whirling around he blocked the Miraluka’s path. “Put that back,” he demanded, extending his hand. “The lightsaber, put it back. It’s not yours.” All the mindless bloodshed he could handle, but he wouldn’t stand by idly to see a dead Jedi disgraced so. Sabers were part of the soul and the Mirakula had no right, no right to steal off a dead Padawan.

From the corner of his eyes he saw the Farghul take off, just after Darth Maylum stomped out of the base. Something was up, but he had no interest in finding out what.

“I am not going to ask politely again.” He gathered the force around his hand, ready to yank the lightsaber from the Mirakula’s hands if he wouldn’t give it.

@Red Thunder

“You’re just like them, just like the Jedi, thinking all the galaxy belongs to you."

Fayd's expression darkened as the boy, no, child as this outburst certainly betrayed him to be, rushed away. That was the wrong thing to say.

With the ease of a cat, the duros turned on his heel. The child was threatening a young miraluka. Over what: a lightsaber? This wouldn't do. Fayd raised a hand.

Asa immediately began to raise as well, following the Sith's gesture. And, like a ship caught tightly in a tractor beam, the padawan felt himself pulled toward the duros, stopping only when he was five feet away. Fayd's expression was bitter.

"I wasn't finished with you, padawan."

He lowered his hand and Asa dropped gently to the ground. Fayd spoke in a sharp tone, the gentleness and understanding from earlier gone.

"What, then? You would have anarchy? Someone must rule: either your Jedi through manipulation or the Sith through strength. That is the way of things. The galaxy has seen is share of system versus system conflict, and it shouldn't be made to see more.

"The people suffer? Beings are in pain? Life is pain, padawan! Anyone who says differently is selling something."

Fayd stared daggers into Asa's eyes before finally turning away.

"Fine. I had thought that you could be one of the few who cared enough to do something about the anguish they saw. To bring safety where there was only discord and pain. I see I was wrong.

"Go, padawan. Trouble neither the Jedi nor the Sith no more."

At once he was pulled up by an invisible hand and brought before Darth Fayd. Feet kicking uselessly in the air, Asa scowled down at the barren face, molten red eyes consuming him. He reached for the force, trying to blast himself free of the Sith’s constraint. But the power he found within paled in comparison to the vice-like grip that held him. His stomach shrunk to the size of the marble.

After being put down with surprising care, Asa remained pinned to the spot. The whispering, haughty voice had all but disappeared. Before him stood a harsh man, scarred by life with venom for blood, and infinitely more powerful. He seemed taller now, towering over him, reprimanding him for his foolishness. But it were not the lashing words, spoken in bitter anger, or the foul, infernal look that hurt the most. The Sith turned his back on him, ignored him like a stern parent might a quipping toddler.

I'm weak, he thought.

I'm nothing compared to them.

Cold fear gripped him tight, contracting his innards into a miserable ball. “No, wait!” His fingers raked the Sith’s robes as he reached out. Staying here was suicide, his Jedi robes made him a target, unless he could treat with the Sith, he was as good as dead. Besides, it wouldn’t be long before Master Hutuun would arrive, likely backed by many more. They would find him, half-starved, if not killed by some trigger-happy trooper, only to take him back and strip him of his lightsaber, the only thing he had left. What then would he do? Slave away in a dunk Bar on Coruscant? He would be a nobody, an insignificant outcast brushed aside and ordered about. It shouldn’t happen, it couldn’t happen!

Swallowing down his pride, he dropped his knees to the dust. “Please, let me prove you wrong. Let me do great things! I won’t disappoint you!” he pleaded desperately.
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Dakamir stood passive as the jedi was moved around by the force, but his focus was elsewhere. The human was right that the lightsaber was not his, not fairly won in combat, but scavenged like some kind of beggar. His anger grew at the weapon, the Jedi was right, but for the wrong reasons. The blade was up for the taking, but it was not his to take, but his master as he was the one who slew his original owner. Looking up from the blade, he now saw the Jedi on his knees in front of the Darth who was toying with him. The blind sith could sympathize with where he was now, his experiences receiving punishment from higher sith still fresh from the academy.

Growing frustrated with the events unfolding around him, he threw the stolen saber to the ground between himself and the groveling jedi, voicing his will of wanting to prove himself.

"If you so wish to show that you are worth, than do so!" yelled the young sith apprentice, "Prove that you are right, prove that the galaxy is so full of that goodness you so care about. But to do so, you must defeat the 'badness' must you not! So first, prove yourself to me, one who is your better, one who is still so far beneath the one you grovel next to! If you win, you shall take the dead man's blade as you so wish, but it is mine if you shall fail than the blade is mine. What say you, Jedi?"
“What say you, Jedi?

Asa closed his eyes for a moment, trying to snuff out the fire building within. But it was too late. The Miraluka had dishonored the dead Padawan and for that, he deserved to be taught a lesson. Much as he loathed the Jedi philosophy of patience, there was no denying that the order had fed and cloned him. Under their protection, he had honed his skills, now he would put them to good use and show these Sith just exactly why the Jedi were a force to be reckoned with.

“They’ll have to bury you in a matchbox,” he sneered.

Raising himself, he drew his saber and trained his eyes firmly on the blind Sith, brows furrowing. His heart drummed in his ears. Master Hutuun had insisted on composing oneself in battle, but Asa could hardly calm his breathing. Enraged by the pathetic Miraluka, he gripped his purple blade with both hands and circled the Sith like a great eagle, eyeing the best opportunity to strike.

“You’re just a measly little Sith,” he spat, ash rising to his tongue. “Don’t expect mercy from me, just because I was a Jedi once.”

And that was his final warning. Like a falcon diving towards its prey, Asa leapt forward and hammered down furiously on Dakamir’s defense. The stinking, slimy, bragging little twat had underestimated his power. Without pause he kept throwing wild, angry strikes at his opponent, not caring that he might chop off a limb or two if the Miraluka’s defense should falter. Yet within half a minute, his arms grew heavy and he jumped back a pace, confident that his defense would hold against the Sith.
“Don’t expect mercy from me, just because I was a Jedi once.”

The sound of lightsabers clashing filled the night, and Darth Fayd felt his face contort in disgust. Such a waste of effort over so small an offense. But the young fool was apparently more concerned with the intangible memory of a corpse he didn't even know than he was about bringing safety to those who needed it. A cold anger filled the duros' belly, and he turned to watch the fight.

The padawan had some skill, he had to admit. It was rough and only slightly honed, but it was there. He could be a duel master if he applied himself. But he'd have to survive the fight first. Not that the miraluka was in any better situation. Both young and inexperienced, and full of hate. But it was hate unchanneled, and therefore misapplied. And what good was that?

All the same, Fayd crossed his arms and watched, curious as to the outcome. He spoke, softly but with power, and his voice found its way to Asa's ears.

"You want to prove me wrong? You wish to do great things? Defeat him without harming him. Beat him down, that you may build him back up."

Zane was sitting in a passenger chair, his cloak was buttoned closed. Brace was steadily checking his weapon as Zane slept, after several minutes a large crash was heard. Zane jumped as he woke from his nap, soldiers were running around and positioning themselves in front off the inner blast doors of the shuttle.

Zane looked over and asked Brace,"What happened?"

Brace turned and said,"It seems we have crash landed and Sith troopers are planning to break in and kill us all, course of action?"

Zane chuckled as he stood and threw his hood back,"Kill them of course Brace, they ruined our recreation," he said, his voice was hoarse and raspy.

"Of course, master," Brace said while pulling his a clip from his belt and clipping it in. Brace walked to the line of positioned men and pushed them gently away so he and Zane could have a good position.

Zane watched as many of the men panicked and sobbed,"Brace I'll make sure that most of these men don't die, order one please," Zane said smiling as he readied his light sabers. As he lit the cloud white sabers he heard men somewhat cheer themselves to have a 'Jedi' on their side.

At the statement Zane made Brace made a click on his gun,"Oh thank you master it has been too long since you allowed me to do so," Brace said happily.

The doors slowly opened, at first gaze Zane twisted and turned his sabers to best deflect the blaster bolts coming at them, a handful would surpass his fast saber movements, as the men behind him opened fire on the Troopers outside.

As the doors opened Brace did not hesitate to open fire, blaster bolts flew from his gun as if it were a light saber. To Braces surprise a bolt was deflected and hit him in the chest, knocking him to the ground. A red light saber had deflected a bolt and was now coming right for him.

At the sight of the saber he wrapped his force power around Brace and threw him back behind the republic soldiers and to safety. He watched as the Sith deflected several blaster bolts hitting republic men."Hold your damned fire, she's mine," Zane said, the Sith was covered in body armor but the body type reflected that of a female. With that statement Zane charged the Sith, though he was acting blindly he knew what to do. As he was about to clash he slipped under the inexperienced girl's slash and put his saber through her side and out of her chest. Standing from the attack he made a slash from neck to shoulder, severing her head from her now limp body.

Zane stood and looked around, a handful of injured or dead Republic troops while the Sith were dead or running. Zane leaned down and gripped the light saber, after gripping it he slipped it into his cloak. With that confrontation done he flipped his holocom on and said,"This is a Republic transport of troops, please come and retrieve."
Darth Maylum bolted out of the republic base, he sprinted the whole mile back to the imperial base without even stopping once. Once he got there he wasn't even tired yet, the rage inside of him for Hyperious gave him a second wind. When he arrived at the base he walked to the front door, the two guards that were there earlier in the day were still there. Maylum sensed fear in them, more curiously though hesitation. He walked up the the gate and approached the guards.

"I'm s.. Sorry my lord." The first guard said.

Maylum lifted them both off of the ground with a force grip and put a small amount of pressure on their throats with the force. "Your with Hyperious now, aren't you?" Darth Maylum said coldly. All hope left the guards and the same guard choked out "y.yes." In utter defeat.

"You chose the wrong side to team up with, Hyperious is a traitor." Darth Maylum said. He clenched both of his fists tightly, putting immense pressure on both the guards throats, shortly after both of the guards suffocated.

Darth Maylum was focusing all his mind on hiding his force signature, so Hyperious couldn't sense him. He snuck into the base and hid behind a couple crates. In the room he entered stood seventy five imperial elite guards, in front of them stood Darth Hyperious. Darth Hyperious's face was hidden beneath a hood and he wore full battle armor with his robe on top of it.

"You March now! Execute Darth Maylum and his band of traitors." Darth Hyperious said.

All the soldiers listened like dogs on a tight leash. They all began marching on the dime as soon as he said that. Maylum planned in fighting Hyperious, but now he had to warn everyone at the base of what's going on.

or was that why he had to leave instead of fighting Hyperious?

Maybe deep down inside he knew couldn't defeat Hyperious?

When Maylum thought those thoughts knew exactly what was going on, Hyperious was trying to enter his mind and make him doubt his ability to kill Hyperious. He planted a seed of doubt in Maylum's mind.

Maylum took out the radio he found on the dead guard earlier and called back to the republic base everyone was at. He was hoping someone would hear the radio and answer because the troops would arrive soon and that would certainly be their doom.


After Hyperious's troops marched on to the republic base, Hyperious began attacking Maylum's mind, trying to make him think that he was weak, and stood no chance at defeating him.
Released anger, seething rage, unbridled fury. There were few if any the sith fought that had such uncontrolled emotion in his years of combat, though the passion was there, but raw. Not yet forged through use in combat, this shall be the first strike of the hammer. Rather than blocking her blows straight on, he deflected them to the side to use less energy than the jedi who was currently backing off.

As expected, the jedi was growing tired at the exertion and soon backed off assuming a defensive stance. With the breif release that brought, the miralukan now felt how tired his arms have also become in the exchange, from mere deflecting. Taking a deep breath, Dakamir assumed a offensive stance an eyed down his opponent. Releasing his breath in a yell, he threw his blade at his opponent and took off charging right behind it. The spinning blade out paced this sith that threw it and reached its target a few seconds faster. instead of colliding with what ever the jedi set up to defend himself against the attack, the blade stopped short and instead ascended into the air back into the, now jumping, sith hands as he prepared a downward strike. After the strike, the sith would then continue with an barrage of attacks similar to what was just administered to him, though less about brute strength and more about moving his target to keep his opponent flustered by never meeting in direct combat.
"You want to prove me wrong? You wish to do great things? Defeat him without harming him. Beat him down, that you may build him back up."

Asa wanted to shoot an angry scowl at the Sith, lisping challenges into his ears. But he stood fast and kept his eyes firmly trained on his opponent. "I can't do that," he hissed back. "And neither can you, or you wouldn't have slaughtered these soldiers." Beating without doing harm was simply impossible.

An angry red blur came howling towards him. Asa braced to deflect the spinning blade and...


Taken by surprise, he only barely managed to block the strike from above. He was not given any time to recover or guide the power of the force to his hands. One after the other, like a strobe light, the blade kept raining down on him. Left, right, left, then twice to the right. He buried his heels into the soil, his brow knitted together in concentration. He'd underestimated the Miraluka and it enraged him. Is there no one I can beat? Another punishing strike came down on him, his guard was beginning to falter, the strength seeping from his bones.

There was an opening.

Asa caught Dakamir's strike deliberately late. Smirking, he forced the Miraluka into a lock and began to push back. Augmenting his push with the force, he managed to bring the lethally humming blade dangerously close to the blind warrior's face. Yet they remained locked there. Asa gritted his teeth and re-doubled his efforts. Purple and red hummed violently, but neither gained the upper hand. No matter how hard he tried, he failed to make the Sith Acolyte budge. Grimacing, Asa resorted to a dirty opportunity.

He slid to the right and in a single move, slammed his elbow against the Miraluka's cheek before breaking away. The Miraluka would be enraged, he imagined, and he would exploit that fatal error to the best of his capabilities. It took his limbs a second to remember one of the many defensive stances he had learnt -the falcon's guard- legs apart, blade held high and steady, ready to strike down on whatever Dakamir would send his way.
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The blow took the blind warrior off guard as his opponent back off. The blow was unexpected, the sith thought that the emotional jedi would to be hot headed to think of a clever trick like that. It showed that his opponent felt something else besides anger, fear. Fear that he would lose this duel, fear who could not overcome his opponent, fear of failing. Though his cheek still stung, he lifted his head to face his opponent once more with a frown.

"Cheap shot Jedi, you claimed first blood I admit. But I have a few tricks up my sleeve as well," Dakamir stated, a tint of anger seeping through. Then, he did something unexpected, he turned off his weapon. As the tint faded from his body, he moved quickly and pointed his hand towards the ground, pushing the dirt ground itself. The force caused dirt cloud to fill the arena, making it near impossible to see a hand infront of your face, much less an opponent on the opposite side of the field. Of course, this means nothing to the blind miralukan, who have from birth always seen with the force.

The with than begun a series of hit and run conflicts, attacking from behind or whenever the jedi would try to remove the cloud. He would keep this up for as long as he was able to, only activating his red blade right before the strike. The jedi was able to see with the force too, but they were still raised with his eyes. Dakamir knew in his heart that no matter how hard could train, no one could outclasses his races ability in a blind fight.
"I was fighting a war, child. You are but fighting a duel.


Fayd's carefully checked anger broke as he screamed at the intractable padawan. Why did he insist on placing limits on himself? The duros' voice echoed powerfully through the court yard, given strength by the Force.

"No one, no one, can make you lose this duel but you! Even in defeat you can win! But NOT if you convince yourself that you've lost!

"Now strike, damn you! Strike and mean it!"

"This is a Republic transport of troops, please come and retrieve."

Both Tehromyn and Roseri looked at their 'borrowed' Republic radios and ran a backtrace through one of the speeders comm.s interfaces. Seconds later they redirected their course and were racing towards where the down craft had to be.

Nearly twenty minutes into their trip the pair of Agents came across a ragtag group of Imperials who clearly looked like they had been through the ringer. Stopping and stepping off their speeders to check with the men, the pair were recounted with attacking the very same downed Republic Transport that they had intercepted the transmission of.

While they spoke though, the current acting CO of the group received correspondence. In that correspondence were instruction explaining that Darth Maylum and any of his cohorts, listed as Darth Fayd, Maylum's apprentice and Roseri herself, were enemies of the Empire. Silently rallying his troops with eye contact and nonverbal communication, the CO slipped up behind Roseri while they were getting the rundown of the events from another soldier. Putting his sidearm's barrel against the Farghul's head, the CO menacingly ordered both her and Tehromyn to drop their weapons.

Surrender never an option, Roseri dropped and spun about, her leg lashing out and sweeping the CO's feet out from under him. Tehromyn immediately sidestepped and delivered and blistering array of punches to the nearest three soldiers, putting them down in seconds with brutal hits to vital spots. Coming up from her spin, Roseri pulled her blade from it's sheath and immediately took an outstretched arm from the closest assailing soldier.

The ensuing dance of death performed by the two agents showed that their superior training and experience, as well as durable swords and armour bending punches were far superior to the standard training that the average Imperial soldier was given. Now winded, yet ultimately triumphant, the two agents mounted the speeders again and set back off with new intent.

When they'd first intercepted the plea for aid, they intended on meeting up with Imperial allies. Now though? They were intent on siding with them, if only until the threat of Hyperious was ended.
It was a clever little trick. Blinded and coughing, Asa struggled to keep up with the shadow amid billowing dust. He caught the first strike, but couldn't retaliate. The second strike came from behind and he half-jumped, half-stumbled out of danger. The third strike seared some of his hairs as he ducked and dodged the lethal glow. I can't keep this up forever...

"No one, no one, can make you lose this duel but you! Even in defeat you can win! But NOT if you convince yourself that you've lost!

Darth Fayd's violent encouragements only put him further on edge.

A tight, clammy fist took hold of his galloping heart. His eyes flitted left and right, but he could only see dry rock and dust. When the fourth strike came hurling down on his unguarded left, Asa discarded all training and acted on instinct. His saber clunked to the ground as he put all his will behind a single point on the palm of his hand.

"Now strike, damn you! Strike and mean it!"

For the moment, Asa ignored the Sith Lord's command. The red blur scorched his robes as it connected with his shoulder, but didn't slice through the tender flesh below. His forehead glistened with sweat as he force-pushed the blade back with one hand before mentally reaching out for the switch on the handle.

The saber extinguished.

Sighing in relief, confident that the Miraluka would admit being defeated, Asa collapsed to his knees and breathed heavily. He had never used the force like that before, nor had he ever attempted to do two things at once. Exhaustion came crashing down on him like a tidal wave, washing away all energy until only a hollow frame remained.

But he wasn't done yet.

Peering through the dust, he could make out Darth Fayd's form. He reached for his blade...

Purple cleaved through the air. Spinning, the Jedi's blade came hurling towards Darth Fayd with deadly intent.

"Oh I will strike you down, Sith," he seethed, rising to his full height once more. His Miraluka opponent was all but forgotten. Now unarmed and solely focused on the Sith Lord, Dakamir was given the ultimate chance to strike Asa down...
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Even in the dust, the apprentice was still able to land one on him though at a cost for a wound himself. The push his opponent gave him was a strong one, sending him airborne and landing heavily at quite the distance. Twice, twice now this raged filled beast has managed to to land a blow on him. The dust still surrounding him, Dakarim was slow to get up as he reoriented himself from the attack. His hilt was no longer in his hand, but a quick glance with the force found it for him, as well as the blade that started the duel in the first place.

As he was about to call out on the force to retreive his blade, his opponent began to shout once more. "Oh I will strike you down, Sith" Fearing she was taking the initiative once more, he pulled both blades to his hand as he sprinted to meet her half way. To his surprise, not only was she not heading towards him as well, but she had her back faced towards him, no weapon in hand. Dakamir could since the anger coming from his opponent still, but now faced towards the other sith master who she was kneeling to before their duel started. Enraged that his opponent thought of him so little that a mere push would end this duel, he delivered a swift kick to the back of the jedi's knee as he passed.

Now standing in front of the now, once again, kneeling jedi, the sith returned the dusk cloud back to the ground so the jedi could see who just defeated him in combat. Activating his own red blade and his newly acquired blue, the sith raised the two swords so that they crossed just in front of the defeated man's neck. "I have won this duel. You have lost. Admit it."
"Cease this!"

Fayd stepped forward. The padawan's saber hilt lay uselessly at the duros' feet. He gesturing vaguely Dakarim's direction. The apprentice slid back several feet, and no matter how he tried, he couldn't bring his blades to meet against whatever force held them there. The Darth stopped before Asa.

"You have promise, padawan, and passion, but it's unfocused. If you like, I can show you to guide your anger to use it constructively. I shall not force you, but if you decline, I will not protect you."

He waved a hand again, this time in the padawan's direction. As if blown away in a wind, the dust that had settled on his shoulders was pushed away. Fayd pointed down at Asa, a stern look on his face.

"But if you ever attack me again, I shall remind you of the focus of my passion.

"For I will show you now."

From the Sith's outstretched finger, a single bolt of lightning flashed out. Its blue-white heat engulfed Asa for only an instant before dissipating, but the menacing crackle continued for several seconds after. Fayd's face was like stone, though his eyes betrayed something soft behind the callousness.

@Macaberz @Denezen
The kick to the hollow of his knees brought him down to a beggar's pose. Dakamir's intentions were perfectly clear to him as the Sith lined up both sabers to finish him off. His insides still boiled and fumed, but he couldn't bring himself to do anything but stare up. There were no words to face death with. He would simply be erased, removed from the history of the galaxy, forgotten.

But then, Darth Fayd -that snake- intervened.

Asa could barely believe his ears as he was offered another chance. He was not given the chance to reply however, nor would he have been able to as his throat was dry as a cork. Perhaps the stern gaze should have warned him, but he had not the energy to guess at the Sith's plans.

Excruciating pain sent his heart leaping up his throat, but he did not scream. There was a flicker of light, he tasted ash and before he knew it he was down on all fours, panting like a dog. Gritting his teeth, he forced a scream down his throat. If he was to die like this, he would not grant them the satisfaction of hearing his screams. But Darth Fayd seemed to have no intention to kill. Already the thousand needles pricking his skin were fading, but an uneasy rigidness remained, stiffening his muscles and tightening his throat. "I..." he croacked. It was pointless to resist, pointless to fight back against such immense power. All it had taken Darth Fayd was a finger, just a finger to bring him down and lecture him. "I will do your bidding, Master Fayd." He lowered his head in respect. A fire had been kindled inside, a wildfire that could only grow and consume him. Asa looked up to his new master with bleary eyes. "You have such power..." he choked out, "I will gladly learn of your ways..."
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