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Fandom Star Wars the old republic: The Rlyoth Conflict.

Fayd crossed his arms, the scowl and hate gone from his face. Indifference covered it now, and indifference was in the Sith's tone.

"I hate coercing people. It's far too much effort for too high a risk of reprisal."

Sighing, he gestured at the padawan. Painfully, stiffly, Asa was raised. But as he was, that stiffness and pain was leeched out, replaced by mere weariness. The duros glanced askance at the miraluka.

"Go. You risk yourself by staying."

Ignoring the apprentice, he turned back to the padawan. He looked far worse for the wear and, great though Fayd's command of the Force might be, one should never turn down a med bay check up. Bending down, Fayd grabbed Asa's lightsaber and tossed it to him.

"Let's get you to a medical droid. There's formality to this student/teacher bit, but that can come later. I don't want you losing consciousness as easily as you lost your weapon."

The last sentence sounded odd, as if it contained perhaps a hint of a jovial tone. Regardless, Fayd turned and began striding away. Heading for the gate, and beyond that, the jungle, of all places.
No one answered Maylum's radio call. Maylum knew that all his new partners were doomed. Seventy five imperial elite troops were heading their way. "What are those idiots doing!" He thought, he almost screamed it out loud and would have given his position away. There is no way he'd beat the army back to the base either. They wouldn't stand a chance against the whole army, Maylum didn't know wether to feel bad for them or to be mad at them. He had to get back to them before the army, but how? He had a plan.

Maylum snuck through the base being careful not to get noticed by the twenty or so soldiers left behind to guard the base and Hyperious. He made it to the back of the base. There was a door with two guards In front of it. He walked up to both of the guards, "hands up and turn around!" Demanded the guards.

"Surrender Maylum !" Said the other one.

Maylum did as he said, he turned around and out his hands up.

In an instant he grabbed his saber from his belt and plunged it into the guard behind him. He pulled the saber out of the man and turned around to face the other guard. He grabbed the guard with one hand and stabbed him through the stomach with his saber, that was in his other hand. He opened the door and entered the hanger. Inside the hanger was guarded by three men armed with vibro blades.

The three guards walked up to him. No words were exchanged, the three guards gazed at him and he gazed back, he drew both of his sabers and ignited them. All three guards swung at the same time. He used both of his sabers to parry the man to his left and the man to his right, he then kicked the man that was directly in front of him. The guard flew backwards, he was already recovering and lifting himself off the ground, the guards on his sides recovered. The man two his left swung, he dodged and spun behind him. He stabbed both of his sabers through the mans back, he then force pushed the body at the guard to the right. The guard that was In front of him came running back. Maylum was running towards him aswell. He threw his saber at the guard to his right, who was now behind him, the man didn't see it coming. The saber sliced through the man and came back to Maylum's hand. The guard In front of him swung his vibro blade downwards. Maylum put his blades together forming an "X" shape, and it caught the mans vibro blade in it. Before the man could pull his sword back Maylum head butted him. He didn't have time to waste, so he swiftly ended the guards like with a slash to the face with his sabers , he out both of his sabers away .

He saw a small fighter ship, it had an imperial worker laying underneath it, hiding. "Engineer, come." Said Maylum. The engineer didn't listen so Maylum grabbed him and said "are deaf, boy?" Then threw him to the ground. He opened the ship door, then grabbed the man again and pulled him into the ship. "I want answers, you are going to tell me everything that is going in with Hyperious." Darth. Maylum said. The engineer nodded.


The imperial march.

"My lord, we are twenty minutes from the republic base, where the traitors lie." Said the hooded sith, into his holocom, while leading the march.

"Very good my apprentice, be sure none of the traitors survive or you will be greatly punished. Do you understand, Voron?" Hyperious said through the holocom.

"Yes my lord" Voron, Hyperious's apprentice said into the holocom before hanging up and putting on his belt. They marched onwards. As soon as he hung up, Hyperious called right back, voron answered and confusingly said "yes, my lord?"

"Someone took my ship, I know it was that snake, Maylum. Shoot down the ship now!" Hyperious yelled, then hung up. Shortly after that happened they saw the ship. "Lt. jarek, shoot it down'!" Voron said.

"Isn't that lord Hyperious's ship?" Lt. jarek said.

"Now jarek, now!" Yelled voron.

Jarek fired the missile, it hit the ship directly in the engine.


"So Hyperious randomly came in and he-" the engineer started to say, but then the back of the ship exploded, and the power from the wind and the speeding ship sucked the man right out the back of the ship.

"What!" Yelled Maylum. He turned around to see that the whole back of the ship was gone. The part he was in filled with smoke and the emergency lights came on, they were bright red. The ship was going down fast, and it was uncontrollably shaking. He couldn't see at all, because of the red lights and the smoke. He smashed the front window of the ship using the force, so now he could see a little bit. He saw the republic base that everyone was at he aimed the crashing ship right for the base.

BANG. The ship came smashing through the wall of the base. He crawled his way out of the ship, and stood up, he looked around and saw that he wasn't in the same room as everyone else, but they were near by and definitely heard the crash.
About to deliver the finishing blow, Dakamir was literally yanked from his prize by the dark master who observed the fight. Lowering his weaspons, he said the Duros approach the human and began to watch the exchange. There, right in front of him, the Darth offered his defeated foe apprenticeship, something that he strove for 5 years. Even as he shocked the man who was to become his apprentice, the ignored sith had to grip his blades in frustration as his achieved goal was given away as a consolation prize for a small duel over a lightsaber. After the spectacle, the newest sith apprentice finally submitted himself to his master.

Trying to get his anger under control before he did anything rash, Fayd finaly turned to his fellow sith and uttered his first words directly to him. "Go. You risk yourself by staying." Already enraged by the master, the apprentice froze at the words. He did not flee as instructed, but simply moved back to imply his leaving while keeping his watch. He watched as the master returned his student's weapon and offered to help him seek medical attention. He was even making jokes at his pupils lack of skill. Never has Dakamir experienced this kind of kindness in the sith, never has he even known that sith were capable of such fairness. As the master headed to the gate, his sence finally caught up to him of his master's original instructions.

"Darth Fayd, wait!" the Miralukan called after the Duros, "My master has asked for all who are here not to return to the imperial base. I do not know why, but..."

Dakamir's thought was lost as he felt his master's presence once again. Confusion filled his face as he tried to find where it was coming from, but it was moving so fast that he was unable to see clearly. Just as he was about to gain his sense on the matter, a sound that felt like an explosion filled him to his core and knocking him off his feet. Where the blast originated from, Dakamir was finally able to feel his master presence once again. Without a word, the blind apprentice quickly got to his feet and raced to his master.
Rietan's ship touched down in a forest clearing. He could sense the Dark Side here, but he didn't care. He had heard a transmission from some Republic Troops requesting retrieval. If the Sith were here, he needed to get those troops back no matter what. The Republic was stretched thin enough as it was. Back tracing the transmission was childsplay, but finding them would be a slightly harder task.

The Sith Empire had troops all over the place, though their movements appeared to be somewhat chaotic at present. That would make things easier, but more difficult at the same time. This didn't bother Rietan all that much though. He had been looking forward to being able to put his skills to the test once more, and he could see his test right now.

Not far from him, Rietan took note of a four Imperial troops who seemed to be just laying in wait. Behind his facemask he gave a smirk, then used the Force to leap at the closest trooper. He landed directly on top of the troop, ignited his green and purple lightsabers, and stabbed them down into the trooper. The other three stumbled backward and began firing shots at him. A few glanced off his armor, but he was able to deftly deflect the remaining with his sabers.

In a quick movement, Rietan threw his saber at the one furthest from him, which stuck into the trooper's chest. With one of his hand free now, he placed one in a choke hold, and the last, after deflecting more blaster bolts with his saber, he simply lopped off the trooper's head.

Rietan called his other saber to him, disengaged them both and walked over to remaining trooper, releasing him from the Force choke. “What's going on with your troop movements? Why are you all so disorganized?” he asked, his voice a little deeper and sharper than usual.

“I don't know! We lost communication with command! We've just been waiting here for further orders! I swear! Please don't kill me!” the trooper plead.

Rietan could sense the trooper had no useful information. “I wish I could trust that leaving you alive would be okay, but I can't take that risk. I'm sorry,” he said. With that, Rietan engaged both sabers and stabbed them into the trooper. “I really am sorry. This isn't usually the Jedi way, but I can't be impeded.”
Maylum got out of the ship wreckage and found his apprentice running towards him. He was out of breath from the crash and managed to say "seventy, seventy five elite troops." He gestured for his apprentice follow him, he went into the courtyard where Fayd and Asa went to, from the anger he felt he caught his breath back, "You damned fools! Answer the radio next time, this is the second and last time I risk my life for you incompetent idiots!" Maylum yelled, he was fully enraged that Darth Fayd was too busy playing with the children to answer the radio that Maylum tried calling to warn them of the attack. "Everyone get out of this base, and never go back to the imperial base, we are "traitors of the empire now." As far as ryloth goes we are neither in the republic or the empire, I'll contact Darth ravage of the dark council to try to get his help, because he knows we aren't traitors. I'll explain the rest later, we have got to go now" Maylum said.


The imperial force was almost at the republic base, it was in sight of were they are, they are about five minutes from it.

They were all ready and confident about the attack, there was no way anyone could've found out about it, and there was no way they could lose, they all thought. Hyperious's apprentice voron was eager, eager to fight Darth Maylum. Hyperious has been training him for the last three years to go about dueling Maylum, was he ready?
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Fayd had stopped his gait as Maylum ran up. His arms crossed, he'd listened impassively as the larger Darth rambled on. The sound of starships breaking atmosphere echoed Maylum's concerns, but the duros shook his head.

"This disagreement you have with the Empire is your disagreement. I lived perfectly well outside of the Council's immediate jurisdiction before you called me out to help you, so please don't think this is my fight."

Fayd gestured vaguely at the jungle.

"My new apprentice and I are leaving. Don't make an enemy of me as you have the Empire, and I will do what I can to aid you."


Asa kept his eyes trained on the ground as Fayd defied Maylum. Whereas Maylum was stomping and yelling like a dissatisfied child, Fayd appeared almost bored with the situation. It was odd how his new Master seemed to flit from calm to rage and back again. He wondered if perhaps Fayd had been a Jedi once.

"I will do as Darth Fayd asks," Asa said to Lord Maylum. "I am sure you can do without our help."

And with that, he followed after Darth Fayd as they trekked deep into the jungle and boarded the Sith Lord's ship, curious as to where Fayd would take him. Korriban was closed to them, traitors to the Empire as they evidently were, so the destination was completely unknown.

via @Macaberz
"YOU ARE JUST COWARDS!" Maylum screamed into the jungle that Fayd and Asa walked into. He was so angry. The only other Darth left him, just simply gave up. He dropped to his knees and yelled into the sky. After he calmed down a bit he stood up and walked over to his apprentice. "Apprentice, those cowards fear true power. I will train you in the ways of the Darkside, and you will be the one who helps me take down Hyperious. Come now, the imperial army marches here, we must escape." Maylum explained.

Maylum and his apprentice walked into the jungle but the opposite way that Fayd and Asa went. They kept on walking until they found a small hut, concealed deep within the jungle. It appeared to be a natives house. No one was inside, the natives must have fled when the war started. "Ok apprentice, now your true training begins." Darth Maylum said.
Dakamir followed the cloud of anger that was his master away from the republic base and the imperial troops searching for them. As they forged through the jungles depth, the apprentice traveled in silence with his master, the promise of further training occupied Dakamir's mind and the frustration that his former opponent, now equivalent, would most likely be receiving similar training even though he has failed so often.

Finally, a small clearing with a hut hidden among the trees. As they approached the hut, his master turned back to face them and said the first words to him since they left the republic, though now more likely imperial, base. "Ok apprentice, now your true training begins." he stated, bringing a slight thrill to his conversational partner. Wanting to get right to the point of the matter, a quick "Yes, my master" was given as a reply as he prepared himself to be forged again to become an even stronger weapon.

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