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Fandom Star Wars: Spark of Rebellion


Is it okay if I play as a Jedi-turned-Gangster who is affiliated to the Zann Consortium? I'm planning to make my character as a Tyber Zann's second-in-command.

By the way, Zann Consortium is technologically advanced criminal syndicate that may able to defeat the Imperials and Rebels, search it on Google/
Hmm, interested, my friend Breezy invited me

I'll join with Rysesaka Rysesaka 's Zann Consortium group. I'll be a Mandalorian Protector-turned-Gangster that is affiliated to the Consortium i'll be part of Breezy's crew
Welcome to both of you as well. How does the Zann group tie into the story in Udor City? Are they affiliated with Czerka as well? And Breezy, love the Jerome Velaska avatar :D.
I could also have my slicer character have worked with the Zann Consortium before, but not as a full fledged member, before he joined up with Granny Shae on Udorrea.
So the inclusion of the Zann Consortium seems to be gaining popularity, lol. Perhaps Tyber Zann is aiding the growing rebellion because Czerka is their biggest competition? Plus, just as he did in the canon, it seems likely he would aid in forming the New Republic so that he could slide his hands into the pockets of new senators. Perhaps he is angry that the Syndicate was allowed to become so big and also jealous of their power.

Should we use this plot theme, it would make sense Zann aspires to plant seeds of corruption in the foundation of the growing New Republic so that he can later capitalize on them. Perhaps part of his price for helping is that he is granted ownership of the Kessel spice mines.
Malsuphur Malsuphur Just checking, in your timeline of events you've written up, where do we start? At the end of what you've written? Or are those just your plans for the rp in the future?

Also, would a bounty hunter who's only interest is credits work in such a group?
Welcome to both of you as well. How does the Zann group tie into the story in Udor City? Are they affiliated with Czerka as well? And Breezy, love the Jerome Velaska avatar :D.
Hmm, not affiliated to Czerka since they are one of Zann's competitive rivals but I'm planning to make the Udor City as base of operation for the Consortium.

Well, thanks, lol. Jerome Valeska is one of my favorite Gotham characters. Too bad he is jailed in Arkham Asylum again.
So the inclusion of the Zann Consortium seems to be gaining popularity, lol. Perhaps Tyber Zann is aiding the growing rebellion because Czerka is their biggest competition? Plus, just as he did in the canon, it seems likely he would aid in forming the New Republic so that he could slide his hands into the pockets of new senators. Perhaps he is angry that the Syndicate was allowed to become so big and also jealous of their power.

Should we use this plot theme, it would make sense Zann aspires to plant seeds of corruption in the foundation of the growing New Republic so that he can later capitalize on them. Perhaps part of his price for helping is that he is granted ownership of the Kessel spice mines.

Well, the Consortium is aiding the formation of the New Republic after the Empire is in the brink of collapse because during the Rebellion, the Consortium attacks both Imperials and Rebels (although most are Imperials).

And I agree that the Zann would plant seeds of corruption in the New Republic after the Empire collapse into small factions of Imperial Remnants.
So if the Consortium doesn't aid the rebels until after the Empire begins to crumble, how exactly does it fit into the RP? And since Czerka controls Udorrea and the entire system, Zann would have to be undercover to be running operations there without them knowing.

As for your question, Rando, the RP would start a few days before the Czerka Security officers raid Satele's clinic. The plot points I mentioned are overall milestones for the RP as we play, but they are not written in stone, more like a rough story skeleton to follow. The basic flow of the plot will be our characters gradually building the rebellion and taking down the Empire, but your character's motives for that are up to you. Whatever your reasons for being in Udor City, once we escape to the mountains, you will want your characters to be with that group as the story focus will shift with them.
So if the Consortium doesn't aid the rebels until after the Empire begins to crumble, how exactly does it fit into the RP? And since Czerka controls Udorrea and the entire system, Zann would have to be undercover to be running operations there without them knowing.

Yes of course, my Zann character would have to be working in the shadows once he arrives on Udorrea. Since this is the Imperial era, the Consortium at this point is expanding aggressively or let's just say secretly because of their advanced technology and also Udorrea and the entire system is a ripe for the taking. Let's just say it is one of the future territorial conquests of the Consortium.
Sorry for not posting anything in a while, my internet went down at the start of the week...
I have been working on a character that is supposed to have been Aayla Secura's padawan, but Order 66 interrupted his training. After Aayla's death on Felucia, he fled to Kashyyyk where he survived together with Quinlan Vos, who resumed his training and "knighted" him.
As of now I'm thinking that he arrives on Udor when the RP starts.
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Okay, cool, sounds like we have some good origins. It seems people with our group with have one of two motives -- they either want to help destroy the Empire, or they are paid help. Breezy, what do you have in mind for your character once the focus shifts to the growing rebel base in the mountains? If the Consortium equally fights the rebels and the Empire, who will he fit into the story as it shifts with the rebel forces?
Okay, cool, sounds like we have some good origins. It seems people with our group with have one of two motives -- they either want to help destroy the Empire, or they are paid help. Breezy, what do you have in mind for your character once the focus shifts to the growing rebel base in the mountains? If the Consortium equally fights the rebels and the Empire, who will he fit into the story as it shifts with the rebel forces?
Should they be fighting both sides. Aren't they better serve their interest to be neutral, fighting or dealing one or the other as it best suits them?
I mean with the story focus on the rebels, I wanted to know how the Consortium fits in. Like, when we go to Tython, for instance. It will be a secret rebel base that only the rebels know about, so it would be difficult for the Consortium characters to interact with the other characters during the story scenes there. Unless Breezy was planning Consortium story arcs separate from the rebel ones as sort of a mini RP within the main one or something.
One thing I do notice is that despite the thread being titled Spark of Rebellion, it seems there are a growing number of players who don't want to participate in the rebel-oriented story, lol.
Here's what I go so far for the character sheet to give you guys an idea.


Reddarius "Redd" Gharrow
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Homeworld: Udorrea
Age: 15
Languages Known: Galactic Basic, High Galactic, Binary/Droidspeak, Gamorrese, Huttese, and Rodese.
Height: 5'10''
Figure/Build: Lean and muscular, on the edge of a massive growth spurt.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Color: Light Brown

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