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Fandom Star Wars: Spark of Rebellion

Malsuphur Malsuphur I think I will split my ideas into two separate characters.
  • One a matukai that was basically taught by Granny Shae so in addition to being the traditional Matukai he also developed some new techniques. His long term plan is to become more powerful and further revolutionize what it means to be a Matukai.
  • The other a former yovshin swodsmen turned Mandalorian who was given the Darksaber and had the Mask of Mandalore grafted in his Beskar'gam's helmet symbolizing that he is destined to be Mandalore and to free the Mandalorians from the Empire. He was seeking Granny Shae's help in learning how to wield the Darksaber. His long term plan is to free the Mandalorians then rebuilding the Mandalorians into a force to be reckoned with through conquest and recruitment.
Mine: Unique Droid capable of self-repair and continual upgrades which destroyed its creator and seeks to fulfill its programming through murder for hire.
Well, the Consortium fights on both sides to spread corruption across the galaxy although most of the fights they encountered are Imperials since Tyber Zann personally hated the Imperials for kicking him out from the Imperial Academy.

The Consortium will help build the rebels if they get payed by them. The Consortium (when the Empire is in a brink of collapse) actually helped the Rebels to form the New Republic since Tyber Zann has plans for them.

Although there would be a mini story arc but in the end, the Consortium will help the Rebels but since at this point, the Consortium fights in the both sides.
Rebel pilot thrown into the middle of all of this with a dark dark history farther reaching than it seems at first glance.
Are any alternate Star Wars character allowed here? Like they've suddenly wake up to this new timeline they lived in.
Wow, too many Ex-Jedi here. I'm having second thoughts already.
One thing I do notice is that despite the thread being titled Spark of Rebellion, it seems there are a growing number of players who don't want to participate in the rebel-oriented story, lol.

Mine is more ex sith than ex jedi and she has no love for the empire and will definitely fight for the rebels... Eventually. She is just anti force.
Yes, I will create the RP Thread, the OOC Thread, and the Character Sheet Thread. Also, at some point I am bringing in Thrawn as a villain, but he will hold some secrets that differ from other incarnations of him.

Also, to the question about alternate characters -- sure, but it's not that they existed in the original timelines and now they are in an alternate world. This RP is an alternate universe where things did not happen the same was as in the movies or comics or games. In this reality, the canon and legends realities don't exist and never did. This universe is it's own independent reality where events happened differently.
Yes, I will create the RP Thread, the OOC Thread, and the Character Sheet Thread. Also, at some point I am bringing in Thrawn as a villain, but he will hold some secrets that differ from other incarnations of him.

Also, to the question about alternate characters -- sure, but it's not that they existed in the original timelines and now they are in an alternate world. This RP is an alternate universe where things did not happen the same was as in the movies or comics or games. In this reality, the canon and legends realities don't exist and never did. This universe is it's own independent reality where events happened differently.

Wait, Grand Admiral Thrawn will be in this? Now I'm really intrigued.
Well, he will be Captain Thrawn when we first encounter him and then he will rise through the ranks during the Galactic Civil War.
it will be released when it is released. patience.
I'm interested if you'd have me. I have two ideas for a character and am willing to do either. I'm leaning force sensitive if that'd be okay.

My first idea is to have a Jedi-ish character raised and taught by a Jedi. Having something happen to that master/mentor. Then my character is told to find "granny Shae," perhaps Shae being a friend of my characters old mentor.

My next idea (im only doing one) would be a rouge starkiller turned good. Tasked with finding Shae then upon finding her he joins her.
Hopefully the ETA is soon. I was gonna get the intro post going over the weekend, but since a handful of players may feel alienated if I focus just on the rebellion when they want to play in a crime syndicate, I was thinking over the best way to do it and ran out of time. I'm at work between 40 and 50 hours a week depending on what's going on so a majority of my posts would be on the weekends. Once the game gets going, my goal is to post two really long posts a week -- once on Friday and once on Sunday, with smaller posts throughout the week when time permits.

Before we get too deep into this, I wanna make sure everyone knows my job will always come first, and if call volume increases I am sometimes required to work extra overtime. There are some weeks I will not be able to post at all. So it may go slow at times and than faster when I am able to. Just want to make sure everyone is okay with this.

That being said, I am having trouble coming up with the foundation of the RP since we have a group of characters that are unlikely to stick with the rebellion all the way to the Battle of Yavin and then the Battle of Endor and the Battle of Jakku. One way around this is to have those characters die off or write them out of the RP later on when they leave. I suppose we could skip the rebel plotline I had envisioned and just make them all pirates or something, but I think that will limit epic story potential.
Hopefully the ETA is soon. I was gonna get the intro post going over the weekend, but since a handful of players may feel alienated if I focus just on the rebellion when they want to play in a crime syndicate, I was thinking over the best way to do it and ran out of time. I'm at work between 40 and 50 hours a week depending on what's going on so a majority of my posts would be on the weekends. Once the game gets going, my goal is to post two really long posts a week -- once on Friday and once on Sunday, with smaller posts throughout the week when time permits.

Before we get too deep into this, I wanna make sure everyone knows my job will always come first, and if call volume increases I am sometimes required to work extra overtime. There are some weeks I will not be able to post at all. So it may go slow at times and than faster when I am able to. Just want to make sure everyone is okay with this.

That being said, I am having trouble coming up with the foundation of the RP since we have a group of characters that are unlikely to stick with the rebellion all the way to the Battle of Yavin and then the Battle of Endor and the Battle of Jakku. One way around this is to have those characters die off or write them out of the RP later on when they leave. I suppose we could skip the rebel plotline I had envisioned and just make them all pirates or something, but I think that will limit epic story potential.
As much as I'd like this to move forward, that is probably for the best since my to-do list is swamped at the moment. Though I have an idea if you'd like to post less often and the others don't. Maybe you could have some kind of commander's role with Granny Shae? So that it makes sense if you don't post as often as others. Since you'd be the commander, you maybe don't partake as much in the common stuff? I don't know if that would conflict with what you originally intended for you character, just an idea.
Hopefully the ETA is soon. I was gonna get the intro post going over the weekend, but since a handful of players may feel alienated if I focus just on the rebellion when they want to play in a crime syndicate, I was thinking over the best way to do it and ran out of time. I'm at work between 40 and 50 hours a week depending on what's going on so a majority of my posts would be on the weekends. Once the game gets going, my goal is to post two really long posts a week -- once on Friday and once on Sunday, with smaller posts throughout the week when time permits.

Before we get too deep into this, I wanna make sure everyone knows my job will always come first, and if call volume increases I am sometimes required to work extra overtime. There are some weeks I will not be able to post at all. So it may go slow at times and than faster when I am able to. Just want to make sure everyone is okay with this.

That being said, I am having trouble coming up with the foundation of the RP since we have a group of characters that are unlikely to stick with the rebellion all the way to the Battle of Yavin and then the Battle of Endor and the Battle of Jakku. One way around this is to have those characters die off or write them out of the RP later on when they leave. I suppose we could skip the rebel plotline I had envisioned and just make them all pirates or something, but I think that will limit epic story potential.

I'm fine with waiting at times, as for the best way to work in the crim syndicate might be a second IC and tie it in the the main story somehow. There's also the option of someone not being happy with them and they end up with the rebellion from protection. Or maybe they just stick with the rebellion as bounty hunters.
Yeah, that's true, though overall, if the Constortium's goal is to spread corruption, they will eventually be at odds with the rebellion and the New Republic. One way around this is to portray Zann and his men as nobler than the common criminal. Similar to the Mafia, perhaps Zann has a code of honor and is especially offended by slavery and rape. In a way, he could be portrayed similar to Negan from Walking Dead in that he will do the dirty work when it needs to be done but prefers cooperation over needless murder. That may make him more willing to stick with the rebellion and the New Republic longer.
Yeah, that's true, though overall, if the Constortium's goal is to spread corruption, they will eventually be at odds with the rebellion and the New Republic. One way around this is to portray Zann and his men as nobler than the common criminal. Similar to the Mafia, perhaps Zann has a code of honor and is especially offended by slavery and rape. In a way, he could be portrayed similar to Negan from Walking Dead in that he will do the dirty work when it needs to be done but prefers cooperation over needless murder. That may make him more willing to stick with the rebellion and the New Republic longer.

The Zann Consortium aren't some slavers and they definetly don't have interest about slaving people, mas murder or rape. All they want to do is to spread corruption or to become the most powerful syndicate in the galaxy.

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