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Fandom Star Wars: Spark of Rebellion

Killerclown, your con-artist could be someone who thinks the Empire is bad for business so he joins the rebellion. Yang, we could find a way to make it work, but how ancient were you thinking? Is she like thousands of years old or something? Perhaps she became frozen in carbonite for ages and when she is finally released, she has brain fog and it takes her months before memories start to gradually return. Another idea is to say she is a modern clone of an ancient sith queen made from residual DNA in her tomb. Perhaps she finds one of her original holocrons and begins to unlock genetic memories.

If you want to make her less ancient, you could adapt a female Revan for this setting. Perhaps she was a Jedi Knight during the Clone Wars, but was seduced to the Dark Side by Dooku and Sidious. During the early years of the Empire, she aided Vader in the Great Jedi Purge, but eventually her lust for power led her to confront him for the role of Palpatine's top apprentice during a mission to Taris. Vader defeated her utterly, scrambled her mind with a Force Storm, and sent her body plummeting deep into the sewers to her apparent death. She was rescued by underground medics, but remained in a coma for months. When she came to, she had no memory of her previous life. Then perhaps memories start to trickle back in or something. Just some ideas to consider :D.
Possibly. Like I said it would be a general character rework for sure.
So who's actually going to be committed to this?

Like, willing to slog through the boring and slow parts, willing to wait if someone can't post right away, ect.

I'm reluctant to do any RP if it will die.
So who's actually going to be committed to this?

Like, willing to slog through the boring and slow parts, willing to wait if someone can't post right away, ect.

I'm reluctant to do any RP if it will die.
Yeah, haven't been RPing in a while for this exact reason. I know I'm patient to wait because I can be slow myself (because of things going on in life).
I just came up with a rough timeline for my character to be a former yovshen swordsman turn Matukai training under a Granny Steele to Mandalorian Knight to Mandalore consolidating the power of the Mandalorians through recruitment and conquest. In other words, I am in it for the long run.
Blerb, hi friend.
Yes, hopefully people will stick around. I usually wait and see how serious people are before I create the thread because I hate putting in the effort into an epic intro post if its just gonna die.
Although I never played The Old Republic I still love Star Wars and would like to play if there is still room. My idea for a character is a Yaka slicer who steals information for the rebellion.
I will likely open the thread for character sheets on Friday, my next day off. I'm still deciding on character images for my guys, finalizing the character sheet setup and all.

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