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Fandom (Star Wars Old Republic) Dawn of A New Age

It was just supposed to be a routine bounty collection on Bespin assigned to my clan by the Imperial Fleet. I had already touched down and recovered the target with little resistance and retaliation from the locals. It's amazing how much you can avoid by throwing some credits into the pockets of local law enforcement. The target was a republic data slicer. His name was Aronac, a nemoidian. I had him bound and sedated in a cell inside my ship. I decided to take this mission solo, (mainly due to the fact that most of the rest of the clan was off on other jobs). I was flying back to the Fleet to drop off my target, when not even making it out of the sector, an unmarked strike class ship attacked and blew out my stableizers. He then soon after flew away. My engines were failing on me, and the closest planet was Hoth. It was my only option. I flew my ship down best i could into Hoth's atmosphere, but only made it so far until I had run my ship into the snow covered ground.
@FC Latin

K'tal sat on his 'throne' inside his subterranean lair in Hoth. He was napping peacefully before he sensed someone quickly making their way through the atmosphere. He felt the earth above him shake from the the force of the ship's impact. Put on his snow gear, mounted his tauntaun, and headed out to the site of the crash. He could feel the life force more and more, as he neared the site. A mandelorian. K'tal got off the tauntaun, and chuckled at the wreckage. He lifted his fingers, and the ship slowly began to rise from the snow. With his free hand, K'tal closed the whole with the surrounding snow before placing the ship down. He called with his bass octave voice, "Hey, come out! I know you're in there, mandelorian!"
After gathering myself from the crash and the ship being all moved about, I looked around for my weapons, armor, and my bounty. Aronac was still passed out in the cell. I found my weapons and gear scattered about and put on my armor and gripped my rifle in my hand and had my darksaber within close quarters. I went to an opening in my ship and looked out to see a man standing outside yelling. I went to the airlock and opened it as i threw out a stun grenade at the man, then quickly ran up behind him and held my blaster to his head. "Well well well, what do we have here?"

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