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Fandom Star Wars: Dedication [OOC]

Done with Atticus' fleet and forces, let me know if you'd like it reformatted or changed :)
Very good! If you could make the ship model a little easier to see, that would be helpful. But otherwise very nice!

You are definitely going to need them. Godspeed, Atticus! You are this era's Ackbar.
I am curious as to where some of the other "Floaters" are going to be? I imagine Mirian ( Adobe Adobe ) and Bedae ( Bruhaha Bruhaha ) are both on Coruscant, while Day ( Chak Chak ) could be anywhere and Fokan ( Locklaklazarii Locklaklazarii ) already seems placed. But like what about Ellis ( c h a n a c h a n a )? Her bio says she was born on Coruscant, but it also said she left home. Is she still on Coruscant or did she move to a different planet?

And hold on? Isn't Nirea ( Adobe Adobe ) also unaffiliated? A bartender on a desert planet I believe? Tattooine?

Anyways it's seeming like the place for drifters to be is either Coruscant or Tattooine, which are both terrible places for a fugitive Sith, one being the center of the Sith Empire the other having a bunch of Jedi hiding on it.
... well actually, if Amatiel were to be currently trying to escape Coruscant...
I am curious as to where some of the other "Floaters" are going to be? I imagine Mirian ( Adobe Adobe ) and Bedae ( Bruhaha Bruhaha ) are both on Coruscant, while Day ( Chak Chak ) could be anywhere and Fokan ( Locklaklazarii Locklaklazarii ) already seems placed. But like what about Ellis ( c h a n a c h a n a )? Her bio says she was born on Coruscant, but it also said she left home. Is she still on Coruscant or did she move to a different planet?

And hold on? Isn't Nirea ( Adobe Adobe ) also unaffiliated? A bartender on a desert planet I believe? Tattooine?

Anyways it's seeming like the place for drifters to be is either Coruscant or Tattooine, which are both terrible places for a fugitive Sith, one being the center of the Sith Empire the other having a bunch of Jedi hiding on it.
... well actually, if Amatiel were to be currently trying to escape Coruscant...
Day is going to be starting off with Mirian, whom I believe will be starting on Hoth actually.
Very good! If you could make the ship model a little easier to see, that would be helpful. But otherwise very nice!

You are definitely going to need them. Godspeed, Atticus! You are this era's Ackbar.
You bet!
Is it the first ship you are having trouble with?
I'll get posts up, but my characters are both going to be having reactionary introductions, so I'm waiting on others first.
I'm just trying to figure out where I'm putting Amatiel and who she might be able to interact with, because being alone is no fun.
I'm just trying to figure out where I'm putting Amatiel and who she might be able to interact with, because being alone is no fun.
Indeed it is not. But, SidTheSkid SidTheSkid is a good lead for you. Perhaps his clues to Kittani lead him her. On whichever planet. Amariel perhaps drawn there too by such a memory.

Buul is also still unplaced if you need a player too.
Ian Temero Ian Temero & D. Rex D. Rex
There might be a couple of concerns with him meeting Amatiel right away!
Since Dezmund is on Tattooine it'll take a while for him to get to wherever
Amatiel might be; Dezmund is also ridiculously underprepared if Amatiel or
any other Siths might be lurking nearby just so happen to take an offense to his arrival,
he'd probably get absolutely 'roflstomped' just trying to get to her.

He'd probably need mentorship training before even trying to go to her
unless Amatiel or other siths won't be hostile towards him, since he's
unaffiliated it could make sense they wouldn't outright attack him?

As of right now i'm trying to come up with my character's introduction, if
Amatiel desperately needs someone to interact with very soon then I suppose
i'll try to get a pilot as soon as I can and have Dezmund head off to whatever
planet she may currently be on at this moment.
Ian Temero Ian Temero & D. Rex D. Rex
There might be a couple of concerns with him meeting Amatiel right away!
Since Dezmund is on Tattooine it'll take a while for him to get to wherever
Amatiel might be; Dezmund is also ridiculously underprepared if Amatiel or
any other Siths might be lurking nearby just so happen to take an offense to his arrival,
he'd probably get absolutely 'roflstomped' just trying to get to her.

He'd probably need mentorship training before even trying to go to her
unless Amatiel or other siths won't be hostile towards him, since he's
unaffiliated it could make sense they wouldn't outright attack him?

As of right now i'm trying to come up with my character's introduction, if
Amatiel desperately needs someone to interact with very soon then I suppose
i'll try to get a pilot as soon as I can and have Dezmund head off to whatever
planet she may currently be on at this moment.
Well he isn't in tattooine yet. Can have him anywhere you please.

And yes, very underprepared. But that leaves you to trust the players involved not to flay you for fun. Or mind control you with brutal force powers :3

Mentorship will not he an easy thing to gain in the jedi ways. Buul is the only master, and of the also rare jedi knights, only Galen seems to be stable enough to provide good teaching.

Unless you are seeking a different kind of tutelage.

Also! Even if they arent hostile to him. He much be hostile to them. He does hate sith after all.
Well he isn't in tattooine yet. Can have him anywhere you please.

And yes, very underprepared. But that leaves you to trust the players involved not to flay you for fun. Or mind control you with brutal force powers :3

Mentorship will not he an easy thing to gain in the jedi ways. Buul is the only master, and of the also rare jedi knights, only Galen seems to be stable enough to provide good teaching.

Unless you are seeking a different kind of tutelage.

Also! Even if they arent hostile to him. He much be hostile to them. He does hate sith after all.

Too late on the Tattooine part, I was already half-way into writing when you wrote that.
Oh, I don't think they'd flay me just for fun, I hope! It'd make more sense if he receives
mentorship from someone who is versed in the ways of the Jedi.

It doesn't have to be soon, it can be in the future! Dezmund might dislike Sith
but he knows he wouldn't be able to take down one, I doubt he'd try and
hurt one because he knows he'd get 'slapped' pretty hard!
Ian Temero Ian Temero & D. Rex D. Rex
There might be a couple of concerns with him meeting Amatiel right away!
Since Dezmund is on Tattooine it'll take a while for him to get to wherever
Amatiel might be; Dezmund is also ridiculously underprepared if Amatiel or
any other Siths might be lurking nearby just so happen to take an offense to his arrival,
he'd probably get absolutely 'roflstomped' just trying to get to her.

He'd probably need mentorship training before even trying to go to her
unless Amatiel or other siths won't be hostile towards him, since he's
unaffiliated it could make sense they wouldn't outright attack him?

As of right now i'm trying to come up with my character's introduction, if
Amatiel desperately needs someone to interact with very soon then I suppose
i'll try to get a pilot as soon as I can and have Dezmund head off to whatever
planet she may currently be on at this moment.
Too late on the Tattooine part, I was already half-way into writing when you wrote that.
Oh, I don't think they'd flay me just for fun, I hope! It'd make more sense if he receives
mentorship from someone who is versed in the ways of the Jedi.

It doesn't have to be soon, it can be in the future! Dezmund might dislike Sith
but he knows he wouldn't be able to take down one, I doubt he'd try and
hurt one because he knows he'd get 'slapped' pretty hard!
Well I wasn't thinking that they'd be meeting immediately and I certainly wasn't thinking that they'd be fighting.

I'm looking at a galactic map for Star Wars right now and there is a lot of distance between Tatooine and Desmond's end goal of Ossus. Like almost half the know galaxy, though if you want to get specific about 13,500 parsecs. This leaves quite a few plants they could possibly meet up on while his ship is "refueling", like Bothawui early on. After that it could depend on whether he's looking to get there fast or safe or fast.

If he wants longer but safer then there's a route that goes through the mid rim, around Hutt space. The only really noteworthy planet on that route would be Kashyyk. While if he wanted a faster route he could cut straight though Hutt space, making a stop at Nar Shaddaa.

I'ma poke c h a n a c h a n a one more time to see where Ellis is?
Well I wasn't thinking that they'd be meeting immediately and I certainly wasn't thinking that they'd be fighting.

I'm looking at a galactic map for Star Wars right now and there is a lot of distance between Tatooine and Desmond's end goal of Ossus. Like almost half the know galaxy, though if you want to get specific about 13,500 parsecs. This leaves quite a few plants they could possibly meet up on while his ship is "refueling", like Bothawui early on. After that it could depend on whether he's looking to get there fast or safe or fast.

If he wants longer but safer then there's a route that goes through the mid rim, around Hutt space. The only really noteworthy planet on that route would be Kashyyk. While if he wanted a faster route he could cut straight though Hutt space, making a stop at Nar Shaddaa.

I'ma poke c h a n a c h a n a one more time to see where Ellis is?

Alrighty also i'm glad that they wouldn't be fighting! Depending on who he's going with
it'll probably be the fast route, also I feel like your character would be more likely
on Nar Shadda rather than Kashyyk.
Alrighty also i'm glad that they wouldn't be fighting! Depending on who he's going with
it'll probably be the fast route, also I feel like your character would be more likely
on Nar Shadda rather than Kashyyk.
Same, unless she's looking for something tough to fight.

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