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Fandom Star Wars: Dedication [OOC]

As extinct as the sith pure Bloods. It's hard to reason any creature truly extinct once it spread through the galaxy.
I mean, yes... but also hard no. Rakatans got ultra fucked my dude, and the Mythosaurs are myths and legends now.
I mean, yes... but also hard no. Rakatans got ultra fucked my dude, and the Mythosaurs are myths and legends now.
Not every creature gets as lucky. But its isnt hard for me to reason an OC into existence as an obscure alien. Could even reason a lineage of Rakatan that survived.

And I'm not exactly approving a species revival. Just a one off here and there, wandering around.
Mythosaurs, kn the other hand. Those were a local planet species. Much easier to be fully extinct, unless they were also spread across the galaxy as some invasive species.
I think you mean that's a hefty negative
Nah, I mean like, the Force ultimately decided the Rakatans needs to go away, and then made sure they did so. It's why you shouldn't piss off the living force haha
Nah, I mean like, the Force ultimately decided the Rakatans needs to go away, and then made sure they did so. It's why you shouldn't piss off the living force haha
I appreciates the letterkenny reference.
Nah, I mean like, the Force ultimately decided the Rakatans needs to go away, and then made sure they did so. It's why you shouldn't piss off the living force haha
The power of the living force pales in comparison to the reality warping might of the GM.
The power of the living force pales in comparison to the reality warping might of the GM.
So if you just like, up and fade out of existence or some such, I'd like to say, you pissed off the force yourself.
SidTheSkid SidTheSkid Everything looks good for Dezmond, he is approved for play.

If youd like to start in Mos Eisley, that is easily doable.

I will be having my pilot and his crew start there as well. I might have him run some goodies for Sok. Desmond could easily tag along.

Though! It might be a good opportunity for Locklaklazarii Locklaklazarii to make use of Fokan. If shes looking for work, a transport job is an easy gig. If the player is up for it.

The pilot of your choice would be your preference. Whomever you hire, Cid or Fokan. Be expected to shill out some money.

Also! I might suggest that maybe on your adventure that he might meet up with Ian Temero Ian Temero Amatiel. They have ties to Kittani that yall could take advantage of for play.

Locklaklazarii Locklaklazarii Another idea that could come about. Though she has her own ship, Cid would not be opposed to hiring another. If you want Fokan to dip her hands into smuggling to see where that takes her.

Cid has two crew under him already, so there would be folk to play with.
Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford I might suggest that maybe Galen could start his adventure in Mos Eisley on some business. He could meet Nirea there and. And the sith....

Then as you establish yourselves, you can move to the ranch.
Oh boy,
fell asleep and wound up missing a whole lotta starting discussion

whomp whomp

GrieveWriter GrieveWriter do you want Kaid to go with Zen to visit Darth Non?

Of course, Zen would absolutely love to share a learning experience with her Apprentices when necessary

SidTheSkid SidTheSkid Everything looks good for Dezmond, he is approved for play.

If youd like to start in Mos Eisley, that is easily doable.

I will be having my pilot and his crew start there as well. I might have him run some goodies for Sok. Desmond could easily tag along.

Though! It might be a good opportunity for Locklaklazarii Locklaklazarii to make use of Fokan. If shes looking for work, a transport job is an easy gig. If the player is up for it.

The pilot of your choice would be your preference. Whomever you hire, Cid or Fokan. Be expected to shill out some money.

Also! I might suggest that maybe on your adventure that he might meet up with Ian Temero Ian Temero Amatiel. They have ties to Kittani that yall could take advantage of for play.

Locklaklazarii Locklaklazarii Another idea that could come about. Though she has her own ship, Cid would not be opposed to hiring another. If you want Fokan to dip her hands into smuggling to see where that takes her.

Cid has two crew under him already, so there would be folk to play with.

I was planning on having Rel and Azzy wind up on Tatooine by way of starfighter combat forcing one to the surface with the other in hot pursuit. Was thinking about having his crash landing send him close to the Jedi Sanctuary, but after deliberation I've figured that having him head to Mos Eisley first would probably be for the best.
Oh boy,
fell asleep and wound up missing a whole lotta starting discussion

whomp whomp

Of course, Zen would absolutely love to share a learning experience with her Apprentices when necessary

I was planning on having Rel and Azzy wind up on Tatooine by way of starfighter combat forcing one to the surface with the other in hot pursuit. Was thinking about having his crash landing send him close to the Jedi Sanctuary, but after deliberation I've figured that having him head to Mos Eisley first would probably be for the best.
Cool beans. Then it looks like Azzy will be the first real threat the jedi face. Unless he somehow loses Rel and tracks someone else down instead thinking Rel is aboard a different shuttle.

Any way you would like to do it?
Mandolorian + Grey
Chak Chak - Vortiger
@HighSanguinaryPriest - Paladin Ebberon
Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford - Kal Ordo

Republic + Jedi
@Bruhaha - Admiral Atticus
D. Rex D. Rex - Master Buul
GrieveWriter GrieveWriter - Rel'tesi
@Peckinou - Atora
@Adobe - Nirea
Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford - Galen
@xrenee00 - Feyi

@Bruhaha - "Doctor" Bunga
@Sophileon - Darth Bellator
Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford - Ror Vizla
GrieveWriter GrieveWriter - Darth Zen
D. Rex D. Rex - Soth
@OnyxMule - Darth Raptid
@Srale - Zalrian
Midrick Midrick - Kaid

Bounty Hunters
GrieveWriter GrieveWriter - AS-9 (Azzy)
@Grim Wraithe Stjerna - Chuka

Criminal Underbelly
@Bruhaha - Sok
@Bruhaha - Sinclair
D. Rex D. Rex - Cid

@xrenee00 - Ellis
Chak Chak - Day
@Adobe - Mirian
Locklaklazarii Locklaklazarii - Fokan
Ian Temero Ian Temero - Amatiel
@Bruhaha - Bedae

As of now, these all the characters in play, and the groups they are in based on my understanding.

@floaters If you are in this group, it is because you are currently free range, or I have yet to get confirmation on which group they will be in. If you would like your char moved, just tag me and let me know!

Need completion (not approved for play)
@myst.erion - Alelo
@Sophileon - Bob
SidTheSkid SidTheSkid - Desmond

Unless otherwise designated, all tagged characters are approved for play once the IC tab is up.

At the beginning of every post I require the following format

Group: (whatever you choose to call your current circle)
Location: (Planet and setting, eg Tattooine, Skywalker Ranch)
Tags: (@ every participant in your group)

When you create a group, or you separate to create another group, have one of the group tag me in the OOC with the format in the OOC so I can keep track of it. You will still place it in front of every post, however.


1. Ghost as you please, but at least say your heading out or post the relevant spongebob meme so no one is held up waiting. You will not be judged, and will receive a high five and "good luck!"

2. This is a casual roleplay, I dont care about post length so long as you give others content to respond to. Try to make your posts easy to read, and leave out too much prose.

3. Take it slow and enjoy yourself. There is no time limit in posts, get them out when you can. Please do not leave others in your group behind.

4. I will not be there to write scenes for everyone. So you may need to write a scene yourself. Before you do anything drastic, just get approval for me first. Many cats I must herd to see this plot goes smooth.

5. Everyone of master tier, please defer to me should I require something for the plot.

Also, might wanna move Rel to Floaters, since he isn't exactly one to stick with one group. More like he's literally just floating between whoever he believes can keep him safest at the time. Whether he'll actually stick with one of these groups remains to be seen
Also, might wanna move Rel to Floaters, since he isn't exactly one to stick with one group. More like he's literally just floating between whoever he believes can keep him safest at the time. Whether he'll actually stick with one of these groups remains to be seen

Lol though... if Rel learns of the jedi... they may not let him leave. Or at least, let him leave alive.
Cool beans. Then it looks like Azzy will be the first real threat the jedi face. Unless he somehow loses Rel and tracks someone else down instead thinking Rel is aboard a different shuttle.

Any way you would like to do it?

I was just gonna have it be in my Intro post about Azzy catching up, unless anyone else want to blast him to the surface first. Since he's got a bounty, I'm not exactly picky. It could even be some unimportant NPCs, the point is having him wounded and stuck there so he'll be forced to rely on someone for aid.

Either way, Azzy will show up to hunt him down along with any other invested parties eventually, so his time there is gonna have to be limited. Enough bounty hunters start appearing and tearing the place up, the Union's get wise eventually.


Lol though... if Rel learns of the jedi... they may not let him leave. Or at least, let him leave alive.

Bruh the exact same thing is true for the Sith to a much worst extent, I wasn't willing to let this guy have an easy time.

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