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Fandom Star Wars: Dedication [OOC]

Midrick Midrick

Alrighty! Let's go through it.

The biggest think I see that I am not sure if the firesaber. I cant really find any information about it. Also, I would really need to know, if it was so potent and cruel, why is it not a common sith weapon? Difficulty to obtain wouldnt be much of an issue. And even if I did allow it, I would allow it with the ghost saber. Youd need to pick one or the other.

You got a lot of beskar there. And that stuff should be pretty rare. I would like to see either the saber or the breastplate as beskar. Not both. But since it seems he likes scavenging dead mandos, I think the armor would make sense most, as he would have to find a way to rework it if he wanted a lightsaber hilt. Which isnt impossible, I will say.

The ship. Do please tone back on it, drop a number of its features. Unless he is a dedicated pilot, I'd rather not have someone have such a high powered ship.

Also! Have you gotten with Darth Ren's player and ask if she approve such investment in him? As well as to join her.
Sorry everyone for ghosting. Caught a really bad cold last weekend and it sent me off with quite a hard fever. It's getting better but I haven't had the stamina to write anything good. I'll make sure to catch up if you'll still have me.
Sorry everyone for ghosting. Caught a really bad cold last weekend and it sent me off with quite a hard fever. It's getting better but I haven't had the stamina to write anything good. I'll make sure to catch up if you'll still have me.
Nothing ghosted yet. I still got some stragglers to crack the whip on and get this rp going hopefully on monday.
Midrick Midrick

Alrighty! Let's go through it.

The biggest think I see that I am not sure if the firesaber. I cant really find any information about it. Also, I would really need to know, if it was so potent and cruel, why is it not a common sith weapon? Difficulty to obtain wouldnt be much of an issue. And even if I did allow it, I would allow it with the ghost saber. Youd need to pick one or the other.

You got a lot of beskar there. And that stuff should be pretty rare. I would like to see either the saber or the breastplate as beskar. Not both. But since it seems he likes scavenging dead mandos, I think the armor would make sense most, as he would have to find a way to rework it if he wanted a lightsaber hilt. Which isnt impossible, I will say.

The ship. Do please tone back on it, drop a number of its features. Unless he is a dedicated pilot, I'd rather not have someone have such a high powered ship.

Also! Have you gotten with Darth Ren's player and ask if she approve such investment in him? As well as to join her.
Heard on the saber, ship, and armor, I found something referring to a firesaber in the exodus visual encyclopedia but I dont exactly know if its canon or not, but the firesaber was REALLY unreliable if it wasn't built to exact specifications where it would either just short out or explode. It also burned the user as much as the opponent, so unless they had some way to compensate for it it wasn't worth using.
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Heard on the saber, ship, and armor, I found something referring to it in the exodus visual encyclopedia but I dont exactly know if its canon or not
Ever since Disney, pretty much half of the EU is technically noncanon anyway.
D. Rex D. Rex I would like to have Chuka be officially part of the Bounty Hunter Guild, and would also like to lay claim to that bounty sitting there as well.
Heard on the saber, ship, and armor, I found something referring to a firesaber in the exodus visual encyclopedia but I dont exactly know if its canon or not
Give him a relatively normal lightsaber, and I wouldnt mind him having beskar saber and armor.
Ever since Disney, pretty much half of the EU is technically noncanon anyway.
What? EU? Nonsense. That would be content. And I am pretty sure i distinctly remember K.K. was whining about how it was hard because there was no comics or or 800 page novels to draw from. No material they could look at.
D. Rex D. Rex I would like to have Chuka be officially part of the Bounty Hunter Guild, and would also like to lay claim to that bounty sitting there as well.
He is officially listed as a member of the guild! And is granted full access to any information on the bounty board. As well as being notified should tips come in.

For the sake of play here, while I did consider reserving bounties as a feature. I ultimately decided not to. Give the lack of people with bounties, i want to make sure everyone can have fun with them.
Depends on the effect. But I wouldnt wager it would make a very good blade. And the lack of focus would make it pretty unstable.

What did you have in mind for its effect?
Its blade would shear into another lightsaber blade allowing him greater leverage in a duel.
I'll bring up a reminder, that the only thing that determines victory is two players talking it out.

And with the meta Tier system, even if you were armed only with a stick. So long as you and the other person have the same tier, then you have an equal chance of winning. Every factor already taken into consideration.
I'll bring up a reminder, that the only thing that determines victory is two players talking it out.

And with the meta Tier system, even if you were armed only with a stick. So long as you and the other person have the same tier, then you have an equal chance of winning. Every factor already taken into consideration.
Every one else fears a man with a lightsaber, but a honest duelist fears the man with a beskar lined and tutaminis infused willy.
Also! I don't want winning or power to be a major concern.

The only scoreboard is the amount of cinematic coolness we achieve.
Every one else fears a man with a lightsaber, but a honest duelist fears the man with a beskar lined and tutaminis infused willy.
It's people who trust a Siths honor that Space Darwin sees as his biggest prey.
It's people who trust a Siths honor that Space Darwin sees as his biggest prey.
Oh, and those that don't understand what "This side facing forward" means on a lightsaber.

Also, surprised we aren't seeing more lightsaber variation here. Believe we've got a few dual phases, but most are the standard 'short-then-long' variants. I think there's a lightclub, so that's a thing. Oh, and a couple double bladed.

I grabbed some guard sabers, made them inverted dual phases, 'long-then-short'.

Surprised we didn't see more variations of sabers all things considered.

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