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Futuristic Splicers - I Am Legion - OOC Thread

Sherwood Sherwood

Cerberus is supposed to be getting to know these shell bombs for use while in their host armor, right? Does that mean that Cerberus is wearing their host armors now?
Yes. You are going to be trained in the use of the Shell bombs while in your armor. After the intensive training block you’re getting, you will be able to add the skill to your character sheets.
At first, I was under the presumption that Cerberus was wearing the host armors too, however I am a huge fan of asking questions just to make sure I have things right lest I find out later otherwise ("Derp!"). =)

Also, the WyldKat's latest power, Enhanced Senses, involves touch and learning how to deal with The Shell while in the armor is, in my opinion, a big difference from learning while not in the host armor.

Yes, it only makes sense to practice what Cerberus will be doing in the field, but why take a chance in not having the facts. Put another way, I just want to be certain I have my act together. =)

Sherwood Sherwood What is the name of this new skill?
Wait until I get home to get you the specific title of the skill and it’s base percentage.
/silly on

Wait until I get home to get you the specific title of the skill and it’s base percentage.
I got this, I got this. Everybody ready?

The new Skill name is... We Gonna Bomb Us Some Legion Or Die Trying. It's a Domestic Skill because no other Players or NPC Splicers want it or the responsibility attached to it and besides, hardly anyone chooses Domestic Skills in Palladium games, do they? Chance of success are either a flat 98% or 2% depending on if you and your character paid any flippin' attention during this 8-hour-long class that our teachers were not volunteered for, but instead "volun-told" to do by Senator Bane.

Speaking of Senator Bane, with a name like that only one image comes to my mind (especially for Batman fans out there) - Bane. =)

Tom Hardy Art GIF by hoppip

Somehow this guy made it from nobody all the way to senator which tells me something I already knew - don't get involved in politics! Just play Splicers with your friends instead! 8D

Honor and fun,
Purr =)

/silly off (at least for the next minute or so. No telling when the silliness will strike again! Oh lawd!) =)
lol You are certainly an imaginative one, Purr!

The new skill that everyone gets is Detonate Shell Bomb at 55% plus any high IQ bonuses you get. +5% per level increase.
lol You are certainly an imaginative one, Purr!

The new skill that everyone gets is Detonate Shell Bomb at 55% plus any high IQ bonuses you get. +5% per level increase.
Is this a Military Skill like Demolitions/Demolitions Disposal? If so, any bonuses from O.C.C. Related?
No other bonuses besides a high IQ, but it would be in the Military skill category.
Sherwood Sherwood , the way you described the shell mechanisms was akin to surgery and medical skills, could Jin’s skill as a Doctor and Field Surgeon give her a bonus in the shell?
Sherwood Sherwood I want to be certain I understand; Senator Bane added this to our gear...
Get these people hooked up. I want six Chig grenades, six Bug Bombs, two Migs, and two Slap Patches for each squad member."
...and then he recommended these:

would suggest some of the Scutigera mobile Migs. They are small, lightweight, and do a lot of damage in comparison to their size. The Self-Propelled Grenades are another good choice.

You mentioned this:
I’ll split up the loot for you guys like this: the grenades and bug bombs are one set, the sidearm and rifle is another. You can take bio-e in place of one of these and still get the other. So, if you wanted a shield cracker, don’t take the grenades and that will do it.

If I read this right, there's no way to take advantage of the mobile Migs and self-propelled grenades, right?

I get it if Senator Bane was just mentioning that as a preference to answer Chaska; we have plenty of gear as it is.
I was trying to give you the option of extra kaboom or the bio-e. You can go with the extra Migs and Bug Bombs or the Scutigera and self propelled grenades or bio-e.

Sorry if I wasn’t clear.
But yes, you guys do have plenty of gear to tap into.
I was trying to give you the option of extra kaboom or the bio-e. You can go with the extra Migs and Bug Bombs or the Scutigera and self propelled grenades or bio-e.

Sorry if I wasn’t clear.
Sherwood Sherwood You were close! Good try!

1. If Scutigera and self-propelled grenades are chosen, how many of those come in the package?

2. Do we get the extra 2 slap patches regardless of the explosives package we select?

3. And I'm just putting this quote in here because Eon's concern is important to me too. =)
Sherwood Sherwood , the way you described the shell mechanisms was akin to surgery and medical skills, could Jin’s skill as a Doctor and Field Surgeon give her a bonus in the shell?
Sherwood Sherwood You were close! Good try!

1. If Scutigera and self-propelled grenades are chosen, how many of those come in the package?

2. Do we get the extra 2 slap patches regardless of the explosives package we select?

3. And I'm just putting this quote in here because Eon's concern is important to me too. =)
1. You can get up to three of each.

2. Yes.

3. As I consider the question, I’ll go ahead and grant Jin an additional +5% from her medical training.
Heya friends! I'm in the middle of an editing request on a friend's project. I'll post as soon as able. =)
Question for our Sherwood Sherwood . I have decided to have Toni pick up another one of the Martial Art styles, but I need to know how many skills it will take to pick up. I have two set aside for it already, but I might have to wait another level or two depending on your answer.
Perhaps Purr Purr can confirm my belief with his own martial art training, but i believe that the training time for each additional style is reduced. I think I also saw that in Ninjas and Superspies. That being said, I think I’ll go with another two skills for you to get the next one.
Perhaps Purr Purr can confirm my belief with his own martial art training, but i believe that the training time for each additional style is reduced. I think I also saw that in Ninjas and Superspies. That being said, I think I’ll go with another two skills for you to get the next one.
In Ninjas and Superspies, training time is always a matter of years before desired techniques, bonuses, and ways of life are understood and available for use. Much of the time, knowing one system will help lessen a PC's time in training with other related systems.

That said, I have never been in a game where a Game Master told a Player they had to wait a number of in-game years to receive any desired system. (It takes a long enough time to gain levels once you get past, say, 6th level as it is.)

Using Sherwood's calls from his previous games, it appears to be enough to him that a PC do without selecting a number of Skills as the PC increases in level. Put another way, if you haven't selected a single skill from levels 3, 4, 5 and 6, you should now have 4 available Skills to your character. That probably accounts for over a year of Play-by-Post Real time.

Put yet another way, if Toni has not selected Skills for levels 5 and 6, and does not select new Skills at levels 7 and 8, it appears she can begin Tae Kwon Do at level 1 when she reaches 8th level Dreadguard. How long do you want to bet that'll take in Real Life time?

Finally, in Palladium, it takes up a lot of Real Life time with the rules we are using to get Skills. That's why in Robotech: Broadsword I allow every PC to select 1 "Other" Skill as well as their O.C.C.s Secondary Skills (which, yes, can be used to purchase another Martial Art system at level 1).

These are just some things to consider when making your choice. =)
Even waiting for me to hit level 8, I am probably going to stick with my plan to get the additional MA skill. Thanks for your input, Purr!
My pleasure! You know how much I love all things martial arts! Back to editing.

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