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Splicers - I Am Legion - IC Thread

For the first few miles, we’ll stick to the ground to give us the cover of the foliage to help keep from getting spotted. After that, I want us to go airborne and cover as much ground as possible as fast as we can.
Twice as you are on the move you come across a sizable robot force that is too large to successfully engage and survive that forces you to go to ground to avoid detection. These are no small patrol groups, but a fairly sizable strike force that includes several Assault Slayers and Battle Tracks supported by sixty plus Steel Soldiers in each of the two groups, complete with small aerial drones that are ranging along ahead of the combat force. It looks like they are on the hunt for something with a bit of a bite to it.

With these obstacles finally out of the way, it feels safe enough to try and get airborne and zip along a bit faster towards the ocean. Three times as you jet along you can see more robot patrols with a hefty pile of heavy combat vehicles in them. While it is not unheard of for the Machine to send out patrols looking for any sort of human presence, this level of firepower is not normal.

Finally you are approaching the coast. Slowing down to keep from racing into the shore weapon emplacements, Axel starts to try and get ahold of the Kraken, hoping that it is close enough to the shore to get a signal. After several tries, he lets out an excited whoop. “I got someone on the Kraken! They are at extreme range and they are cutting out a bit, but they know we’re here and trying to get in touch. Give them a minute to alter course to get a bit closer and we should have clear transmissions back and forth.”

The waiting seems to take hours when in reality it is only a few minutes before your bio-comms pick up, “Cerberus Squad, Cerberus Squad. This is Corporal Ryan on the Kraken. Can you finally hear us? Please respond.”
Toni smiles in relief. They answered. That’s step one. Now we need to get onboard in one piece and give the Chief our report. “Kraken, this is Corporal Cruze of Cerberus Squad. We have critical intel that needs to be delivered to the Chief ASAP. Requesting an emergency priority pick up. We have physical items that need the immediate attention of the Chief. I say again, we have physical intel of a critical nature that needs to be delivered for immediate examination. Please advise.”
She considers for a moment, then adds, “Kraken, I also strongly advise the ship to go to alert status for a potential internal threat. The ship may be in danger from within.”
The reply sounds startled. “Be advised that your request for a pick up is being delivered to the Chief. Wait a minute. Cerberus, repeat your last transmission. Did you say that there may be a threat to the ship from within? What threat? Please confirm!”
“That’s an affirmative. There is a high probability of an internal threat to the ship. This is no bullshit. The ship and crew may be in danger.”
There is a startled sound made by the bio-coms operator, then Ryan says, “Copy that. Wait one. Standby for Chief Rybeck.”

When the Chief comes on, he wastes no time in saying, “Corporal, you just hit a hornet’s nest with a very big stick. The alarm has gone off, and everyone is suiting up for a fight. What’s the nature of the threat? What do I need to do to keep these people safe?” He sounds concerned, but not in a panic.
Toni replies with, “Sir, the nature of this is best delivered in person, but I would suggest to have security inspect any of the areas of the ship that are mission critical or if sabotaged could cause sizable harm to the Kraken. We need to get this info to you ASAP. I am dead serious, Chief. This is the real deal.”
The Chief is silent for a moment, then says, “Alright. I’m trusting you that this is a verified threat and responding accordingly. We are going to launch a hit and run strike on the defense grid on the beach to blow a hole for you to get through. This is just to open up a corridor for your team to get inside. Do not dawdle or you’ll be left to fend for yourselves up there. Standby. The initial strike will commence in five minutes.”
Toni nods to herself. “Understood, sir. Attack in five minutes. We’ll be ready.” She turns to look at the rest of the team and says, “You heard the man. Let’s get into position and be ready to bolt. And remember, we’re not getting paid to bring ammo back with us. Top speed through the gauntlet, firing at any targets of opportunity you see. Don’t let yourselves get bogged down in a fight we don’t have to deal with right now. Just get to the Kraken.”
Jin spoke over the bio-comms "Copy Corp"

Their blurring translucent form watching the way they had come, pulled out their bio-rocket slinger and prepared to move.

"I have been itching for an excuse to use this thing..."
"Aye, aye, Toni." His monotone reply is flat and without emotion.

This brash approach... this loud and wild compromise... was not like anything he had ever seen before. He could not figure out why this was necessary when their earlier plan she had agreed on made more sense to him.

This new approach endangered much, including the Kraken and everyone on her. It also aided their enemies. But Toni knew all that Chaska knew.

Now the die was cast. What choice did Chaska have but to trust in this new and sudden decision of hers?

And so the savage Deliveryman keeps his thoughts to himself. All the while, he tries to comprehend exactly all that is going on around him and Woodstock.

For good or for ill, now is the time for action. His stealth field engaged, his heat cannons ready, twin swords in hand, Chaska darts through the air, making his best speed to the Kraken, chooses his most-vulnerable target... and releases the full fury of the WyldKat.
Less than a mile from the shoreline, the Kraken suddenly rises up from the depths and immediately begins to fire its heavy weapons at the hardened shore emplacements. Kamikaze Worms fly out of their launch tubes and slam at Mach speed into various targets on the beach, blasting them to rubble. Then the large armored shell yawns open to reveal at least a hundred suits of Host Armor that add their own firepower to the mix.

But the Machine doesn’t just sit idly by and let the human forces attack without some sort of response. Rail guns and lasers light up the sky as missiles rain down on the Splicers, causing serious damage even as the full extent of the Kraken’s fire is unleashed.

With all the robotic eyes focused on the shoreline, there is a wide open path to the water for the members of Cerberus Squad to make their mad dash to safety, their own weapons adding to the massive destruction.

Once you have gotten out over the water, the wild attack by the Splicers is ordered to pull back to the ship. The giant shell of the Kraken its wide open to let everyone on where it is safer, with many of the human forces diving down into the water to get out of the line of fire as they so jet to the airlocks.

After one final blast from the big guns of the giant War Mount, the Kraken turns away and dives down into the depths of the ocean where the forces of the Machine cannot follow. You have made it back alive and in one piece.

The large bay is filled with Splicers and War Mounts that have just returned from the blitzkrieg attack, most showing some signs of damage to their armor but amazingly enough, there are few serious casualties to report.

Front what you can hear off the various conversations going on around you, there is a sense of confusion about the sudden alert and attack in the shore emplacements. Normally any action against the Machine is planned out well in advance, but there was no notice of this strike. Plus there are armed guards running around, poking their noses into every nook and cranny of the ship. Something is wrong, and they don’t like it.

As the pieces of this sudden attack are being picked up, Chief Rybeck comes thudding up clad in his own armor and escorted by four other soldiers also in their heavy Host Armor. The bay goes quiet as he comes to a stop in front of the four of you and he growls out, “Come with me. Now.” The crowd parts to you to fall in with the Chief and are escorted out to a auxiliary room where he stops and says, “Would someone care to explain why I have security telling me that there we’re explosives found inside me boat where they most certainly do not belong? What the hell is going on here?”
Chaska salutes Chief Rybeck as a fellow soldier should, and then he bows at the waist, Japanese-style, as student to mentor. But he says not a word.

With equally-quiet Woodstock on his shoulder, Chaska turns his body and his attention to Toni. He too would like to learn her mind on all of this, for more than his own curiosity is on the line here - much more. He has confidence that she will be able to explain; this is not in doubt. But Chaska had come to Toni and she had told him what she wanted him to do - and she changed that plan. Chaska was willing to go through with it, alone if need be. Sure, her reasoning must be good - so what is it?

Why change that plan and chance further endangering the Kraken? It was one thing to warn the Kraken; it was quite another to request the entire War-mount and everyone in it be put on full alert. Chaska feels all of this - their sneaking to the shore in secrecy, their warning, most of Cerberus rejoining the Kraken, even the security teams searching the War-mount - could have been done discreetly.

But such is the mindset of a young man who grew up mostly alone. So too he takes in the difference of approach between those people trained as Dreadguards and Deliverymen - their ways were sometimes night and day. Right now was a terrific example of this.

While Chaska can control his emotions, he cannot slow his speeding thoughts. What will Chief Rybeck think and do when he finds out the whole truth of their mission findings? How will he regard this new possibility of real danger that threatens everyone present? Chief Rybeck is not a Deliveryman; perhaps he will fully agree with Toni's reasoning?

Toni and Chief Rybeck are the two House Artemis Splicers Chaska trusts most. There are only three other forces in all of the universe he trusts more - of these, the only one present is Woodstock. Chaska hopes Toni recalls their earlier plan. Because as far as Deliveryman Kokoro Chaska of House Apollo is concerned, House Artemis's Kraken is now, potentially, in more danger than it has ever been in. And Chaska feels the sooner Chief Rybeck knows, the better. But this is not up to him.

Chaska remains still like a tree in a forest. He simply waits like a true creature of the wild - his seemingly-endless patience seeming to reflect in his ghost-gray eyes as they continue to watch his friend and leader Toni with growing curiosity.
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Toni stands still and does her best to hold her head high under the intense gaze from the Chief. She takes a moment to gather her thoughts, then says, “Sir, on our way out to Haven with the Saint we were attacked by Splicers from House Shiva. They knew where we would be and the nature of our mission, and they told us to turn over Saint Karen or else. We fought them and won, and in the process discovered two very disturbing things. First, one of the two Splicers had implanted wires and other metal in her head, and made the comment to Jin that they were legion, and soon all would be one with them. This was no techno-jacker, but was a full on cyborg. Saint Karen told us that she had never seen anything like that before and was only able to share stories from the ancient past where things like this were possible. This needs to be communicated to the Warlord to warn him of the risk of other agents of the Machine in our midst.”

“The other thing is that these two Shivans had detailed maps on the location of the Kraken along with the most likely route to take to intercept us, including a pair of coded letters hand written by someone here on the ship. With a bit of hard work, Chaska was able to decipher enough of the messages that he is confident that the person responsible for these notes is Corporal Maria Paseo. She is one of only five people that have access to both the information on our mission and having the ability to get a message out undetected. It is also likely that the explosives that the security team has found were placed by her or an associate in order to destroy the Kraken and do as much harm as possible to the crew.”
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While Toni gave her report. Jin focused on watching the reaction of the Chief and his escort. Jin worried that if one of them were controlled by the machine they may have their host take action and try to kill them to hide the secret and threat.

Jin kept themselves loose and ready to move in case something should happen, watching for body language.
Chief Rybeck listens carefully to Toni’s quick briefing. Once she’s done, he uses his bio-com and calls for Corporal Styles. “Get in here, and I want a pair of people that you can trust to get hands on Corporal Paseo and place her in protective custody and bring her to conference room two. Hmmm. We have a few new arrivals come in last night. Grab some of them too, just in case.”

Purr Purr
He then turns his attention to Chaska, saying, “Corporal Cruze has said you decoded this message. I know codes, but I want you to walk me through what you’ve done like I’m a five year old and I have never worked on code before. Make me understand exactly what you have here.”

Garrett.Hawke Garrett.Hawke
Niko has had a busy few days, traveling out to the coast and dodging Machine patrols with a half dozen new recruits to the Resistance, escorting them to be rotated in to the crew of the Kraken, the largest War Mount and ocean going ship of House Artemis. The Machine may control the land and sky, but the Kraken rules the sea and it is an excellent place to train new Splicers on how to face the Machine in any environment and win.

While Niko’s bugs don’t work well under water, the great sea beast acts as a troop carrier for shore attacks, so you won’t have to worry too much about being left out of the action with your swarm and being stuck using your backup handheld weapons.

You got in late last night and spent some time securing your gear and getting your Host Armor placed in a storage cocoon, and are currently seated in the mess hall getting some food before sacking out, listening to the crew talking about the latest duty roster for the ship for the upcoming week when a loud klaxon alarm goes off followed by an announcement for all crew to suit up and report to their battle stations. The sudden announcement seems to take several people by surprise, but it doesn’t take long for everyone to be scrambling out the door to the various armories on the ship.

Once you have slipped into the Swarm Armor, the next stop is the main hangar deck. One of the sergeants there shouts out, “We have a property recovery mission incoming, so we are tasked with hitting the shore defenses fast and hard to distract the Machine from the recovery.” He then lists off a bunch of squads and says, “ok once we surface, your teams will fly out and cause as much mayhem as you can until the recovery signal goes out. The rest of you are inner defense so I want you to stand fast and protect the ship from every fire.”

The sergeant approaches Nino and says, “You. New guy. Stick to hull defense for now. Anything else is just going to get in our way until you learn our deployment patterns. So just hang back for now.”

When the overhead shell opens, it allows the assembled figures in the bay to launch out and attack the shore defenders. All sorts of hell is unleashed by both sides of the engagement right up to the point that the Splicer armor suits start coming back in a hurry. Soon after, the submersible sinks back down into the depths of the ocean and runs away before more robot defenders show up.

A large man that you remember being told is the Chief of the Boat, a fellow named Rybeck, comes stomping over in his own massive armor and talks to the four new arrivals and then escorts them away, saying, “Maintain alert status. We’re not in the clear yet.”

Finally after several minutes of ‘hurry up and wait’ you see another NCO rush in. He points at Niko and says, “Hey! Bug guy! C’mere! Chief Rybeck wants you! Hustle!” He leads you to a conference room with the new arrivals, the Chief, and four other suits of Host Armor in it. Everyone seems tense. Right now, the Chief is seated next to a new guy with a big-ass raven on his shoulder and they seen to be discussing some highly technical topic. The Chief pauses long enough to nod in your direction and say, “You are on guard duty for these four. Protect them and keep them safe. Understood?”

You are currently in the room, all your insects are alive and kicking, and you have full points of armor. Your current handheld weapons are holstered or at least put aside. Everyone is currently watching the conversation between the two men at the table intently, with little attention being sorry elsewhere.

What are you doing at the moment? Do you talk to anyone, ask any questions, send out any Spy Files, or do anything else?

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