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Splicers - I Am Legion - IC Thread

Chaska, take point. Jin, watch our six. I’ll carry Karen, and Axel, stick close to us. If anyone spots something, give a shout out. Let’s move!”
Chaska is moving before Toni completes this statement. He has confidence that the fire-resistant WyldKat will get him through get another terribly-hazardous challenge like this forest fire. Lighting up his jet-pack, he flies through the flames, trying for as much subterfuge as his Stealth Field and skills will allow.

"Woo'stock! Check-sky? See Haven?" Chaska asks his battle-birb to fly above the flames and see what the rest of them cannot. Besides, birds have always had better vision than humans and Chaska is hoping this will be to Cerberus's advantage.
Jin takes her position at the rear of the team watching their backs.

"The only known instances of the Machine fighting each other recorded are when a techno-jacker controls them, although I have read that the Machine has multiple different personalities and it is possible that they can fight amongst each other, so the theory goes...I am almost wondering if one group of robots engaged the other group to keep from attacking Haven...that what it seems to me...."

Jin engages her flight and hovers low following the team, her blurred stealth field covered form stopping occasionally to look around before continuing on.
The flight over the battlefield is quick and you don't see any signs of pursuit coming after you. Karen has a death grip on Toni as she is carried along, her face buried in the other woman's neck to keep from looking around to see how high up she is. Once you are almost at Haven, you can see that there are more signs of fighting that has recently taken place here, but this battle zone includes signs of human engineered bio-weapons being used to fight back against the machines. At first glance, the whole settlement appears to have been razed, and all signs of the robot attackers or the human defenders have been wiped away, showing no signs of destroyed machines or fallen humans. Everything is gone.

But there is still hope. Haven was reported to have a fairly sizable underground presence, so hopefully there are still survivors hidden away below the surface. It takes Karen a minute of searching to find the hidden entrance, and from what you can see it appears that it has not been breached by the robots. Perhaps the fighting on the surface was just enough to buy enough time for some of the population to have been hidden away unharmed.

Heading down the spiral stone staircase, you descend at least one hundred feet, possibly more, before you get to the bottom. It is what appears to be a natural cave, with no signs of metalwork to be seen. Looking around in the dim lights of your bio-lamps, Axel suddenly says over your bio-comms, "I saw some movement, just a flicker, but it was there. Down that hall, range approximately 75 feet. No target identification yet."

Karen says, "If they are survivors, they must be scared out of their minds, thinking that we are more machines coming down to attack them. I would suggest we try to identify ourselves to them before we walk into an ambush and take friendly fire before we can identify that we are allies here to help."

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