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Splicers - I Am Legion - IC Thread

Jin threw herself into her work in the sickbay, finally being able to use the skills she had been training to use for a few years now. She was curious about the about the Captured Shiva agent as well as the remains of the machine possessed woman whose head they had captured for research and investigation. She wondered if Pasao was "wired" and if they had gotten anything else out of her?

Yet Jin focused on her patients and work in the sickbay, throwing herself into the work as much as she threw herself into her combat operations. She worked to relieve the horrors she had seen. While not in sickbay and off duty, Jin would be working out. Jin was not one to drink a lot if any at all, mainly because of the parasitic nature of her host suit, and her desire to keep the suit in good working order. She worried that having alcohol in her body would impair the performance of her host armor. With this she worked very hard to keep her body in supreme shape.

Later on in the evening, Jin would find female companionship for comfort, company, relaxation, and rest. She did not like to be alone with her demons and nightmares when she slept. Jin , who is used to only sleeping every four days with her Cycadean rhythm enhancement on her host suit, did not like to sleep a lot. But she had to sleep when out of her suit, and with sleep came the nightmares, thus bringing her want for intimate company lately.
While Toni is waiting for her Host Armor to be complete, she would do her best to be useful in between times she spends looking in on her armor as it is being upgraded to the new Dreadnaught variant. Toni also makes sure to keep the various members of the squad in close contact with one another, so the tight bond that has been built up between them doesn't fade away over time. She does her best to make a personal connection with each, trying to get to know the others better and letting them know her even more, so that by the time they get back into the field, they are still a tight band.

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