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┌ spellsword ┘
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Anime meets fantasy in an intricately-woven, DnD-inspired tale spun from threads of vengeance, magic, and exploration. Enter the Amaric Temple, the newest and perhaps most lucrative Dungeon, found just Northwest of the coastal City of Coin, Ardynport. Though, it is best to tread lightly. In this living world, even magic often bends to the will of the wealthy and the lives of both free men and slaves are counted in coin. Survival, let alone success, is both rare and difficult to achieve in the face of the dangers of the Dungeon and the old money that stands in the way of progress. Yet still, Spellswords, the title given to those Twice-Blessed that journey into the Dungeon, strive for just that: progress in a world that would rather remain stagnant.

Sir Les Paul

The Duke of Chords
┌ s
d ┘

Afraid of Quiet - Lydia the Bard

The official OOC of Spellsword!

Since we mostly use Discord for actual OOC, I assume most people get here as a landing page from the interest check or just browsing around. With that in mind, I'll go over what to expect for a new or potential player:

The main thread will be the Dungeon crawling. I may later make a separate thread for extraneous collabs or events in Ardynport.

The characters page will have a full list of completed and WIP character sheets. It also has the optional character templates and my guide to creating a character. That guide gets overlooked a lot and has a lot of good info.

Lastly, the Lore. If you look at the Lore and immediately think "oh wow, that's a bit much"—I know. It's absolutely not necessary for anyone to read all of that. The only key point to really be aware of is that roughly twenty-two years before the beginning of the game, there was a huge war that put some stress on the city (Ardynport) and that six years after it ended, the Dungeon (Amaric Temple) emerged in a violent earthquake. These two huge back-to-back changes to the immediate setting within two decades of each other. Similarly for Magic, the mechanics are pretty straight forward, but I don't expect anyone to memorize every type; it's just a means to make traditional classes somewhat work in the setting.

The first post in the Lore pages reiterates this and is a Quickstart Guide to help.​

If you're interested, my suggestion is to be patient and ask questions. This game is meant to be a marathon, not a sprint. I don't want to burn anyone out, I want everyone to create and play a character they love, they want to see grow, and they enjoy playing as within the community. This game took months to piece together from research to world-building. Rome wasn't built in a day and no one expects you to leap in blindly.

I don't have many rules. Site rules go without saying. I do like collaboration posts, but I also have a high value on keeping the timeline nice and clean. I don't want two people off doing some weird thing for several minutes while the rest of a group is allegedly standing around like dunces. When you need to impose on another player character, ask and try to work something out. I'm trying to limit abilities that heavily limit player-agency, but there will need to be a balance. I'm also a fan of the rule of cool and sometimes you may see me thematically make a decision based off a d20 roll if we make it that far.

In character, my general expectation is a total post cycle in at least ten days (a post cycle meaning all characters in a party and/or scene post). I like things written third person, past tense with some flexibility for fancy writing, internal dialogues, monologues, so on and so forth. Multi-paragraph is the general goal, though we don't need to go full novella. Not that you can't, just that you don't need to. I'm hoping to keep combat and dialogue nice and fluid. I'm not a huge fan of large walls of dialogue with no exchange points. Short, broken up bits are often more organic to work with.

And, that's about it. If you scroll down to post #10 on this thread, you'll see an optional post template I made. Use that and the character template to your liking.

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Excited to make a sheet for this -- kind of considering a shaman demi-human, but I'm not completely settled yet.

1- a question
The otter-like demi-humans are local-- are there any other more centralized demi-human groups in the city? Either by species, or in a wider enclave sense.
A character like I've described probably isn't from there, but they might have moved into the city due to an outside connection. I'd also ask if there's a specific kind of themeing in the demi-human animal types in the wider area around Ardynport (in more remote locations especially)

2.- I guess another question, but for the other players
what are the rest of you thinkin' about 👀
Well, I'm currently on a work trip, so it might actually be a week or two before I get back, but I really like this. So I might attempt to make a CS on my phone. As for what I'm thinking, either a demi-human or a vampire, if those exist here.
There is no huge rush. I generally gun for longer games with a comfortable pace; and, with that, I think comfortable game prep is preferable, within reason.

That said, my weekend will consist if 12 hours of driving through the mountains and next week will see me have sporadic work hours due to work interviews and visiting family. I will likely be able to respond, but not as regularly as normal, and of course at the end of that week is another twelve hour drive back.

Unless one of you is a miracle worker, I doubt we'll have sheets up for a hot minute. Lol

If anything, it looks like this game will end up divided into two groups of four, so essentially double my original expectation. I'm fine with that. If you know my other projects, I regularly run large groups. I will go ahead and tentatively expand recruitment from 4 - 5 to 7 - 10 players.

What I will try to do is make the discord a bit lively with some questions and prompts to perhaps spark some creativity, at least, to tide you guys over until my full return.
Well, I'm currently on a work trip, so it might actually be a week or two before I get back, but I really like this. So I might attempt to make a CS on my phone. As for what I'm thinking, either a demi-human or a vampire, if those exist here.

I realize I did not respond to your last part.

Idk if you read the lore, but there are Demi humans of all sorts. I hadn't considered vampires. I'm a little bit iffy on my vampires in fantasy, so maybe perhaps try to pitch me one?

Or show me the anime and/or tabletop game you wanna rip one from.
I read all of your first post in the lore, but nothing past that. I was planning on reading more tonight.

As for the vampire, it's just an OC I have that I adapt to be a vampire I'm whatever medium she is used in. But if you're not big on them, I might just end up playing a demi-human. Specifically a kitsune girl.
[comment]LOOK FOR THE ↪ SIGN FOR INPUT FIELDS[/comment][border="0; padding: 0px 0;

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↪ LOCATION INFO FOUND HERE[/comment][font=MedievalSharp]LOCATION—Amaric Temple
DATE—Early Summer
[comment]LOCATION INFO ENDS HERE[/comment][/font][/border][/border][/border][/border]
[row][column=span3][border=0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; width: clamp(100px, 100%, 300px); z-index: 1; position: relative; justify-content: center][border=1px solid #333036; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; flex: 1; height: 500px; background: var(--character-img); box-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(0 0 0 / 73%) inset, 0 0 14px rgba(0 0 0 / 84%); position: relative][/border][comment]
↪ THIS IS WHERE YOUR CHARACTER INFO GOES.[/comment][bg=#121212][font=MedievalSharp][size=5][center]Name Here[/center][/size][/font]
[font=Federant][b]Level | Class[/b]
[comment]DELETE THIS IF YOU DON'T WANT TO USE IT[/comment][b]Status[/b]
[comment]DELETE THIS IF YOU DON'T USE KI[/comment][b]Ki Points[/b] 3/3
[b]Spell Slots[/b]
Lvl. 1 2/2
Lvl. 2 1/1
Pact 1/1 
[comment]END OF CHARACTER INFO[/comment]
[/column][column=span5][div=width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; height: 750px; overflow: hidden; margin: 0 auto;][div=width: 100%; height: 100%; box-sizing: content-box; padding-right: 200px; overflow-Y: scroll; overflow-X: hidden;][border="0; padding-left: 2%"][bg=#121212][font=MedievalSharp][b]TAGS[/b] XXX [/font][/bg][/border][comment]

[comment]STOP TYPING POST HERE.[/comment][/div][/div][/column][/row][/border]

LOCATION—Amaric Temple
DATE—Early Summer

Name Here​
Level | Class
Ki Points 3/3
Spell Slots
Lvl. 1 2/2
Lvl. 2 1/1
Pact 1/1


PURELY OPTIONAL posting template, inspired by all sorts of stuff. Do not feel pressured to use it. Character image and banner image have an easy-edit panel, every other area to edit should be marked by a ↪ and comment.

If you want to use this, two suggestions:

1. Never, ever for the love of Ghan and all that is unholy let this code touch the normal editor. It may only be used in the BB code editor.

2. Make a working copy in your Private Workshop as a master back-up.​

Note: I intentionally did not code the area for your actual post to be written in the event you want to use a custom font/color. If you do not want to use a custom format, I used the #FFFBEA color code and the "Play" font.
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am i safe to assume a few things:
1.using Arctic survival includes biomes like tundra aka places like alaska and greenland but in this world.
2.Would a skill like Perseverance be allowed? [it essentially allowing one to push himself a bit harder even when their endurance runs low. Like for a single post order turn. Like and additional minute before they just collapse after using up their whole endurance] {Not exactly something I require to be a yes as it is just an idea.}
3. What general stats would you consider to be a cap for the TAME stats if they worked manual jobs [cutting down trees and carrying them by themselves] for most of their life before going into dungeons?
4. Would a pact with a nature spirit of the tundra [which manifests itself as a polar bear but bigger and made of snow] what would that generally entail?
5. Am I safe to assume I can borrow spells from DnD 5e and possibly PF2e if I don't have the mind to generate original spells.
6. how would I devise how many pact slots, and also should I have a fighting style at the start?

that's all the questions I have for now. i will leave you with them and finish up the cs when those are answered, cause I am going to sleep soon [ 1 am is already quite late to go to sleep but still]

There is an additional map of the hemisphere that Ardynport (the hub of the game) is located in. As you were referencing arctic locations, I thought it would be useful to show you the only one in the same hemisphere.

In response to your questions:

1. Survival: Arctic or something similar would likely only apply to arctic or tundra survival as seen on that map, that is correct. I do differentiate survival pretty closely sometimes, for example, surviving in the Green Sea is a lot different due to the flora and fauna than surviving in the Riverlands North of the farms.

2. There are abilities that increase endurance (a fighting style in particular), so there is a precedent for the mechanic. I could see this being wrote as a trait used once per long rest or something similar that would read "when character would normally lose consciousness, remain conscious but with reduced might, agility, and focus until healed or rested" which would then allow you a chance to reposition or use simple actions, but probably not for combat. I tried recreating the Rage mechanic and several others for the DnD Barbarian Class and I ended up finding that writing out just "resisting damage" or "fighting through damage" became extremely monotonous and a problematic mechanic. So, I would allow this in a limited capacity if I felt it was sufficiently justified, but I wouldn't rely on remaining in the same fight after taking some brutal damage.

3. Well, that wholly depends on the type of tree, now doesn't it? I'd imagine cutting down and trying to split oaks that are hundreds of years old is a lot more difficult than a bunch of pines. If we eliminate fringe cases like that, though, and just ask "what TAME stat would I give a human lumberjack" it would be maybe 11 or 12. Stats are something we generally do last so that we can tally up the rest of a character for a good numerical representation.

4. There are several other patron-based characters and the rule of thumb is that I as the GM play the patron, so just getting that out there. In general, Fae Patrons are really unique and individual to themselves. They can be animalistic, they can represent a certain aspect of nature, they could be more nefarious. They have probably the most flexibility. I won't lie, I have no idea right off the top of my head why an artic fae Patron would give a damn about the Dungeon in Ardynport. It's thousands of miles away and normally Fae only care about their local environment. I would imagine what you actually want to do here is have the character be driven to get stronger for some reason, such as to perform some ritual in their homeland they are presently too weak for, to guard it, to pass some other test their patron presented them with (and they failed) in their homeland, so on and so forth. The pursuit of strength is a really good plot hook and I'm pretty sure the only PC currently doing it is my sorcerer, so I would be glad to see someone else do it.

5. I wouldn't say borrow as much as I would say "rewrite" - most spells from pathfinder and DnD will work in spirit, but will need some rewrites. I can help with that. I would say you can make your own spells and systems, we can work on something together, and of course you can design spells inspired by other games. I try to be really accommodating in adapting spells/magic from other fantasy sources in most cases - with a few exceptions.

6. I'm pretty sure every other Pact Magic user only has one Pact Magic slot. That said, this is probably a good time to go over how a Fae Patron isn't 1:1 like a warlock from DnD. While Fiend Patrons normally "gift" a spell, a Fae Patron can either gift a powerful spell (a Pact slot) or channel their connection to nature through your character. In latter case, you get a few spell slots but the spells are generally less impactful. To give you an example, we have a Fiend Warlock that just straight up uses Pact Magic and has a few spell slots from being a spellsword, we have a Spore Druid that's gonna be a bit of a hybrid with a single pact magic spell that is spore reanimation but otherwise fights more like a wizard, and we have a shapeshifter druid that is pretty much gonna be reliant on his pact slots, of which he has two. All that to say we can kinda tweak the way the Fae Patron relationship works based on the theme of your character. We can make them highly reliant on pact slots or more of an after thought.

A last point is to remember your character will be a Spellsword aka Twice-Blessed, so they're gonna have some amount of a natural affinity for world Magic no matter what. This doesn't mean they're gonna become a wizard, it just means every spellsword has the potential to at least learn basic spells without detracting from their main skill list.

Oh, and you asked about a fighting style. A fighting style is only necessary if you were taught a formal martial style. For example, again, my Storm Sorcerer knows how to use his spear quite well, but he doesn't know a martial style. So, while he could dance around with it well enough if need be, he's not gonna have fancy techniques or benefits from it. Meanwhile, we have monks of all sorts and a fighter with a sword style. Their martial abilities in part define them.

Basically, this all comes down to what defines your character most.
4. There are several other patron-based characters and the rule of thumb is that I as the GM play the patron, so just getting that out there. In general, Fae Patrons are really unique and individual to themselves. They can be animalistic, they can represent a certain aspect of nature, they could be more nefarious. They have probably the most flexibility. I won't lie, I have no idea right off the top of my head why an artic fae Patron would give a damn about the Dungeon in Ardynport. It's thousands of miles away and normally Fae only care about their local environment. I would imagine what you actually want to do here is have the character be driven to get stronger for some reason, such as to perform some ritual in their homeland they are presently too weak for, to guard it, to pass some other test their patron presented them with (and they failed) in their homeland, so on and so forth. The pursuit of strength is a really good plot hook and I'm pretty sure the only PC currently doing it is my sorcerer, so I would be glad to see someone else do it.
This can be easiely explained. Ake isn't the only pact bearer with the Fae, but as this particular one is quite fickle with who it chooses to form a pact with. With this particular one preferring to keep the amount of his pact bearers low, but with higher quality rather than quantity.
So the patron send Ake on a mission on growth, in both physical and mental sense of the word. After all what place is better to grow as a fighter than a dungeon, and it specifically being the Dungeon in Ardynport was because that's where his parents died, so he has some grudges against the very dungeon itself. So to grow mentally/spiritually he needs to let go of his grudge against the place and maybe, be able to find whatever remains of his parents so he can bury them in his homeland.

And the Fae needs Ake to grow cause right now it is uncertain if he would be able to survive the ritual that he will need to perform in due time as his pact bearer as it is very taxing on the person.

So Ake is in pursuit of both strength and to clean of his grudge, whatever it is by killing the thing that killed his parents, finding their remains and being able to bury them in his homeland.

The reason for why they need the ritual to happen can be any really but judging by the map I could maybe assume a volcano could reside near the lands of the Fae in question, that can erupt and cause havoc, so it uses its pact bearers to perform rituals to seal the volcano technically so it wouldn't erupt or something like that. So the ritual is to protect its land and the people in its vicinity, but the actual thing sealed doesn't need to be a volcano it can be different things if you want.
Sir Les you dont mind if i put the wip of my character in the characters tab, I might need a bit more time to fill in the sheet. but having someone who can look over the sheet as I write it out and point out issues or what I'm missing would be helpful
Sir Les you dont mind if i put the wip of my character in the characters tab, I might need a bit more time to fill in the sheet. but having someone who can look over the sheet as I write it out and point out issues or what I'm missing would be helpful

It's perfectly fine to post a sheet as a WIP! I'll try to get through to providing feedback. I've got a bit of a list XD
Until I find a better place to put it, I'll put the calendar outline here.

  • Nativas
    First Month of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere, marks the beginning of a new year. One of the days surrounding the First is often the coldest, meaning all those that follow are typically warmer.​

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